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Ok forgive me if this gets preachy, forgive me if it gets long. I know I'm not ordained at least not legally. Despite that though I believe that many of us though like the druids and shamans of old can be and are ordained by life, by the Creator, by other things as well, even by the Carnival. When we are called to, we all do work in our own ways. For some of us our calling is to serve, to repair, to heal, and to help. For some of us our job is to spread the word and tell the news of what has happened, what is happening, and what is yet to happen. That in a nutshell is prophecy, which I believe all of us on some small level have. Anyone who has a creative talent has something they have to tap into if you think about it. They are able to see things on a different level than the rest of us and use that to tell us a story. Artists, writers, movie makers, musical artists, pastors, clergy, I could go on but I think all of you may get the point. In the end those of us that are tuned in to both feel the Creator and The Carnival in our hearts, those of us that have been chosen by life and by The Carnival are the ones who will make a difference in this world and for this world our home. We have brothers here and there that will fight alongside of us, even if we don't recognize them with our eyes we already know them somehow in some small way in our hearts. In the end, when the truth. THE REAL TRUTH is presented to your heart you WILL know it. It is like Shangri La's light, beautiful, bright, warm, it will give you strength and be unmistakeable. Trust Shangri La's light. It will give you strength and it will guide you to the truth. Through Shangri La's light and through The Dark Carnival we will make it through the fight that is coming and we will come out ahead. All we have to do is make the right moves and depend on the Creator and The Dark Carnival for the rest. I'll leave that for you all to chew on for now. Sorry about doing a semi sermon Rev's. Like I said, I may not be legally ordained, I don't really feel called to be ordained either. Sometimes we all have a different job to do and I'm just trying to do mine.

sunday poem/prayer

Never Die, Never Quit I am hated by you I am hated by me How can this be? Now let's see… I was born in a place You had to be strong I've done things most think wrong My hands got tough My mind got mean My old man told me "get tough or die" Well I didn't die Did I?!?! Well, I got strong and I got fast I am determined to last At 16, I'm a machine One thought in my head, Not to end up dead Never quit and Never Die I won't grow old And I won't grow weak At any price With any stakes I'll get what it takes And I'll be strong And I'll be fast To the last But truth is sad I'll one day slow And one day die And on that day I won't say goodbye I'll say I had a good run And I'll say hello To the one Who made me fast And made me strong I'll see the lord face to face And say…… Thank you.

prayer 4 my homies

Our Father of Shrangri-La, Halo be thy Name, If the world turns over save me from the Fire Rain, Keep me Pure, Keep me Clean, as the Lotus Grows, I ask you for Forgiveness, Keep me from the Crows AMEN

Rev Truth

Ok Ninjas and Ninjettes I need to Point some stuff out. There seems to be a growing trend for Anti Juggalo groups. They say they have killed Juggalos beaten us up in fights. Do not buy into this. Yes there have possibly been a few Ninjas and Ninjettes out there who have been killed or beaten up for being a Juggalo but it happens. Allot of people die or face abuse because of someone else's ignorance. But these groups who are springing up on the internet and showing up at shows and minis are just toying with us trying to get us to act out in ways to make us look worse than we already do, due to juggalos out there who have everything all wrong and go out and do some stupid shit. We do need to do something about this problem but making threats of using hatchets and killing and what not, is not the right way. Being a Juggalo is not giving f*in care to what people think about us and our views. We believe in a higher power that most refer to as God. We want respect and respect those who respect us. We are also about family which means blood relations or not we are all family. But because so many don’t follow by this and think we are all about violence, gangs and what not we have gained so much negativity that instead of coming off as some weirdo or freak to the rest of the world they are scared of us and coming after us in ways they feel will either get us to leave our way of life or get us to react in ways where it makes them look more right and us as more of a threat. In my years of finding my way into the carnival and finally accepting the message I have meet allot of these juggalos who have made things worse for us as a whole, but I also have meet many more who help lead me on to the path I walk today. And from them and my own experenices I found the best way to deal with people who hate us and the ones who make things worse by claiming to be a juggalo but doing things that are not part of our ways. Education we need to teach them that we are not bad some just sitting down and talking to them will open their eyes and realize we are not all bad we are just like any group out there we have good eggs and bad eggs. Other you need to teach by example like doing random good deeds or helping out in the community. That is one of the reasons this site came about as a tool for educating people on what we are all about. But every one needs to remember these words hate only breeds more hate and violence only breeds more violence, so don’t act like them be proud of who you are and lead by example sooner or latter most people will come around and see we are not bad we just see life from a different view. Though I must point one more thing out if some one does come after you with brute force and you need to just kick some serious ass then go ahead but don’t make the first move be smart and try the other methods if they don’t work just walk away some times ignoring some one enough will get them to shut up and give up. With that i'm outie with a poof. Mcl to all and an extra big hug for all the members of the Anti Juggalo groups out there

In the lives of Juggalos

In the lives of Juggalos we all encounter people who hate us for the people that we are. Our lives burn with a passion of life and individuality, but as we encounter the numerous amount of people that we meet. We are found (In there eyes) lacking something. Todays mainstream society is looking for someone to point the blame at. There youth are screwing up because they have no definite structure in there home except for "go to time out little Johnny" or "Suzie I’m taking away your Xbox for an hour !". These people who find themselves lacking in there home. look to us the freaks, the homies, the "uncontrollable youth" as a police officer wants said. They look at us and place blame. They say we are different and we must be the problem. They call us anarchists, and hoodlums. They call us gang bangers and scum! They do this to hurt us to bring us down and keep us there they degrade us like a puppy who jus shit on the carpet. They must know that WE WON’T DIE! We are HERE! We are strong! We are not the problem we are the SOLUTION! We have the ability to push though and scream our creed I AM A JUGGALO! We have an opportunity to take our community to a level that vastly surpasses anything to days world has seen. We are alive. Show it. I met 15 people today that had no idea what a Juggalo was. And when I explained it to them 11 of them told me I was going to hell. Why? Why should we be feared? 4 out of 15 people are opened minded enough to accept that there are other types of people out there. 4 out of 15 people that are strong minded enough to believe that there could be a church that accepts any faith that you could believe. I ask you, Juggalos, Juggalettes, Ninjas and Homies, be open minded. Understand that there is more out there then what we know. Believe in yourself and great things will happen. Speak from your heart and great knowledge will be taught and pray with eyes closed and the carnival will open them for you! Much Luv

Much Luv

The time and place of this saga are irrelevant. Put this in your home VA, Carolina Texas, Prague. Wherever you call home let this story lye. A young boy lets say seventeen. Not quite a Juggalo, but A ninja none the less, he struggles through life. Jumping from ghetto to ghetto, sifting through the carnage of his life. He sits in his room thinking of a woman. A woman he wanted, whose life has been taken by a close friend. A boy he knew very well. He thinks on this boy, envisions his face in deepest part of his mind and soul, and slowly slides the barrel of his Nine Millimeter Glock, staring into the depth of his revenge and steaming inside at the thoughts of the things that had been done to her. And then he sees his reflection again and thinks of his life after death. He ponders the thought of what his evil action will ravage unto his soul. He thinks of hell and what lies in the mirrors for him there. The mirrors that show what his mortal eyes do not see. A rage builds inside of him coursing through his very blood. He must avenge the one he loved. He must not feel this for the rest of his life. At the expense of the life of this boy this friend that has betrayed him. He must not live. He sits back and ponders Glock still in hand. Of letting him live, of being the better man. Of turning around and taking all of the sins of his life and regrouping. He could try and get out of the ghetto do something change someone. But he cannot. His rage has consumed him. He slides the gun into his belt pulls his jersey over it and heads out the door. He walks down the road, knowing exactly where he is going, no faygo today he cannot afford to stop. He must continue while his rage pulses, to keep the gut, to keep the courage. As he walks thunder clouds ravage the skies and a torrid storm begins its torturous path. It becomes too much he must find shelter, he looks around and sees a large Dome structure, he walks towards it as he walks towards the steps, he realizes that there are none, only a ramp like structure, an outstretched hand, as if welcoming him. He runs up the fingers there is writing on the doors its too wet outside he can’t read it. He runs in… He wonders where he is. He looks around and takes in everything, there is no person here… large dome ceiling, been bag chairs, an alter of some sort, no pews a couple crosses but they look different, in the ceiling a stained glass man holding a meat clever, wow he thinks, these guys are some real circus freaks! Within the dome are six pillars at the top are large cards with what looks like twisted jokers on them. The first has a plaque Carnival of Carnage, he reads on a plaque at eye level he snickers a little while he relates it to himself and matches the circus freaks he just thought about to the carnival exhibits they speak of in the paragraph. Those of the ghetto are but circus freaks to the upper class! That’s exactly how he feels. He walks to the next pillar. The Ringmaster, looking past the deeds one man has done, and into his continuous and judging his fate. He walks to the pillar recanting on the thoughts earlier as he sat o his bed, as he arrives at the third card, The Riddle Box. As you slowly turn the handle of the riddle box music plays. A deafening music to evil souls, but as the music ends an image of you comes forth. Wow he thinks. The mirrors of hell.. he hears something, a voice inside his soul as he moves to The Great Milienko. The great magician who casts your evil deeds into something that feeds. Feeds your own personal selfishness to want something, more than the consequences that might ensue. He thinks of the rage that built as he walks to the fifth card The Jeckel Brothers. The ultimate balancers of good and evil, the balance of the sins inside of you that ravage your soul. He sits for a moment on one of the bean bag chairs. As he sits he looks up and sees the final card,Thy Wraith. The gate keeper that carries you to your final destination. The first event of the carnival of your afterlife. The rain stops and he walks out the door, he turns and reads the creed of the Fellowship of Juggalos on the doors he passes through. He walks down the sidewalk and disassembles the weapon, drops it in a trash can, and goes to the grave of his lost lover, to pray for her safe passage to Shangri La. There is a time in the life of every Juggalo, a time of consequence that you will not be able to prepare for. As a way of life everyone, Juggalo or not goes through time when it seems that a matter of drastic action is the only recourse. This ninja was on a path that could only be stopped by the person deep inside of him. The ninja in all of us is a strong man or woman who can be a large part of us. We as a family need to listen to our inner ninja and follow a path of righteousness and strength. Much Luv

what is the DC

What is the Dark Carnival? The Dark Carnival preaches to everyone in many different ways. Me and Shaggy are just one of it's ways to reach people. For example, even an old lady that plays Bingo every weekend will eventually hear the words of the Dark Carnival only it will be through a different outlet. Something that interests her will give her the message. Weather or not she acts upon it is up to her. What ever this force is, it reaches us all, whether you heed its warnings or not is your own choice. This is what will happen to those that received the Dark Carnival's messages threw us. After death, your soul will stand up out of your body. You will all the sudden see The Dark Carnival's parade of wagons rolling towards you. Lead by the 6 Joker's Card faces on giant flags and an entire parade of ghost and wagons following them. You'll know right when you see them that there not with God and not with the Devil... These wagons are about to take you to one of them though. You're about to face judgment. I think The Dark Carnival might be a neutral group of ghosts. Existing between heaven and hell because in life, it's warnings just open your eyes and show you what you are. They let you choose weather or not you feel you need to make a change in yourself. Once you die, they gladly take you to heaven or hell, which ever you deserve. We've explained and we continue to explain all of this threw our music. It loves to reward the people who heeded it's warnings and it loves to punish those who laughed at it's warnings. Everybody in the world will hear it's words before they die. It will reach us all, weather or not you act upon it is up to you. The 6 Jokers Cards show you 6 different sides of yourself that you might have over looked. They help to show you your own evils ...Each Jokers Card is another version of you. For example, take The Ringmaster... Imagine if after you die, all your sins combined into one big monster... How big would your monster be? Ask your self that. Can you take down your own sin monster? If you can't, then your burning in Hell. If you can, then your off to Shangri-La. That's what the Ringmaster is. The most important thing The Dark Carnival has taught me about getting my shit together and becoming a better ninja is this... You shouldn't be a cool ninja just because your scared of going to Hell when you die.. You should be a cool ninja cause it's cool to be a cool ninja! Understand ninja? Cool. I look at it like this. You got 2 clowns running around rappin' about your soul. Yelling about how there gonna take you to Heaven if you are the shit or take you to Hell if your a dick. Yeah that sounds pretty crazy, but what do you think ninjas were thinkin' when Noah was running around with a long ass beard and a wooden staff? Telling everyone that it's going to rain for a month? "Come get on my Ark!! It's going to rain for 40 days and 40 nights! You're all gonna drown!!" That shit probably sounded nuts too! I would have thought he was crazy just for calling it an ark instead of a boat! The few open-minded ninjas that actually did listen to him were mad lucky. The rest got mad wet. The Dark Carnival is some deep shit to think about, but I very much believe in God too. Believe me I'd rather float in Heaven than drive a wagon after I die, but looking at the life I lead right now, I doubt I’ll be able to. I try to be religious or whatever but I'm just shitty right now. When I get older I'll probably try to get my shit straight. ICP is about bitches, Faygo, Juggalos, and dumb shit. Do I feel like the Noah of today? Naa, I feel more like Noah is the Violent J of yesterday. If I was Noah, I would have changed my name to Juggaloah and built a big ass surf board and surfed my ass all over the planet. Fuck collecting' Lamas and shit.

Being a Juggalo

Being a Juggalo isn't about the merchandise or knowing what kind of pudding Shaggy likes. It's not about hating / liking things just cause I.C.P. says so. It's about being YOU. This is about being your own person and not letting anyone tell you how you should be, think, act, or dress. It's about a community of people that have had similar experiences and feelings as you. We have a connection together....even if we don't always get along or agree.
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