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August 6th

Everyone decided to have a lie-in the next morning, simply because after three non-stop days of battles, pranks and weddings, everyone was either exhausted, hung over, or in some cases, both.

One couple was neither and was up early.  Instead, they were outside in the morning air.  A passerby, if there had been any around, would have seen two dogs running around the Quidditch pitch at top speed.  One was sleek and fast, a black and red blur, and the other one just as fast, but even redder and some fur flying behind.

Eventually they slowed to a trot, and the greyhound and the Saluki ran together side by side, shoulder to shoulder, a perfectly matched couple.  Occasionally the greyhound would playfully nip at the muzzle of the Saluki and vice versa.  They left the pitch and headed to the front steps of Hogwarts, where they came to a stop.  The two changed forms, and Harry and Ginny, sweating from a good morning workout, headed into the Great Hall (which had turned back to normal overnight) for breakfast.

Since the occupants of Hogwarts were currently only the professors and staff, plus Harry and Ginny, there was only one table in the hall.  As they walked in, holding hands, professors were walking in, but Flitwick and McGonagall were already at the table.  Harry and Ginny took seats across from them.  Breakfast appeared and everyone dug in.  Harry noticed that Hagrid ate almost as much as Ron normally would.  Conversation was light and most of the time was occupied with bacon, sausage, eggs, waffles, and fruit.  Eventually everyone had their fill, and McGonagall cleared her throat.

"Since everyone is already here, we need to discuss the upcoming year.  Since Mr. Potter and Miss Weasley are here, we might as well start with them." She looked at them pointedly, then waved her wand, and a scroll flew in from somewhere and landed in front of Ginny.  "Your O.W.L.s, Miss Weasley."

Ginny nervously unrolled the parchment and began to read.  She became less nervous as she read further, and finally she gasped as she read the last sentence.

"You're skipping me up one year?  Do Mum and Dad know?"

McGonagall smiled.  "Yes, we've discussed it and they agree.  Only Miss Granger, or should I now say, Mrs. Weasley, has ever scored higher in their O.W.L.s, so we felt it was right.  But it is conditional on passing the sixth-year exams.  We would want you to study up for the tests between now and September 1, with all the help here you need.  We all feel you will pass without any problems."

"Headmistress, before we go any further, I think I need to speak to Professor Dumbledore's portrait," Harry responded.

Harry got up from the table and walked over to the easels.  Sirius was out of his portrait at the moment.  Dumbledore looked at him, waiting.  Harry opened the link in his mind to Ginny so she could listen in.

"How much do they know about the Soul Bond?" He asked very quietly.  "And about that other thing?"

"Nothing to both questions, Harry," replied Dumbledore just as quietly.  "But I recall that you were going to discuss 'that other thing' with both Minerva and Ginny today."

"Since they both tie together, I think I should explain them both.  What about the rest of the staff?" asked Harry.

"I think right now it would be prudent to include Madam Pomfrey and perhaps the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in this, but that depends on who it is, and I have no idea at this point," Dumbledore replied.

"Fair enough.  OK, I'll tell those two, and as far as the new DADA teacher goes, we'll make that call depending on who it is."  Harry left the portraits and returned to the table.

:What's that other thing, Harry?

:I'll tell you in a bit.  First things first.

"Headmistress, I need to ask an important question:  Has there been a decision made on the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, and if so, who?"

"There has, Harry, but we have not yet heard if the candidate for the job will accept it."  McGonagall smiled.  "The question is, will you do it?"

"Wait a moment.  What? ME?  Why me?"  Harry hadn't expected this at all.

"Professor Flitwick and I talked to the Board of Governors and they all agreed you are uniquely qualified.  They reviewed the exam scores of all the students, and every single member of Dumbledore's Army scored top marks, and that obviously shows you can teach well.  We also want that club, renamed the Defense Association, to continue, and we want to make it required for both O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. examinations."  McGonagall smiled.  "Harry, we know you can do this, and we will help you in any way we can."

"But what of my own studies?"  Harry asked.  "I can hardly plan lessons, teach, grade papers, and still get my own N.E.W.T. classes in at the same time!"

"We thought of that as well, Harry," Flitwick piped up.  "We feel that you should be able to test out of most of your N.E.W.T. exams by September 1, and that will free up your schedule.  Plus, we can easily arrange independent study time in the evenings for everything else."

"I can see a complication here, though.  Some of my family and close friends will be in these classes.  How can I teach them and grade them and not appear preferential?" Harry asked.  "I don't want to be another Snape, or even seen as one!"

"Simple, Harry.  You make a list of those people, and we'll have someone else grade those for you," replied Professor Sprout.

:They seem to have covered everything, Harry.

:Not everything, Ginny.

"Headmistress, before I accept this, I need to speak with you, Ginny, Dumbledore, and Madam Pomfrey in private."  He looked at the rest of the staff and grinned at the speculative looks on their faces.  "And no, it's not THAT!  That's more likely with Ron and Hermione when they get back from their honeymoon."

Harry, Ginny, Pomfrey, and McGonagall headed over to the portraits.  Sirius had returned.  Harry cast a Muffliato Charm around them.  McGonagall started to ask Sirius to leave, but Harry stopped her.  "It's all right, Headmistress, he knows what I know, and he can stay."

"My first question, Headmistress, is what kind of arrangements are made for married students?"  Harry asked.

"Well, the castle does have suites of rooms that can be used for married students, even though it doesn't happen very often," McGonagall responded.  "Since this year's Head Boy and Head Girl just got married, they'll be in one of those suites.  Usually we house guests in them."

Harry took a deep breath and let it out.  Ginny clutched his hand tightly.

:Here goes.

:Just say it; you'll be fine.

"Headmistress, you may have to set up another suite."

That caused McGonagall's eyebrows to raise high enough to disappear beneath her hat.  "What are you saying, Potter?"

"Headmistress, Ginny and I Soul Bonded at my birthday party.  It was witnessed by all of the Weasleys, Hermione, Dobby, Lupin, Tonks, Dumbledore, and Sirius.  According to wizarding law, we are married."  McGonagall let out a gasp, truly startled.  "There's more.  For safety reasons, plus the fact that Ginny is not of age, we have decided to keep this a secret.  To the public we are a dating couple, but in reality we are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Potter.  Naturally we want to spend every waking moment and most sleeping moments we can with each other, but we have agreed to not do anything to, um, consummate the marriage until after we can have an 'official' wedding for the public to see.  That raises the accommodations questions."

McGonagall thought a minute.  "Ginny Weasley will have to stay in the dormitory.  But as a prefect she will be able to be in the corridors at night.  However, Ginny Potter will have access to the rooms you get as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.  Would that work?"

Harry and Ginny exchanged looks and nodded.

"There's one more thing, Headmistress, and this is why I asked Madam Pomfrey over as well," Harry started.  "Professor Dumbledore gave me, Ron, and Hermione a task to do before he died.  Due to the Bonding I am including Ginny in it as well, since she'll find out about it anyway, but if I'm going to teach here, you need to know about it so we can make adjustments as needed, and Madam Pomfrey needs to know about it in case anyone gets hurt."

:This is "that other thing," isn't it?

:Yep.  You may not like this very much.

He proceeded to explain about the Horcruxes, basically recounting the conversation of two days ago in the Burrow.  Ginny clasped his hand tighter when he mentioned the diary, and he knew it was still giving her nightmares at times.  He sent his love to her through the link, and she relaxed some.  When he finished, it was quiet for a moment, then McGonagall spoke.

"I think then, the solution will be to have Remus fill in for you at those times when you have to be tracking down these last two Horcurxes.  We'll just have to be sure that's not during the full moon.  I was going to ask if you minded him being the extra grader for you anyway."

Harry said, "If we can make those arrangements, then I will accept the post.  One last thing, though: make Ron the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain.  He knows the game inside out, and I have plenty on my plate anyway, so I can give that up."  McGonagall nodded.

Harry removed the charm and they made their way back to the table and sat down.

"Welcome aboard, Professor Potter." McGonagall frowned.  "Oh, dear, I need to get used to that."

Harry just smiled.  "Me, too."


August 5th

:Harry! Wake up! You need to get ready!

:I'm already up Ginny.  I'm in the Prefects' Bathroom taking a bath.

:Oops, Sorry, Harry!  Although I'd be lying if I didn't wish I was in that tub with you.

:Yeah, me too.  See you in the Atrium.

Harry finished his bath and dried himself, then headed back to the DADA Office under his Invisibility Cloak.

* * *

"I'm telling you, you will do nothing to ruin this wedding, Fred and George, and if you do, Charlie and I will hex you into next week and demolish your shop!" shouted Bill.  "You will leave Harry and Hermione alone!"  Bill glared at them, and with his scars from his battle with Greyback he looked overtly dangerous.

Fred and George shrunk from his gaze.  "All right, we'll let them be today," grumbled Fred.

"But tomorrow, all bets are off!" finished George.

"Go take your seats."  Bill and Charlie headed to the common room to get dressed.

* * *

Harry met the others at the common room.  "All right?" he asked Ron.

"So far, so good.  Bill and Charlie read Fred and George the riot act, and they've agreed to behave, so The Boy Who Lived will survive another day." Ron chuckled.  "I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when this is over."  Then he gulped.  "Harry, I'm getting married today!"

Harry laughed.  "Nervous now, are we?"

"Easy for you to say!  You had it thrust upon you."  Harry grinned.

"Yeah, I sort of did, I guess.  So did Ginny."  He adjusted his robes.  Mr. Delacour, Moony, Bill, Charlie and Arthur walked in.  "Ready?" Arthur asked.

"I guess so.  But you better giver Hermione this." He handed Arthur the Invisibility Cloak.

Arthur nodded.  "I'll see you downstairs."

The rest headed for the Atrium.

* * *

Arthur found Molly heading downstairs.  He passed off the Invisibility Cloak to her, then he headed to the Atrium.  Molly returned to the Room of Requirement and gave Hermione the cloak.  She slipped it on herself and Fleur.  All of the women headed down to the Atrium.

McGonagall peeked her head through the doors.  "We're ready."  She shot a green spark from her wand, and the musicians took their cue and started playing.

McGonagall opened the doors and strode up the aisle alone.  When she reached the dais, she turned around.  Bill followed, escorting Molly to her seat in the front row.  He gave his mother a kiss and a long hug, then joined McGonagall on the dais.  Taking their cue, Charlie took Tonks by the arm and walked up the aisle.  At the end, he turned to Tonks, bowed to her, and took his place beside his brother as Best Man.  Tonks stood to the other side.  Harry followed with Ginny.

:You look absolutely beautiful, love.

:You look pretty good yourself, handsome!

They made their way up the aisle, and Harry noticed the guests and the Great Hall itself.  His old Quidditch team members were there, as well as the Hogwarts staff, a large number of red-haired people that Harry presumed were Weasley cousins, Fleur's family, along with Madame Maxine, then Neville and his grandmother, and Luna and her father.  In the front rows were the Mrs. Delacour and the rest of the Weasleys, along with Dobby in his suit, and off to one side were the portraits of Dumbledore and Sirius, on easels.  To the other side stood the ghosts.  Fortunately, Peeves had been banned from the room under threat of exorcism by the entire staff.  The ceiling was draped in white sashes with the Beauxbottoms and Hogwarts crests embossed on them, and the ceiling reflected the clear blue sky outside.  A beetle buzzed above them and Harry smiled.  Hi Rita, enjoy the show!  They passed Fred and George in the second row, both of whom were glaring daggers at him.  Harry chose to focus on Ginny instead.  At the end, he turned, kissed her hand, and took his place beside Charlie.  Ginny took her place beside Tonks.

Ron and Gabrielle next, and Ron repeated Charlie's bow.  Ron stood next to Harry, while Gabrielle took her place as Maid of Honor.  Then the music changed, and everyone else stood and turned to the entry.

As soon as the rest were away, Mr. Delacour closed the door and Fleur came out from under the Invisibility Cloak.  Hermione moved aside and Mr. Delacour looked at his daughter.

"You are truly beautiful, my dear."

"'Zank you, Papa."  The music changed.  "Let's go."

He waved his wand and the door opened.

They made their way up the aisle, and almost everybody was simply staring at Fleur on her father's arm.  Everyone except Harry and Ginny, that is.

:She really turned on her veela for this, didn't she?

:No doubt, Harry, but it made getting ready a bloody pain in the arse!

Behind them, Lupin closed the door, then Hermione took off the Invisibility Cloak and handed it to him, and he stowed it in his dress robes.  Then they waited.

Finally, they reached the dais, and McGonagall began the ceremony.

"Since the days of the Hogwarts Four, one of the happiest duties that the Head of the school has been able to perform within these walls is the one we are gathered here for today.  The bonds of marriage are forever to be unbroken, and here today we will bear witness to such a bond."  She paused.  "Please be seated."  Everyone sat.

"Who gives this woman?" she asked.

"I give my daughter," replied Mr. Delacour.  He turned, gave his daughter a long hug, then led her by the hand to Bill.  The men shook hands, and Mr. Delacour turned and went to sit next to his wife, who was dabbing her eyes with a handkerchief.  Fleur handed her bouquet to Gabrielle.  Bill lifted Fleur's veil, then took her hands in his, then turned to face McGonagall.

"Do you, William Arthur Weasley, take Fleur to be bonded for life, to be her husband, to be one, no matter what may come, in love and fidelity to each other?"

"I do."

"Do you, Fleur Delacour, take William to be bonded for life, to be his wife, to be one, no matter what may come, in love and fidelity to each other?"

"I do."

"Ladies and Gentleman, William and Fleur have chosen to signify their bond with these rings." Charlie handed the rings to McGonagall, who held them up.  "These rings represent the magical bond between them, and may they always represent the unending love they share." She tapped the rings with her wand once.  "William?"  He took her ring and placed it on her finger.  "Fleur?"  She took his ring, and placed it on his finger.  They joined hands.  The rings glowed softly together.

"By the authority vested in me by the charter of this school, and the Ministry of Magic, I pronounce you bonded for life.  William, you may kiss your bride."

Bill took Fleur's face in his hands and kissed her tenderly.  They turned to the congregation.

"I present to you Mr. and Mrs. William Weasley!" Cheers erupted, and the music played a recessional.  Bill and Fleur left first, followed by Gabrielle and Charlie, then Tonks.  Ginny, Harry, and Ron remained on the dais.  Nobody noticed at first.  McGonagall cleared her throat.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time to reveal a secret.  Please remain standing for a moment."

At the back of the Hall, the women stood to one side on the right and the men on the left.  The music changed back into the march, and the doors opened.  Lupin walked out into the Great Hall, with Hermione on his arm, veiled, a vision in white.

Back on the dais, Ron's jaw fell open.  Harry and Ginny grinned.  McGonagall smiled.  They stood there, waiting, as Moony and Hermione made their way forward.  Fred and George looked two shades of purple, not noticing Ron's reaction.

That's it, Harry is marrying Hermione, right in front of us, and that brother and sister of ours are letting it happen!  Lupin, too!  This is insane!

They reached the front of the Hall and stopped.

"Who gives this woman?" asked McGonagall.

"On behalf of her parents, I do," replied Remus.  He gave Hermione a hug, and then led her up to the dais.  He gave her hand to...Ron.  Lupin then took a place next to Molly.


Hermione handed her bouquet to Ginny.  Ron lifted her veil, mouthed the word "Wow!" then took her hands in his, and they turned to face McGonagall.

"Do you, Ronald Bilius Weasley, take Hermione to be bonded for life, to be her husband, to be one, no matter what may come, in love and fidelity to each other?"

"I do."

"Do you, Hermione Jane Granger, take Ronald to be bonded for life, to be his wife, to be one, no matter what may come, in love and fidelity to each other?"

"I do."

"Ladies and Gentleman, Ronald and Hermione have chosen to signify their bond with these rings." Harry handed the rings to McGonagall, who held them up.  "These rings represent the magical bond between them, and may they always represent the unending love they share." She tapped the rings with her wand once.  "Ronald?"  He took her ring and placed it on her finger.  "Hermione?"  She took his ring, and placed it on his finger.  They joined hands.  The rings glowed softly together.

"By the authority vested in me by the charter of this school, and the Ministry of Magic, I pronounce you bonded for life.  Ronald, you may kiss your bride."

WHAT?  BUT--?  HOW--?  HUH???

Ron took Hermione's face in his hands and kissed her passionately.  They turned to the congregation.

"I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Weasley!"

Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Ginny all turned to the crowd and said in unison:

"Fred, George: GOTCHA!"

The crowd erupted in cheers and laughter.  Fred and George looked like they each had been hit in the heads by Bludgers.

The music changed, and the quartet headed to the back, arm in arm.  McGonagall waved her wand and the Hall transformed.  The chairs disappeared and along one wall appeared a buffet table, the wedding cakes, and two tables of gifts for the happy couples.

Fred and George finally got their brains in gear.

"Ron and Hermione?" Fred stammered.

"Yep," Harry grinned.

"But we saw you two-" George started.

"-in Diagon Alley-" Fred continued.

"-snogging each other senseless!"  George finished.

Hermione giggled.  "Did you enjoy our little show?"

Harry snickered.  "We knew that you didn't know about their engagement, since it had happened the night before.  So we decided to take advantage of the situation and finally prank you two in a way that you will never, ever top!" He moved over to Ginny and put her arm around her.  "Ginny is mine, and I am hers, always."

Ginny laughed.  "You'd think that Ron and I telling you we trusted Harry and Hermione would have tipped you off that something was up.  But as we figured, you just thought we were being thick, but in reality we were in on the whole thing, and you were the ones being thick!"

"But then the marriage was real?" stumbled Fred.

"Completely, legally, and forever real," replied Ron with a grin.  He kissed his wife.

"But the article by Skeeter-" George stumbled.

"I sent her the anonymous tip, and the rest was just great acting by Harry and Hermione, plus your imaginations!" Ginny finished.

Fred thought about it, then started laughing.  A moment later George joined him.

"We have been pranked like we have never done ourselves, Forge!"

"You said it, Gred!  We have been royally had!"  Handshakes were exchanged all around.

"Hey, Harry, now tell them about how you gave You-Know-Who a Hotfoot!" chuckled Ron as they made their way to the drinks table.

"You did WHAT to WHO?" shouted the twins.

Harry explained, and more laughter.  "And it was even with your Invisible Hotfoot Powder!"

"When he heard about it, Sirius said the Marauders have been dethroned!" Harry finished.

"Well," said George.  "He's right.  And the stuff was your idea, too!"

Fred raised a glass.  "To Harry, the new king of pranksters!"  They all drank.

* * *

The reception continued unabated, with people grabbing food and eating their fill, then finally Arthur rang a bell, and everyone grew silent.

"Thank you all for coming for this most happy day.  Molly and I are overjoyed to add two new members of the family today.  We wish them all the happiness in the world, and plenty of grandchildren for us to spoil rotten!"  Everyone laughed.  "Charlie?"

Charlie stood up and raised his glass.  "Bill, Fleur, you two are a great couple, and I wish you the best.  Just remember to keep the steaks rare and the arguments even rarer.  Here's to Bill and Fleur Weasley!"  Everyone applauded and drank.  "Harry?"

Harry raised his glass.  "Ron, Hermione, I'm glad you two finally quit bickering like a married couple long enough to actually become one.  Ron, you're my best mate, and Hermione, you're the sister I never had.  Just do me a favor-don't take on any mountain trolls without me.  Here's to Ron and Hermione!"  Everyone applauded and drank.

Arthur stood again.  "Next, I think tradition dictates that the brides and grooms have their first dance together."  The music changed and Bill and Ron led their brides to the floor, and danced together, slowly and closely.

Harry looked at Ginny.

:We will have this someday, I promise.

:I know we will, Harry.  I know.

The evening progressed as wedding receptions do.  Most couples danced with multiple partners all night long, but two couples danced with only each other: Harry and Ginny, and Tonks and Lupin.  The cakes were cut, and the bouquets were tossed.  Fleur's was caught by Tonks, and Hermione's was caught by Ginny.  The evening came to a close with Bill and Fleur apparating to France for their honeymoon, and Ron and Hermione left on Harry's Firebolt for theirs, to parts unknown.  The Weasleys returned to the Burrow, the guests returned home, and soon only Harry and Ginny were left.  They went to the DADA office, where they went to sleep in each other's arms.


August 4th

The combined rage of Fred and George kept Bill and Charlie busy the next day running interference for Harry and Hermione, who smartly decided to disappear to the Room of Requirement at Hogwarts.  Ron and Ginny stayed behind at the Burrow.  Fred and George still couldn't believe that they were standing by their significant others.

"Blast it, Ginny, we both saw what happened!"  Fred shouted for the umpteenth time.

"I have complete trust in Harry, whether you like it or not.  He told me nothing happened and I believe him, and remember we can read each other's minds.  Now, excuse me, but I have a dress fitting to get done!" Ginny stalked out of the room in a mock huff and headed to Molly's room, where there actually were dresses being fitted.

"Ron, what about you? Are you going to find out what Hermione is up to with Harry?" George complained.  "Fleur believes us; that's why Hermione is no longer a bridesmaid!"

Ron just shrugged.  "I trust both of them, and that's it."  Yep, now she's a bride instead!

At that moment an owl delivered the Daily Prophet.  George unfolded it.  "SEE?" he pointed.

Chosen One Chooses One?

by Rita Skeeter

Acting on an anonymous tip, this reporter was in Diagon Alley and witnessed Harry Potter, the Chosen One, preparing to elope with long-rumored girlfriend and classmate Hermione Granger.  The couple, oblivious to everything around them, and apparently happily in love, were seen in the Jewelry store picking out wedding bands, and then they picked out wedding robes, before disapparating as if he was carrying her over a threshold.

Potter and Granger apparently have held their love affair secret for two years, when this reporter first witnessed them embracing in the Champions tent at the Triwizard Tournament.  In light of the recent victories over He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, and the recent flood of weddings, it only seems logical for them to join the crowd.

This reporter will keep the wizarding world informed on developments as they occur.  Both Potter and Granger are expected to be in the Weasley-Delacour wedding tomorrow at Hogwarts.  Whether they are there as singles or as spouses remains to be seen.

Ron shrugged.  "Rita is a lying cow.  Hermione gave Harry a hug in that tent.  I was there, too, remember, even if I was mad at him.  So was Fleur.  Skeeter has been blackmailed by Hermione for quite some time now, I don't know over what, but that's why she did the Quibbler interview of Harry last year.  If she wanted to risk her own exposure, why would she write this, except for trying to get revenge on Hermione?"

* * *

In the Room of Requirement, Hermione was on pins and needles, literally, as she was undergoing her wedding dress fittings herself.  Harry, who had developed a knack with a needle and thread during the Dursley years, was helping, as was Dobby, who was running back and forth to the Burrow for any needed items.  McGonagall oversaw the whole thing and lent a hand as needed.

"So, Fleur added to the confusion by supposedly kicking you out of the wedding party?" Harry was asking as he worked on hemming the train to the right length.

Hermione grinned.  "She kind of had to do it, and it was a convenient excuse, and Fred and George bought it, so why not?  They don't understand why you're still in, though.  Bill told them it was his call and he 'believed' nothing happened, that he trusts Ron's judgment."

"OK, the train is done.  How's your end doing?"  Harry asked.

"Leave my end be, you pervert!  That belongs to Ron!"  Hermione laughed.

"All right, but hold still first so I can pin it up to mark where the sewing needs to be done."  Harry deliberately poked her in the rear with a straight pin.

"OUCH! Pay attention to what you're doing, Harry!"

"I thought you wanted me to leave your end be, Hermione," Harry asked innocently.  "All right, hold still again."  He carefully pinned the train to her waist.  "OK, done."

McGonagall came over to help Hermione out of the dress behind the screen.  Harry received the dress from McGonagall and took it over to the table, where he began to sew the train on.  Hermione came out from behind the screen a moment later, fully dressed in regular clothes.  She sat down and helped feed the material so Harry could keep his stitches straight, and in short order it was done.  Hermione carefully hung the dress up in the wardrobe the room provided, and Harry set to work on the headdress and veil.  McGonagall left the room.

Dobby apparated in with Fleur's dress and veil and hung them in the wardrobe.  "Lady Fleur is being done with her dress," he squeaked.  He handed Harry the Daily Prophet.  "Dobby thinks you aren't liking this."

"How are the others doing, Dobby?"  Harry asked.  He took the paper and scanned it, smirked, then handed it to Hermione, who did the same.

"Lady Gabrielle should be done soon and Mizz Ginny as well.  Mizz Tonks, though, she is being finished early as she can shift into her dress and is not needing alterations."

"Well, since the ladies are staging out of here tomorrow, why don't you bring their dresses here and hang them up if they're done?" asked Harry.

"Where are the men getting ready?" inquired Hermione.

"Gryffindor common room, except me," replied Harry.  "I'll be in the DADA offices, so Fred and George won't try to kill me.  Looks like I'll miss Bill's bachelor party tonight."

"Harry Potter, are the men's robes already being in the common room?" asked Dobby.

Harry shrugged.  "Dunno.  Why don't you check on those, too?"

"It shall be done, Harry Potter!"  Dobby disapparated with a crack.

Hermione looked at Harry and started laughing.  "Well, she fell for it, hook, line , and sinker."

"I think this just went from pranking Fred and George to pranking half of the wedding guests!"  Harry chortled.

McGonagall returned with her own robes and hung them in the wardrobe.  "What's so funny, you two?"  Harry handed her the paper.  She read it, then asked, "Isn't this getting a little out of hand?"  But she smiled.

"Sorry, Headmistress, but you have to admit, this is hilarious,"  Harry replied.  "I expect Rita to lurk at the wedding tomorrow and then we won't hear from her for a while."

"Well, we're done here, so let's get some dinner." Harry grinned at Hermione.  "Hermione, secret lover of mine, would you do me the honor of joining me for dinner?"

Hermione grinned as McGonagall raised and eyebrow.  "Of course, Harry, you two-timing prat, but I insist on the Headmistress joining us to keep my virtue intact for tomorrow!"

Harry chuckled and McGonagall smiled, then said,  "Shall we then?  I must admit that after all the years of Fred and George's pranks, it is fun to see them get theirs." McGonagall smiled as she led the way to her office, where they enjoyed a relaxed dinner.

* * *

At the Burrow, dress preparations were finished and Molly had made a delicious dinner while Dobby delivered the dresses to the Room of Requirement.  The girls chatted and giggled, and with the preparations complete, they were able to relax.  Almost everyone, that is.

* * *

Arthur, Molly, Ginny, and Ron stepped out of the fireplace and into the Headmistress' Office. Harry looked at Ginny and Ron, and they did not look happy.

:Uh-oh.  Now what?

:Harry, they're here to give the four of us The Talk.

:Oh, damn.  I had forgotten about that!

"Harry, Ron, Arthur wants to talk to you both in private.  Ginerva, Hermione, Molly wants to talk to you in private as well.  There will be no objections or arguments, and Harry and Ginerva will not eavesdrop on each other," announced McGonagall firmly.  Obviously she had known this was coming.

The four teens resigned themselves to following Molly and Arthur out of the room.  Molly steered the girls to the Room of Requirement, while Arthur led the boys to the DADA offices.

Two hours later, it was all over, after much embarrassment of the teens.  It turned out that "The Talk" was beneficial to them, but still embarrassing.  Harry stayed behind while Ron and Arthur headed to the common room.  The girls were going to have their wedding shower in the Room of Requirement and sleep there overnight.

Harry sighed and sat down.  He had the evening to himself, but he had no idea what to do.  He felt his coin vibrate in his pocket.  Pulling it out, he saw Remus.

"Moony, why aren't you at the bachelor party?"  Harry asked.

"Not really my style, Harry.  Could you come to the Burrow?  We need to talk," replied Lupin.

"Not 'The Talk' again!  Arthur just did that!"  Lupin grinned at that.

"No, Harry other things.  You, me, Dumbledore, Sirius, and Snape."

"Well, all right.  Not like I have much to do right now anyway.  I'll be there in a moment."

He pocketed the coin, transformed into his phoenix form, and disapparated to the Burrow.

* * *

Harry walked into the living room to see Lupin and Snape sitting and waiting, and Sirius and Dumbledore in low conversation.  Lupin motioned Harry to an empty chair, and Harry sat down.  Lupin looked at Snape, who nodded, then he waved his wand and three Butterbeers flew into the room.  Harry caught one, Snape the second, and Lupin the third.

Dumbledore spoke.

"Harry, I know that the last few days have been very busy, as will be tomorrow, but I must ask you, after tomorrow, then what will you be doing?"

"Professor, how much can I say here?" Harry asked cautiously.

"Harry it is time that certain people are let in on our discussions.  I believe that the present company is fine, as well as Miss Weasley when you can find the time.  Minerva tells me also that since your victory, the Board of Governors will be reopening Hogwarts this year.  But we'll discuss that more in a moment," Dumbledore replied.

"Very well, Professor."  Harry got up and paced, not sure where to begin.  Finally, he waved his wand, closed the door and locked it, and put on a silencing charm, then took a swig of his Butterbeer.

"Have any of you ever heard of Horcruxes?"  That caused Lupin and Sirius to shake their heads, while Snape merely raised an eyebrow in surprise.  Harry then went on to explain what he and Dumbledore had determined regarding Voldemort's Horcruxes, including Harry producing the fake locket.

"Do you mean to say," Snape sneered, "that the Dark Lord has made six Horcruxes-that he has split his soul seven ways?"

Harry nodded.  "He had already made five when he came after my Mum and Dad, and he intended to make his sixth with my death.  Instead we think he made the sixth one after he came back and used Nagini as the receptacle.  That's why I told you to kill him."

He turned to Sirius.  "Dumbledore told me you might know of a Death Eater who had the initials R.A.B."  Sirius smacked his forehead with his hand.

"Of course!  My dear brother, Regulus Arcturus Black!  If he had figured out what Voldemort was up to and stole the locket while getting out of there, then it all makes sense, and the locket may be in Grimmauld Place."  Harry's eyes clicked hard at that.

"It was at Grimmauld Place.  I found it when we were cleaning the place two years ago, and it got thrown into the bin.  There's one chance, though.  KREACHER!"

Kreacher apparated with a pop.  "What does my filthy master desire?" he said sullenly.

"Kreacher, you will tell me the truth.  Did you grab a locket from the bin when we were cleaning Grimmauld Place two years ago?" Harry demanded.

Sullenly, Kreacher nodded.

"Do you still have it?"  Again Kreacher nodded.

"Go get it, and bring it directly here without any delay."  Kreacher reluctantly bowed and disapparated with a crack.  He returned moments later, holding an egg-shaped silver locket.  Harry took it from him and examined it.  It was definitely the locket.

Harry took the fake locket and gave it to Kreacher.  "Recognize this?"

Kreacher cried out, "Where did you get Master Regulus's locket?"

Harry looked at him sadly.  "I thought so.  You keep it, Kreacher, as memory of Regulus.  Go now, back to Grimmauld Place only, and not a word to anybody about this."

Kreacher took the locket and sobbed, then disapparated with a crack.

"Well, Harry, what's the score now?" asked Lupin.

"Well, I destroyed the diary in the Chamber of Secrets, Dumbledore destroyed the ring, we have the locket, we know about Nagini and Hufflepuff's Cup, which leaves only Ravenclaw's to identify and obtain."

"But how do they get destroyed?" asked Sirius.

Harry thought about it.  "Well, the diary was destroyed by a basilisk tooth, and the ring was destroyed by the sword after I killed the basilisk with it, so I think basilisk venom is one way.  Since they contain pieces of Voldemort's soul, a Dementor's Kiss could do it as well, but I wiped most of them out, so that's probably not an easy option."

Harry looked at his old nemesis.  "Severus, I think that you will be escaping from custody when you go to trial before the Wizenmagot and be able to return to Voldemort.  I can pull enough strings with Fudge to keep your trial postponed until we need to.  I think that we should have all the other Horcruxes except Nagini obtained before we do that, and that gives you plenty of time to work."

"That leaves finding Hufflepuff's Cup, plus whatever it was of Ravenclaw's.  Then we can destroy those three, which will leave Nagini and Voldemort himself," noted Lupin.

"What about simply throwing them through the veil?" asked Sirius.

"That could work, but I'd rather make sure they were destroyed outright," replied Harry.  "We don't really know what's behind that veil, and I don't know any vampires to go and find out."

He turned to Snape.  "That also means that to be sure, whatever you kill Nagini with should be laced with the venom as well."  Snape nodded.

"That leaves Voldemort himself," continued Harry.  "I've been playing a psychological game with him so far, dropping notes in his lap, taunting him.  I even gave him a Hotfoot at Gringotts after the will reading."  He smiled.  "I'm messing with his head, and there isn't anything he could do about it."

"Wait a minute!" yelled Sirius.  "What did you just say?  You gave Voldemort a Hotfoot? Literally?"  Sirius started laughing hysterically.  "Moony!  The Marauders have been dethroned!  I can't believe it!  Oh, I wish James were here, he'd be laughing as hard as I am!"  He grabbed his sides and fell down in his portrait.  Moony just looked at Harry until he could contain himself no longer, then burst out laughing himself.  Even Snape managed a genuine smirk.

Dumbledore smiled and looked at Harry.  "I take it this means the Occulmency is going well, Harry?"

"And the Legillimency, too, Professor.  Severus has been a help, and I can enter Voldemort's mind undetected.  That's how we knew what was coming two days ago."

"Brilliant, Harry!  I am so glad you two are working together instead of hating each other."

"Changing the subject," as Harry let out a yawn, "if Hogwarts is reopening, then we need to go back and finish school, but we'll want to use it as an operations base as well for the Horcrux hunt."

"Undoubtedly, Harry," Dumbledore replied.  "I think that means Minerva needs to know all of this as well.  May I suggest you inform her and Miss Weasley at the same time?"

"Sounds good, Professor, but after tomorrow.  We're going to need to figure out some other things, too."  Harry yawned again.

"There's only one thing left to do.  Moony, can you move both portraits to the Great Hall?  They should be there tomorrow, and I need to be out of Fred and George's way until the wedding tomorrow, so I can't do it."

"Can do, Harry.  Why don't you get some sleep?  You need it, and tomorrow is a busy day."

"Agreed.  I'm in the DADA office until crunch time.  Good night, everybody."  He drained the rest of his Butterbeer in one gulp.  He walked out the door, changed into his phoenix form, and disapparated to Hogwarts.

Once there, he locked his doors, changed into his greyhound form, screwed himself into the bed, and fell asleep.


August 3rd

With Bill and Fleur's wedding only two days away, things at the Burrow kicked into high gear.  With all of the details to be worked out, Bill, Arthur, Harry, Ron, and Remus hardly saw their other halves, and instead were put to work getting both Grimmauld Place and the Burrow ready.  It was decided that since the wedding was going to be in the Burrow garden, the girls would be at the Burrow and the guys at Grimmauld Place.

Unfortunately, things weren't going well at all.  All the preparations came to a screeching halt when it was discovered that every wizard minister in Britain who could do the ceremony was either booked or otherwise unavailable.  Apparently the victories of the day before inspired a lot of elopements and otherwise postponed weddings to go forward.  Fred and George barely could keep up with their fireworks orders, even with Lee and Charlie helping out.

This left Molly in tears and in a panic.  Fleur wasn't much better, but rather than worry, about it, she flared her temper at every male in sight, so badly that even Bill wouldn't go near her.

That led to the Council of War that met in the kitchen of the Burrow.  Arthur, Bill, Charlie, Ron, Harry, and Remus were joined by Hermione and Ginny, who were also getting fed up with the situation.

Bill was the worst off of all of them.  "They've made all these plans and they've all gone down the drain because of a lack of a minister.  That's the problem, but we've checked with every one of them in Britain!"

"What about a French one?" asked Ron.

"I checked on that," Arthur replied.  "It could be doable, but the paperwork would require postponing things by at least a week, and that throws the whole thing out of whack for all the guests."

"Why the delay?" asked Harry.

"Well," Arthur looked sheepish.  "The wizard in that department is on his own honeymoon and won't be back until next week."

"Ouch.  That timing sucks for us!" Charlie replied.

Bill groaned.  "At this rate, Fleur and I should just elope and get a ship captain to marry us!"

"Now, Bill, isn't that a little extreme?" asked Ginny.

Hermione clapped her hand to her head.  "Merlin's pants!  That's not extreme, that's bloody brilliant!  I should have thought of this sooner!  I'll be right back!"  She rushed to the fireplace, threw in some Floo Powder, and shouted, "Hogwarts!" and rushed through.

Everybody else just stared after her.

"What was THAT about?" asked Lupin.

Ron shrugged.  "When Hermione wants to solve a problem, Hermione goes to the library.  So Hermione goes to Hogwarts, because that's where the library is."

"Almost, Ron." Hermione stepped back through the fireplace, and to everyone's surprise, so did McGonagall.

She looked at the group, with a stern look on her face.  "Where is Miss Delacour?"

"She's upstairs, stewing in her room, Professor," replied Ginny.

"Arthur, please fetch Molly and meet Bill and I there.  We're going to end this nonsense right now!"  She stalked out of the room, followed by two puzzled Weasleys.

Ginny looked at Hermione.  "What are you up to?"

Hermione smiled.  "Not every person in Britain who can perform a wedding is booked."

Harry looked at her.  "You've lost me."

Hermione smiled.  "Just wait."

:I hate it when she does that!

:Don't ask me, I don't have a clue on this one either.

They waited in silence.

Finally, McGonagall entered the kitchen, followed by a very happy Bill, Fleur, Molly, and Arthur.

"We have a solution," McGonagall announced.  "The wedding will be moved to Hogwarts."

Ron and Harry were really lost now.

"Uh, Professor, how does that solve the minister problem?" Harry asked.

"Really, Harry, one of these days you should finally read Hogwarts, A History," Hermione complained.

"What does that have to do with it?" asked Ron.

"Well, Mr. Weasley, had you read it like your fiancé here, you would know that the Head of the school is authorized to perform weddings at the school," replied McGonagall.  "I will be marrying your brother and Miss Delacour."  She smiled.  "And I'm honored to do it, too."

Ginny smacked herself in the forehead.  "Of course!  Boy, are we all thick!"

"And the nice thing is that the house-elves will take care of everything, which removes almost all of the stress," added Molly.

Ron appeared to be lost in thought.  He looked up.  "Hermione, can I talk to you alone for a moment?"

Hermione followed Ron out of the room, shrugging her shoulders.

:I thought I was clueless before, but I was wrong.  I REALLY have no idea what is going on now.

:Beats me, too, Ginny.

Hermione poked her head around the corner.  "Headmistress, may we see you for a moment?  You too, Molly and Bill."  The three left the room, apparently as confused as Harry and Ginny.

"Now what?" Lupin asked.  Fleur, Charlie, and Arthur all shrugged.

A moment later Hermione poked her head around the corner again.  "Fleur? Arthur?  We need you, too."  Without a word, they left the room.

"Why do I feel like the eighth man on a Quidditch team?" asked Charlie.

"I know what you mean," replied Lupin.  "I feel like I'm only hearing about one-fourth of this conversation."

Finally everybody came back in the room.  "Can you PLEASE tell us what is going on?" demanded an irate Ginny.  "Is the wedding on, off, or what?"

"Certainly, Mrs. Potter.  The wedding is most definitely on.  Both of them, in fact."

Harry's jaw fell on the floor.  "You mean Bill and Fleur and also-"  He never finished the sentence, struck speechless.  Ginny finished it for him.

"-Ron and Hermione?" she said in a small voice.  Hermione blushed.  Ginny let out a squeal and ran and hugged her best friend.

Harry finally found his voice.  "Why now?"  he croaked.

Ron grinned and lightly punched Harry in the shoulder.  "Why not, mate?  We're both sure of this, it beats having to go through this mess twice, and Bill and Fleur are fine with it, so why not?"

"Of course this does complicate some things," Molly noted.  "Now we need to find Hermione a wedding dress.  Ginny was already a bridesmaid for Fleur, and Hermione wants her as Maid of Honor, so that solves that problem.  Ron and Charlie were already groomsmen, so that means we need to find Harry matching dress robes since Ron wants him as Best Man."

Harry thought a minute, letting his brain catch up with things.  "That means Hermione and I need to go to Diagon Alley, and somewhere along that Ron and Hermione need to get their wedding bands sorted out as well.  And we need a third bridesmaid to even it out.  What about Tonks? And who gives Hermione away?"

"She'll work," Bill replied.

Hermione turned to Lupin.  "Remus, will you do me the honor of giving me away?"

Lupin smiled broadly.  "I'd be honored, my dear."

"Harry, Hermione knows what rings to get.  Take her and get what you two need," Ron replied.  "We'll be figuring out the rest here."

"Okay, but you realize that if Skeeter sees us two shopping for a wedding dress for her and robes for me, plus rings, the rumors are really gonna fly." Harry pointed out.

Both Ron and Ginny grinned.  "Let 'em fly.  They'll be debunked in two days anyway," Ron replied.

Ginny chimed in, "Besides, we trust you and we know better.  And on top of that, you two can't elope anyway, all the ministers are booked!"  They laughed.

"All right, you win.  Come on, Hermione, let's go shopping and scare some people."  Harry took her hand.  They started to leave, but Harry stopped and turned around.  "Do Fred and George know?  Of course not; they weren't even here last night.  They don't even know Ron and Hermione are engaged."  He grinned mischievously and looked at Hermione.  She looked at him, then understanding dawned on her face and she grinned too.

"Let's get those jokers."

:What are you up to?

:Well, if Skeeter sees us and the rumors fly, what would happen if Fred and George were to get the same idea, with a little, well, persuasion?

:OH, you devious prat!  That's hysterical!  Get 'em both!

Hermione looked at Ron.  "Bear with us and trust us on this one.  We're going to get them good.  Not a word to them that I'm marrying Ron. We're going to let them think I'm marrying Harry, that he dumped Ginny and I dumped you, but they don't know it, and wait for the look on their faces at the wedding!  Now Bill, and Charlie, you need to keep them from killing Harry since he's supposed to be with Ginny, and Ginny, you need to play innocent and dumb completely, but reaffirm your love and trust for Harry if asked.  Same for Ron.  Oh, this can be so good!  Not a word, the rest of you, OK?"

Grinning, they set off for Diagon Alley.  Ginny wrote a note to Skeeter.

It will be in your interest to be in Diagon Alley immediately.  Potter may be making a very public appearance in moments.

Fawkes took the note and disapparated.

"Do you think it'll work?" asked Molly.

"Mum, Harry gave Voldemort a hotfoot at Gringotts two days ago.  He pranked the worst wizard of all time and walked away laughing.  It'll work," Ron replied with a grin.

"HE DID WHAT?" Molly and McGonagall both shouted.

* * *

"Where first, Harry?"  Hermione asked.

"Jewelry store.  You know what you want, so let's go there first," replied Harry.  "And let's be convincing, all right?" He slipped his arm around her waist and she returned the gesture, resting her head on his shoulder. "That works.  Feels odd, but it works."

They walked that way past Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes, and Harry was sure he saw one of the twins in front, and he decided to play it up by giving Hermione a kiss on the cheek.  He saw the double-take out of the corner of his eye as they continued up the street.

* * *

Inside the shop George had just finished ringing up a purchase when he saw Harry in the street, his arm around...Hermione???

Did he just kiss her?  Does Ginny know this?  "Fred! Get out here quick!"

"What is it?" George just pointed, mouth open at the couple walking up the street arm wrapped around each other.  "Oi!  That's Harry!  Who's he with?"

"Hermione."  Fred just watched them go into the jewelry store.  "What the bloody Hell was that?"

"He kissed her, Fred, I saw it," George's face turned purple.  "That two-timing prat!  We need to tell Ginny right now!"

"Wait a second, George, calm down.  Let's wait a minute and see what happens next."

* * *

Someone else noticed, too.

Potter and the Mudblood?  Oh, I owe her big time.  This will make for some juicy gossip!

Quietly, Rita Skeeter followed them, thankful for the anonymous tip she had gotten.

* * *

"Did they see us?" Hermione asked as they walked in the door.

"Positive.  Skeeter, too.  They'll probably be watching for us when we come out, so play it up," whispered Harry.

Hermione went over to the cases.  "Those two," she pointed out.  The clerk took them out.

"I think they'll be a lovely pair for you.  Congratulations!"

"Thanks.  You sure, honey?"  Harry asked.

"I'm sure.  Let's get this done.  We still have to find my dress and your robes, and we've only got today and tomorrow to pull this off before they find out!"  Hermione replied.  Harry promptly paid for the rings and they headed for the door.

"Kiss me in the doorway.  I'll make sure the box is seen," Harry whispered.

They got to the door and opened it.  Hermione threw her arms around Harry's neck and kissed him full on the lips.  He put his inside hand behind her head and held the kiss while making a show of fumbling and inserting the ring box into his pocket with the outside hand, then broke off the kiss and they headed to the robe shop.

"Nice kiss, Hermione, but it didn't feel right," Harry whispered.  "You're no Ginny, but I'm no Ron, either.  Sorry about holding it, but I had to make sure they saw the box."

"Just playing the role, Potter, and you're right, you're no Ron," she looked at him and grinned.  "But you're not bad, either.  Ginny is a good influence on you."  She giggled, then laid her head on his shoulder again as the walked to the robe shop and entered.

From behind a potted plant, Skeeter's eyes bugged out.

* * *

"Okay, Fred, what do you say now?" George asked angrily.

"Why those dirty, double-crossing, no-good finks!" Fred shouted.  "You're right, we tell Ginny and Ron NOW!"

They went over to the fireplace and threw in some Floo Powder.  "The Burrow!"

At the Burrow kitchen, Lupin looked up at the twins' heads in the fire.  "Hello, boys, what's up?"

"Moony, get Ron and Ginny in there NOW!"  A moment later, Ron and Ginny, listening just around the corner, came in.

"Ginny, your husband is cheating on you with your brother's girlfriend," Fred said angrily.

Ginny looked at them innocently.  "No, Harry wouldn't do that.  Besides, Fleur is here, and she's not his type anyway."

"Wrong brother," growled George.  "We meant Hermione."

Ron looked at the fire.  "Nah, those two are like brother and sister.  You've been rehashing old Skeeter articles.  I trust him.  They went shopping for wedding presents for Bill and Fleur."

"Well, from what we saw, they were doing more than that, walking with their arms wrapped around each other, snogging in public, buying jewelry, and now they're in the formal robe store!" Fred retorted.

Ginny looked at them, still with the innocent face, but inside, she had opened the link and Harry was hearing everything.  "Ron's right, they're just shopping.  You must be seeing things.  We really need to get back to the wedding plans here."

The two left the room, went to the drawing room, closed the door, and burst out laughing.  "They're hooked, like two fish!" chortled Ron.

"I couldn't keep a straight face any longer in there!" Ginny was rolling on the floor, holding her sides.  "Harry told me Skeeter saw them, too!"  Ron roared with laughter.

* * *

In the robes shop, Hermione was going through wedding dresses until she finally found the one she liked.  Harry had already found his and Lupin's robes and was waiting, while listening in to the conversation at the Burrow.  He noticed in a mirror Skeeter peering in behind him.  He suppressed his own laughter.  We'll need to ice this cake on the way out!

Finally Hermione came out with a dress under wraps.  Harry paid the bill and they headed for the door.  He turned to her.

"In the doorway, kiss me, and hold on to the bags, and hold on to me tight.  We're going to leave with a flourish," Harry whispered.  Hermione nodded.

They opened the door and stepped outside.  Hermione planted a long kiss on him, and he swept her up in his arms, as if her were going to carry her across a threshold.  Then they turned and disapparated back to the Burrow, and he carried her into the drawing room where Ron and Ginny were waiting.  "We disapparated like this, so they got an eyeful," Harry said as he handed her to Ron.  Ginny promptly jumped into Harry's arms, doing a perfect imitation of Hermione.  Then the four burst out laughing.

* * *

"Did you see that?  Merlin's beard, they're eloping, I swear!  That bag was long enough to hold a wedding dress!" Fred swore.

"If you don't kill them, I'll do it!" George growled.

* * *

By the shop, Rita smirked, then headed down the street to the Daily Prophet.  She had a hot one, and it couldn't wait.


The Daily Prophet Evening Extra carried the news to the Wizarding World.

Dark Lord Defeated, on the Run

In a series of stunning developments, You-Know-Who attempted to make a statement to the Wizarding World that the second war was underway.  In a three-pronged attack, the Dark Lord's forces struck at Hogsmeade, Azkaban, and the Ministry itself.

In each case his forces were routed, led by forces from the Ministry, Aurors, and the Order of the Phoenix, and coordinated by Harry Potter himself.

Details are still emerging, but it appears that the Dark Lord's plans were known in advance, and at each location the Death Eaters walked into an ambush.

It is now rumored that the Dark Lord, shaken after this decisive and devastating defeat, has fled the country to regroup his forces.

More coverage on Pages 2-5...

Page 2

Azkaban: Dementors Revolt, Get Destroyed; No Escapes

At Azkaban, a Dementor revolt was expected and prepared for, but what no one expected was the complete and utter destruction of almost a thousand of the soul-suckers, virtually the entire number of Dementors in Britain.  Warden O'Malley, when asked about it, deferred all questions to Harry Potter, saying he had to get back to work, with the reason that the new security arrangements at the prison, along with the sudden swell in inmates, had all left him with a lot to do.

When asked about the Dementors, Harry Potter simply said, "Old magic, obscure and forgotten for a long time."  Potter himself personally supervised the ambush and it is believed but not confirmed that he led the actual attack that destroyed the Dementors.  For Potter himself this is a personal victory of sorts, since he had been attacked by Dementors four times before.

Warden O'Malley confirmed seventy Death eaters captured in the attack, with one guard killed by a Dementor's kiss.  Private services for the fallen guard are pending.

Page 3

Hogsmeade Damaged, Will Recover

In Hogsmeade, more Death Eaters attacked and tried to destroy the town, but met with stiff resistance by the villagers, Hogwarts teachers, and the Order of the Phoenix.  The resistance was coordinated by Fred and George Weasley, of Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes, and designed by them, Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter.  Granger, the Weasleys, and Potter have been close-knit for years, including an alleged love affair between classmates Granger and Potter.

When asked about the defenses, Granger made an obscure reference to "Muggle pinball machines" and stated "Wizards really don't know much about the Muggle world, and that was our advantage today."  While bringing Muggle practices into the Wizarding World is questionable at best, there is no doubt in this case it was effective.

Confirmed in the attack were forty Death Eaters captured and no injuries amongst the resistance.  Some buildings were damaged but repairs are expected to be made quickly.

Page 4

Treachery at the Ministry

At the Ministry itself, Death Eaters entered and attempted a mass assassination of top officials, only to have their plans thwarted.  All Ministry officials are alive and safe, although a few did suffer some minor injuries.

According to Auror Nymphadora Tonks, who sprung the trap, Death Eaters had attempted to infiltrate the Ministry in the days prior and assume positions as the assistants and secretaries of the officials, but each one was captured before they could assume their roles, and replaced with Aurors and Ministry officials in disguise.  The Death Eaters attacked, but found the tables turned on them and were quickly captured.  Several injuries were reported, but none were considered life-threatening by the healers at St. Mungo's.

During the attack, Death Eater Bellatrix Lestrange attempted to assassinate the Minister of Magic himself, but was intercepted by Hogwarts Defense Association Trainer Neville Longbottom.  Lestrange fell to her death, but Minister Fudge quickly issued a statement that no charges would be sought against Longbottom, claiming that it was an accident and in defense of the Minister, and that if charges were sought by the Wizenmagot that he would immediately pardon Longbottom anyway.  Longbottom is the son of Frank and Alice Longbottom, Aurors who were tortured into insanity by the very same Bellatrix Lestrange.  Longbottom could not be reached for comment, and Harry Potter refused to comment, saying that it is best for Neville to discuss it.

In all, fifty-nine Death Eaters captured, with the lone death being Lestrange, and twenty injured Ministry workers, all of whom will recover.

Page 5

Honors to the Victors

Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge announced late today that several honors will be awarded at a future date for the key players in the successful defenses made today.

"Specifically, the Ministry will award Orders of Merlin, Third Class for all who defended our world today, with some exceptions.  Warden O'Malley, Auror Tonks, and Fred and George Weasley will be awarded Orders of Merlin, Second Class for coordinating and leading the defenses, as well as the capture of the Death Eaters in Diagon Alley, as well as Lee Jordan for same, Percy Weasley and Neville Longbottom will be awarded Orders of Merlin, Second Class, for their separate foiling of assassination attempts on me, and the Ministry will award Orders of Merlin, First Class, to Ronald and Ginerva Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter for their successful efforts and leadership in planning and executing these major victories.  The Dark Lord has suffered a major defeat today, and while he is still alive, he should not bother us for some time.

When asked for comments on the pending awards, Potter simply stated, "Not yet.  The Dark Lord is still alive, and until he is dead, the war is not over.  We should not be premature in our celebrations."  Weasley, Weasley, and Granger had no comment.  Molly Weasley, when asked for comment, only said, "I'm proud of my children, and that includes Harry and Hermione, too."

Harry looked up after reading all the articles.  Owls had been flooding into the Burrow all evening with notes of congratulations, marriage proposals, and everything in between.  Celebrations were everywhere in the wizarding world, and Fred and George were swamped with new orders, not to mention quite a few girls who had become taken with them.

"I hate all this publicity," Harry grimaced.

"Mate, you've had it all your life, just because of your reputation," replied Ron.  "Today you lived up to it, and you deserve it, because it's all good.  Besides, I kind of like being famous for a change."  He grinned.

"Harry, he's right," Hermione said.  "For once, try to enjoy it."

Harry looked at her and smiled.  "All right, Hermione, just this once.  But I'm not letting it go to my head.  Once this is all over, I'm just Plain Old Harry!"

Ginny looked at her husband and turned in his lap to give him a quick kiss.  "Don't worry, Plain Old Harry.  I won't let it go to your head.  We Weasley women have a way with keeping our men in line.  Don't we, Mum?"

Molly blushed as she came in the room with a tray of food.  "Yes, dear, we certainly do.  Now eat up, everyone!  You've earned it!"  She set down the tray and turned on the wireless.

Arthur came in and looked at Molly, and grinned.  "Mollywobbles, they're playing our song!"  He held out his hand, and she blushed and took it.  They came together and danced slowly, occasionally stealing a kiss from each other.

Harry and Ginny looked over at them, she wrapped in his arms, while he absently played with her hair.

:They were made for each other.  After all these years, all the kids, all the war, all the stress, they're still madly in love with each other.

:Love is a beautiful thing, Harry.  My family may have been poor in money, but in love we're the richest family in the world...

:And I'm so happy to be a part of it.  Shall we?

:Delighted, my love.

Harry and Ginny got up and joined them, dancing close, lost in each other's eyes.  The song ended and another began, and the two couples kept dancing, oblivious to everything but themselves.

Ron nervously looked at Hermione.  "Uh, 'Mione, would you like to dance?"

Hermione blushed, then nodded.  Ron took her hand and they joined in, dancing closely, Ron's arms around her waist, hers up under his arms and on his back, her head resting against his chest.  "This is nice," she whispered. Ron moved one hand up to her head, caressing her bushy hair.  "Uh huh," he mumbled in agreement.

Harry and Arthur had changed partners so he could dance with his daughter, and Molly was now with Harry.  They looked over at Ron and Hermione.  "Maybe they'll finally admit it to each other," she whispered.

"We can hope," Harry whispered back.  "It's long overdue."

"You and Ginny make such a couple.  You know that I couldn't ask for a better man for her than you," Molly ruffled his hair, not that it made any difference.

"I couldn't ask for a finer woman.  Thank you, Mum," Harry looked at her, slight tears in his eyes.

:Thank you, Daddy.

"For what, Harry?"

"For raising her to be what she is, for giving her all the love she could handle, for being a surrogate for me, and for letting me marry her."

Now it was Molly's turn for tears.  "Oh, Harry!"  She gave him a bone-crushing hug.

The conversation was similar with father and daughter.

"Ginny, do you think those two will finally get together?" Arthur asked.

"They better soon, or I'll have to hog-tie them up together in a room and leave them there until they confess they love each other!"  Ginny chuckled at the thought.

Arthur smiled at his only daughter.  "You know you and Harry are perfect for each other.  It's nice to see him happy and learning to love."

"Daddy, he's always known how to love.  He just didn't know he knew.  I couldn't ask for a finer man, you know?"  Ginny looked at her Dad, with slight tears in her eyes, too.  "Thank you, Dadddy."

:Thank you, Mum.

"For what, Ginny?"

"For all the love, for being Harry's surrogate, and for letting us be together, despite all the war and wackiness that has surrounded us."

"Anything for my girl."  Arthur gave her a tight hug.  He looked over and saw Molly doing the same thing with Harry and smiled.

Harry and Arthur changed back to their respective spouses for the next song.

:I have an idea.  Follow my lead.  Take Hermione to the bathroom so I can talk to Ron out of sight.


She went over and pried Hermione away from Ron, and the girls headed out of the room.  Ron headed over to Harry.  Molly and Arthur continued dancing.

Harry handed him a Butterbeer.  "So when are you going to do it?"

Ron blushed.  "Do what?"

"Come off it, Ron." Harry laughed.  "You two are so in love you make me and Ginny look like we hate each other!"

"Can you transform something for me?"  Ron whispered.  He pulled out a small box.  "I wanted to do more, but I couldn't afford it, and I didn't want to ask anyone for money."  He blushed, embarrassed.

"Ron, asking for money is never a problem with me.  I have so much I have no idea what to do with it.  I'm already spending it on rebuilding Hogsmeade and a new house in Godric's Hollow.  What do you want done?"

Ron showed him a simple silver ring.  "Can you turn this into gold, with a diamond with ruby accents?"

Harry waved his wand. "Done.  It looks better in white gold, so I made it that instead.  Now, when?"

Ron pocketed the ring and flushed.  "I'm not sure."

"Tell you what.  Let me dance with Hermione this next one and you dance with Ginny.  After that, you pop the question or I'll turn Ginny loose on both of you."  Harry grinned.  "Just go for it, OK?  She'll say yes."

At that moment Hermione and Ginny returned.

Harry looked at the girls.  "Hermione, may I have this dance?"

"You, Harry?  Is that all right, Ron?"  Hermione looked at him nervously and he nodded. Harry took her hand and began dancing, her hand on his shoulder, his on her waist, in a traditional style.

Ron looked at Ginny.  "Shall we?"

Ginny glanced over at Harry, who saw her out of the corner of his eye and gave a barely perceptible nod.

She took Ron's hand.  "All right."

"Harry, you never dance with me.  What's going on?"  Hermione looked at him.

"Well, I was just wondering something.  When are you going to tell Ron how you feel about him?  I mean it's so obvious you two are as much in love with each other as Ginny and I are."

"Harry, I do love him, but do you think he loves me the same way?"  Hermione looked at him closely, as if searching for some truth there.

"I know it, Hermione.  Ginny knows it, and your parents know it.  I think half the wizarding world knows it except you."  Harry grinned and dipped her.  "And I'm supposed to be the thick one, remember?"

"Oh, Harry!" she laughed.  They continued dancing.

"Well, Ron, are you going to do it or not?" asked Ginny.

"Do what?"

"Get that box out of your pocket and put what's in there on Hermione's finger, you prat!"  she grinned.

Ron blushed.  "Yeah, I think I am."

"About time.  It took ages for Harry and me to get together.  Don't make that same mistake, dear brother."

They continued dancing.

:All set here, love.  He's going for it!

:Ditto here.  Change partners before the song ends.

Harry and Hermione moved over.  "Ron, I'd like my wife back," he grinned.

"Sure, Harry.  I knew you'd miss her." Ron smiled.  The song came to an end and a commercial came on.

Molly and Arthur came over.

Aw, bloody Hell, here goes!

"Hermione, I need to tell you something."

She looked at him.  "What is it, Ron?"

He gulped.  "Hermione, I love you, and have loved you for a long time.  I was just too thick to realize it and too scared to say it."

Her eyes filled with tears.  "Ron, I love you too!  I just didn't know if you did!"

They embraced.  Harry and Ginny grinned.  Molly came over and caught Hermione in a big hug.  That gave Ron the opening he needed.

Hermione let go of Molly and turned to find Ron on one knee, with the box open in one hand, his eyes locked on hers.

"Hermione Granger, will you marry me?"

Hermione, stunned, looked around.  Harry and Ginny stood behind Ron, grinning and nodding, arm in arm.  Arthur smiled and nodded.  Molly looked fit to burst, but nodded.

As if I need any encouragement!

"Yes, Ronald Weasley, I will marry you!"  Cheers erupted from the group as Ron placed the ring on her finger and stood up, to be met with a deep kiss, followed by a group hug.

The three couples danced the night away, and in the morning the six of them went outside to watch the sun rise, lost in love and each other.


Thirty Death Eaters appeared in the fireplaces of the Great Atrium and looked around.  The Atrium clock rang noon.  The Atrium had been under repair since the battle a month ago, and scaffolds were still around the edges as the upper areas had not been finished yet.  They moved into the hall further and headed for the lifts.

Behind them, Tonks and nine other Aurors watched them make their way forward.  Their job today was simply to follow and catch those fleeing the ambushes ahead.

The Death Eaters got into the lifts and exited at their assigned stops.  At the top level, the last ones got out and headed for the offices.  Each target already had an infiltrator in place, so the takeover Voldemort planned would be relatively easy.  Bellatrix Lestrange made her way to the Minister's Office.  She opened the door to the outer office to see the secretary sitting there, waiting for her, per the Dark Lord's instructions.  "He's in there," she whispered.  "The infiltration went perfectly, all of out agents are in place.  He's all yours."  Bellatrix nodded and opened the door.  Fudge was asleep, his head resting on a pile of papers, the window behind him open to the Death Chamber seven stories below.  Bellatrix closed the door.  Outside, the secretary transformed back into Percy Weasley, who drew his wand and waited for the trap to spring.  Nobody else would get inside.  This particular fight belonged to someone else.

This is too easy.  Look at the twit, fast asleep.  My Lord will be pleased.


Her wand flew out of her hand and out the window.  She whirled around just fast enough to see a fist hitting her square in the face.  She flew backwards over the desk, jaw and nose broken, and fell through the projection of Cornelius Fudge.  She looked up to see an angry Neville Longbottom towering over her, his wand pointed at her heart.

"Nice to see you again, Bellatrix.  I'm so glad Ron told me you were coming. Portable Projection Charms are so useful.  I've been waiting sixteen years for that, Lestrange.  That was for my Mum.  This is for my Dad."  He lifted her up with his free hand and tossed her in the air, then swiftly punched her in the stomach on the way down.  She folded up and toppled backwards, rolling out the window, but at the last second she was able to grab the windowsill and hang on.  Neville moved to the window and looked down at her.

"If you survive, tell Voldemort he needs better strategies.  In either case, you bitch, this is for Sirius, for Harry, and most of all, for me.  Reducto!"

The windowsill crumbled, and Bellatrix was let go, falling.  She tried to disapparate but failed, and she hit the floor of the Death Chamber with a sickening thump.

Tonks entered the room below and took a look at the body, then up at the window.  Quickly she grabbed the body and picked up the wand, and apparated back to the Atrium, where the rest of the Death Eaters were being held.  As they were being Portkeyed to Azkaban, she called Harry on her coin.  At his instructions she took Bellatrix's body to Grimmauld Place.

Far above, Neville watched Bellatrix fall.  He smiled and left the office.  He opened the door and walked out, never glancing at Percy.  He turned and apparated to St. Mungo's.  Alice and Frank Longbottom needed to know that they had been avenged.

* * *

All through the Ministry the result was the same as the infiltrator substitutes turned on their supposed comrades and quickly rounded them up.  Some put up a fight and tried to escape, but they ran directly into Tonks's rear guard and were quickly stunned.  It was all over in thirty minutes.

* * *

Harry and Ron promptly arrived at Grimmauld Place and Tonks gave her report.  "All thirty Death Eaters captured and sent to Azkaban, save one.  We had several injuries, but they are being treated at St. Mungo's and none are serious.  Neville killed Bellatrix.  As an Auror, I need to ask, should Neville be arrested?" She snapped Bellatrix's wand and handed it to Harry.

"No," Harry replied.  "Fudge gave us a free hand, and besides, for Neville, this is Justice, long overdue.  Severus?"

Snape walked into the room and saw the body.  "Well, I see you got that bitch.  Shall I tell Sirius?"

"Certainly, but a question first.  I wish to send Voldemort a clear message.  Where is he?"  Harry asked.

"Malfoy Manor.  I shall inform Sirius."

Harry looked up.  "Thank you, Severus."  He looked at the others as Snape left the room.  "We'll transport this vermin back to her master shortly.  I have a letter to finish first."

Five minutes later the letter was finished.  Harry pinned it to Bellatrix's chest and called over Fawkes.

"Take this scum and drop her literally in front of Voldemort at Malfoy Manor, then return quickly."  Fawkes grabbed hold of the body and disapparated with a crack.

* * *

Voldemort patiently awaited word.  His three-pronged attack had been meticulously planned, and he should be hearing soon from his lieutenants.  So he waited, and prepared to enjoy his victory.

A crack and a thump, followed by another crack, all behind him, made him whirl around.  Before him on the floor lay the battered and broken body of his most faithful servant.  There was a roll of parchment pinned to her chest.  Voldemort looked at Bellatrix's remains in shock, then took the note and unrolled it.

Hi Tom,

First, how's the foot?  Hope that little prank didn't set you off hopping mad!

Second, you need better gamesmanship.  Here's the score today:

Azkaban:  Death Eaters 1 death, Good Guys 70 captured, and about a thousand DEAD Dementors

Hogsmeade:  Death Eaters 0, Good Guys 40 captured

Ministry: Death Eaters 20, all minor injuries only, Good Guys 59 captured, and 1 dead being the carcass before you.

So let's see now that means so far I've wiped out most of the Dementors, sent 190 Death Eaters total to Azkaban, had 2 more killed, and all you've had to show for it is one dead prison guard and 20 minor injuries!  Oh, yeah, and one burned foot.

You're losing your touch, Tom.  Do you even have ANY followers left for me to toy with?

I'm laughing at you, Tom.  I just exploited a huge weak spot on you, and you have no idea what it even was!  I'll give you a hint, though:  Learn more than you know.

I said it was only a matter of when, Tom.

Riddle me this, Tom: Do you believe me now?

I'll see you soon.  Sleep well, if you can!


Voldemort let out a blood-curling scream.

He knew exactly what was going to happen and when!  He knew!  But how???  And how did he beat my Death Eaters?

For the first time in a long time, Voldemort felt fear.

I need to get out for a while, regroup, and get more followers.

He summoned Nagini to him, and they apparated to Albania to the forest he had found refuge in, all those years ago.

Harry withdrew from Voldemort's mind and smiled.  Score several for the Good Guys!


Fred and George observed the village from their brooms as the Death Eaters apparated to the end of the village.  The streets were empty.  In the distance the Hogwarts bell tower struck noon.

The cry went out and the Dark Mark appeared in the sky, pale in the sunlight.


The Death Eaters made their way up the main street, randomly blasting at shops, trying to cause damage.  Some shops caught on fire, others took damage to their facades.

At the other end a group of Aurors apparated and stood there, waiting.  They had their own coins, and they were all on conference call.

"Cast shield spells, everyone," Fred murmured into his coin.  The Aurors glowed briefly.

"Bring up the shop shields," George called quietly into his own.  Below them, the shops glowed slightly.

"Raising the back wall," Fred murmured again into his coin.  He waved his wand.  A solid metal wall appeared silently behind the Death Eaters.

"Fire!" George commanded into his coin.  The Aurors began launching stunning spells at the Death Eaters.  In the space enclosed by the shields, the spells started bouncing around.  What happened next was a sight to behold.

As the spells came down the street, they deflected off the shield charms of the Death Eaters, but when they came close to the shops, the shields there deflected the spells in different directions, and the spells started going every direction at once.  Half of the Aurors were rotating the shop shields to change the ricochet angles, and the other half kept shooting and holding their own shields.  Within seconds, the entire street was crisscrossed with beams.

"Looks like one of those Muggle laser shows, doesn't it?" yelled Fred.

"Yeah, sure does," replied George.  "All we need is the Pink Floyd music!"

The Death Eaters had huddled together, thinking there was strength in numbers.  But that was exactly what Ron had planned on.  George waved his wand and the anti-disapparition nets they had been standing on suddenly sprung up, all up and down the street.  Several escaped the nets where they were separated, but they turned and ran directly into the rebounding stunning spells.  They were unconscious before they hit the ground.  The rest of the spells battered and eventually broke down the shield spell of the Death Eaters.  They conjured a second shield wall around them, but a pair of stun bombs dropped by Fred and George from above put an end to all resistance.

The Aurors took over, snapping wands and Portkeying off the prisoners.  All in all the total was forty Death Eaters captured, with no casualties.

Fred looked at George.  "I think that trip to the Muggle arcade paid off.  I love pinball!"  George just laughed.

"Like stunning fish in a barrel!"

Back at the War Room, the news was received with a cheer.


August 2nd

By morning, they had all mastered the spell wandless and silently.  Harry apparated to Grimmauld Place and retrieved his Firebolt, and returned in time for breakfast.

They returned to the War Room for final reports.

"Last checks, people," Ron told the assembled lieutenants.  "Hogsmeade?"

"Ready and waiting," Fred replied.  He had dropped off the second Amoeba Suit, this one in a female cut, for Ginny.  She had quickly changed, and she and Harry now looked like the perfect match everybody knew they were.


"Standing by, locked and loaded," said Tonks.

"Madam Pomfrey and St. Mungo's are standing by as well."  This was from McGonagall at the Floo.

"All right, excellent.  There has been a slight change in plans.  Remus will stay here to coordinate things, and he has his instructions.  Hermione, Ginny, Dobby and I will be joining Harry at Azkaban.  We found a flaw in the operation, and we're the fix."

"Are you sure, Ron?" asked Lupin.  Ron nodded as Harry handed him the Firebolt and Dumbledore's pocket portrait.

"Moony, we're the only five who can do it, save Fred and George, and we can't spare them from Hogsmeade."  Harry looked at Lupin and Tonks.  "The spell is 'Inciendo Scourgis.'  It kills Dementors."  Harry turned to Ron.  "Dumbledore has a portrait in the warden's office.  He's our link to inside."  Ron nodded and stuck the portrait to his shirt.

"All coins on full conference!" Ron barked.  Six coins turned on.  They walked outside.  Ron and Hermione mounted the Firebolt and Dobby climbed on behind Harry.  The five joined hands.  Harry put a disillusionment charm on each of them, and Fawkes came over.  Harry and Ginny each grabbed his tail, and Fawkes took them all to Azkaban.

"Good luck," whispered Remus.  Tonks gave him a hug and a deep kiss, then disapparated to the Ministry.  Fred disapparated to Hogsmeade, and Lupin went back to the War Room to be near all information sources.

* * *

They apparated to over Azkaban with a crack.  Harry let go of Ron and let him fly off.

:Ready, Ginny?

:Ready, Harry!

They both changed into their phoenix forms and let go of Fawkes.  They took positions at the three corners of the tower, and Fawkes picked up Dobby and circled overhead, high enough to blend into the sky.

A bell below chimed noon.

Death Eaters apparated onto the rocks at the tower base.  The Dementors moved to the roof of the tower to leave. A cry came out.

"MORSMORDE!"  The Dark Mark appeared in the sky.

"Execute!" Ron ordered.

Suddenly the entire tower was bathed in two rings of white light.  Hundreds of Patronuses appeared, herding and containing the Dementors.  At the same time, stun bombs started falling on the Death Eaters, catching most of them unawares.  The few that stayed conscious managed to get off one volley of spells before the second set of bombs hit them.  Only Snape escaped, but that was intentional-Harry had planted a doppelganger of him in the prison a week beforehand.

"NOW!" shouted Ron.


Five orange beams from four directions came down and hit the Dementor ring.  The Dementors erupted in flames as the Patronuses disappeared.  The Aurors began to secure the prisoners and haul them inside as the orange inferno consumed the Dementors.

In six minutes it was all over.  The five landed on the roof and went to see O'Malley in his office.  Harry and Ginny changed back into human form.  Fawkes set down Dobby and then landed on Ginny's shoulder.

"Well done, Warden.  Any casualties?"  Harry asked.

"One guard got a little too close to a Dementor and got kissed," O'Malley replied.  "But we've picked up seventy new guests, and the entire Dementor group here of a thousand had been destroyed.  I hate to lose anyone, but I think we call this one a win.  I'd love to know how they got destroyed, though."

"Old magic, Warden, obscure and forgotten for a long time.  Then we'll be off.  Send any word with Dumbledore.  Expect more guests soon.  Thank you for your help.  You just helped deal a major blow to the Dark Lord.  Please let me know about funeral arrangements for the fallen guard."  Harry shook his hand and the five joined hands again and disapparated back to the War Room.

Operation Squeeze Play was a success.


Hermione continued her research in Dumbledore's library.  It was nearly impossible to get her out of there, stopping only to use the bathroom, and Dobby made sure she had lunch.

Sighing, she put aside the book.  Another dead end.  Anything made magically can be destroyed magically.  There's got to be a way.  But what?  Think, Granger!

Dementors are repelled by Patronuses, which are created using the happiest of thoughts.  Ron's plan is to get them stuck on both sides by Patronuses so they cannot flee and are forced to deal with them.  But once they are contained, then what happens?

I need help on this.

She pressed her coin.  "Ron?"  His face appeared.

"What is it, 'Mione?"  She blushed.

"Send Fred and George to the Room of Requirements with some Portable Patronuses.  I need to do some experimenting."

"Right away." Ron's face disappeared.

Hermione got up and left the library and headed to the seventh floor.  She walked past a blank wall three times, frowning in thought.  A door appeared.  She started to open it when Fred and George came walking up.  They entered together.

"OK, here's my problem.  I want to destroy a Dementor."

Fred whistled.

"Gee, Hermione, you always pick the easy ones, don't you?" chuckled George.

"Well, Harry told me you had done some work with that on the Amoeba Suit," she responded.

"That we did, but we had some help," replied Fred.  "Dobby?"

The house-elf apparated with a crack.

"Misters Wheezy called for me?" he squeaked.

"Dobby, we need a Dementor to experiment on.  Can you bring one here?  Not this moment, please, but when we're ready," Hermione added hastily. Dobby nodded.

"OK, here's what I want to do." Hermione looked at them both.  "Ron's plan is to have Dementors contained from multiple sides by Patronuses.  He thinks that they will be destroyed if they are surrounded by Patronuses and have nowhere to flee to.  I'm not so sure.  So I want to test it."

They deployed Patronuses around the room.  Several of them flew around the ceiling.

"Ready, Dobby?"  Dobby nodded.  "Bring it in."  Dobby snapped his fingers.

A Dementor appeared in the middle of the room and started to glide towards Hermione.  Immediately Fred and George sent the Patronuses forward from all sides and above.  The Dementor glided back to the center of the room.  The Patronuses closed in.

Then the Patronuses advanced no more.

"I was afraid of that," Hermione sighed.  "Now what?"

"May Dobby make a suggestion?" asked the elf.

"Of course, Dobby."

"Dobby thinks they need cleaning.  They are dank and nasty and dirty creatures."

Hermione smacked herself in the forehead.  "Merlin's beard, that's brilliant!  How could I have been so dense?  Banish the Dementor for now.  I'll be right back!"

She tore out of the room, running at top speed towards the dungeons.  She found the office she was looking for and knocked.  The door opened abruptly and Mr. Filch glared out.

"What do you want?"

"Mr. Filch, I need to ask you something.  When you have to clean things in the castle with a bucket of soap water, what do you use?  Can you show me?"  Hermione asked, panting.

Surprised, Filch pushed past her.  "This way," he grunted.  He led her to a broom closet, opened it, and pulled out a bottle.  "I use this stuff."

"May I borrow this for a few minutes?  I, er, want to try to clean something with it."

Filch grunted again.  "Bring it back when you're done."

Hermione next ran to Dumbledore's library.  She looked up and down the aisle, and she found it: an old volume on exorcisms.  She leafed through it quickly and found the spell she was looking for.  She conjured a parchment and quill and wrote down the spell.  She returned the book to the shelf and made her way back to the twins and Dobby.

"OK, I've got two ideas I want to try.  One seems kind of silly, but what the Hell."  She noticed the Dementor was still contained.  She conjured a bucket and filled it with water and the soap Filch gave her.  Then she waved her wand over the water and said, "Inciendo Scourgis."  The water turned bright orange and started to get warm.  She quickly picked up the bucket and threw the soap water towards the Dementor.  The water hit the Dementor and ignited.  The Dementor screamed.  After a few seconds it was gone, completely consumed.  She refilled the bucket with the Augamenti Charm.

"Bring in another."  Dobby snapped his fingers again and again the Dementor and the Patronuses danced until it was contained.  This time, Hermione tried the spell on plain water.  She threw the water on the Dementor and the same thing happened.

"OK, it wasn't the soap, then. Let's try one more."

Dobby snapped his fingers a third time and again the scene repeated.  This time, she waved her wand and shouted "Inciendo Scourgis!"  An orange flame leapt from her wand and hit the Dementor square in the face.  It ignited immediately and was consumed.

"OK, it wasn't the water, either."  Hermione thought of one more idea.

"OK, this time, no Patronuses, but you three be ready if I need you, all right?"  They nodded.  The twins banished the Patronuses.  Hermione steadied herself and nodded.  Dobby snapped his fingers.  The fourth Dementor appeared and began to move towards her.

"Inciendo Scourgis!"  Again the flame leapt out from her wand, and again the Dementor was consumed.

Satisfied, she ate the chocolate Dobby conjured for her then coined Harry and Ron.  Only Ron answered.  "Where's Harry?" she asked.

"He said he was taking a nap at Headquarters.  I'll get Sirius to wake him.  Come on over here."

Hermione looked at the twins.  "Thanks, guys.  Did you get the spell down?"  They grinned.

"Yup.  Any Dementors that show up in Hogsmeade won't go home again!"

"Spread the word."  She turned to Dobby.  "Thank you, too, Dobby."

Dobby bowed and disapparated with a crack.

The three left the room to Floo out, the twins to the village, Hermione to the Burrow, with Filch's soap bottle long forgotten.

* * *

"Harry? Harry! HARRY!" Sirius shouted.

Startled, Harry sat up quickly, unceremoniously dumping Ginny on the floor.  She awoke with a start and glared at Harry.

"What-Sirius?  What is it?" Harry was slowly collecting his wits.  Seeing Ginny on the floor, he reached down a hand and helped her up.  "Sorry about that," he mumbled.

"Harry, Ron and Hermione need to see you in the War Room immediately.  Man, do you sleep soundly!"  Sirius grinned.

Harry grabbed hold of Ginny, only to have her jump up in his arms and wrap her legs around his waist.  Instinctively he caught her, but as she started to slip down, his hands moved down to support her, cupping her bottom.  Realizing it, he blushed.  She planted a kiss on his lips.  "I forgive you.  They feel good there."  Looking at her in surprise, he turned on the spot and disapparated.

They arrived in the War Room.  Ginny quickly dropped her legs and let go, and they walked over to where Ron and Hermione where talking.

"What's up?"  Harry asked.

"Hermione found a flaw in the plan, but she also found a solution!" Harry looked at her.

"Harry, just containing the Dementors with Patronuses won't destroy them.  You have to use a Fire Cleaning spell on them." Hermione dragged them into the kitchen and conjured a series of waterfalls into buckets.  "Watch me.  Inciendo Scourgis!"  The orange flame hit the waterfall and evaporated all of the water.

Harry tried it next.  "Inciendo Scourgis!"  He got a similar result.  Immediately Ron and Ginny tried it as well.

Harry looked at Hermione.  "Bring up two more.  I want to try something."

Hermione nodded, and two more waterfalls appeared.

:Follow my lead.

Harry turned into his phoenix form.  Ginny looked at him and followed suit.  They took to the air, wands in their talons.  Harry let out a screech and the orange flame shot from his wand, evaporating a waterfall.  A similar screech came out from Ginny and the other waterfall evaporated under her orange flames.  They landed and changed back.

"Well, that settles that.  Who all knows this spell now?" Ron asked.

"Us four, Fred, George, and Dobby," Hermione answered.

"Well, we can't spare my brothers.  They're needed in Hogsmeade," Ron thought out loud.  "It looks like it's up to us and Dobby.  We'll need to go to Azkaban in the morning."

"All right, then," Harry replied.  "We need to be able to do this wandless and silently by tomorrow.  Let's get to it!  Dobby?"

Dobby arrived with his usual crack.  "Harry Potter called Dobby, sir?"

"Yes, can you get us some sandwiches and juice, and whatever it is you eat, then join us?  We've got some training to do, including you."


August 1st

Harry got up early the next morning, to find Ron already up and in the War Room, checking final plans.

"Remember, it goes down at 10 AM sharp."  Harry noted.

"We'll be ready, Harry.  You just keep Voldemort busy until I coin you that it's OK."

"I think I can handle that."  Harry patted his pocket.  "I'm going to mess with his mind some more today as well.  Moony is getting Ginny up to speed on Occulmency.  I'm hitting Gringotts early to get the paperwork adjusted before the meeting.  McGonagall will be there, and so will Flitwick."

"Harry, are you sure that messing with his mind like this won't put you and Ginny at extra risk?"  Ron asked.

"Trust me.  Or better yet, trust Snape."  Harry grinned.  Ron blanched, then turned to his notes.

"Operation Squeeze Play is set.  After tomorrow we'll know what a squished Dementor looks like.  Or a thousand."


"Fred and George have all the traps in place, and we're ready."

"I'm wearing the Amoeba Suit, and my glasses are stuck to my head, so they aren't going anywhere.  I need to see about medical contacts or Muggle LASIK surgery one of these days."  Harry replied.

"Just make sure you do it before we go after the Horcruxes.  But that's later, right?"  Ron asked.

"Yep.  The next two days first, then we go from there."  Harry clapped his hand on Ron's shoulder and left the strategist to work.  He left the room and called Ginny.

:Yes, love?

:I'm going to shut down the link for now to be sure.  Call me if there's an emergency.

:You got it. Good Luck.  I love you!

:Love you too.

Harry turned into his phoenix form and disapparated.  Fawkes and Ginny were at St. Mungo's preparing for any wounded.  Hopefully, there won't be any.

* * *

Harry walked up to the counter and asked for Griphook.  The goblin came forward immediately and ushered Harry into a private room.  At Harry's request, Bill joined them.

"Mr. Potter, it seems the issue we left unaddressed the other day has come to fruition.  Our records now show a Mrs. Ginerva Molly Potter magically added to your accounts."  Griphook showed Harry the records.

"Correct, Griphook.  But, she is to be removed immediately, for now," Harry replied.  "It is not a mistake, before you ask, but it is a matter of Ministry, and personal, security."  Bill nodded his head in affirmation.

Griphook looked puzzled.  "It is not a mistake, but she should not be on there?"

"Let's just say that if those ledgers fall under the wrong eyes and they see that name on there, it would lead to a lot of avoidable trouble," Harry replied.

"Ah, I see," replied Griphook.  "Well, we will do this.  We will create a duplicate set of books with only your name on them.  We will store these originals in your vault, and we will enchant them so the originals update as the fake ones do.  The only difference is the names.  We cannot remove her name, but this is the next best thing."

Harry sighed.  It was not the best answer, but it would have to do.  "Very well.  Bill is a witness to the authorization."

His business completed, Harry then Floo'ed to the Ministry.  It was 8:30AM.  Time to deal with Fudge first.  He went to Arthur's office first and grabbed him, explaining the timing change.  The two of them headed for Fudge's office.  As before, Harry walked past the secretary's desk, which was unoccupied, and opened the inner office door without a word.  As before, Fudge looked up from his paperwork.

"Oh, it's you again.  What now?"  Fudge was nervous and glanced at the corner as Harry walked in.

"Relax, Fudge, nobody's there this time."  Arthur entered the room, closed the door, and locked and silenced it.  "We have more business to discuss."

Fudge sighed.  "Why is Weasley here?"

"I am here, Cornelius, because this business concerns me, too."  Arthur glared at his boss.

"Minister, you need to change a record for me in the Department of Magical Records.  It is a matter of Ministry Security.  Remember our little agreement," Harry said.

Again Fudge sighed.  "Yes, I remember.  What needs to be changed?"

"A record of marriage between myself and Ginerva Weasley."  That made Fudge look up.

"When did that happen?  And why the change?"

"The 'why' is not important to you.  It happened last night.  The record simply needs to not reflect the marriage.  It needs to be unrecorded, for now," Harry replied.

Fudge looked at him.  "You're afraid the records will fall into the wrong hands."


Fudge took a piece of parchment and scribbled something on it and handed it to Arthur.  "Take this down there and they will get it done.  I know, you were never here.  Please obliviate this meeting."  Arthur raised his wand and mumbled the charm.  Fudge's face went blank.

Harry and Arthur made their way to the Department of Magical Records.  There they found the records and made the change, then obliviated the record keeper.  They made their way back to Arthur's office.  Harry left him there and headed for the Apparition Testing Office.  He arrived at 8:59 and was promptly ushered inside.  After working apparition with both Dobby and Fawkes while Harry was in his phoenix form, the test seemed remarkably easy.  He passed handily, and received his license, then headed back to Arthur's office.

Harry looked at the wall clock.  It read 9:42.  Harry looked at Arthur.

"Be ready.  Operation Polyjuice goes down at 10AM." Arthur nodded.

"Be careful around the Dark Lord, son."

Harry grinned.  "Don't worry about me.  Worry about him."

Harry pulled out the ticket stub.  The clock hit 9:45 and the Portkey activated, and he arrived in the conference room at Gringotts.  There were names at designated chairs, and Harry moved towards his.  A moment later McGonagall arrived, and a moment after that, surprisingly, Hermione.

At 9:55 another pop signaled the arrival of Voldemort.  He looked around, saw Harry, and his face broke into a sneer.  Harry just looked at him calmly, but moved a hand up to his scar.

Let him think it still hurts around him.

"Ah, Potter, we meet again.  How unfortunate for me that I cannot kill you today.  But rest assured, soon I shall, for you cannot beat me."  Voldemort's voice was high and cold, as usual.

Harry smiled, still rubbing his scar as if it were hurting him.  "Hello, Tom.  You're looking rather peaked.  Did the latest nose-job not take well?  You still look like Michael Jackson."  Beside him, Hermione giggled, being the only one in the room who got the insult.

"Such cheek, Potter.  You should address your superiors more respectfully," Tom sneered.  "Your Mudblood friend should, too."

"Whatever, you half-blooded fool," shot back Hermione.  She looked at Harry.  "Tell me, Harry, who taught that snake to walk upright and speak?  Lucius, maybe?  He's right though, Harry, you should address superiors with respect."

"Well, I will when I see them, including Professor McGonagall here."  He turned to Tom again.  "But since you're not my superior, and you've already acknowledged that through the prophecy, I'll just call you what you are, Tom: an old, bitter man, corrupted by hate and lust for power, and completely ignorant of anything beyond that."

Voldemort glared at him.  "I had that conversation with Dumbledore years ago.  He was wrong then, and you are wrong now!"

Harry just smiled an knowing smile.  "We'll see."  At that moment Flitwick arrived with a Pensieve and a bottle of a silvery liquid.

"I am Filius Flitwick, executor of the will of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.  At his request, the seats have been designated.  Please sit."

They took their seats.  Flitwick removed the stopper from the bottle and poured the contents into the Pensieve.  There was some swirling and Dumbledore's face appeared.

"I, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, being of sound mind and very old body, do make this my will and testament.  Present for this should be Tom Riddle, Harry Potter, Minerva McGonagall, and Hermione Granger.  Executor of this will shall be Filius Flitwick.  To him I speak first."  The image turned to Flitwick.

"Filius, my old friend, I thank you for undertaking this heavy-hearted duty for me.  Do not grieve my passing, for to the organized mind, death is but the next great adventure."  Harry smiled at the familiar reference, thinking of Nicholas Flamel.  The image turned to McGonagall.

"Minerva, you are now the Headmistress of Hogwarts.  To you I leave everything except for a few things I will further detail.  I also leave you with my love, and my regrets and an apology.  My regrets are for not telling you in this life that I love you and never had the courage to tell you, and my apology for not doing so.  I also leave you with one revelation that you have never known.  You are the last heir of Rowena Ravenclaw." The image turned to Hermione.

"Miss Hermione Granger, smartest witch of her generation, last heir of Helga Hufflepuff.  To you I leave my extensive personal library.  As much as you read, I am sure there will be plenty of interesting material for you to peruse.  It will remain at Hogwarts, however, so that it will be available for all teachers to access as well.  Knowledge, as addictive as it is, is best shared and not hidden."  The image turned to an empty seat.

"To Aberforth, my dear brother, I leave my monetary fortune, what there is of it.  I know you are not here today.  I will miss you.  Flitwick will see to the arrangements."  The image turned to Harry.

"Harry Potter, last heir of Godric Gryffindor.  I have watched you from your birth, and have seen you struggle under a burden that no child and few adult wizards have ever had to carry.  Yet you have endured and grown into a strong man.  I cannot say how proud I am of you.  To you I leave three things: Fawkes, as you already knew, this Pensieve and all of my memories, and by blood right, the sword of Godric Gryffindor."  Finally, the image turned to Voldemort.

"Tom Riddle, last heir of Salazar Slytherin.  You disappoint me.  Like Harry, I have watched you for most of your life.  You had the potential to be the greatest wizard ever seen, and you fell short of the mark.  You may sneer at my words, but they are true.  I leave you with one thing, and one thing only, which is this message:  remember your past, for it has a way of catching up to you when you least expect it."

"I leave you all with some final words: Nitwit! Oddball! Blubber! Tweak!"  Harry, Hermione, McGonagall, and Flitwick all couldn't help but smile at the joke.  The image turned away, and then faded back into the Pensieve.  Flitwick removed the liquid back into the bottle and banished it with a wave.  Then he stepped out of the room.

The sword of Gryffindor appeared in the Pensieve and Fawkes apparated with a crack.  He looked at Harry, who nodded, and Fawkes grabbed the Pensieve and sword and disapparated with another crack.

Minerva dried her eyes with her handkerchief and left without a word.  Hermione tearfully looked at Harry, then her Portkey glowed and she was gone.

Only Harry and Voldemort remained, the table and silence separating the two seated figures.  Neither moved, just looking at each other, never blinking or moving away.

The coin in his pocket vibrated.  Harry smiled at Tom, then stood.  He walked around the table, dropped a parchment in front of the still-seated Voldemort as he passed, bending slightly and dropping something else at the same time with his other hand.  Voldemort just looked at the parchment. Harry headed for the door, stopped, turned, and spoke softly to his sworn enemy.

"I hope you get the message."  He silently cast a spell, then he was gone.

Voldemort stood, then looked at the parchment and opened it.


It appears my last message didn't quite sink in very well.  I sent nine more Death Eaters to Azkaban, and Wormtail is dead.  As he received the Kiss I transformed his body into pure energy and the Dementor sucked that up too.  Yes, I was there.  It was a feeling of closure to do it, to finally be rid of the rat that betrayed my parents and brought you back.  I'm surprised you actually let him live after you came back, because it was his fault you wound up in that situation at all.  Is your memory slipping in your old age, Tom?

Oh, by the way, I think you should know something.  You never heard the full prophecy.  And you have no idea what the rest of it says.  I have, but rather than try to break in my head all the time to little result, I'll simply tell you what it says.

It says that either you kill me, or I kill you.

We WILL settle this in the future.  Potter and Riddle, and only Potter and Riddle.  Those destinies are set, the only variable is when and where.

But as I said before, it's really not an either-or proposition. It's only a matter of when you meet your end once and for all.

I'll leave you now with one more secret.  Michael Jackson is a Muggle singer who has had major problems with his nose over the years.  That's a Muggle inside joke you may not ever understand.

Until later, whenever that is.

Harry Potter

P.S. Your foot is on fire.

Voldemort finished the letter and immediately began hopping around in pain.  He quickly beat out the flames and hobbled to the exit.

I'm going to kill that brat!

He apparated away with an angry bang that shook the wall hangings.

* * *

Harry withdrew from Voldemort's mind, smiling.  He couldn't resist giving Voldemort a Hotfoot.  The funny thing is that he has no idea how I did it!  He should have checked the letter for enchantments, but even then he wouldn't have found it.  Fred and George's Invisible Instant Hotfoot Powder worked perfectly!

It's fun messing with his head.  What should I do next time?

Harry arrived at the War Room and found Ron.  Ron looked up at him and grinned.

"Complete success, Harry.  No casualties and all Polyjuice Agents are in place."

"Excellent!  Relay a well-done to all for me."  Harry smiled.

"How did the will reading go?" Ron asked, opening a Butterbeer.

"About what I expected.  Voldemort was his usual cheery self.  Dumbledore left him a large hint in a message.  McGonagall and Hermione were there as well.  Hermione zinged him good, asking who taught him to walk upright and speak."  He timed it perfectly, as Ron had just started to take a drink.  Ron spurt Butterbeer out his nose at that one.  "Oh, yeah, I gave him a Hotfoot on the way out.  Fred and George would have loved to see it."

Now Ron really lost it, rolling on the floor, laughing hysterically.  "A-Hotfoot?" he chortled.  "Harry, you pranked the most dangerous wizard that ever lived?  To Hell with Fred and George, that makes them second-rate!  Not even the Marauders themselves could pull that one off!"  Harry laughed.  Dad and Sirius would have loved it!  Ron prostrated himself in front of Harry.  "I bow to your superior pranking ability, Oh, Chosen One!" he mocked.

Harry pulled him up.  "All right, already!"  Smiling, he went into the kitchen to get some lunch.

Harry grabbed a quick lunch and called Ginny, who joined him.  He filled her in on what happened and his timing was again impeccable, getting her to spray pumpkin juice at the mention of the Hotfoot.  He had to pound her on the back to get her to stop coughing.

:You prat!  You timed that on purpose!

:Of course I did!  Ron shot Butterbeer out his nose when I told him what Hermione said!

:Oh, I wish I could have seen that!

:I'm two for two on that today!

Harry yawned.  "I'm going to catch a nap before tonight's deployment."  He apparated to Grimmauld Place and went up to his room.  He was just drifting off when he heard the door open.

"Mr. Potter?"

"Yes, Mrs. Potter?"

"May I join you in that nap?"

Harry grinned, sat up, and waved his hand. "Accio Ginny."  She flew across the room into his waiting arms, and they kissed deeply.

"So, it's just like that, Harry Potter, you summon me whenever you want a snog?" she mock-pouted.

He teased her hair.  "Well, are you objecting?"

She looked up at him, then snuggled into his chest with a contented sigh.  "Not in this case."  She waved her wand and the door closed and locked.  "Now where were we?"

"Right here, I think." They kissed again, falling backwards onto the bed.  Ginny rested her head on his chest, her arms around his neck, his around her shoulders, and they drifted off to sleep, sharing a dream of little red-haired girls with green-eyes and little boys with messy black hair running around them.  A soft white glow surrounded them as they slept.


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