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Dr Turi's blog: "Dr. Turi's Blog"

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CA Wild Fires

10/22/2007 Dear Readers: Yesterday I was on the air in Los Angeles with my friend Michael Parker and fully predicted the awful California fires. My current quatrain posted on my website www.drturi.com speak for itself and denunciate what the Dragon's Tail (nefarious) in Leo (fires) combined with a Supernova window (Mercury, air) can do. During this 2 hours show I gave deep spiritual information and emphasized how important it is to understand respect and use the Universal Code. This show has a lot of valuable information pertaining to the Universal rules and the information I put out will help the listeners to build enough Cosmic Consciousness to understand more about the stars' impact in our lives. Sad enough, many people would rather stay in the dark and be oblivious to the Universal regulations because of deep fears hindering their perception of the Universal Code. Doing so is simply insane because as much as one must respect the physical laws (stop at a red light or a stop sign in the street) they chose to ignore the subtle "red" Universal rules. There is no room for ignorance in anyone's life unless you enjoy suffering, wasting time by ignoring God's Universal laws. A positive type of thinking alone (the movie the secret for example) will NOT cut it as your subconscious interacts also with the Universal scheme of things and ignorance is usually fueled a subconscious fear of losing control. It is always difficult to auto analyze accurately oneself especially if Mr. Ego or Miss Pride gets on the way. Take the time to listen to this show and get a taste of my wisdom, my burning passion and my solid gift in predictive ability. I also explained why I do negative predictions and spoke about so many metaphysical topics and I also made more predictions. Listen to the show at CLICK HERE On the news: More than a dozen uncontained wildfires raged Monday across Southern California, threatening thousands of structures and forcing 265,000 people to flee homes. In San Diego, the chairman of the County Board of Supervisors said weather conditions had "all the ingredients for a perfect firestorm." Yes indeed but what the chairman of the County Board of Supervisors does not know is that Mercury rules the element of air while the Dragon's Tail in Leo rules fire, and fire and air produces the "Santa Ana" wind and with it disastrous blazes. 2008 promises to be REALLY shocking and if you like my work sign up to my "VIP Cosmic Code Newsletter ASAP. DrTuri-12CosmicCodeNewsletter.jpg CLICK HERE From Craig; DT, As usual CA is on fire this time of year. *DRAGON WINDOW FOR OCTOBER +20th (+) Weird/news/Surprises/Explosions/Shocking/lightnings/Humanitarianism/news/ Wind, fire water to dance Mother Earth Scream and kill Wild power surprise many Quatrain Written by Dr. Turi 10/18/07* 250,000 flee raging wildfires around San Diego http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/10/22/wildfire.ca/index.html Craig The next window date promises to be also very destructive and somehow mingle well with the current news so be cautious, read my quatrain and be safe on the given day. DRAGON WINDOW FOR OCTOBER *30th (*) Beginning/Ending of Important Portion of Life/Forced Relocation/Destructive weather/A new Planned and/or Unplanned Life For Many. Nature To Strike Hard New Horizons Following Tragedy Much to Fall Nothing Made To Last Tears Pain Death A new Life For Many Quatrain Written by Dr. Turi 10/21/07 250,000 PEOPLE HAVE BEEN EVACUATED FROM THEIR HOMES AND 100,000 ACRES HAVE BURNED IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY "The Lost Book Of Nostradamus" Dr. Turi on The History Channel October 28th 9 pm/ 8 c http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/3096/glitter7b102e142220e3caxc3.gif CLICK HERE Sharing emails: ----- Original Message ----- From: Art Hello DT, I think it is a smart idea on your part to make your Cosmic Newsletter a paid subscription deal. You have been (like you said) been putting out your ideas and teachings about Astropsychology for years for free, and you have laid down your seeds to grow. People have to respect that and help in the financial watering and fertilizing. 8-) We get so much free info on the Internet these days, free in the sense that we have ready access to it on the computer. So much so that information and it's impact on us becomes so desensitizing that we loose what is really going on in the blur of words images and ideas that we confront daily. Paying for information is a way to say, yeah this is important, I really desire it, I want to learn more... I hope more people signup and spend some cash on your efforts. Everyday I see things about how the cosmos and moon and stars are impacting myself, from the way I see people drive their cars, to what I feel about creating actions in my life from being aggressive, holding off or nice and sweet. 8-) I check out Moon Power. Keep up the good work my friend! -Art My answer: Thank you my friend yes indeed once Jesus said" Do not give pearls to swine" and this summarize my feelings to some people unable to perceive my gifts and waste my time because they are not advanced enough spiritually or too fearful to grow up. Blessings DT ----- Original Message ----- From: Cassandra Dr.Turi You are freaking me out. I haven't run into anyone from my past for a few years, then a month ago I heard from an old colleague and very good friend who I haven't spoke to since 9/02..then yesterday a girl I haven't spoke to/have seen in 5 months....then today, out of the blue, another old colleague emailed me who I haven't spoke to in 2 years! Last one is weird b/c It wasn't an email but an online invite to a photo club that has her pix....and she never had my email address. We weren't THAT close. Ok OK so you say I will hear good news soon....SO IM WAITING WITH BAITED BREATH....lol Cassandra My answer: Well if you listen to the show Cassandra you will be amazed of what this Supernova brought me from my own past. Check it up! DT ----- Original Message ----- From: Hello Dr Turi, Thanks very much for my reading that I received a few days ago. It is fascinating. I have read your books, And God created the stars, I know all about you, the power of the dragon and Moon power 2007. When I read the Power of the dragon, it was like a light bulb went on in my head! With the current dragon being in Pisces and in my fourth house, both of my parents passed on last year. Also my mother's dragon's head was in Pisces. I have signed up for the cosmic code newsletter and I'm really looking forward to reading it. I have a couple of questions about my reading and I was hoping you could answer them for me please. What is the significance of Uranus and the Dragon's tail being conjunct in my eighth house, which is in Cancer? (In the printed material, Uranus in 8th house, death likely to be sudden and unexpected) Is this a karmic thing? Also, at the beginning of the tape you mentioned that you would do an Astro tarot reading. Is that still to come? As it wasn't on the tape I received. Once again, thank you Jene, Australia My answer: Dear Jene: Your will is much stronger than any stars' affliction in your chart and the Dragon's Tail (negative) in the eight house does not mean necessarily a sudden unexpected death. Uranus (Aquarius/the genius/astrology/UFO) can and will bring incredible rewards if you use the house and sign productively. I never ever talk about death or endorse negativity in my readings, I know better than to stimulate your fears or the creative forces of your subconscious against you. You have the opportunity to do miracles and be well ahead of many people with the planet Uranus and the Dragon in this house. Sad enough I cannot teach you the ramification of any planets (or even approach a 525 page book I wrote on the Dragon) in any house on a tape or by email. It's like asking me to teach you to fly an airplane (your life) in one single 90-minute tape. Building Cosmic Consciousness and becoming an Astropsychologist will give you all the answers you need and as mentioned in your reading, "this tape is NOT designed to teach you the complexity of the Universal Code or the Dragon but to guide you accurately and serves as a launch pad for a much more rewarding life of exploration." As for the tarot I am sorry but it is obvious that you regenerate with my work and metaphysics and I will have to "erase" this glitch because I do not do taped but live telephone tarot and this service is only for the "celebrities or Platinum" packages as my time is very scarce there days. You can check those at www.drturi.com/orders3.html Blessings DT ----- Original Message ----- From: Karen Dr Turi: I just read that Discovery is a go for launch on next Tuesday. Why is it that they always seem to launch during a Mercury Retrograde period? Thanks, just really curious. Karen ; My answer: Lets waste more time, more tax dollars or more lives.NASA scientists are like donkeys, they can not change their mind even with the facts (the carrot) in hand. Sad but fact! Blessings DT ----- Original Message ----- From: Frank Interesting, never got your newsletter before. Your "quatrain" is almost exactly what my guys said last night! I do spirit/entity communication via an EVP machine I make, now known as Franks' Box, Ghost Box, and even "Edison's Telephone the Dead". My boxes are supposed to be featured on C2C Saturday, I doubt if I'll call in though. I never know what level is coming in, sometimes the prediction hit, sometimes not-sometimes they are just being negative, I guess. Everything is welcome to talk, so I never know who I'm going to get. My goal is to establish the communications, not filter who comes through. Frank ----- Original Message ----- From: Charla How To Avoid Dangerous Dangerous Staph Infections Nostradamus* said (way back when) that a daily shower was the best way to fight disease. Hand washing is most important. Then don't touch door knobs, etc. Use paper towels. I hate to think of using shopping carts these days! * His approach was to prescribe fresh, unpolluted air and water and clean bedding. He also would have all the corpses removed and the streets cleaned. Each morning before sunrise, Nostradamus would go into the fields to oversee the harvest of rose petals which he then would dry and crush into fine powder. From this he made "rose pills" which patients were advised to keep under their tongues at all times without swallowing them. He was reputed to have saved thousands from plague in Narbonne, Carcassone, Toulouse and Bordeaux. Posted at Rense.com How To Avoid Dangerous Staph Infections 10-17 -7 CHICAGO (AP) - Good hygiene is the best way to avoid infection from a potentially dangerous drug-resistant germ called methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA. A new government report suggests that more 90,000 Americans annually get an invasive form of the disease, which can be deadly. This staph infection sometimes first appears on the skin as a red, swollen pimple or boil that may be painful or have pus. It can be spread by close skin-to skin contact or by touching surfaces contaminated with the germ. (Wash hands every time you come home after being out in public. - ed) The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises: * Keep your hands clean by washing thoroughly with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand cleaner. * Keep cuts and scrapes clean and covered with a bandage until healed. * Avoid contact with other people's wounds or bandages. * Avoid sharing personal items such as towels or razors. Source: The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dhqp/ar_mrsa_ca_public.html#6 From Dr. Gayle leaflady@leaflady.org Yes, handwashing is one of the very best ways to prevent infection and the spread of infection. The important thing is to avoid any soap containing Triclosan. Triclosan does promote S. aureus infection because it alters the pH or 'acid mantle' naturally occurring on skin, along with the naturally occurring S. aureus. I suggest using pure and natural castile soap. This is inexpensive and available in most health stores. You can also add pure essential oils to this soap to make it much more naturally effective for prevention. Pure essential oils do not become resistant to bacteria. Alcohol based hand sanitizers dry the skin and make it more prone to injury thereby increasing the risk of infection. There is a new hand sanitizer that is not acohol based. Use natural care products such as KettleCare (.com) to avoid toxic ingredients used in commercial lotions and even in some sold as "natural"products. If you do have a cut or open sore or wound of the skin make sure it is washed and rinsed, patted dry (best to use a paper towel), covered first with a lubricant and then apply a clean bandage. I sugugest a natural ointment made with comfrey, cayenne or BF&C ointment. A little dab will do ya. Repeat frequently to assure the wound stays clean until healed. ----- Original Message ----- From: Robert Welcome back Dr. Turi: I missed your free news for almost a year! You are the best ast and predictor. Robert-NoNode Leo 10th.; Robert ----- Original Message ----- From:Ted The other night I got into a conversation with my wife, who denies everything and thinks the world is just peachy, about all the trouble we are in and it made me angry. I had a few drinks on top of it all and I lost it. I flew into a rage and smashed a hole in the wall with my fist and broke a lamp. I haven't had an episode like that in a very long time. This behavior is something I undoubtedly learned from my father, who was an extremely violent person when I was growing up. I don't talk to him any longer, I don't know where he is or what he does, but you could say that he did pay me a visit the other night -- along with that dragon! Anyway, I'm O.K., the damage wasn't too bad or costly, and I did scare the hell out of my wife with my bad behavior, but we have worked it all out, and no one, thankfully, was hurt. The good news is, I realize that I can't drink anymore, not even the occasional glass of wine I am enjoy very much.. It's not good for me, especially being the angry person that I am. Watch out for the dragon -- he will nip you in the ass! Be careful out there! Sincerely, Ted ----- Original Message ----- From: Craig DT, This SuperNova has been a good teacher for me. I have seen computer systems crashing over and over and over. But it has been a necessary Karma, and I have learned from it. Maybe that is the difference between a person who has cosmic consciousness and one that does not. People who have it learn from everything, the disasters also. I would say that the technology world is in many bad spots. See... sales people get in front of companies offering false miracles and sell other companies big $$$ technology that does not work. And well, it does not work. Truth is truth, and lies are lies. At the heart of anything, the truth exists. I work in HA. That High Availability systems. I am Aquarius, no surprise. SAN or Storage Area Networking is a part of that. But I can tell you, I work with the best stuff there is, and I can tell you that HA is a farce. No system is on all the time, or fail proof. And most of that reason is that people buy the imagined possibility via big $$$ systems, that don't work. Spending money avoids the truth? I don't think so. It is just that I know, the truth. Knowing the truth makes it easy for me. I support systems that are based on lies, but I know it. I don't tell anyone they are truly fail proof. It would be better to spend a lot less, and have systems just as good. After all a lie is a lie. I find that big $$$ HA systems do NO BETTER then well planned systems that cost a lot less. In fact non-HA systems usually work better. Also true redundancy of systems to fail cost too much for any company. Also sometime it is physically impossible. You can spend 3,000.000 on a lie, or 50,000 on the truth. Those numbers are real. Also the quality of programmers these days is TRASH. I could get into reasons at length as to why. Think I have valid points about it all. But that does not help todays situation. And don't get me started on outsourcing to countries where 3 people car pool to work on a donkey.... But even in the midst of a SuperNova were all this comes to light, I am happy. I am joyous. It is all quite charming to me. DRAGON WINDOW FOR OCTOBER +20th (+)/Weird news/Surprises/Explosions/Shocking/Technology/Aeronautics/ Planes collide in midair Two planes land safely and no one aboard was hurt after a midair collision. News 12 Long Island's Virginia Huie reports www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2007/10/22/planes.collide.in.midair news12longisland We are in a Waxing Moon, and that is good for these flyers. The odds of living through this are impossible. They should be thankful the Waxing Moon spared them during this SuperNova (mercury retrograde) window. DT, Not sure if this one even fits But I think it may. With the Moon in Aquarius (as we get ready for the dragons head to be in Aquarius) this looks typical. Aquarius (futuristic) energy does not like religious fundamentalism. Seattle is Very Aquarius. So with the fundamentalists coming here, I am expecting lightening bolts of enlightenment. I believe that especially with the SuperNova window happening, this event will cause the fundamentalists more harm then good. This will bring their intolerances and ignorance to be viewed by many in an intelligent part of the country. *DRAGON WINDOW FOR OCTOBER +20th (+)Cosmos News/Weird news/Surprises/Shocking/Humanitarianism/ news/ * Hard to imagine this happening in WA. Seattle is Very Gay, and much more integrated in that way then San Francisco. http://www.king5.com/video/featured-index.html?nvid=185248 Christian conference in Lynnwood raises concerns http://www.king5.com/video/featured-index.html?nvid=185248&shu=1 *"But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me." * - Luke 19.27 * http://www.jesusneverexisted.com/murderers.htm#luke19 And we should not be scared? It is just ignorance to think that this group talking anywhere is different then the slow rise to power of Nazi's and their like. Life would be NO DIFFERENT then the past, if these children had their way: http://www.jesusneverexisted.com/murderers.htm Video on why the bible is repulsive http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkXOwBIRX7Y A little fun: Penn & Teller; The Bible is Bullshit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RV46fsmx6E I wonder if attacking THEM would not make sense? Maybe they feel too safe. A little stress might do them well. Maybe I should start an organization against Christians. I would find that a lot of fun, but am not into getting killed. Have a hard time imaging people actually living their life by an ancient fairy tail and getting so worked up about it. Craig
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