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RomanceStuck.com offers 10 ways to do just that: 1. Set a monthly "date night" and stick to it. Even if it's just dinner and a movie or a candlelit dinner together at home, make time for just the two of you. 2. Say "I love you" every day. These three small words carry so much meaning, yet they're never said often enough. Make sure that your partner knows you love and appreciate him or her every single day. 3. Put your love in writing. Nothing gives you warm fuzzies of love like receiving a simple love note or a passionate love letter. Every once in a while take the time to write your sweetie love notes, love poems and love letters. 4. Bring back the spontaneity in your relationship. Surprise your partner once a month. Try sending her flowers "just because." Buy him two tickets to a game of his favorite sport--and go with him! 5. Get away from it all with a weekend getaway. Take a romantic weekend away for no reason except to be together. Head to a cabin in the mountains, a local bed and breakfast or a relaxing spa. It doesn't really matter where you go, as long as you go together and leave the interruptions behind. 6. Show your love each and every day. Give your partner compliments, hold hands, open doors and engage in public displays of affection. It's the little things you do to show your love that always mean the most. 7. Shake up your romantic life with a little creativity. Create your own love coupon book with one coupon for your partner to redeem each week of the year. Easy to create, these little coupons can be as romantic, sexy or practical as you want. Hint: a mix of all three works best. 8. Have fun together! Take up a new hobby together. Join a softball team together or take cooking, golf or dancing lessons. You'll not only learn something new, but also you'll have fun with your partner at the same time. 9. Don't forget the little things. Make him lunch. Paint her toenails. Wash and wax his car. Do her weekly chores. You've heard the phrase that it's the little things that really matter when it comes to showing how much you care. Show you care by doing something nice and unexpected for your partner. It's a practical way to show your love that will be very much appreciated. 10. Get to know your partner better. Whether you're dating, just married or celebrating your 25th wedding anniversary, there is always more to learn about your partner. Get creative! Buy the book "All About Us" by Philipp Keel. It's filled with questions that will help you document your own love story; set aside time to answer one question each week. Or check out the many other books and resources which feature questions designed to spark discussions that will help you learn more about one another.

Choices We Make

This is am Mumm i came across Why is it that many people (men & women)choose to remain in relationships even though they are treated like crap. Why do people allow themselves to be lied to and cheated on repeatedly? Common sense (which isn't very common) dictates that the best thing to do would be to let go. Why is that so difficult for some? Here are some answers i found interesting! Women get off on being treated like pieces of sh@t They stay with the guys that treat them like crap then go to the good guys for the "emotional/moral" support, all at the same time leading the good guys on and letting them think they're into them and just saunter on back to the f@ckheads. But hey, that's life.(bullSh!T) By that time, the woman has fallen in love with the creep and when he promises to never act that way again, he just keeps getting worse.(True) think it is the fact that no matter how bad you are treated you are a comfortable place.You fear the unknown.How do you know that it will be better with someone else. It would but people are afraid of being alone and never finding your mate.You need to be comfortable with you and respect yourself then no matter what relationship you are in you will know how you want to be treated.(Yes very true) So i have been asking the same question myself lately. Why do men choose to remain in relationships even though they are treated like crap. Why do people allow themselves to be lied to and cheated on repeatedly? I guess as a women that was in a marriage at one time being treating like Sh@t I know why stayed it was for all the wrong reasons. Why do more men take this treatment from women? My theory that its more attractive to a man when a women that is needy , has no self respect, no self esteem, slutty. Than a women that is not needy , has self respect and has self esteem and not a slut unattractive! WHAT THE HELL?? So i have decide not date anyone serious and not get involved with anyone. I'm done I would rather be lonely than to deal with this CR@P anymore!
Here are some sex questions you may have been too embarrassed to ask: Why aren’t my breasts a perfectly matched set? Unless they’ve been surgically altered, most women’s breasts are not perfectly matched. That’s because breasts are made of mammary gland tissue and fat, and there are naturally different. Is it normal to pass gas during orgasm? When you climax, the muscles around your genitals including the sphincter muscle – relax, and when they do, it’s not unusual for a little gas to escape. If I had a dream about having sex with another woman, does that mean I’m gay or bisexual? It could mean you’re attracted to women (or a particular woman), but it could also mean you’re missing the closeness that friendships with women brings. “Sometimes women symbolize nurturance, love and closeness,” Sugg explains. “If you’re in a relationship with a guy and you’re not getting enough closeness, a dream like this might symbolize that you need more of that.” Is a cold sore the same as herpes? No this as a different strange of the virus Can certain exercises really lead to better sex? For starters, a good cardiovascular routine helps build energy and stamina. In addition, strength training and stretching can help you build muscles and improve your flexibility so you can get into – and maintain – various positions during sex. Will my vagina be noticeably bigger after I have a baby? After delivery, the vaginal opening is anywhere from one to four centimeters bigger than it was before,” I’ve never had an orgasm during intercourse. Is something wrong with me? u can’t have orgasms with intercourse, you’re normal,”If you can't! If you’ve never experienced an orgasm – and about 10% of women have not – you might consider investing in some slippery lube (not oil, which can irritate sensitive vaginal tissues) and spend some time experimenting alone. Don’t get discouraged if there are no immediate fireworks. “The first time, it might take an hour of stimulation to produce an orgasm; it might also take many tries to get comfortable with the feelings of strong arousal,” Where’s my G spot? That’s the million-dollar sex question. Some researchers don’t believe in the G spot; others staunchly defend its existence but disagree about its exact location. One school of sex researchers maintains that the G spot is the glandular tissue around the urethra (found behind your pubic bone, about two inches inside your vagina). Others believe it’s really farther back, in a triangular area on the back of the bladder wall – called the trigone or T Zon

My Application

So i decided to answers the question if i was filling out an application to be a Girlfriend Name: Stacy Age: 33 Birthday:December 24th (yes Christmas Eve thats what it says on my birth certificated) Location:Denver, Co Height: 5"7 Eye color:Hazel Hair color: Depends right now brownish red What is your hair like? soft Describe your style:classy but comfy Are you married ? Nope What kind of music do you listen to? Old school,look on my home page What do you look for in a man? Well personality Do looks matter? yes and no Longest you have stayed in a relationship?71/2 yrs Last relationship ended? 2 yrs age What is your ideal date? 9/9/009 LOL different but fun! Baseball game , beer and a hot dog or a museum and lunch at a cafe, Amusement park, the Zoo Where would you take me for a date? one of the above Are you a romantic? a true romantic at heart my down fall How would you treat me? like a king How do you feel about a little PDA? A MUST State your intentions: serious Would you expect me to cater to you?Hehee hehee only in the bedroom Hehee hehee When was the last time you drank from the milk carton?Milk what milk LOL no just juice Do you still live with your parents?I love then But I'm not crazy. Hell No Short-term or Serious? How do you feel about kids?Love them How quirky is your personality? LOL I'm on Fubar what does that tell you LOL! How do you feel about rain?L ove smell of the rain Dancing? Dancing in the rain?Love to Do you like to travel? Yeaps Would you take a bullet for me?for my kids of course for you? Hummm maybe LOL Are you overprotective? No i like MySpace lol and you can have your Can you cook? yeap How clean are you? I take a shower everyday and i clean my apartment Any STDs? Hell NO How spontaneous are you?Come find out hehee hehee What is love? Love is unconditional, no regrets , giving 150% all the time, being each others soulmates. Will you take me shopping?LOL if i'm spending your money LOL JK Will you hold my purse?I hope you don't have a purse but I'll your man purse How do you feel about your family?Love my family What's your ultimate lifelong goal?just being happy with who you are. Are you serious? VERY

Mumm Home wrecker

This was posted as an Mumm Home wrecker Ok I am self analyzing myself...I have been divorced 4 years after a 17year relationship. I dated a married man for about a year and a half,then had a live in relationship with a married man who was divorcing,was seeing another married man about a year ago which I recently started seeing again. What in the hell is my attraction to married men?Is it you always want what you can't have? Or do I not like commitment? One of the reply s: sounds to me like after a 17 year relationship going south that you might see married men as "safe." They can never truly commit to you thus you can't a have a real relationship with them! Therefore in your mind you can't get hurt again! BTW... You are not a home wrecker, you are just someone who is afraid of getting hurt once again! It's totally understandable!! So after reading this it hit home about all the relationships I have been in . In the past 7 yrs not only dating married men ( Nothing I'm proud of by far) but being the first one to bail or make sure the relationship didn't work. It took one of my good friends to stay it out loud for me that I'm afraid of ending up alone . So I'm saying it " I'm afraid of ending up alone"
The Boyfriend Application I'm tired of whatever in dating so I decided to post this application is for real Looking for some in Colorado but open to all! Name: Age: Birthday: Location: Height: Eye color: Hair color: What is your hair like? Describe your style: Do you have an accent? If so, what kind? What kind of music do you listen to? What do you look for in a lady? Do looks matter? Ideal chest size? Longest you have stayed in a relationship? Last relationship ended? What is your ideal date? What do you think of me? Where would you take me for a date? Are you a romantic? How would you treat me? How do you feel about a little PDA? State your intentions: Would you expect me to cater to you? When was the last time you drank from the milk carton? Do you still live with your parents? Short-term or Serious? How do you feel about kids? How quirky is your personality? How do you feel about rain? Dancing? Dancing in the rain? Do you like to travel? Would you take a bullet for me? Are you overprotective? Can you cook? How clean are you? Any STDs? How spontaneous are you? What is love? Will you take me shopping? Will you hold my purse? How do you feel about your family? What's your ultimate lifelong goal? Are you serious? If your serious please copy and paste fill out and leave it in my private message with application filled out!
When it comes to flying, I believe in pampering myself, always picking the best of America's bankrupt airlines. Recently I flew across the country and couldn't decide between first class and business class, since I couldn't afford either one of them. I wound up sitting in coach, so named because you need someone to shout, "Come on, you can do it!" as you try to wedge yourself into your seat. Many airlines have started adding surcharges to their ticket prices to help defray the cost of items such as fuel and bad management. For example, you can no longer bring two pieces of luggage on a flight - it costs an extra $25 for the airlines to lose that second bag. "Of course," the flight attendant purrs as I squeeze between the two professional wrestlers to sit in my seat, "meals in our first-class and business cabins are complimentary and prepared by our chef, Emeril. In the coach cabin, meals cost $10 and are prepared by our chef, Boyardee. Coach passengers may pay an additional $5 to upgrade lunch to 'edible.' " "In the event of sudden decompression, little orange masks will drop from the ceiling to dispense air. In the coach cabin, the air costs $10, though coach passengers may pay an additional $5 to upgrade to 'oxygen.' " "For entertainment, passengers in the first two cabins may choose from a wide variety of movies to watch on their personal electronic devices, or, if they prefer, George Carlin will sit next to them and tell jokes. In coach, our movie today is Alive, the uplifting story of a plane crash in the Andes wherein a handful of frolicking survivors indulge in cannibalism." I eye the large men on either side of me, deciding that if we go down in the Andes, I'm good for a couple of months. Otherwise, I'm not paying all that money for airline food, even if it does look more appetizing than what they're eating in the movie. After a couple of hours aloft, my nose twitches at an unmistakable smell: They're baking chocolate-chip cookies in first class! My stomach comes alive, begging me to eat one before it has to resort to cannibalism. I reach up for the flight-attendant button, paying the dollar surcharge to ring the bell. "How much," I plead, "to buy one of those cookies?" She tells me $5 and, when I pull out my wallet, hands me a small package. "What's this?" I sputter. "Moon Pie," she responds. Now, a Moon Pie is every bit as delicious as a smear of marshmallow packed between two dry graham crackers and coated in chocolate can be, but my heart is set on an upgrade. "No," I hiss, being careful not to wake the man seated next to me, whose head is resting on my shoulder. "I mean a fresh-baked chocolate-chip cookie!" The flight attendant snatches the Moon Pie out of my hand. "Those are only for our upgraded travelers," she tells me, marching off. I sit there, fuming, wondering whether I could storm into first class and swallow a cookie before the air marshal shot me. Then I spot a business- class passenger stretching his legs. "Hey, buddy!" I whisper. I slide out of my seat, earning a snarl from the professional wrestler guy. I offer the business-class person $10 if he will go get me a cookie. "Or two," I say. "Two would be $20," he replies; math skills like that explain why he's in business class. I tell him fine, whatever, and he leaves. A few minutes later, he's back. I have my money out, but there's no cookie. "I decided it just wouldn't be right," he advises me sadly. "Those cookies are meant for just the people in front. It would be immoral." "What kind of business person are you?" I demand. Looking insulted, he turns on his heel and retreats to the safety of his cabin, where coach passengers are not allowed to go. Heartbroken, despondent, I go to find the flight attendant, but I'm too late. They're out of Moon Pies. Write to Bruce at bruce@wbrucecameron.com.
Never Argue with a Woman One morning the husband returns after several hours of fishing and decides to take a nap. Although not familiar with the lake, the wife decides to take the boat out. She motors out a short distance,anchors, and reads her book. Along comes a Game Warden in his boat. He pulls up a long side the woman and says, "Good morning,Ma'am. What are you doing?""Reading a book," she replies, (thinking,"Isn't that obvious?")"You're in a Restricted Fishing Area," he in forms her."I'm sorry, officer, but I'm not fishing.I'm reading.""Yes, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start at any moment. I'll have to take you in and write you up. ""For reading a book," she replies,"You're in a Restricted Fishing Area," he informs her again,"I'm sorry, officer, but I'm not fishing.I'm reading.""Yes, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start at any moment. I'll have to take you in and write you up.""If you do that, I'll have to charge you with sexual assault," says the woman."But I haven't even touched you," says the game warden."That's true, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start at any moment.""Have a nice day ma'am," and he left. MORAL: Never argue with a woman who reads. It's likely she can also think. Send this to four women who are thinkers. If you receive this, you know you're intelligent.


A man with 6 kids get on a plane, a girl asks "are those your kids?" He replies, "ohh no , i work for Trojan these are customer "complaints"
1. Aspire to be Barbie - the bitch has everything. 2. If the shoe fits - buy one in every color. 3. Take life with a pinch of salt... A wedge of lime, and a shot of tequila. 4. In need of a support group? - Cocktail hour with the girls! 5. Go on the 30 day diet.(I'm on it and so far I've lost 15 days). 6. When life gets you down - just put on your big girl panties and deal with it. 7. Let your greatest fear be that there is no menopause and this is just your personality. 8. I know I'm in my own little world, but it's ok. They know me here..... 9. Lead me not into temptation, I can find it myself. 10. Don't get your knickers in a knot, it solves nothing; and makes you walk funny. 11. When life gives you lemons in 2008 - turn it into lemonade then mix it with vodka. 12. Remember every good looking; sweet, single male is someone-else's ex-boyfriend!
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