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How Bad Can He Be?

Why Obama Must be Stopped This November Democrats are counting on support from millions of voters who have no clue about the issues, but will vote as their union tells them or because Obama is younger, is African-American, or is an inspirational speaker. In this very critical election voters need to know the facts. Please take a few minutes, read these seventeen points and vote for what's right not for whats popular! 1.Great speeches mask lack of substance or maybe something even worse. There is no doubt that Barack has a knack for delivering inspirational speeches. Unfortunately, lured by his charisma and scripted speeches many Americans have boarded his bandwagon. However, voters should question his “change, yes we can” line. What changes? Will they be helpful or harmful? What will they cost? Or is it just a cover for liberal/socialistic programs out of yesterday’s playbook that Republicans have pretty much blocked in recent years? It’s scary how a major party Presidential candidate, with little experience and with a history of voting “present” to avoid having a controversial record, can just appear out of nowhere as a frontrunner. It’s time Americans ask who is this man and who is behind him? 2.Barack Obama was the most liberal Senator in the 110th Congress per the non-partisan National Journal. And his running mate Joe Biden is the third most liberal U.S. Senator. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck—it is a duck. In the fight for the Democratic nomination, the one thing neither candidate did was criticized their opponent for being too liberal. Now the truth is coming out. Barack Obama makes Jimmy Carter look like a conservative. But beware! As the Democratic candidate, Barack is reinventing himself as a moderate. By flip-flopping to suit his needs at the time, he is showing his true colors as that of a crafty politician and not a messiah for change. For example, early in the primary races, Barack was against open trade and strongly in favor of public campaign financing. But later he flip-flopped as he discovered NAFTA has helped more than it hurt, and Walla, after raising record sums of money, he throws the public financing cause he once championed under the bus. One of Obama’s ardent early supporters was quoted in Time magazine saying “He’s just continuing politics as usual, becoming like any other politician.” Again, if it looks like a duck…..it is a duck. Informed voters should know that liberalism equals bigger government, less individual rights, increased spending and higher taxes. 3.Affordable energy for America is needed NOW. Few Americans would disagree that our country needs to find and develop new sources of energy. But that will take time. It’s critical for our economy and national security to turn the corner on energy as quickly as possible. Conservation is good and new energy innovations are needed, however we desperately need a complete energy program now which includes drilling. But Obama and his Democratic cohorts like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have been preventing the most obvious solutions…finding and producing new American oil, building more refineries, building more nuclear power plants, and utilizing our vast deposits of natural coal and oil shale. The entire world is suffering from high gasoline prices. And inflating our tires won’t make it go away. The Dems like to blame it on President Bush, but they better look in the mirror. For years now they have blocked all meaningful legislation that would produce more energy. Obama’s plan calls for more conservation and a tax on American oil companies. History has shown that punishing the oil companies with windfall profit taxes will only push prices higher, reduce exploration, and further damage our economy. Senator Obama says “drilling off shore is a scheme of the oil companies.” I guess he wants the U.S. to stay dependent upon foreign dictators like Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and Iran’s Ahmadinejad. This problem could have been solved ten years ago, but the Dems put their foot down, and now they say drilling won’t make a difference for another ten years. Wrong! In most cases new oil can be on the market in four to five years. And just the idea that America is drilling can have an effect of reducing prices. Consider that prices in non oil producing nations are the highest, for example around $10 a gallon in most European countries. But in oil producing countries like Mexico it’s about $2.75 a gallon, and just 12 cents in Venezuela. 4.Let’s be honest about the economy. Why is the economy sluggish? Barack and his power seeking Democrat colleagues are ecstatic and by blaming it onto George Bush, it gives their party a major advantage in the ’08 elections, because people vote their pocketbooks. But the truth is the economy was excellent for the first seven years of Bush’s administration but is now suffering big time because of high energy costs and the real estate slump primarily caused by the sub-prime mortgage debacle. Real estate has cycles and we are not far away from a rebound in which this powerful force (a vibrant real estate market) will bring stability and return many Americans to work. The economy and energy prices go hand in hand. Our most urgent problem now—affordable energy—can be turned into our biggest savior by creating millions of quality jobs by simply opening all options. But first Obama and his Democrat legions must stop blocking drilling, new refineries and nuclear power. Nancy Pelosi purposely sent everyone home this summer to avoid an energy vote that American’s are demanding. Barack’s solution for the economy is to raise taxes and increase regulations. History has shown that doesn’t work. John McCain says “small businesses are the job engine of America, and I will make it easier for them to grow.” Barack doesn’t seem to understand this. 5.Health care concerns. We arguably have the best health care system in the world. Unfortunately about 47 million Americans are not part of it; however, over 250 million are insured and are getting excellent and prompt care, albeit expensive. Now the Democrats want to weaken the system for everyone, by including the 16 percent who are now uninsured, even illegal aliens, in a bureaucratic federal plan. The cost? As much as $65 billion a year plus being one of the most intrusive government bureaucracies ever created. We must stop the feds from controlling our health care but fight to strengthen our present system with tax credits for employers and/or employees, initiate serious reforms, including tort reform, which would place limitations on outrageous law suits which drive up costs? When your family doctor pays over $100,000 yearly in malpractice insurance you can’t expect anything but high costs. Lower health insurance costs translate into more people being insured and less financial stress on emergency rooms. By the way, do you know who the biggest contributors to Obama’s campaign are? Answer…trial attorneys. Where is the “change we can believe in” Barack? 6.Dead wrong on Iraq.We all know the Iraq story…we went in with less than accurate data, met with strong opposition flamed by sectarian violence, and its become a money pit, not to mention American casualties. Now Obama wants to cut and run. He says we should get out ASAP. Or was that yesterday’s rhetoric? Never mind the sacrifices of so many brave Americans…or no matter how it would affect our many friends and allies in the region. Iraq is one of several fronts in the war against Islamic terrorism. Now thanks to the “troop surge” that Obama opposed, we’ve turned the corner and there is a very bright light at the end of the tunnel. We have now turned over the once deadly Anbar province to Iraq troops. As John McCain said, we had to finish the job with honor. The alternative of leaving without a victory would have created a vacuum in Iraq that would have embolden Iran, Al-Queda, Hizballah and other Islamic terrorists and would have planted seeds for far more serious problems in the near future. Obama’s foreign policy ideas are dangerous, and as Hillary Clinton called them “Irresponsible and frankly naïve.” With Iran close to having atomic weapons, the region is a “powder keg” and we absolutely cannot afford to have a President who’s getting “on the job training.” 7.National security can’t be taken lightly. Who expected that planes commandeered by terrorists would crash into, and totally destroy, the World Trade center? They did, proving anything can happen. Since then many would be terrorist plots that have been discovered and thwarted. A lot of thanks for this goes to President George Bush, but listen to the Democrats and you would think our President is no better than a terrorist himself and a proponent of politics of fear. But the threat is real. We’ve been attacked and the number one job in America is keeping us safe. Now how is Obama going to do this by weakening the Patriot Act, wanting terrorists to have the rights of American citizens, and wanting to kiss and make up with the bad guys? Many Democrats think this issue is a Republican ploy to scare voters into voting for them. They greatly minimize the dangers to our nation. Now we must face an increasingly dangerous Russia that is not only the second leading oil producing nation, but one with a growing economy and a vastly upgraded military. Their invasion of neighboring Georgia may be signaling their intentions to reclaim their former empire and the power they had during the cold war. Open your eyes Americans! Do you want a vastly unproven and untested former community activist leading our nation in these troubling times? 8.The immigration debacle.America has always been a country that has welcomed legal immigrants to our shores. And we still do! But we are now being invaded by hoards of illegals that are costing our cities billions of dollars and in many cases taking jobs away from poor and low income American citizens (by working for substandard wages). Illegal aliens are also partly responsible for a massive escalation in crime and for breaking the back of emergency rooms and hospitals, forcing many to close. Many of Obama’s inner city supporters are responsible for creating “sanctuary city’s” to hide illegals from deportation, even if they’ve committed a crime. Barack Obama thinks we should give these illegals drivers licenses, health insurance, and many other benefits reserved for citizens. He is also against strong deterrents (like a fence) and would like to give these people an easy path to citizenship…so they will someday vote for him. 9.Who will Barack choose to join his government if elected? ”Birds of a feather flock together.” Get used to seeing these people around a lot: George Soros, William Ayres, Al Sharpton, Nancy Pelosi, Jesse Jackson, Alex Baldwin, Tony Rezko, the Reverend Wright and maybe even his half brother Abongo in Kenya, a Marxist, and Muslim militant. Yes, Barack distanced himself from his pastor for the sake of the campaign, but what kind of judgment does it show when he was a supporting and regular member of this hate–filled black independence church for 20 years. His history reveals he has constantly supported people who have openly expressed their contempt for our country. And what does it say of a man who would give a speech designed to please our critics abroad? Would he be a President who would subjugate America’s interest to world bodies such as the United Nations? Many progressive/liberal Democrats think America is a bully and we should be better world citizens. Maybe even be part of a world government. What does Obama really believe? McCain believes in “Country first.” 10.What’s Obama’s record? Does he even have one? It’s puzzling why the Democrats would pick a smooth talking politician with less than four years experience in the Senate and with virtually no record. Maybe it’s because he has little to defend and his promises of hope and change inspire a lot of people. Let’s give Barack credit, however, for sponsoring the global Poverty Act (S.2433) which could commit U.S. taxpayers to spend 0.7% of our Gross Domestic Product (which could be $845 billion) on welfare to third world countries. And it doesn’t stop there, Barack would like to double U.S. foreign aid, using it as a weapon against extremism. How will we pay for this—on the backs of American taxpayers by upping capital gains margins, bringing back inheritance taxes and lifting caps on Social Security payroll taxes? And what about your call for “economic justice” Mr. Community Organizer Obama? Is that a code for socialism or transfer of wealth? Both his lack of experience and his obvious progressive/liberal leanings are deeply troubling. It is also troubling that he is now trying to convince the American voter that he’s a moderate. And if you watch him closely, you’ll see he’s been using the polls to help mold his positions. So we have a very liberal guy who seems willing to say anything just to get elected. What gives Barry? 11.Our nation’s future depends on our educational system. The state of our public schools is pathetic. American students are ranked 18th out of 24 nations in terms of relative effectiveness of our educational system. Yet we spend $11,152 per student, which is second highest in the World. In inner cities less than half graduate from high school. If there is one area of “change” needed now it would be to change the direction of our education system.. But Barack is lined up with the teacher unions that don’t want “real change.” They continuously fight worthwhile ideas like charter schools, voucher programs, longer hours for students, and accountability for both students and parents. An Obama victory coupled with Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress will merely mean more social engineering, and more money being thrown at the problem but with the same dismal results. 12.Let’s quit using the environment as an anti growth tool. Millions of Americans have jumped on the media driven bandwagon hoping to elect Barack Obama the 44th President of the United States. Even more Americans have jumped on the other media driven bandwagon—to save the environment, and yes, even our fragile earth—from global warming and eventual destruction. Our environment is important—but pushed by environmental extremists, we’ve gone too far. This hysteria is embraced by Obama and his Democrat legions. Their blind hatred of fossil fuel is hurting our economy, keeping us dependent on foreign oil, and helping to push prices of just about everything higher and higher. And the cap-and-trade plan proposed by Democrats will cost millions of jobs. It’s time for common sense, and time to make hardworking Americans a higher priority than bugs and weeds. 13. Taxes, Taxes & Taxes. See items 1, 2, 3, 4,5,8,9,10,11,12, 14 & 16. Barack Obama is a disaster waiting to happen. He promises tax cuts for Middle American taxpayers but this is a hollow campaign promise that will be broken like many of his other “convictions.” If he gets his way from the Democratic controlled Congress, many, many new spending bills will be passed in addition to his universal health care. He’ll be looking to you and American businesses for more money. Here are just two of his unfortunate ideas, very much resembling the liberal dream of income distribution. The first is to raise—almost double—the capital gains tax rate and the second is to do away with the FICA payroll tax cap meaning anyone making over $102,000 would pay an additional 7% in taxes on earned income.. This equals more money for the government (until tax revenue’s eventually slip) and less money for consumers to spend. Who are the real losers here? It starts with American small business owners (who employ many more people than large corporations) and filters down to every working and retired American. 14.How will he make his decisions? Since making his first stirring “change, yes we can” speeches the nation has had a chance to examine the candidate more closely. He’s mouthing traditional Democrat dogma making one wonder if any are his own unique ideas. He’s shifted on most of his positions, promises everything yet without specifics, has given three different opinions on dealing with the Russian invasion of Georgia, and named Joseph Biden, a lifetime member of the Washington establishment, as his vice-president running mate. That’s the same Joe Biden who said Obama didn’t have the experience to lead our nation and praised John McCain. Hey Barack, the Presidency is “above your pay level.” John McCain’s choice is Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, a conservative maverick who goes after corruption like a bulldog. Like most Americans she’s a regular person and has more executive experience than either Obama or Biden and she’s not from Washington. Her pick signals a strong desire by the McCain-Palin ticket to bring major, badly needed reforms to Washington. As McCain has said “we need to change almost everything in Washington.” 15.If you keep repeating a lie people will soon believe it. At the Democratic convention speaker after speaker talked about how bad off Americans are and how great things were in the Clinton years, and how everything just went to hell with the election of George Bush, and that by electing McCain we would just get four more years of George Bush. Campaign rhetoric of course. But a critical detail was left out. Many of Bill Clinton’s accomplishments, like welfare reform and a balanced budget, only happened because Newt Gingrich and the Republicans were in charge of Congress. And much of Bush’s eight years have been obstructed by a Democratic Congress. They are also quick to point out the Presidents low approval rating…never mentioning the pathetically low 17% rating of the Democrat led Congress. That’s almost twice as low as Bush’s. The Presidency is a powerful position but Congress is also powerful and they have a lot to say about how effective a President might be. 16.Why balance of power is critical. Let’s be honest, under Republican leadership, spending got out of control. And now we must pay the piper. Angry voters in ’08 are likely to increase Democratic majorities in both the house and senate, possibly creating a filibuster proof Congress. And if Barack Obama wins the Presidency, there will be no stopping the liberal Democrats from increasing entitlements, pushing for more affirmative action, severely damaging our health care system, screwing up our energy needs, creating a void in the Middle East for Iran, Syria and terrorist groups to fill, appointing liberal-activist judges that will damage America for years to come, and raising taxes to pay for it all.. The next President may appoint as many as three new Supreme Court Justices. Do you want Barack Obama picking them? By contrast John McCain is a social and fiscal conservative who does not support or take “earmarks” which are costing Americans millions and millions of dollars. 17.For the doubters—listen up. The majority of Americans don’t pay a lot of attention to politics. The typical man or woman on the street doesn’t see any difference between the political parties and some, as a protest, might even cast their vote for a third party candidate. Too many young people only know celebrities, and thanks to an adoring press corp, they now know Obama “the celebrity.” Many still believe the Republicans are the party of the rich and the Democrats speak for the working man. Take a closer look—that’s a myth and represents the kind of ignorance that will help destroy America. There are many significant differences and it is incumbent upon every voter to make an effort to know what and who they are about to vote for. Barack Obama is a smooth talking, arrogant politician with no experience. He says people in “small towns across America cling to their guns and religion.” He will be beholden to every extreme far left group like MoveOn.Org. By contrast, John McCain is a real American hero with both character and extensive experience, and has shown a willingness to cross party lines when he believes it’s the right thing to do. Don’t waste your vote—make it count.
Do NOT Vote for Obama/Biden If you really care about what happens to the United States of America, do NOT vote in the Obama/Biden team. It’s a recipe for disaster.First of all, Obama does NOT have enough experience to be president of the United States. There are things about him that, when considering him to be in a position of leadership authority, make chills run down my spine.Obama has never governed anything - not even a small town, let alone a state. He’s never gone out and tackled corruption and tough issues, and except for the earliest years of his life, has never dwelt among average, blue-collar working class Americans. Sarah Palin has done all these things and more. On that basis alone, I would feel much safer having her at the helm in White House. I believe she is capable and qualified in leadership. And if she really is all that inexperienced - well, if it comes down to that, I would much rather have an inexperienced VP than an inexperienced president.So Obama’s been a senator - big deal. Just about anybody can sign and introduce legislations, and veto bills. I want someone in office who has actually gone out and dealt with PEOPLE.So he’s written two memoirs? Lots of famous people have. So he’s been a community organizer? That in itself is a great thing to do, but that alone does not immediately qualifiy somebody to be the president of the United States.So Obama’s a great orator - or at least he is, until he has to come up with a speech right off the cuff. Then he stumbles around and is at a total loss. And being a great speaker does not necessarily mean that somebody will be a great leader. How do you think Adolf ******* got elected? Because he managed to woo the masses with powerful words while the country’s economy was in the tank.Consider this: unlike John McCain, Obama knows virtually nothing about how our military works. Like many democrats, Obama believes that military conflicts can be solved entirely upon tact, reasoning and diplomacy - which history has proven otherwise. He also wants to completely eradicate our nuclear weapons program - which would leave us extremely vulnerable to any enemy country with sadistic intents. And this I heard directly from his own lips.John McCain is not only familiar with how our military works, he has served in it and suffered greatly for love of our country. This is the man I want to be in charge if our country should ever get into another major military conflict. No, war isn’t pretty, but sometimes it IS necessary.And if the pro-life issue is very important to you, you definitely do not want the Obama-Biden team in office. I personally do not want someone in office who supports abortion (even indirectly under the guise of “a woman’s right to choose”).And if you want people who will put wildlife and the environment over the needs of humans, Obama and Biden are your men. They will stop oil drilling in the arctic and anything else that could possibly help solve our energy crisis, so that all the birds and bears and bunnies can be safe.If you want to see America get ahead, vote republican. But if you want to see it go downhill in a hurry, elect Obama and Biden, and it will happen.
1. Sen. Obama gives flowery speeches on change and hope. But he's part of one of the most corrupt political machines of all time. And instead of fighting and trying to reform the corrupt Chicago Cook County political machine, he used it to rise to power. When reformers tried to fight it, Mr. Obama refused to help them and actually was instrumental in defeating the reform movement. He preaches a new kind of politics but supports and uses one of the worst political machines in the U.S. 2. He led the battle in the Illinois legislature to assure that born-alive infants would not be treated as persons and would not be entitled to medical care. Instead, if Sen. Obama had his way, such babies born alive after a botched abortion would be left to die, thus legalizing what appears to be infanticide and murder. 3. When he first responded to Russia's invasion of Georgia, he said that aggression was wrong, but the U.S. would be in a better position if we set a good example. Thus he made it clear he was drawing a moral equivalence between Russia's aggression and the U.S.'s liberation of Iraq, which had violated 17 United Nations resolutions. This reaction alone, suggests not merely bad judgment but apparently no judgment at all. Then after giving it more thought, his second response was turning the matter over to the United Nations. That of course was a stupid idea as Russia has a veto in the Security Council. 4. He sat in the pews of the Trinity Church in Chicago, listening to a notorious racist, bigot and anti-American, Rev. Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright, without a peep of protest. He did not leave the church until Rev. Wright said Obama is just another politician who says what he has to say. And that move was dictated by political considerations, not any moral outrage. 5. He started his political career in a fund-raiser in the home of William Ayers, an unrepentant terrorist and anti-American. He still hasn't denounced him but says Mr. Ayers is now a member of the Chicago Democratic mainstream. He still maintains a friendly relationship with him, has served on a board with him, and has participated in speaking panels with him. 6. He refused to wear a flag on his lapel, claiming he viewed it as a symbol of false patriotism employed after 9/11. He started wearing the flag only when he was embarrassed into doing so under political pressure. At that time he suddenly started ending his speeches with the words "God Bless America." 7. He got an earmark appropriation from Congress for his wife's employer, the University of Chicago Medical Center. When questioned on the appearance of conflict of interest, he said there was nothing improper about that but he should have gone to his fellow Illinois Sen. Dick Durban, to put the appropriation through. In other words, if there is an appearance of conflict of interest, you should hide it somehow instead of avoiding what creates such appearance. This is a pattern: saying one thing and doing the opposite. When he started to run for the presidency, he stopped putting in earmarks. As is his usual pattern, he started doing the right thing for election purposes only. So judge him by his record, not moves that are merely campaign calculation. 8. He favors increasing the capital gains tax, even though he admitted it will not raise tax revenue, but cut it instead. He justifies such an irrational move, out of what he calls a sense of fairness. That would mean less tax revenue, higher deficits and less incentive for saving, investment, capital formation, economic growth, and creation. 9. He called for negotiations without preconditions with the Ahmadinejad of Iran, Chavez of Venzuela, and Castro of Cuba. Even Senator Obama recognized the folly of this idea, so he backed off of it after an explosion of criticism. He thinks sweet talk solves all problems, and when a problem calls for something beyond sweet talk, he 's stumped. He speaks loudly and often, but carries a toothpick-size stick which he is afraid to use. Another example of Mr. Obama's naiveté was his comment that Iran is a small country not to be feared. 10. He opposed the surge, said it would fail, and even after it was almost universally acclaimed to be a success, he refuses to admit the surge succeed ed. 11. He called for withdrawal from Iraq, in effect, calling for retreat and defeat, which would have turned over the Middle East and much of the world's oil supplies to terrorists and their supporters in Iran. 12. He associated with and made a land deal with convicted felon, Tony Rezko, even knowing he was under serious investigation. He admitted this was what he called a boneheaded mistake. Mr. Obama seems incapable of judging his associates, as his close and friendly encounters with the hate-America and terrorist crowd suggests. Even an otherwise friendly biographer, said he is at home with the hate-America types. 13. He claims he will bring all sides together but he has never shown any signs or symptoms of bipartisanship. His record is that of a far-left liberal, the most liberal of any member of the U.S. Senate. He goes down the party line, and never reaches across the aisle. 14. He claims he will bring change to Washington, but picks a long-term Washington insider, Sen. Joe Biden, who has been in the Senate for decades, and is rated the third most liberal in the U.S. Senate. He claims he'll be the agent of change, but in his acceptance speech he catalogs the tired left-wing Democratic agenda, that has been regurgitated every four years for decades. He talks change but dishes up only the old liberal dishes, which have been rejected by voters many times from McGovern to Carter, and which have failed when implementation was attempted. If Mr. Obama wins the White House, he is likely to have a veto proof Congress, which mean all of his left-loony proposals would probably become law. Electoral history suggests Americans don't go for such unrestrained power. Beware of an Obama/Pelosi/Reid triumvirate that would bring us radical liberalism in its worst form. 15. He says he wants to bring us energy independence but refuses to drill and extract our huge reserves, greater than those of Saudi Arabia. He wants us to check our tire pressure instead of drilling. Give me a break! He also advises everyone to tune-up their cars, even though most cars no longer need tune-ups. 16. He never sticks with a job. For example, when he became senator he started writing his book. Then within two years of becoming a senator, he started running for president. It is not surprising that he has no legislative accomplishments. This has been the pattern of his entire career. He never sticks with anything long enough to chalk up significant achievements. That's why when asked about his accomplishments, his supporters seem to be stumped. Dean Barnett, in an article in the Weekly Standard (Sept. 1, 2008), entitled "Would You Hire Barack Obama? The resume of a chronic underachiever," writes, "You'd have to conclude that Obama's failure to commit himself to any career sufficiently to excel at it suggests some unexplained restlessness." I'd say it suggests he's a dilitante, who flits from one project to another, but never stays long enough to deliver a satisfactory end product. 17. As talk show host Michael Medved has pointed out, the people vouching for him at the Democratic National Convention were mainly relatives, such as his wife and brother-in-law. There were not major figures vouching for him, because they could not vouch for a classic empty-suit. Even Hillary Clinton, in her convention endorsement speech, said Democrats must support him, but in no way vouched for his character or judgment. Contrast that with the people at the Republican National Convention who vouched for Sen. McCain - Sen. Joe Lieberman and former Sen. Fred Thompson. 18. To bolster his foreign policy credentials, he picked Sen. Joe Biden as vice president. Sen. Biden voted for the war in Iraq, which vote Sen. Obama views as the symbol of bad judgment. So even Sen. Obama admits Sen. Biden ha bad judgment. Sen. Biden also comes up with wacky ideas of his own such as splitting Iraq, a sovereign nation, into three parts for the Kurds, Shias, and Sunnis. He also voted against the first Gulf War, even after Iraq had invaded Kuwait and threatened Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Middle East. I'd think most would consider that the height of bad judgment. He opposed the surge. He opposed Reagan's build-up to fight international communism, so his bad record is long and unbroken. Biden has judgment bad enough to match that of Sen. Obama's. 19. He flip-flops on matters that suggest he has no principles except the old Chicago machine principle of do anything you have to do to get elected. He promised to take public financing, something that the great reformer and change artist claimed to be committed to. Then when he saw it was to his political advantage to stay with totally private contributions, as that would bring in more money, he went back on his promise and rejected public funding. He said that his wide array of contributors to his campaign made his approach into public financing, one of his more nonsensical pieces of logic. He think if he uses sufficient oratorical powers he can make two and two equal ten, or private financing equal public financing. 20. He constantly uses such expressions as, "I would be glad to debate my opponent on that issue anytime, anywhere." But that is just for oratorical effect. In practice, he refused Sen. McCain's offer of a town meeting every week to debate the issues. He is clearly afraid of unscripted sessions. If he is not smart enough to go off the teleprompter and script, he is not smart enough to be president. When he participated in the Saddleback debate with Pastor Rick Warren, he demonstrated again he doesn't make sense when confronted with tough questions without the answers on a script. When asked when does life begin, he said that was above his pay-grade. If that question is above his pay grade so is the presidency of the United States. 21.He would like voters to view him as a man of great political courage, but he has a documented record of political cowardice. For example, when in the Illinois legislature, he voted "present" over 100 times and was well known for taking that route, of neither a yes or no vote. Present is a classic sitting on the fence and waiting to find out which way the wind will blow. As William Kristol of the Weekly Standard (Sept. 1, 2008) has pointed out, " Has he shunned the easy path or broken with the conventional liberal pieties of those around him? Has he taken on his own party on a major issue? Nope." 22. Mr. Obama bases his campaign on his superior judgment, and that in turn is based on his speech against the war in Iraq. Of course, he never made a vote against the war, as at the time he was in the Illinois legislature, not the U.S. Senate. He gave the speech at an anti-war rally in the liberal Hyde Park section in Chicago. But votes are more important than speeches. And since he's been in the Senate, he's been wrong on every issue related to Iraq. These mistaken positions were summed up in an article by Emery in the Weekly Standard (Sept.1, 2008) entitled "Misfortunes of War: Success in Iraq Confounds the Democrats." It isn't easy to be wrong on every vote and pronouncement on Iraq, but don't underestimate Sen. Obama's ineptness in the foreign policy area. Mr. Emery writes: "He claimed that the Anbar Awakening took place as a result of Democrats' congressional victories, but it began in September 2006, two months before before the voting took place. He opposed not only the troop surge, but also the strategic changes that took place along with it, that did so much to enable the victory. He said the American military had noting to do with the Anbar Awakening or with the retreat of the Sadr militia, something denied by the Iraqi military and by the Iraqi Sunnis themselves. He was also wrong in his predictions that none of this would occur." Sen. Obama not only has judgment bad enough to make him wrong on every foreign policy question, but he also has the knack of picking advisors and close associates who have a strong record of being wrong. For example, his choice for vice president, Sen. Biden, and one of the senators that accompanied him on his trip to Iraq, Sen. Chuck Hagel, introduced a resolution in opposition to the buildup that was the surge that turned the tide in Iraq. Sen. Obama's inexperience in foreign policy is perhaps his most dangerous deficiency. But don't underestimate his ability to wreck our economy, destroy the incentives for entrepreneurs to take risks and build jobs, and to wreck our health care delivery system. There may be moderate Muslims, the problem is, there is NO Form of Moderate Islam Thoughts?
Thirty-three reasons not to vote for Obama 1. Barack Hussein Obama 2. Michele Obama 3. Joseph Biden 4. Rev Jeremiah Wright 5. Trinity United Church of Christ 6. Black Liberation Theology 7. William Ayers 8. Dohrn 9. Sol Alinsky and Acorn 10. Woods Foundation 11. Arab American Action Network (AAAN) 12. Rashid Khalidi 13. Edward Said 14. Rail Odinga 15. Al Sharpton 16. Louis Farrakhan 17. Nation of Islam 18. Islam 19. Daniel Kurtzer 20. Merrill “Tony” McPeak 21. Samantha Power 22. Robert Malley 23. Hamilton 24. Brzezinsky 25. Joseph Cirincione 26. Marxism 27. Socialism 28. Proposed Tax increase 29. J-Street Lobby 30. Tony Rezko 31. Live Birth Abortion 32. Foreign Policy 33. Hamas To find out why, just search on Israpundit for “Obama” and any of these reasons.

Why McCain must win

I really am getting worried sick thinking about all the conservatives who are contemplating backing Barack Obama in the up-coming election just to “stick-it” to McCain. Do these people honestly understand what they’re thinking of doing? Giving the election to Sen. Obama because they dislike some of what McCain is stands for. Even main stream conservatives such as Ann Coulter are already giving their public vote to which ever candidate wins the Democratic nomination. She has even said that she believes Hillary would be tougher on the War on Terror then McCain. The people who have said that they are going to vote for Obama keep saying that the liberals will cause the country enough problems that the people will vote for a conservative in 2012, ala Carter. But what they are failing to grasp is how bad the country will truly be after those four years. Just look at how badly Pres. Bush has damaged federal spending in just four short years. His liberal-esc spending habits have all but obliterated the economic stability that Republicans like Reagan, Gingrich, and yes even McCain fought so hard to secure during the 80’s and 90’s. Even Bill Clinton didn’t do as much damage. And now conservatives who feel disenfranchised are so upset that they want to elect Obama to slap those who nominated McCain in the face. They’re so filled with rage that they will not listen to what McCain has to say. With regards to the Bush tax cuts (that he has stated he will sign into law), that he has apologized for the McCain/Kennedy amnesty bill and realizes that the people want a secure border first, and the list goes on. Doesn’t that sound like another sector of the American populace? So blinded by hatred and closed-mindedness that they will not listen to reason, or someone else’s point of view. At least with McCain you know what you are getting. He wears his ideals on his shoulder. With the Democratically controlled congress, Obama would have the ability to pass whatever fascistic mandates he pleases. Every socialist program he wants enacted would have an almost completely clear path into law. The only road block he would encounter would be the Supreme Court, that is until he was able to appoint a new judge. There is even the possibility, no matter how remote, that he could bring about a Chaves like reformation to the process of picking our president, the left is already enamored with Chaves and Castro. I don’t believe this will happen, but no one can say it is outside of the realm of possibility. All I ask of anyone considering voting for Obama is this; Are you truly willing to accept the consequences of giving the election to Obama. Is your dislike for McCain so strong that you would jeopardize our way of life.

Who is Obama really?

History is a much loved hobby of mine, and I love looking at parallels between the past and the present. Now I must first say that I am not sure I truly believe what I am about to write here. And the odds of any of this being fact is astronomically small, but it interesting none the less. I have read several essays on this subject, but none that truly take the parallels this far, or expounded on them in great detail. The issue I am talking about is the parallels between Sen. Barack Obama and Adolph Hitler. First I would like to say that being somewhat of a history buff, the Nazi regime is a subject that I find extremely interesting, and enjoy studying. Now don't believe for a second that I prescribe to any of Hitler's twisted ideals, but his action and thoughts behind those actions intrigue me. And as I look at the meteoric rise of Sen. Obama, I see a striking similarity to Hitler's rise to power. Before Hitler became the leader of Germany, he was a relative unknown. Not many people truly knew what he was about, or what he stood for. But he could inspire people to do whatever he wanted them to do. During his speeches, women would often be seen crying and feinting. Men would shout and cheer, and hang on Hitler’s every word. During the years leading up to his take over, the people of Germany were crying out for "change." It was only a few years after World War 1, and the people wanted their country to proceed in a different direction. They disliked the policies of their current government, and were looking forward to the charismatic leader who could lead them back to the economic and cultural power it once was. And Hitler stepped into the spot light with a message of fundamental change. And he had an enemy to defeat. An enemy whom he blamed for all of Germany's problems. He looked to the Jews to bare the blame for the rest of the countries shortcomings. I am sure that anyone reading this knows what happened next. Now doesn't this sequence of events sound extremely familiar? Like events that are currently taking place in the Democratic Party with regards to the candidacy of Sen. Obama. But I am not sure that all these similarities are truly coincidental. What if there is a deeper meaning behind Sen. Obama's rise to power. The church that Sen. Obama attends has, as I am sure you all know, some interesting ideals. Their mission statement talks almost solely about staying true to the black community. That in itself seems extremely racist, but there is more. Sen. Obama's church has also given Louis Farrakhan, the man who has stated that the causes of the world’s problems are the Jewish people, their lifetime achievement award. With the similarities between Obama and Hitler, one must ask if it is only events that have taken place around them that is similar. The fact that even people who are closely involved in the Obama campaign do not know what he truly stands for make me wonder how closely he follows Farrakhan’s ideals. I am not trying to make the claim that Barack Obama is a closet Nazi. I am not saying that he is for sure an anti-Semite. But what I am trying to do is urge caution when looking at Sen. Obama as America's savior. With the parallels I have put forth, people must keep it in the back of their minds that there is the possibility of people that are behind the Obama campaign that are working towards the goal of resurrecting a Nazi like regime in America. I am simply concerned for our countries future, and how quickly people are jump on the Obama band wagon. Very similar events occurred during Hitler's rise, and I want to urge people to ask themselves what is it truly they see in Obama. A very charismatic man who is going to change the country. Or a charismatic speaker who people truly know nothing about, and has extremely powerful friends with an agenda.

Think Before You Vote....

Dear Friends & Family - As you all know I’m adamantly against the election of Barrack Hussein Obama for the following six reasons: 1. His liberalism/socialism. He has a voting record even more liberal than Ted Kennedy, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton. He advocates higher taxes and big government. He’ll increase social security taxes and let the Bush tax cuts expire in 2010; He supports capital gains tax increase from the present 15% to the Bill Clinton level of 28%. Obama is in favor of a wind fall profits tax on big oil , universal health care, universal mortgage credits, job training, college tuition and universal 401K’s. Lastly, the man is a socialist - an overriding Obama policy is to redistribute the wealth in this country via government fiat. 2.The next President will likely nominate at least three new Supreme Court Justices - think about that. They will influence our society for the next 25 years. 3. His energy policy. Obama is against drilling ANWAR, the outer continental shelves, oil shale in the Rocky Mountains and liquefaction of coal. All told well over 100 years of exclusively AMERICAN oil …fficient, cheap and plentiful - and a couple million AMERICAN jobs. Obama is FOR electric cars (if we only had some place to plug them in). He’s FOR inflating your tires properly and he’s FOR alternative energy sources. Know what? - WE’RE for alternative energy too - but it has to be PROVEN FIRST! And it ain’t ethanol from corn! Have you checked prices in the supermarket lately? Obama wants to ‘fast track’ alternative energy development. It seems to me that’s why we’ve wasted so much time and money on ethanol, by fast tracking it before it was proven. By the way, the Russians just invaded their former commonwealth state of Geogia and the first international result is that British Petroleum shut down two pipelines in Georgia - one for oil and the other for natural gas. Friends, we are vulnerable to ‘world oil’ - we MUST drill and drill NOW! 4. His friends: A. William Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn - both convicted of bombing the pentagon. William Ayers and Obama served on the Woods Foundation together and Ayers has sponsored campaign fund raisers attended by Obama. B. The Rev Jeremiah Wright - obvious ‘ America hater’ and pastor to Obama and his family for about 20 years. (But then Barrack Hussein Obama wasn’t in church on those days, was he?). C. Tony Rezko - convicted just a few weeks ago in Chicago for criminal charges including influence peddling. Rezko and Obama purchased real estate together in a ’sweetheart deal’ for Obama. The Senator himself opines that it ‘doesn’t look good’ and wishes he hadn’t gotten involved in the deal with Rezko. D.In his 1995 book, ‘Dreams From My Father’, Obama refers to his Hawaii mentor ‘Frank’ - turns out ‘Frank’ was none other than Frank Marshall Davis who fled Chicago after the FBI and Congress opened investigations into his subversive un-American activities. Davis was a member of the Communist Party USA and counseled Obama to ‘never trust the white establishment’. By the way, I highlighted 1995 because had Barrack Hussein Obama known he would br running for President in 2008, he’d have NEVER mentioned Davis at all in his 1995 book. E. The latest ‘friend’ surfaced to the public on August 4, 2008 when Obama’s Muslim liaison, Mazen Asbahi, was forced to resign, when inks to a radical imam became public. The imam and Asbahi sat together on the board of the Allied Assets Advisors Fund - said fund associated with a Chicago area mosque that raised money for the terrorist organization Hamas. Too many friends like that for a presidential candidate, seems to me. How many more will surface between now and November 5?. His Iran Policy. If Iran gets a nuke folks, it AIN’T gonna be pretty! Iran will blackmail the entire Middle East and how long before they give some terrorist organization (Hamas? Hezbollah?) a bomb that can be sneaked across our southern border? Obama will negotiate (like that hasn’t been tried before). Bottom line: Iran cannot be allowed to produce a nuke! Period! 6.His arrogance. His dutiful white grandmother was at times a small minded bigot - no different from a ‘typical white person’. I didn’t say that - Barrack Hussein Obama said that.‘Saint’ Obama talks down to ordinary people - we American yokels can’t speak French or Spanish (neither does he, by the way), we eat too much, our cars are too big, our houses are either overheated or overcooled and we don’t put enough air in our tires. Obama seems to think we can ‘inflate’ our way out of the energy crisis. He’s on record as saying we can save more oil by inflating our tires and tuning our engines than we can get from drilling. I didn’t say it - he did. So, it’s simple - vote for McCain. Besides, McCain may be coming out with a commitment that he’ll only be a one term president. I hope he does - that will nullify the ‘age’ issue. Feel free to pass this along to your friends and neighbors. The more the better.Don’t bother sending this to left wing liberals, they won’t change their minds anyway. But do send it to middle/center democrats and independents; and of course, your conservative friends some of them might forward it along too. We can’t let this man get into the most powerful single position in the free world.

Think About it!

A lot of Americans have become so insulated from reality that they imagine that America can suffer defeat without any inconvenience to themselves. Pause a moment, reflect back. These events are actual events from history.. They really happened!!! Do you remember? 1.)1968 Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by a Muslim male extremist. 2.)In 1972 at the Munich Olympics, athletes were kidnapped and massacred by Muslim male extremists. 3.)In 1979, the US embassy in Iran was taken over by Muslim male extremists. 4.)During the 1980's a number of Americans were kidnapped in Lebanon by Muslim male extremists. 5.)In 1983, the US Marine barracks in Beirut was blown up by Muslim male extremists. 6.)In 1985 the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked and a 70 year old American passenger was murdered and thrown overboard in his wheelchair by Muslim male extremists. 7.)In 1985 TWA flight 847 was hijacked at Athens ,and a US Navy diver trying to rescue passengers was murdered by Muslim male extremists. 8.)In 1988 , Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by Muslim male extremists. 9.)In 1993 the World Trade Center was bombed the first time by Muslim male extremists. 10.)In 1998, the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by Muslim male extremists. 11.)On 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked; two were used as missiles to take down the World Trade Centers and of the remaining two, one crashed into the US Pentagon and the other was diverted and crashed by the passengers. Thousands of people were killed by Muslim male extremists. 13.)Since 2002 the United States has fought a war in Afghanistan against Muslim male extremists. 14.)In 2002 reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and murdered by-- you guessed it-- Muslim male extremists. No, I really don't see a pattern here to justify profiling, do you? So, to ensure we Americans never offend anyone, particularly fanatics intent on killing us, airport security screeners will no longer be allowed to profile certain people... Absolutely No Profiling! They must conduct random searches of 80-year-old women, little kids, airline pilots with proper identification, secret agents who are members of the President's security detail, 85-year old Congressmen with metal hips, and Medal of Honor winner and former Governor Joe Foss, but leave Muslim Males alone lest they be guilty of profiling. According to The Book of The Revelations: The Anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, he will destroy everything. And Now: For the award winning Act of Stupidity Of all times the People of America want to elect, to the most Powerful position on the face of the Planet -- The Presidency of the United states of America ... A Male of Muslim descent who is the most extremely liberal Senator in Congress (in other words an extremest) and in his 40s. Have the American People completely lost their Minds, or just their Power of Reason ??? I'm sorry but I refuse to take a chance on the 'unknown' candidate Obama... IF IT BE THE PLEASURE OF HEAVEN THAT MY COUNTRY SHALL REQUIRE THE POOR OFFERING OF MY LIFE, I WILL BE READY, AT THE APPOINTED HOUR OF SACRIFICE, COME WHEN THAT HOUR MAY. BUT WHILE I DO LIVE, LET ME HAVE A COUNTRY,AND THAT A FREE COUNTRY!

Think about this

Traditionally, the presidential election is a time to select a candidate, to vote for someone. The 2008 election will prove to be a different sort of election, however: one wherein a conservative’s focus might not necessarily be who to vote for, but who to vote against. Barack Obama is a dangerous political opponent for John McCain. This isn’t necessarily because he poses a strong threat as a candidate, but because his following’s loyalty borders on fanatic obsession. John McCain might not be your ideal Republican candidate, but he deserves your vote precisely for who he isn’t: Barack Obama. What follows are the five reasons I’m voting for John McCain and against Barack Obama. Reason #1 If Barack Obama is defined by the company he keeps, he’s a racist, anti-American extremist. From Jeremiah Wright to William Ayers to Bernadine Dohrn, just enough of Obama’s skeletons have come out of the closet and endorsed him to cast a cloud of danger over his electability as the president of the United States. Indeed, much of Obama’s primary campaign has been fraught with various allies from Obama’s past and present dancing into the media spotlight. Then, after a fair amount of unsavory press, Obama apologizes for and separates himself from the same friends he aligned himself with mere months earlier. We need only consider Obama’s remarks about Reverend Jeremiah Wright as his mentor, then the exposure of Trinity United Church and Obama’s subsequent denouncement of Wright’s anti-American speech to recall the pattern. Known terrorists, both domestic and international, endorse Barack as their man. Young Palestinian men lobby on his behalf in earnest. They do this because Obama in office serves their own interests. Reason #2 Obama’s patriotism is questionable. In an election, we naturally compare one candidate to another. One candidate doesn’t wear a flag pin. One candidate doesn’t hold his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance. One candidate has no military experience. One candidate’s idea of foreign policy is to negotiate with enemies who wish to obliterate our existence over a cup of coffee. The role of the president should be filled by someone who loves our country, who values our history, and who has proven that he is ready to die to serve our country. The role of the First Lady should similarly be filled by someone who honors and respects the country her husband serves. It doesn’t count when your patriotism begins just as your husband enters the presidential campaign. If Obama’s friends don’t derail his campaign, his own wife and life partner surely will. Reason #3 Obama is a skilled orator, a trait that has earned him a devout following in a party largely comprised of atheists. When Barack Obama opens his mouth to speak, liberals’ ears seem to filter out the message and listen only to the words in a hypnotic trance. Their devotion to Obama mimics that of radical Christians to Jesus Christ. Criticize Obama to a liberal Obama supporter, and it’s as if you’ve questioned the existence of God, only the resulting argument is much angrier and holds far less intellectual merit. It’s more like telling an environmentalist that chaining himself to a tree won’t save the earth, or informing a war protester that no one in Washington cares what he or she thinks. It isn’t Obama’s following that is of the most concern, however. A public speaker as smooth as Obama will inspire fans on his own talents. Let’s remember, however, that Barack Obama was a lawyer before he became a senator. And, like most lawyers, his words are best when rehearsed. However, Obama crumbles under pressure, and his improvised remarks typically fall flat or offend. We need only recall the fallout from the “bitter small-town Americans”, “typical white person” and “Can’t I just eat my waffle?” to recall Obama’s propensity to fumble the ball when he’s running an unscripted play with nary a playbook in sight. It’s one thing to offend foreign, enemy nations during wartime; offending majority populations of the country you represent is another, especially as you align for their vote in November. Judging from the multitude of politically incorrect missteps in his primary campaign, Obama seems to think that he doesn’t need votes from entire segments of the population; namely, the middle of the country. This blatantly blase attitude must cost him the election to teach Democrats that conservative minds will not be discounted. Reason #4 Obama’s politics and ideals are too far skewed on the liberal end of the political scale to strike a balance with Americans as a whole. No matter the political affiliation of a sitting president, his job is to appease the majority of his constituents, the American public. Radical liberals clamor for our next president to be a polar opposite to George W. Bush; conservatives know that accomplishing this won’t automatically fix the ills that plague our country. The checks and balances within our legislature make any change a gradual one, over many years. Amid a tenuous situation in the Middle East, too liberal of a response by our next president casts the United States as lily-livered pansies, too afraid of hurting feelings to eradicate terrorism. Extreme left-wing Democrats either don’t realize this or don’t care, and Obama is their man. If he gets into office, small-town typical white Americans had better cling to their guns and religion, because Obama will muck up civilian rights to both. Reason #5 Obama’s experience is lacking. This isn’t to say that a junior senator can’t be president one day. The presidency is fraught with unique challenges, however, ones that can’t be adequately prepared for in any branch of the government. In the business world, even the best candidates from upper management must pay their dues before aspiring to become CEO. The team captain must prove his or her leadership potential over several seasons to earn that ‘C’ on a uniform. In every other successful realm of the American culture, experience yields a top leadership position. Why should the presidency, the most historically esteemed and influential position in the country, be any different? Obama’s inexperience lands him into trouble with his improvised remarks and shaky responses to tough issue-based questions. His inexperience causes him to make crucial errors and oratory missteps under pressure. He is simply not ready. Democrats can clean up his image and repackage him in 2012. In every endeavor, Barack Obama has flouted the intellect of the constituents whose vote he aims to obtain. He’s dazzled his starry-eyed followers with well-crafted speeches that render them vociferously loyal; in cult-like fashion, they zealously support Obama to all who will listen. Separate Obama from his gilded memorized passages, and his words clang jarringly and offend like a cat walking across piano keys at twilight. Pin him in a corner with tough questions on issues and his allies, and he strikes like a caged animal trapped in a corner. Obama’s speeches act like a mirror through which radical liberals see exactly what they want to see in their next president. It is up to the rest of us to peer through the looking-glass and see Obama for the inexperienced, unsavory presidential candidate he is.
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