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Billcashey's blog: "Earth For Energy"

created on 10/04/2009  |  http://fubar.com/earth-for-energy/b310761  |  1 followers

Solar Power For Home Use

Solar panels are becoming more and more affordable with more installers and manufacturers competing for residential customers. Click here to read more - home solar power system and photovoltaic systems

There are also a wealth of incentives available to homeowners depending on the state that you live in. Federal tax rebates and incentives have opened up solar power systems to all audiences.

In order to get started with solar power you need to take the following steps:

1. Obtain a Free Consultation: Some solar installation companies will even guide you through the rebates procedure. Be sure to ask a lot of questions at this stage about equipment, service contracts, or additional financing. The installers will go over your electric bills and usage patterns to give you an accurate estimate. The initial estimate will show you how much you can save with solar and what the expected payback period will be.

2. Proposal: This is where the company will prepare a written request for proposal or (RFP) which includes the system size, services, location, and financial analysis. They will also identify government tax incentives and rebates.

3. System Design: An engineering team or individual will be assigned to your house to build a custom design depending on the your house's architecture and electrical needs.

4. Installation: Installation takes anywhere from a few days to a week depending on the size of your installation. They work with you to ensure that there are no disruptions in electricity to your home. The company will also look over zoning permits, inspections, and usually will have an electrician on staff to connect the system to the grid.

5. Maintenance: Ongoing maintenance can e in the form of quarterly checks or can be more routine for larger systems. Talk to them about this during the consultation.

The cost effective answer to getting your own solar panel array and save thousands of dollars is to do it yourself. Using expert guidance from online resources it is possible to make you own solar array at home with basic do-it-yourself skills from readily available and inexpensive materials.

Building solar panels will reduce your power bill, you will have the satisfaction in completing a worthwhile project that adds value to your home and you will be doing your part for the environment.

With electrical prices rising steadily over the last few decades and no reason to think they will fall anytime soon, many homeowners are looking into the option of powering their homes with renewable, or "green", power systems. The two most common home green energy systems is the home wind turbine and home solar panels. Of these two, home solar panels have emerged as the most popular, due to their solid-state nature - meaning that with fewer moving parts, they require less maintenance over the years.

Unfortunately, installing a DIY solar power system in your home can be prohibitively expensive. Having pre-made solar power panels professionally installed costs at least $3000 - and the price tag only rises quickly from there. To reduce this huge cost, many homeowners are exploring the possibility of building and installing their own homemade solar panels. You may be one of them.

If so, you probably have a lot of questions. Can the average person really build a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) solar power system in their garage or basement? If they could, would it really be significantly cheaper than having it professionally installed? And finally, would homemade solar panels provide enough electricity to be worth all the time and effort? This article will seek to answer these questions.

The Various Benefits of a DIY solar panel?

1. You can reduce or even eliminate your power bill.
2. If you generate surplus electricity, you can sell it to your local power company.
3. You can increase the property value of your home.
4. You can get tax deductions for using eco-friendly home power systems.
5. You no longer have to worry about power outages.
6. You help protect the environment - solar energy produces no greenhouse gasses.

Basically, a magnetic power generator is created with the aim of tackling the same objective as alternative sources of energy. This is principally powered by magnets and these tackle are assumed to take place perpetually. They can survive on behalf of eternity and their strength of character will not break off. Click here to read more - Magnetic Power Generator and Magnetic Generator

This type of magnetic energy generator has started becoming very popular due to the fact that it can be hooked up to a home in order to save money from the electric company. As this generator is able to run for many years without stopping, it can supply that home with a constant supply of free energy. Reports show that someone who uses this type of magnetic generator in their house saves 50%-100% on each electrical bill.

How does it work?

If you have ever held to magnets next to each other then you must have felt them either pulling together or pushing apart, this is proof of their very powerful magnetic field. A Magnetic Generator will harness this power by place magnets on and around its turbine, this causes one side of the turbine to be pushed up and the other side be pushed down forcing it to spin without stop, every time that turbine spins electricity is created.

Where can I get one?

There are some really great guides out there that can show you how to build a magnetic generator, these will include pictures as well as step by step instructions that make this a very simple project for anyone.

In the past, magnetic energy has been taken as an underrated source of electricity. Very few people talk about this source of energy, however, the potential is practically unlimited. Click here to read more - Magnetic Power Generator and Magnetic Generator

If done right, a small home set-up can energize their electronic device. At first glance, setting up this type of energy source can be complicated. But technology has improved a lot in the past few decades that almost anything can be created at home with a few tools. The needed equipment is also inexpensive. Almost everything you need can be purchased in your local electronic shop.

There are many methods to build a magnetic generator but one of the easiest set-ups is the one that uses I-shaped laminates wrapped in magnetic wire with a power supply inside. The magnetic wire in laminates will suggest the polarity. This will require a bit of patience as you'll have to make sure that both laminates will have the same polarity. Same points repel in magnets and when they are forced to stay opposite, energy is created. This is the reason why a small power supply is added in the middle. This equipment has two roles: it is used to hold two laminates together since they will easily bolt because of their polarity and to receive the created energy.

The laminates with magnetic wire and power supply are considered as the "heart" of this set-up. You can then try the capacity by attaching the power supply to a transformer. Choose a transformer that has a meter so that the exact electronic flow is determined. You can also use DC meter.

While doing this small but useful project on how to generate electricity, always think of safety. Use goggles and gloves that can protect yourself from unexpected shock. Also read the instructions that goes with the equipment purchased. By practicing safety, not only you're ensuring your personal protection but also creating a safe source of electricity.

Analysis On Solar Power

A concern when considering to use solar power is that, of course, the Sun does not shine at night. However, if we want solar electricity at night we must find some means of storing it during the day. Small machines, such as portable computers, can be powered by batteries that are recharged in daylight using photovoltaic cells. Click here to read more - Make Your Own Solar Panels and DIY Solar Panel

Solar energy could also be used to create hydrogen from water for use in fuel cells.

Large electric motors used to run a building’s air-conditioning system or to power elevators would need large banks of batteries for operation at night or on cloudy days. When the Sun is hidden the battery bank discharges power. When the Sun shines the batteries discharge less power as more solar energy becomes available. Around midday the photovoltaic cells begin to produce more energy than is needed and start to recharge the batteries. The batteries continue to charge throughout the daylight hours. The battery bank is a critical part of the solar powered building. Already, banks have been developed that can supply power throughout five days of overcast weather.

The day may come when our homes, school and work places are heated by solar energy and most of our machinery is solar-powered. Solar energy is clean, safe and plentiful, but it is a big step from the solar-powered pocket calculator to an entirely solar-powered office block.

Electrical engineers and other scientists are seeking ways to make cheaper and more efficient photovoltaic cells. One way of doing this is to develop materials that are more transparent. New silicon parts are being produced that do not prevent the Sun’s rays from hitting the light-sensitive metal part of the cell. Smaller, more light-sensitive cells will capture more sunlight, and therefore provide more energy.

The solar power industry is not only working on ways of improving its technology, but also looking at how that technology can be integrated more effectively into the structure of buildings. For example roofing tiles or shingles can now be replaced by an array of solar cells. Designers can blend translucent panels into office buildings, so that may of the modern glass and steel skyscrapers in our cities could have large solar-power producing panels fitted instead of the glass.

European designers are even manufacturing Solar Panels in different colors and shapes. As a result, a building’s power source could be a design element, perhaps with a company name or logo, picked out in colored solar panels.

Solar Communications

Hundreds of public telephones in remote parts of Australia now run on solar power, and the houses in which athletes lived for the 2000 Olympics in Sydney were designed to run largely on solar power. The use of home solar power systems has become a great help for many individuals in many parts of the world today.

Off the grid

While solar power is mostly used to augment or back up conventional sources of power, there are already about 20,000 homes across the United States that are ‘off the grid’ (not drawing power from local utility companies) and totally reliant on solar power. The reason why more don’t follow suit is that solar power equipment costs around three to five times as much as getting power from the grid. However, it may be worth it for people living in remote areas. It might also be worthwhile for rural communities in countries where the electricity supply grid is not as efficient as it is in the industrialized nations.

Solar energy is adaptable and it can also be used on a large or small scale. It is especially useful in sunny countries and remote place. But not energy can be produced at night and very little on cloudy days. Click here to read more - Home Solar Power Systems and How to Generate Electricity

It is the Sun’s energy that ultimately powers practically all like on Earth and keeps the planet warm enough for that life t6o exist. Until recently however, we have lacked the means to tap this energy and put it to practical use.

Energy in abundance

Only about one two-billionth part of the Sun’s energy output reaches the Earth. Yet even that tiny fraction would supply all the world’s energy needs if we could only find the means of capturing it. Every day, the Sun generates more energy than the Earth’s six billion people use in about 30 years.

Magic fabric

Some solar cells are flexible, like fabric. The US Army has used solar fabric for tents. The fabric provides power for lighting and cooling systems inside the tents.

Solar thermal collectors

One method of capturing solar energy involves using solar thermal collectors. These are the heat-absorbing black solar panels seen on some rooftops. Flat plate collectors absorb solar energy and change it to heat energy. Water circulates absorb solar energy and change it to heat energy. Water circulates through the panels, where the heat energy is transferred to it. The water is then stored in tanks. Solar hot water heater is growing in popularity as the price of the technology falls.

Solar thermal collectors can also be used to generate electricity. The panels use the Sun’s rays to produce sufficient energy to heat water enough to turn it into steam. The steam is then used to run turbines to generate electricity, just as it is in a conventional power station.

Photovoltaic cells

Photovoltaic cells were invented in 1954 at AT&T’s Bell Laboratories in the United States and later were used to power satellites and space vehicles. Now they provide power not only for satellites, but also provide electricity and heat water for homes and businesses around the world. Used together with other renewable energy sources, such as wind and water, solar photovoltaic cells can provide energy for entire homes – even entire communities.

With the current increasing demand for alternative energy sources, devices and materials necessary for making DIY solar panels that harnesses raw energy to be converted to the form into usable electricity are also consistently improved and made even cheaper. Virtually everyone with the interest and the will to capture light energy can create DIY solar panels. The development of this type of device made light harvesting more easily and at the same time very affordable. Click here to read more - DIY Solar Panels and Build Your Own Solar Power System

Although the idea of harvesting the sun's energy is not really new, the implementation did not rise until recently. The very influential reason for this is the fact that the device that is used to capture the sun's heat is quite expensive. That is why solar energy as an alternative power source did not hit the public immediately. So instead of buying the idea of using solar energy, only a few well-off responded to the call.

DIY Solar Panels are the answer to your home energy needs!

What is also enticing about this form of photovoltaic cell is that it can harness as much as energy from the sun and convert to about 36% of the harvested energy to electricity.

If you are also interested in this type of homemade energy device, finding them is also easy. A number of great online guides teach you how to make a solar panel. Along with the purchase of the materials or the kit comes the step-by-step guide on how to assemble the unit. No need for technical background as long as you know how to read and follow steps, then your unit will be set in just a few hours. Learn how to build a solar panel today!

Photovoltaic energy is electricity made from light. Solar cells are devices that use photovoltaic energy. They soak up energy from sunlight and turn it into electricity. Solar cells can be used to power a small gadget, such as a personal media player. They can be combined into large panels to produce electricity in a power station. Click here to read more - Build your own solar cell and Home Solar Power Systems

People today use solar energy in many ways. One way is to use the heating effect of the Sun. Another is to make electricity from sunlight. Both these forms of solar energy are renewable.

Thermal energy

Every day, thermal energy (energy from heat) reaches Earth from Sun. It warms buildings and other objects. This is called passive (unmoving) solar power, People have always used this energy for warmth.

Active solar power systems use pumps or fans to move heat around. They also use panels to collect the Sun’s heat. Dark panels with pipes running through them are set up in s sunny place. The panels absorb the heat and transfer (move) it to liquid in the pipes. The hot liquid can be used to heat a building or a tank of water.

How solar cells work

1. Photovoltaic cells have a surface of silicon (a substance made from sand).
2. When sunlight strikes the silicon, it affects its electrons. Electrons are parts of the atoms that make up the silicon.
3. The electrons move out to the atoms. When electrons move, they create an electrical current.
4. This electrical current flows into the battery.
5. The electricity can be used straight away or stared in the battery.

Generating electricity with alternative energy is now easier than it ever has been before. Technology is now available that allows the homeowner to build DIY solar panels for a few hundred dollars. Click here to read more - DIY Solar Panels and Magnetic Power Generator

A complete solar system purchased and installed can easily exceed $20,000. Sure, you can get that cost back, but it will take decades to do. Doesn't it make sense to build your own system whereby the savings will be nearly instantaneous?

Solar panels are made of several components. The panels themselves are made up of a series of solar cells. The cells absorb sunlight which is then used to generate electricity. The term for converting light into electricity is photovoltaic. And of course, for our purposes the light was provided by the sun.

There are quite a few advantages to building your own DIY solar panels. The first that comes to mind for most of the savings on utility bills. 120 watts of electricity can be generated from just one solar panel. An array of panels can potentially generate enough electricity to completely power your home, office, or any other type of building.

When you can generate enough energy for your needs it is referred to as going off the grid. That means that you no longer rely on the utility company to supply you with electricity. Even better than that, any excess electricity that is produced will be bought back by the power company. It doesn't get much better than that does?

The government offers some pretty generous rebates and tax incentives for homeowners that use alternative energy sources as well. Your home's resale value will also increase with a solar power system It is literally an independent power plant that will supply the home with energy with little to no maintenance required.

Of course, using solar energy is environmentally friendly. By cutting back on the use of fossil fuels we are doing our part to preserve the planet for future generations. DIY solar panels produce no emissions, pollutants or deleterious effects on the environment. That is why it is referred to as a green energy source.

Everyday, we make use of energy to assist us in our lives. For example, we use it for electricity, for heating, and to travel. Energy makes our lives easier. Click here to read more - Building Solar Panels and Renewable Energy

The Energy Supply

Most of our energy comes from fossil fuels – oil coal, and gas. We use billions of tones of them every year for fuel and to produce electricity. Today, there is just about enough energy to go round. Demand is growing, however. Eventually, supplies of usable fossil fuels will run out. So what about the future? We will have to conserve our resources and develop new ones. Scientists and energy experts are developing power from renewable sources.

Renewable Sources

A renewable energy source is one that doesn’t run out, however much we use. There are certain processes that always take place on Earth. Somewhere in the world, the wind is blowing and the Sun is shining. Living things are growing everywhere. Water is on the move in rivers and seas. The layers of rock under our feet pump out heat. These constant processes are sources of renewable energy. We can use them to fuel cars, warm our homes, and make electricity. They will not get used up.

Climate Change

When we burn fossil fuels, they release gases into the air. Some of these gases cause pollution. Several of the gases absorb the Sun’s heat. We call them greenhouse gases because they trap heat like a greenhouse (a glass-walled building for growing plants). Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas. Others are methane and nitrous oxide. The heat trapped in the atmosphere keeps Earth warm and allows like to exist. We are using such large amounts of fossil fuels that greenhouse gases are increasing. They are putting the world’s climate out of balance. Scientists have shown that greenhouse gases are causing Earth’s climate to change. The change is happening quickly. The world is getting warmer, and weather patterns are changing.

How Renewable Help

To slow climate change, we need to reduce the amounts of fossil fuels we burn. This will reduce the quantity of gr5eenhouse gases in the air. We can use renewable forms of energy that do not increase greenhouse gases. We can make hydroelectricity from water. Underground heat, called geothermal energy, can heat our buildings. The heat of the Sun can give us solar energy, and the spinning blades of a wind turbine (a kind of engine) capture energy from the wind. We can turn these sources of energy into electricity, too. Explore more about the uses of home solar power systems and home wind turbine


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