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Johnnydevil's blog: "Real Fu-Kin Life."

created on 02/18/2007  |  http://fubar.com/real-fu-kin-life/b56627  |  396 followers

It's 9/11.

Fu has done this every year for quite some time now to commemorate the anniversary of the 9/11/2001 attacks on PA, the Pentagon and NYC.

Please be civil today, don't be -that- asshat.

We always seem to get at least one so...

Just don't.

I was in NJ on 9/11/01 and I won't bore you with the details or my story but let's just say it's way different when you are close to something like that.

I saw the smoke from the towers.

It's the kind of thing that changes your point of view on life.

Never forget!

- JD


Hey kids. How goes it? Hope your summer is wonderful so far and you didn't blow yourself up on the 4th...

Speaking of getting blown up...I would personally like to thank everyone that feels the need to create fake profiles that do this to spy on my wifey and I. We appreciate all of the rates every day :

Don't quite know what you are looking for but okay.

Also just know that being the object of anyone that has a crazy enough of an obsession to consistently do this bring us great humor and many lolz throughout the day.

Please don't stop. Our lifetime ranks need asssitance...

Anyhoot it seems a long time issue is once again rearing its' ugly head around here.

It seems as though, yet again, males and females cannot be friends. Let me ask you this: Girl #1 and Guy #1 are in a relationship. They met. They have had sex. No catfish in the pond (horray!)

Guy #1 has been here forever and has made many female friends. He's just a normal Fubar dude, enjoying the site. Girl #1 however, has not been here that long and seems to have insecurity isues. Even though they have literally met and all of the above. They get into an arguement which of course, as per what normal Fubar people can do, they get into a status war, and all of the friends the male has accumulated either come to his defense because they see him hurt and clearly heartbroken about Girl #1.

And of course, as if Fubar tradition, they get back together.

Needless to say the females that were his friend are a tad upset. Then girl #2 posts the always traditional and trashy Fubar status about "haters" with some generic crap about "keeping her seat warm." Then goes back to attacking the guys' friends.

That really, if she took the time to care or notice, clearly have their own man and are not interested in hers.


People, this needs to stop. We are adults and most have been here for more of our adult lives then we care to openly admit (lol.)

Own your shit, be secure in your own skin and don't settle for less or being treated less than you deserve.

If more people did that - the amount of bullshit would drop immensely.

Here's your Fubar Lesson 121.

Peace. -


Oh before I forget again, for those of you who recall Fat Sonny. It has been confirmed he has passed away. 

I will address that in some form in the near future.

Thank you.

Theme of the Day

All around me are snapchat faces...worn out filters...worn out filterrrrs..


Good evening kids happy Star Wars Day.

I guess Vader should make an appearance huh.

For the record, I am a The Last Jedi hater.


Stuff and things...

They took away your points in the booty game because they want people to interact and not be lazy.

Earn or sell your soul (or your other goodies) for points and rates damnit!

That will make you Fu-Famous.

Yeah, Okay.

Something along those lines.

I got my radio back in my car last week because I was too lazy to put the fuze back in.

I hear Ariana Grande every three minutes.

I guess that's okay.

I'm still alive.

I still see the stupid shit people do it doesn't take long for a quick trip down the stupid lane to see it.

That's spectacular.

My apathy for that drama is negative.

Keep feeding egotistical monsters in your real and fu lives.

Don't be surprised when they toss you away like a smelly shredded sock when your no longer are of any use to them.

Celebrate their idiotic behavior.

Support it.

Ignore blantant stupidilty.

Enjoy being treated like shit.

All in the name of points rank, level and color.

Then they are "oh so shocked" when they learn and see truth.

And are often in denial of it.

The truth bringers are chastised for being dramatic.

Let me tell you all something.

Those that scream the loudest in denial have the most to hide.

None of this applies to me. 

I stopped caring what anyone thought a long time ago.

Can you say the same?

Many say it - but far fewer live it.

Seeking approval and attention from those who honestly don't give a rat's shit about you but only themselves.

Their actions quantify it but most are blind to see it.

In the name of winning an unwinnable game.

Like that old move "War Games" 

The only way to win is not to play.

May the 4th be with you because...

you're going to need it.


Good evening, morning, or whatever it is wherever you are.

Hope you all had a lovely and peaceful Easter.

I did.

Just some notes for those that have been inquiring.

I'm actually surprised that anyone inquiried at all but (lol) hey.

No I'm not dead, deleted, pissed off (well at least no more than usual, take that how you may.)

I've just been real-life busy with stuff and things.

But thanks for those who reached out to Brandy and asked.

Things are a-ok.

We are more than a-ok.

I see nothing has changed here much.

I see new Rockstar and Famp designs.

They are cool. 

I have some hilarious inbox messages I will get to in due time, thank you for your patience. 

Seems like the misinformation bug is spreading faster than the measles in an anti-vax area.

If you don't know what I am referring to, please Google it.

Otherwise yeah.


Different day it seems.

And no, this Titanic doesn't sink.

Ya'll gotta try a little harder than that.


Enjoy the spring while it lasts. I'm sure things will be on fire out there and here faster than the dragon queen can say "Dracarys."

Once again, Google it.


Married...With Fubar...

Hey all. How are we? 

Sorry I'm not responding or doing much or taking forever to reply. But you know, life and things happen...

But with that being said..I'd like to touch on something...

something near and dear to all of you that aren't robotic buy-in rank-level-acheivement-I-live-on-Fu machines. 

It's called "Feelings"

People catch them.

Not quite on the level that most of you were catching mono or getting that woody pecker from peoples' pages (although that is quite hilarious from quite a few different points of view) no no,

I mean real ones.

Real ones for the person that is always on your page. Always posting snarky statuses to seem interesting. Or the ones that post random song lyrics in order to give the impression that they are "deep" on some level. You know, that one that's a Fubar superstar. The attractive male. The attractive female.

At least by Fubar standards.

By those same standards they are rather shall we say "popular."

On some non numeric or color level. They are the ones that reply to the seemingly incessant inboxes and shoutboxes and picture comments saying that they are "so hot" and "I'd kill for you" or some other over the top not actually based in any kind of reality shit that gets posted here thousands of times a day if not hundreds of times a second.

They are usually a non-top level VIP and have all the cute blings and all of that cool for Fu stuff.

You know the types I am referring to.

They put out a good image on this site, they do. Of course now, come on people, you know that most of those men and women just don't sit on here all day. That's not their reality at all.Actually they are probably taken in real-life. And in quite a few more instances that most would like to admit....

They are frigging married.

Not Fu married.

Real fu-king life married.

So their actions on here are quizzical at best.

Like, do they really need to kick people's bling off of a tooltip or reply to every comment on some "hot" dude or chicks page they are trying to "claim" on some level basically to what amounts to pissing on their page for attention?


Do they do it? Of course!

You see this all over attactive or deemed-to-be-important for some reason or another male profiles on this site. Go look at those thirsty bitches. What would happen if you tried that shit in a real bar with real people? They would call you shall we say a variety of names to described what basically amounts to negative descriptions of a promiscuous female to say the least. That leaves an open door in a male's mind that "hey who cares if this bitch is married or taken - she clearly doesn't and she's putting herself out there like THAT - I'm going to make my shot."And what usually happens? 

People's feeling get hurt.


All because some narcissistic person, who never had any kind of intention to take things with that person to another level, felt the need to fill some empty void in their existice. All while they are real-life taken.

How about this instead?

Pay attention to your real life man so the first thing he doesn't want to do when he comes home is pick up a video game controller to drown you out. Or want to log in to Twitter, Facebook, webcam sites or Instagram and try to talk to other females. Or, while not every instance is the same, if you are THAT unhappy in your real life with your husband or boyfriend then be an adult and just fucking leave.

Everyone will be better off that way. The way no one is better off is flirting yourself silly on Fubar.com, leading people on and then saying "oops I'm taken."

No one has time for that shit.

And then the males.

If you're on here and have a real life wife or girlfriend, it is entirely too easy for males (I say males not men, there is a categorical difference..lol) to get caught up in the visuals and attention that is very easy to obtain here on Fubar.com.

It really is.

If a man is serious about his real life situation and is taken, it does take a certain degree of checking themselves in order to not find themselves in some trouble they probably don't want.This culture makes it very easy to do so.The males don't play bling and profile comment games (as hard) as the females do. No no. They resort to things like private messages, picture comments and the most near and dear to their heart thing that they love to do - take it off Fu. 

They take it off Fu so they can control the narrative of who sees what.

It's shady and sneaky.

It leaves themselves less vulnerable to being exposed for doing things quite honestly - they shouldn't be doing while in a relationship. Odds are your snapchat and kik and WhatsAPP chats aren't going to be taken and sent to your signifigant other - unless you piss off the wrong female and then well, as they say, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

They will find you, believe it.

But the males tend to do more destructive harm from a "feelings" point of view then the females do. They lead them on, promise them the free world. Dish out compliments they probably found off of a love site while doing a Google search. You know, the usual tried and true method of a weird kind of internet "courtship."

All while married, taken, or talking to double digit other females.

Some are so lazy and brazen they even copy and past the same garbage over and over - like fishing.  And eventually a female will catch feelings around here and buy into the "I'm leaving her and this is only a friend" bullshit the married or taken male says to them. It happens all day every day my friends.Then the females lose their minds and you all know how the rest goes. 

You know the "drama" no one seems to claim to ever want but finds it non stop?

Yeah those.

So guess what happens?

The feelings of the female get hurt.All while the male is real life married or taken and has lied non stop about all of it from go.How about this instead? Take your real life wife or girlfriend out. Spend some time to notice what she actually enjoys and give her some real life attention. Pay attention to her in a way other than 'omg babe let's have sex - that the female more often than not doesn't even really enjoy or get off to anyway.' See what she likes, her hobbies, things she enjoys, her favorite foods, drinks, etc.

Little things go a long way with females yet a large percentage of males take no time or effort into actually trying to make it work.They just come on Fu, complain, hit on anything with a god damn snapchat filtered default that makes them all look like a perfect 19 year old animal with floppy ears - and waste their time there. Once again, if you are that unhappy in your relationship be and adult and fucking leave already.

No one has time for that shit either.

And a special kudos to those Fu's who stay true to themselves, their real life marriages and real life relationships and treat them with the priority and seriousness they deserve.

You are far and away the most unappreciated and respected batch of folks that spend their time here on Fubar.com.

Even though your whole "FM2RLGF2RLB2" names are well, yeah.

But we appreciate you putting it out there that you're taken!At the end of the day, actions speak louder than words, per usual.You would better better served to spend time with and devote your efforts to those that actually are worth your time and not a waste of it.You don't need the empty attention that bad.

No one does.

Those that do should be treated accordingly.Maybe one day they too will find happiness - in the real world.

Have a great night and thank you for reading as always!.

Feeling this theme?

Want to hear a female's point of view?


Check out the link below to my wifey's post as well!



- JD

Happy Valentine's Day kids!

Hope you all have a great one.

Just something simple (for now, anyway..)

...about today...

There's been a rash of unsettling stories about people around here for the past few months or so about people that are "with" others being disappointed, lied to, cheated on, played, people not following through on whatever it may be here or real life, etc.

There's honestly been a lot so no, this isn't directed at any one person - I've heard or seen double digit (!) instances of this in the past few months.

It's kind of sad.

So today, if you're feeling sad or lonely or feel that all is lost or confused in your world - I'm issuing you a challenge and something to think about while you're slamming buttons for points today:



Take that chance and talk to that person you've liked for what seems like forever and tell them straight up how you feel....

Even better if you show them as well...with real, tangible actions.

Is it scary? Of course.

Because if you don't...the uncertainty you feel will forever consume you.

Not knowing is a dangerous thing.

But if you do...

You might just end up as lucky as me.






- JD

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