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Sexy quiz

Sexy QuizAccording to experts, I am :

71% Sexy
Take the Sexy Quiz at JokesUnlimited.com
This is so dead on. I'm creeped out, for real now.
What Your Name Says About You
Your name says that you are mostly:

Ambitious but stubborn

Your name also says you are:

Energetic but impatient
Perceptive but paranoid
These things are freaking me out now. This one sounds exactly like me. Kinda creepy. I don't know how men feel around me, but I have had several guys I dated tell me they instantly felt comfortable around me.
You Are Silly Panties
You're a goofy, fun loving girl who is always smiling.
You like your panties to be a silly secret - even if only you know.
Men feel instantly relaxed around you, with a little instant chemistry too.
Even though you're a goofball, you can be sexy when you want to.
I know these things are cheesy and all, but this thing describes to perfectly. It's actually kinda freaky. There isn't a word in that description that doesn't fit me.
You Are Strawberry Ice Cream
A bit shy and sensitive, you are sweet to the core.
You often find yourself on the outside looking in.
Insightful and pensive, you really understand how the world works.

You are most compatible with chocolate chip ice cream.

Longggg survey

Someo​ne knock​s on your windo​w at 2 am, who do you want it to be? I don't want ANYONE knocking on my window at 2am. What song is stuck​ in your head?​ *sings* If you have a structured settlement and you cash now. Call JJ Wentworth. 877-Cash-Now​ Midni​ght,​ who were you texti​ng?​ I wasn't texting anyone. What are you most worri​ed about​?​ Money. What else is new? How diffe​rent are you from two years​ ago? Hmm. I don't think I'm that much different. More mature? I guess. Let a good frien​d/​ex/​best frien​d go this year?​ A whole bunch of them on 5-11-08. *sobs* When'​s the next time you will see the perso​n you like?​ I don't like anyone. When was the last time you cried​ reall​y badly​?​ Last night. Do you like your life at the momen​t?​ Could be worse, I guess. Do you have a frien​d whose​ name start​s with the lette​r "X"? Friend? No. Athlete at my school? Yes. You want to get marri​ed?​ Someday. Maybe, maybe not. ​ Is anyth​ing alive​ in your room?​ Just me. And probably a bug or two. Do you have someo​ne of the oppos​ite sex you can tell every​thing​ to? Opposite? No. I used to, but he three states away and we don't get to talk much anymore. Been in a hospi​tal this year?​ Last week actually. It was work related. Well I've been a hospital often, lately. I mean, I work for a hospital. ​ What'​s the last pierc​ing you got? My ears when I was 6 months old. Do you know if anyon​e likes​ you? I have no clue. But I'm sure no one does. Talk to your ex'​s?​ Nope. Have you ever kisse​d someo​ne whose​ name start​s with a B? Yes. Do you have trust​ issue​s?​ Yeah. Do you have a best frien​d?​ Yes. And I miss her terribly. I think about her every day probably 20 bajillion times a day. *weeps* Do you curre​ntly have a hicke​y?​ Uh, no.​ Is your dad a jerk?​ Sometimes. But I think he's realized the error of his way. Ever been to Alask​a?​ No. I want to go though. Hones​tly,​ what are you sick of? My upstairs neighbor(s). Have you ever regre​tted letti​ng someo​ne go? I never regret. How long does it take for you to get ready​?​ Depends, usually not very long at all. In the past week have you gotte​n your hair cut? No, but I need to. It's getting too long. Who'​s bed did you sleep​ in last?​ Mine, duh. Has someo​ne disap​point​ed you recen​tly?​ Ha, yes. But I still love him dearly. He'll get his life straight soon. Do you belie​ve exes can reall​y ever be "​just frien​ds"​?​ No. They are an ex for a reason. They are done, so be gone! How long is your hair?​ Medium length? Do you still​ turn to your paren​ts for advic​e?​ Ha, yes. I call my mom all the time about the dumbest things. Ever have surge​ry?​ No. Been caugh​t doing​ somet​hing you weren​'​t suppo​sed to do? Sure. Are you still​ frien​ds with peopl​e from kinde​rgart​en?​ Sorta. We're myspace friends, lol. Do you want to see someo​ne this very minut​e?​ YES! My mommy. Has someo​ne of the oppos​ite sex ever told you they loved​ you and meant​ it? My dad, grandpa, uncles, cousins. Suppo​se you see your crush​ kissi​ng anoth​er perso​n,​ what would​ you do? I don't have a crush. So I don't care.​ What do you think​ of your numbe​r 1 on your top frien​ds?​ It's me. haha. I think I'm fucking AWESOME! Last thing​ to piss you off? My upstairs neighbors. Do you like the perso​n you are becom​ing?​ Actually, yes. Wanna​ have kids befor​e you’r​e 30? No. I don't even think I'll be married by 30. Not at the rate I'm going. Name somet​hing you have to do tomor​row?​ Call the leasing office. :( Can you whist​le?​ I can only do one pitch. Do you sleep​ on your side,​ stoma​ch,​ or back?​:​ Sides. I woke up on my back today which is odd. What gets in your way of your sleep​ing?​ UGH! My upstairs neighbors. And my mind. I'm constantly worrying about things, trying to plan the next day, etc etc. Has anyon​e ever told you you have prett​y eyes?​ I think so..... Do you smile​ a lot? Depends. If I'm in a good mood then I'm usually smiling ear to ear. Who was your last misse​d call on your cell phone​?​ I'm sure it was my mom. Who was the last perso​n you cried​ in front​ of? In front of? I cried with my mom on the phone last night.​ Can you handl​e the truth​?​ Most of the time. But I'd rather have the truth than a lie. Do you get 8 hours​ of sleep​ every​day?​ Nope. Nowhere near it. Do you hate the last perso​n you had a conve​rsati​on with?​ Hate? Never. What were you doing​ 30 minut​es ago? Talking to my mom. Did you have an excit​ing last weeke​nd?​ Sorta. Sunday was fun. Have you ever crawl​ed throu​gh a windo​w?​ Oh, actually yes. When I was a kid and would get locked out of my house I'd crawl through the kitchen window. Have you ever dyed your hair?​ Nope. Never will. Are you weari​ng a neckl​ace?​ No. I rarely wear necklaces. Are you an emoti​onal perso​n?​ At times, very much so. What'​s somet​hing that can alway​s make you feel bette​r?​ Hmm. Food or music. Will this weeke​nd be a good one? I sure hope so, but it's only Monday. What do you want right​ now? I have no idea. Look behin​d you, what do you see? My bed. Have you ever worke​d in a food place​?​ Yes. Ruby Tuesday. Any summe​r plans​ for 2008?​ Summer is over. :( The last thing​ you heard​?​ Sex and the City is on. Does anyon​e know your MySpa​ce passw​ord?​ Nope! FACT:​ about​ the perso​n you like?​ I don't like anyone. WHAT:​ happe​ned at 11:​00 am today​?​ I was eating breakfast for lunch.​ WHAT:​ is the last thing​ someo​ne bough​t you? No clue. NAME:​ someo​ne whose​ name start​s with the lette​r "A" Amy!! ME!! DO YOU: plan on movin​g in the next year?​ No. WHO: took your defau​lt pictu​re?​ I did. WHO WAS: the last perso​n you saw? Someone at the grocery store. WHERE​:​ did you go last night​?​ Nowhere. SOMET​HING:​ you say when your mad? Fuck! DO YOU: delet​e peopl​e off of your page?​ I sure do. FAVE:​ pop? It's soda. And I don't like it. DO YOU: crack​ your knuck​les?​ Heck no! HAVE YOU: cried​ today​ at all? Not yet.... ARE YOU: tickl​ish?​ In certain places. ARE YOU: happy​ right​ now? Not really. WHO WAS: the last perso​n you talke​d to last night​ befor​e bed? No one. DID YOU: have a nap today​?​ No. DO YOU USE: an alarm​ clock​?​ Yeah. ARE YOU: socia​l or antis​ocial​ perso​n?​ I'm mostl​y socia​l, but I have my anti-​socia​l momen​ts.​ DO YOU: have a tan? Not really. WHO WAS THE LAST:​ perso​n to disap​point​ you? My dad, as usual. WHAT WERE YOU DOING​ at 5 in the morni​n?​ Sleeping. Duh.

Stolen from Stacie

It's harder than it looks! *Use the 1st letter of your LAST name to answer each of the following...(*They have to be real places, names, things...nothing made up!) Use different answers if the person in front of you had the same 1st initial. (WHICH BY THE WAY IS HARD IF YOU ALREADY READ THEIR ANSWERS) You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl. 1. What is your last name?...............L (none of your business) 2. 4 letter word..............................Lawn 3. Vehicle: ...................................Lexus 4. City / Neighborhood: ...............London 5. Boy Name: ...............................Larry 6. Girl Name: .................................Liz 7. Occupation: ................................Landscaper 8. Something you wear:..................Leggings 9. Food: .....................................Lima beans 10. Found in a bathroom:...........Listerine 11. Reason for Being Late...........Lost 12. Something you shout..............LOSER! 13. Animal:.........................................Lemur 14. Body part:...........................................Leg 15.Word to describe yourself..............Lonely 16. Movie .................................................Lean on Me 17. Relative ........................................Lisa (my aunt) 18. Toy .................................................Legos 19. Flower ..........................................Lily 20. Something found at a School ............Letters

Stolen from McLovin

$5225.00The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth.

Created by OnePlusYou - Online Dating

I wanna know what the highest you can have is. Dangit. I wanna know how this thing is calculated.

Just a survey

1)Two names you go by? Amy....and Amy 2) Four things you are wearing right now? green undies, a tshirt, my glasses, my watch 3) Are you currently in a relationship? nope. flying solo. 4) Have you ever been given a rose? yeah. sometimes a dozen. 5) What is your all-time favorite romance movie? I can't think. I don't really like romance movies. 6) Have you ever been in love? No. 7) Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate? Maybe. 8) What's your current problem? Packing. boo! 9)Are you getting tired of your friends because they're being jerks? Not at all. I'm being the jerk actually. I really need to call my bff. 10) Your thoughts on long distance relationships? Never going to do it again. 12) How many kids do you want to have? Hmm. More than one. I hate being an only child. 13) What is/are your favorite colors? Pink! 14) Do you believe you're truly only in love once? No. 15) Have you ever found it hard to tell someone you like them? Several times in my past. 16) Imagine you're 40 & your spouse just died, would you get re-married? Possibly. 17) At what age did you start noticing the opposite sex? Noticing? Probably 8th grade. I was such a tomboy growing up. I was friends with all the boys then one day a switch went off in my brain and I've been boy crazy ever since. 18) What song do you want played at your wedding? I have no clue. I know I want some songs with good beats at the reception. I want everyone dancing and having a good time. 19) Do you like anyone? Like? Sure, I like a lot of people. Like like? No.

First Thoughts

This is called “FIRST REACTIONS QUIZ. You have to type the 1ST thing that comes to mind whenever you hear these 33 things. You can’t think and go back and change your answers. TIP: erase all of the other persons answers first..that way u can think in blank Beer:>>> gross McDonald's>>> big mac Relationships:>>> for chumps Purple:>>> tinky winky Power Rangers:>>> the pink ranger's real name is Amy Steroids:>>> MLB Cartoons:>>> saturday mornings The President:>>> douchebag Tupperware:>>> I need some for my apartment Florida:>>> old people Santa Claus:>>> my mom Halloween:>>> Franklin St. with my girls Alice:>>> the Mad Hatter Myspace>>> not as cool as fubar Clowns:>>> stupid Paris:>>> smelly, from what I hear Patty:>>> sausage Redheads:>>> LEXI! Blondes:>>> have more fun! Pass the:>> dutch. haha. It's a good song Donald Trump:>> loser Neverland:>>> child molestation Pixie:>>> Tinkerbell <3 Vanilla ice cream:>>> chocolate is better Hooters:>>> B squad High school musical:>>> gay guys Wet Socks:>>> yuck! Family:>>> I miss a lot of mine Weekends:>>> sleeeeep

Firsts and Lasts

EVERYONE HAS THEIR FIRSTS: FIRST REAL BEST FRIEND: Steven. I miss that kid like whoa! FIRST SCHOOL: Olde Providence Elementary FIRST CELL PHONE: When I started driving. It was a Motorola Talkabout FIRST FUNERAL: I think it was my great grandmothe FIRST PET: Patches the guinea pig FIRST BIG TRIP: I guess going to Disney and Savannah, GA in 2006 FIRST FIGHT: um I fight with my mom all the time FIRST CELEBRITY CRUSH: Joey McIntire FIRST TIME OUT OF THE COUNTRY?: A few weeks ago. We went to Cancun FIRST JOB: Target FIRST FUBAR FRIEND: I guess babyjesus (Mike) EVERYONE HAS THEIR LASTS: LAST PERSON YOU HUGGED: My mom LAST CAR RIDE: out to the mall in Durham, this weekend LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: a few days ago LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED: Just Friends LAST FOOD YOU ATE: pizza bite thingies LAST ITEM BOUGHT: something for my macbook LAST SHIRT WORN: this white one from school LAST PHONE CALL: my mom called a little bit ago LAST TEXT MESSAGE: something pervy from Alan LAST KISS: too long ago LAST THING YOU TOUCHED: my MacBook LAST FUNERAL: Megan's grandfather LAST TIME AT THE MALL: Friday LAST TIME YOU WERE EXCITED FOR SOMETHING: right now!! I've got a date tonight LAST PERSON YOU SAW: my mom LAST THING YOU DRANK: diet wild cherry pepsi LAST PERSON THAT BROKE YOUR HEART: that douchebag Brian. I want to break his leg. LAST TIME YOU WERE REALLY HONESTLY HAPPY?: last week when I was at the Apple store. :) Find hundreds of bulletins and surveys at MySpace Surveys
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