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Crank 2

So yesterday I went to Go see Crank High Voltage.  If you liked the crazy style of the first one then you will love this.   I was laughing through some of it and closing my eyes to a bit of the gore.  But wide awake for all the nudity, sex and violence.  Now the idea in the first one was that he gets this drug that is supposed to kill him in an hour and adderline keeps him alive.   There is a scene in witch he has sex with Amy Smart that I think won the award for worst sex scene, well that was an amazing scene but sex wise it was crazy, if you saw the first one you know what I mean.  From the previews I knew Amy would be in this movie again.  I didn't know how she would be in it but it was funny to me how they brought her in, or at least I thought it was.   Now in this new movie as shown in the previews he has Heart taken and he is given a replacement one that is made to last like and hour or something (can't say more with out giving away some plot so I won't) so he has to track it down.  The premise here is that every so often he need to shock himself or the box to charge it so the heart keeps going.   I don't know if the funny parts where written to be funny.  I don't know if these movies are kinda a parradoy.   I just think they are a different way to look at action movies and I like it.  I will admit that things get a little crazy with the camera work but it was like that in the 1st one to.  So if you like crazy violence both fighting and guns, naked chicks, a scene where they used pixels (maybe I shouldn't have said) and to laugh go see it, it is a short wild ride.  I think if it where 2 hours it would be to much.  I was pumped after seeing it and was pumped going right into the bandits game. 

   First of all I want to thank all the bands who performed on Saturday at The Tralf. It has been so long since I have seen a heavy show.   I don't use the term metal for multiple reasons.  The first is that when people hear metal they want to define what kind of metal a band is.  I get why people do that.  But just because a band thinks of its self as Death Metal doesn't mean they growl.   Even if they do some bands some bands you can understand and some you can't.   Another example is Hardcore is a sub type of metal but is it really I'm not sure.   The other reason I use the term Heavy is that something can be heavy or sound tormented and not be what some would call metal.  Is something Metal if the band becomes pop like say Linkin Park and Korn? But they are for sure heavy.  What if a band has a heavy message but it plays the music softly, HA, joking.  But there was a band from Buffalo called  The Sheila Devine who where kinda like that.   One minute Aaron would be signing then it was like a Yell and he was all red on stage. I miss that band I really do.  Another quick example was The Tea Party, they where pretty dark and I think heavy in there way but they weren't metal.   The other reason why I like to use the term Heavy is because metal has changed over time.  For example when I was in High School you had all those "Hair Bands" (hate the term) or what might have been called "Glam".  Yes some of that stuff was pretty good by how bands play now it wouldn't be metal.   Ok back to the bands does anyone know the name of the last band that Performed they where pretty good and there where a few other bands I liked, ASD, His Name was Yesterday, and then two bands who's full name I didn't catch One's own Blood, and some band from Niagara Falls   Something like in progression they where really good to.  Again I want to thank everyone and want to encourage people to go out to shows and watch bands. 

I'm not your sterotypical metalhead (I don't really think there are as many of them as people think).  What I mean is there is this sterotype that people who like this kind of music are young kids, who want to rebel.   That is true for some people but if so whats a better way then dance in a pit and get out agression more people should do it.  People who listen to metal have no job and do drugs.  Again I disagree with that I work and a lot of people who listen to Heavy music have jobs.  If they didn't how would they buy shirts, CDs, and go to shows.

Do all must genres have sterotypes? Yes of course they do.  It  would be nice if we could blow up those little boxes.  I admit that I like music that isn't heavy at all. Often though if you are seen wearing a band shirt people think that is the only thing you are into.  Yes some people all they like is that genre.    Ok back to those bands that might carry some negatives from others Coldplay, Transiberian Orchestra, Christina Agullera, and a few dance songs that I only know when I hear them.  I like lots of different bands and Judge them by there sound not the genre.  I wonder what the percentage of people who do this is vs. people who only like their genre of music. 

I think that the barriers of how music is defined is slowly breaking down.  Years ago country was country and pop was pop.  But now there has been a lot of crossovers (won't name them) and some songs in the past have been written and performed as rock by one artist and country by someone else.   You also have people who sing one way go over to country music like Darius Rucker from Hotie and the blowfish.   I admit I have no idea what producers do but I know some of them now do what we would call "Pop" and "country" so the music styles are starting to blend.   Heavy music and rap kinda blended some and I don't just mean Run DMC, Beastie Boys, and Kid Rock.   When I first heard a Hardcore song oh so long ago (thanks cuse) I don't know who it was but it sounded kinda like rap but it wasn't.  

I will admit that I don't read music reviews at all.  The reason being is that saying one band sounds like another doesn't mean much.   Music is to complex to say they have this part of this band and that part of that band.  To know if you like it you need to hear it on CD, the web, or live in some form.   A good example of this is I liked Metallica and Guns N' Roses but (if memory serves me right) a friend of mine (Bill if you are reading this correct me if I'm wrong) didn't like Guns because of Axels voice.  I totaly get that.  The point I was trying to make is how do you find out about new music and saying I don't use magazines.  Well you have the radio stations, Music stations like music choice, then video stations that sometimes have more shows then videos like MTV (they have a bunch of stations and you can find music there) or even Fuze or some other station maybe.   But the question is how do those bands get to that level.  I have no idea other then by playing and touring and word of mouth. 

That word of mouth is nice and everything.   But I think where a lot of bands are now found out is through myspace (and other social networking sites also).  I don't know if that is enough to be honest.  Yes it is a good way to sell CDs and get your music out there.  But I don't know if the big record companies are looking for bands through myspace or not.   What is great about myspace though is that a band can request you as a friend you go and check them out and their songs play if you like them then you can friend them and if not just decline them.   Plus then you can find out when they are playing or even buy stuff of there website.  I'm not sure how well that really works.   I think that this is going to be the wave of the future, but I could be wrong.  I'm not sure how the buying of songs through myspace works but for bands who want they can do it or even just say they have the song on itunes, not sure how much of a cut either place gets they must get something I'm sure.  

The other thing I like about music on the internet and not only myspace is I think it will help break down the Genre labels.    The reason I say this is when you go into a store to buy music most places have it by type of music.   It makes it quick to identify and to find what you are looking for.   But see on the internet what type of music it is has no purpose.  It isn't like if a band is pop you will go oh this is a pop band I'm not even going to listen to it, then just deny the friends request.  That label isn't there so you will go check it out.  I have gotten requests from bands that where great and other that I didn't like so I declined the one I didn't like (don't know who it was might have been some form of hip hop).  This idea works as long as you only ad bands that you think you want to keep up with.  If you ad to many bands it can be hard to keep up with them and all their music, so I admit there is a drawback. But see that is more of a drawback in the way the person use the website.  

Well if anyone has made it to the bottom congrats.  I feel like I had more to say but don't know how to say it, so I'll end it here.

Bandits lost, argh

Well The bandits lost an Important game to the Titans and it is to bad. Hopefully they will get their winning ways back, hey maybe this slide show will work we shall see.

Titans Beat Bandits 2009

Bandits beat lumberjax

The Bandits won Last night over the lumberjax it was such a great time it really was. Not sure if anyone reads this but if they do here is a slideshow.
So it was very nice to be able to sleep in on a Friday. I don't think he is but if my boss where to read my blog then thanks. I didn't really have any plans other then to sleep in and then going to The Wizard of Oz. Last week sometime there was a review of it that only gave it 1.5 stars, so I didn't read it, I didn't want to know anything about what was going to go on or have a bad review effect by view of the play/musical . I'm not sure if it would have effected it or not but I didn't want to take the chance. I did feel bad for Shea's because I thought if people read that they might not buy tickets. The last review of something I saw I didn't agree with. The reason is that they compared the show to the same show someplace else. Well if you have a Broadway cast of course the Buffalo won't be as good, because see if they where then most likely they would be on Broadway. The last one I saw was still very good. Yes they did have pretty Ladies selling Wizard of Oz stuff, I bought a T-shirt and Magnet and thought about Toto but passed. So as I walked in to the seating area it was pretty cool there was someone playing and old looking organ. I don't remember all the songs but there where a couple Beatles songs, looked like it was a young kid. I have to admit that the Wizard of Oz is a weird movie, on its own. But it is very good. But in Musical Form it gets even weirder, but in a good way. I think that as long as you understand that then the Play would be fine. I don't know enough about the arts to know if it is a play or a musical. I think it is a play my self. The reason I say that the way they talk is with talking and not songs. The songs are only the songs in the movie. That was one of things that worried me would they make talking into songs and they didn't. I said how things where kinda weird but in a good way. With the exception of Toto every thing was played by people. The scene where they sleep in the flowers was a popie seed dance scene (but you still knew what was going on), the flying monkey was played by people (cool out fits by the way), The crows where very creepy. Now the munchkins had all sorts of outfits but some of them where taller then Dorothy. That makes sense, yes you can have some kids but where do you get real munchkins these days. Yes there where some pyro and effects. Yes there where parts that where funny. All in all it was very good, everyone should go see it. Well that assumes you like the wizard of Oz. That being said I should mention that is the first play I have seen that uses video. Yes they had two screens that I could see. When things start out there is a house set and then in the background the have the land and moving trees on the screen as a background. They also do this at the end of the show when they look at a wind mill. When the two screens are the most import is when the twister comes. Dorothy is in the house and you see the storm around her and it really looks pretty cool. You see the old lady go by on the video screen and a bolt of lighting turns her into the witch. I like the use of video, to me it is new but maybe it has been going on for a long time and I just haven't seen a production that uses it. I thought it was very good. Oh if you have seen Wicked forget about for one night and enjoy this and then after the fact combine the stories. Since I bought stuff I didn't go to Diablo it would have been a great time. Sometimes I wish I lived downtown could have dropped the stuff off at my place and then gone over there, but I don't so......... a/k/a Tommy Chong. Is a movie I have wanted to see for some time. I missed it when it was first on Showtime. I watched it on Sho On Demand yesterday. I found it pretty interesting. You do find some stuff out about him I had no idea of. It isn't only about his arrest for selling bongs over the internet, but that is what the story mainly focuses on. It is a documentary and does star him. Some times it doesn't. It also has footage of him doing some stand up, that is pretty good. Of course it does get into politics. Hey how can it not he got arrested not for weed but for selling bongs over the internet to the DEA, it is pretty interesting. The other movie I watched was also on showtime. 3:10 to Yuma. For those of you who know about movies yes it is a remake of a very old movie. I never saw the original so I can't say if the story is the same. Yes it is a western so you have lots of shooting and that kind of thing. But it isn't only that. Yes Russell Crowe is in it and he has great dialog. Batman I mean Christan Bale is in it also, and other people who I know there face but not there name. I thought the acting was pretty good my self. There is a twist that well I would call it maybe a double reveal towards the end that I won't give away. The general story is this. Bale owes people money, it is post civil war in AZ. The Railroad wants his land. He and his family are out and about when they witness the tail end of a stage coach robbery (that entire scene was so good and so violent with lots of shooting). Bale's live stock get used by Crowe so he lets him have it back and takes the family horses. Eventually it turns out that they catch Crowe in town and they need another man to help get him to this town where he will catch the 3:10 to Yuma (it is a prison where he will be hung). From there more chaos takes place and fight scenes and his gang tries to rescue him. I think it is pretty good. There are some bible references in the movie to. I like that the bad guy can " " it that is kinda a cool touch. All in all a great movie with a different kind of story line, where "The Good Guy" isn't really the Hero and where "The Bad Guy" doesn't just kill everyone. I say two thumbs up or maybe 3 out of 4 stars. Hope everyone has a great weeked!!!!!!!!!!
So Last night on http://www.comedycentral.com/ Comedy Central I saw that on Sunday night they will have a roast of Larry The Cable guy. I have a feeling that will be pretty interesting we shall see. The reason I was watching it was to see South Park's season premiere it can be seen at the link above. But it can also be watched on line at http://www.southparkstudios.com/ . There are many kinds of comedy and it is tough to say what others will find funny, so I don't like to tell people to go watch something. I thought the episode had some very funny parts. I thought it started out kinda slow, well maybe slow isn't the right word really. The basics is that Kenny has a GF and that she is into the Jonas Brothers so they go and see a show. Of course he isn't into them but he thinks taking her will get him some. Remember now that a lot of young girls in real life love these guys but they are all into god and being pure. The Purity rings almost seem to have a power. And I think my favorite part was when A Famous Mouse shows up, it was so great, ah what a great episode. I hope I didn't give to much away for anyone who didn't see it yet.

AMP Thunder Slam Monster Trucks 09 The Slideshow is from the Monster Trucks I went to see last night. I almost got tickets for tonight but I think Friday was a better day to go, I had a great time.

Super Sports Weekend

I have to admit I'm falling off a little bit. I don't think I'm the only one though. I'm a Football fan and so with the playoffs and the Super Bowl I think a lot of people think this is a no sports weekend. They would be very wrong. On Thursday I watched Bones for two hours and some of LA Ink and Burn Notice started up. But what I forgot and found out last night was that this week of no NFL playoffs is when they have the Winter X-games http://espn.go.com/action/xgames/ . I tried to watch them last night but was just to worn out to make it. By Friday with what I think are long days I get pretty worn out. But I did catch the end of an hour repeated this morning it was Snow Mobile best trick. Levi LaValle attempted a Double Back flip it was Amazing he did land it but didn't ride away so he gets no points it was still fun to watch, he didn't try the trick again he said he wasn't able to try it again but still amazing. To see when more sports are on http://espn.go.com/action/news/story?id=3810914 . Today they are on from like 3-6PM and then more sports are on tonight and then some on Sunday. But see that isn't where the sports end. It is also NHL all star weekend http://www.nhl.com/ . The all star game is Sunday at around 6 Pm I would like to see some of that even though from what I have heard "Sid The Kid" is hurt and won't play. Tonight at 7pm on VS. is the superskills http://www.nhl.com/ice/eventhome.htm?location=/allstar/2009 contest. I'm not sure what the NHL network is going to show if you have that, it might be something to look into. I'm sure there are other sports going on but I only cover the ones that I know about and yet there is one more thing going on http://www.bandits.com/index.cfm The Bandits play away tonight. I Haven't looked into watching it live and was going to try it tonight but with the other sports I think I will try and find out what happens tonight through the news. I'm sure there are people who like to know about other Lacrosse teams or like teams other then the Bandits so for everything NLL http://www.nll.com/ . That just about covers everything I can think of. So hopefully some people now know that the week off during Football there are lots of great sports to watch and remember that next year also. Oh yeah that is right I forgot next year The Pro Bowl will be before the super bowl and not on the Island. I get that they are trying to make the game mean something and not just be a fun trip. But the problem is that no one who is Playing in the super bowl will want to play in it. If you are in the playoffs and your team loses do you really want to travel someplace. Not to mention where would you have and would in be a distraction if the field is being used by a team in the playoffs or super bowl?

Bandits crush Hawks

So The bandits beat the Knighthawks pretty good it is very physical of a game and was still a lot of fun with fights.

Bandits Crush Knighthawks 09

Bandits win Opener

So the Bandits beat the wings in the season opener and it was a pretty good game, here are some pictures of it.

Bandits Opener 2009

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