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Angel Smith's blog: "Spellbound"

created on 09/20/2006  |  http://fubar.com/spellbound/b4516
I was playing around with a few ideas on how to help spread more word for advertising my novel. I guess there is never enough ways to plug it huh? lol Anyway- I created a message forum in which I can post profiles, pics, updates, summaries, sneak peeks and anything else that falls under the topic of my series. I wanted to give my friends and fans the opportunity to check it out, register, and have instant access to news regarding the novels as they are published. So feel free to drop in:(Just click on one of the links below)
Spellbound Forum And also on MySpace! Spellbound MySpace Profile
Hope to see you there! ~Lady Aurora

A New way to get updated...

I was playing around with a few ideas on how to help spread more word for advertising my novel. I guess there is never enough ways to plug it huh? lol Anyway- I created a message forum in which I can post profiles, pics, updates, summaries, sneak peeks and anything else that falls under the topic of my series. I wanted to give my friends and fans the opportunity to check it out, register, and have instant access to news regarding the novels as they are published. So feel free to drop in:(Just click the link below)
Spellbound Forum
Hope to see you there! ~Lady Aurora
Chapter 2 Three pairs of eyes narrowed curiously at a dark carriage in front of their home. As they drew closer, Aurora stopped mid-step and debated going farther. She knew the carriage. It was that of the leader of the Cerean Clan, and her father, Dominik Solen. Seeing his carriage was never a good sign. The fact that it was there at all set her on edge. “We can always turn back and claim that we got lost on the way home,” Bryant suggested with shifty eyes. Natara shook her head with a wry smile. “Something tells me they would see through that ruse.” Aurora nodded solemnly. “Yes, they would know better. They would also expect better of us. We cannot have them thinking that we have spent the last twelve years of our lives out here practicing only to lose our way.” Bryant sighed and conceded to the truth of her words. “What could Master Dominik want out here at this time of night anyway?” “Yeah, I would have thought your father would be curled up with his mistress.” Natara added, her tone dark. Aurora’s deep blue eyes flashed at the comment. Her father had been notorious for keeping company with several outsiders. She knew she was not his only child, but she was his only pure-blood child making her the only choice as an heir. She hated being related to him, but there were just some things she could not control. His affairs grew to be more wildly known when the Chosen Ones were sent away. She hated him almost as deeply as she hated Lord Theron. To her, he was just as evil. White fire still flickered in her eyes, but she remained calm. “That man is no more my father now than he was the day I was born. He hated that his only pure blooded child, and heir, was not male, but even more than that, he feared having a daughter who could be stronger than himself.” Her thoughts took a darker turn as she thought more about her father. “I am not the only one he fears, though. Our Power is the reason why we are out here. The stronger we are, the more of a threat we are to him and his dream of being the all powerful one. See, out here in these woods…” she paused and swept her arm toward the path they had come down. “We are too close to the side of Shadows. He hoped we would be attacked and destroyed. The fool actually believes the power will die with us.” “As long as Theron is threatening this country, our powers will just be reborn in another,” Natara returned with a shake of her head as the door to the cabin opened and a head with black and red hair peered out at them. “Might as well go on in; Sapphira has spotted us so we could not get away if we wanted to,” Bryant muttered, forcing a smile and waving to the teen at the door. Aurora arched an eyebrow. “Are you so certain we could not?” He turned toward her and smirked as they continued to the cabin. Bryant pushed open the door and paused to allow Sapphira, Natara, and Aurora to enter before him. Dorian looked up from his place by the fire and Sapphira sat down near him as Monique stood to greet them. “Aurora,” she started, but was quickly interrupted by her daughter’s cold voice. “To what do you owe the honor of your presence, Master Dominik?” A man with dark hair, and grey eyes turned to face her, standing tall and proud. She never backed down from his look and remained in her place as he stepped toward her. She moved back only when he reached out to lightly touch her hair. “Daughter, you sound so cold-hearted for one so young.” Her eyes flashed again. “How dare you call me ‘daughter’ when you have forsaken me all these years? I am not so young anymore. I am old enough to know a great deal more than you realize.” He had to admit he was impressed by her strength and courage. His eyes flickered over to her mother. “Such a shame, in the days of war, children must become adults long before their time.” “Aurora, your father has come here tonight on important matters. Matters which involve all of us.” “Another battle is near?” Bryant asked, tensing. “Not quite, though I do not doubt that will be the case soon,” Dominik responded, keeping his gaze locked on Aurora. It had become a battle of wills between them, and he was not ready to back down. He was determined to show his daughter her place. She was just as determined to show him she was not the weak child he continued to think her to be. “A special summons from the King was received earlier today. He wishes to speak with all of us,” he explained further. The group watched them with uneasiness. Ever since he had refused to grant them permission to join the war against Lord Theron, Aurora had silently waged a mental war with her father. They knew how much it meant to her to show him she could push him back if needed. A soft rumbling growl could be heard from both father and daughter and Aurora’s hand went to her dagger. Sapphira noticed the movement and jumped. “I do not understand, Miss. Monique,” She spoke quickly, keeping her eye on Aurora’s hand. Dorian and Bryant caught her gaze and slowly moved into the defensive. When she was certain she had captured their attention, she continued. “What could the king possibly want with us?” “That was not told to us,” Dominik answered, finally giving up his battle with Aurora and turning his gaze to Sapphira. “It was only said that he wished to speak with Monique, myself, and the strongest of our clan.” “One does not need psychic visions to know he is wanting our help, Dominik,” Aurora’s voice still gave away her barely leashed temper as she dropped her hand once more. “The way this war is going, it was only a matter of time. I do not know why you are bothering with the King’s time when you are only going to give him the same answer you gave our own people.” Dominik turned back to face Aurora. “You are not afraid to speak your mind, I see.” “There is little I fear anymore.” “Is that so?” Aurora’s deep blue eyes narrowed, her voice low. “I have seen battle, violence, and death. I have seen the effects of punishment and torture. I have been to the Shadows and back. Yes, Master Dominik, I have very little to fear.” The room stood frozen as the weight of her words sank into Dominik’s mind. Father and daughter stared coldly at each other. No one else in the room dared to step between them. Without warning, she gave a sarcastic laugh. “What I find so humorous is that we are not allowed to remain inside the village because of who we are and the Power we control, but the moment someone asks for your strongest warriors, we are to be ready at a moment’s notice.” “Aurora,” Dominik snapped in a stern tone. Her friends watched as she refused to flinch under his piercing gaze. She remained tall and noble. She carried in her return stare all the honor in her blood. She never lowered her gaze as he spoke. She showed him no fear. They then saw the anger her response to him created. Dominik seethed. “You may have come far in your lessons, but you still lack respect.” “I save respect for those who deserve it.” “Enough, Aurora!” The teen flinched and stepped back at the angry tone of her mother’s voice. She hated her father with all the passion in her soul, but her mother she loved, respected, and feared. Tender she had been when Aurora needed her to be, but she was not a pushover either. When she used her commanding voice, everyone knew to listen or face the consequences. There was a pause as they waited to see if Aurora would defy her mother, but as with the others, the teen knew enough to keep her peace. Monique faced Dominik. “We will have to go into the village to receive proper clothing for the audience with the king. We will be there early in the morning.” “Very well, I will see to it the dress shop is open and expecting you. My home will be open for you to use to prepare yourselves afterward. We will leave early afternoon in order to make the dinner appointment.” Monique nodded. Bryant and Natara glanced at each other while Dorian and Sapphira shared a sigh. Dominik turned back to his daughter. “Daughter, I expect you to show the king more respect than you have shown me” “That will not be a problem, father,” she returned coolly. Looking up at her mother she added, “I am not hungry this evening. I will not be joining you for tonight’s meal.” Without another word, she turned and brushed passed her parents. They watched in silence as she walked down and disappeared into a room at the far end of the hall. ***************************** Aurora paid no attention as the door swung open gently behind her. Soft footsteps approached her, yet she made no effort to acknowledge the new presence. She glanced, uninterested, beside her as a small plate of food was placed near her. “I thought I would bring you a little something in case you felt hungry.” Aurora sighed and looked up into bright jade eyes, now soft with concern. “Thank you,” she said softly. Sapphira brushed a few strands of her red and black hair off her shoulder and sat near her friend in front of the window. “Aurora, you know I will always stand beside you, no matter what…” Sapphira started, before nervousness made her stop. She realized that even though she wanted her friend to speak to her, she had no idea how to get her to open up. “Yes, I know.” There was a sigh and Aurora glanced out of the corner of her eye at her friend. “If you have something to say, please, just say it.” Sapphira frowned before taking a deep breath. “I just have to ask. What exactly happened to bring about the animosity between you and your father? I mean, besides the whole putting us out here in the woods and attempting to deny you your place as heir.” Aurora swallowed hard. It was difficult to explain her emotions. She held so many deep inside she had no idea just where to start. Staring at the stars, she knew she would have to explain the things she knew. She just was not sure if she would be able to. “You know how every little girl looks up to her father? Admires him and wants to even marry someone like him one day?” Sapphira nodded and pulled her knees to her chest, hugging them as she listened. Aurora took a deep breath and let it out as a soft, wistful sigh. “That just is not the case with me. He let it be known right from the start that he did not want a daughter to take his place as leader of this clan. He was livid when he noticed the mark my mother had kept hidden for the first four years of my life. But that is not the entire reason.” Aurora sighed again and bowed her head, her hands folding themselves on her lap. “Syrus told me a few things before he died that struck me, but did not surprise me.” Sapphira gave her friend a confused look. It was not like Aurora to talk in riddles. For her to do so, meant that her words were not going to be ones she wanted to hear. Syrus and Aurora were the two people Sapphira knew to listen to within the group. They knew more than anyone else seemed to know. Since his death, Aurora had acted as though she was only one half of herself. It had never occurred to her that there had been some unfinished business between the two Chosen Ones. She nervously bit on the inside of her cheek as Aurora continued to speak. “He once told me that he overheard his parents talking about the direction the clan had gone in after Dominik’s father stepped down. I guess Master Dayton has had some concerns about his son’s ways. You and I would not know, but the generation before us would remember clearly. They remembered the calm and peace. My grandfather was a good man. How he could have been a part of bringing Dominik into this world, I guess no one really knows. Dominik is cold and heartless whereas his father was not.” Aurora shook her head to clear her thoughts and bring herself back to the point she was attempting to make. “Anyway, Syrus’ parents were not sure they wanted to continue following Dominik and there were talks between them and others breaking free.” Sapphira frowned as she tried to grasp her friend’s words. “You mean a separation among the clan?” Aurora nodded. “Admittedly, I did not know much about the order of the clan. My mother has been trying to teach me the ways of our people for years.” “It is kind of hard when you cannot be there to see how things work first-hand.” “I know. That in itself causes even more problems for me. I only knew that we were powerful and strong. I also knew that I was different. That there were six of us who were more different than the others. I did not like being treated differently. It was bad enough being Dominik’s daughter, but to have this extra weight on my shoulders made things even worse.” “But you never used to speak to Master Dominik the way you did this evening.” “I have not exactly seen much of him since he sent us out into the woods either.” “Very, true.” Sapphira hesitated again before pressing the subject one more time. “So, Syrus’ family; they suspected Master Dominik of misdealings?” “Not just his family. I guess while we were asleep, Syrus had been going into the village to follow him on his late night excursions. The things he saw Dominik doing… Syrus knew no one would truly believe just him alone so one night, he asked me to come along. I had not been completely shocked by what I saw, but it was unnerving just the same. Syrus had been spying on Dominik when he was secretly meeting Lord Theron.” “Aurora!” Sapphira’s eyes grew wide as she struggled to keep herself upright on the ledge by the window. Her heart pounded wildly at the accusation. “You cannot be serious! Do you realize you speak treason against Master Dominik?” “I speak nothing but the truth,” Aurora insisted, her eyed flashing. “I know what I saw. I tried to tell my mother. That did not go over too well. She still wants to believe the best in him. She refuses to see that he has changed from the man he used to be in her eyes. “Sapphira, think hard. Think back to our first real battle. Two months ago; who all were among the dead at the end of it?” Sapphira gave her a questioning look. The battle was one she had avoided thinking too much about as it was the last time she had seen her parents alive, but the look in her friend’s eyes was so intense, she pushed aside the sudden grief and thought back as she was asked. “Syrus, his mother, father, my parents…” Her voice trailed off as the weight of the truth fell heavily upon her. “My mother, and Bryant’s father as well.” They turned to the soft voice at the door as Dorian moved from where he had been listening silently until that moment. A solemn look held in his usually warm brown eyes as he made his way to them. Aurora moved to allow him space to sit beside her. It had become common for them all to meet in one room or another just to talk after the day was done. Reaching out, Aurora placed a hand on his upper arm in comfort. Seeing the wounds his mother had endured in that battle had been much for him to take. Bryant had been helping Dorian try to heal his mother when Zelos Harper’s death occurred. They did everything they could, but unfortunately, fate had other plans in store for both parents. “They were all people who had planned to separate from the clan. And they were all families and parents of … well, of us. Except for my mother. I saw Dominik protect her,” Aurora remembered. “He did what he could to make sure she was not hurt. However, all of us who had family left saw them fall in that battle. It was a test for us, as well as a warning. Go against him and lose everything.” Sapphira shook her head, still attempting to deny the words she knew in her heart to be truth. “After that battle, he sent us here. He said it was for the safety of the clan.” “More for his own safety. He felt it better we were not there so he did not get caught in his next rendezvous. We pose more of a threat to him and his power now than we do to Lord Theron, himself.” “If this is true, then why did he accept this invitation from the king?” Dorian asked with a frown. “It does not make any sense.” “I think I understand,” Sapphira responded quietly after a moment of silence. “The king would have asked for us, for our help in ending this war, meaning that he could unknowingly tell Master Dominik his strategies. Not only that but Master Dominik would be able to get a feel for how things really are among the king’s army. Once he has this information-” “He can report it back to Lord Theron and tilt the battle into the enemy’s favor,” Dorian finished as the realization began to dawn on him. Aurora nodded and sighed as Sapphira stood and began to pace the floor. “You have known this all along?” Sapphira asked suddenly, stopping and looking directly at her friend. “About his betrayal to our people? I did not learn this until after the battle. Since then, yes, I have known.” “Then we have to do something about it,” Dorian said grimly, his gaze cast down at his clenched hands. Aurora nodded again. “And we will; when the time is right and we are ready. We will succeed where the others did not.” “I take it you have a plan?” Sapphira countered, placing her hand on her hip while arching an eyebrow. “You can say that.” Aurora stood and moved from the window. Dorian took over her spot as he watched her place a hand on her forehead as she went deep into thought. After a moment, she took a breath and looked up at them. “Dominik will attempt to make up our minds for us as to how to proceed in this war. He will attempt to tell the king some story about why we should not be a part of it. We will have to counter that story. We are the ones in control, now, not him. The king needs help. We can give him that help.” “I just hope you know what you are doing, Aurora. Going up against Master Dominik like that; if he finds out, it could be all over,” Dorian cautioned, concern radiating from his spirit. No one wanted Theron to pay more than the Chosen Ones did for what was done to their families, but they all knew they had to be careful. With their clan’s master an enemy to their people, anything was possible. Aurora nodded and gave him a light smile. “I guess it is time to see just how well I can make decisions then, huh?” Dorian stood and walked over to her, tenderly taking her hand in his. “Hey, you know you have us no matter what,” he assured her with a hug. “For now, though, I have to get some sleep. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.” Sapphira nodded and left her spot at the window to make her way to her bed. “That we do. Good night, Dorian.” “Night,” he said with a wave as he left the room. Aurora crossed the room to her own bed, pulling her nightgown from under the pillow and quickly dressing. Sapphira, who had already done the same, hesitantly approached her. “Do Bryant and Natara know about this?” “Not yet. I had no intention of telling anyone this soon.” “What made you change your mind?” “Besides what happened here tonight?” Lapis eyes met jade ones with fierce determination. “I had a vision a few days ago that made me think. I saw a confrontation against Dominik. I saw that several more of our people would be hurt. However, we are about to be a full group once again. Syrus’ powers were reborn in another and we will be meeting that other person soon.” Aurora shook her head in silent frustration. “The time to act is nearly upon us. We will have to be ready. I will explain everything to Natara and Bryant in the morning on our way to the village. For now, Dorian is right. We all just need our sleep.” Sapphira hesitated a moment before turning back to her bed. “Hey Aurora?” “Yes?” “What is going on between you and Dorian anyway?” Aurora looked up sharply, her eyes wide with shock. “What do you mean?” Sapphira glanced over her shoulder with a smirk. “Are we seeing a possible pair up between you two?” She suppressed a chuckle when Aurora’s mouth opened and closed with no sound being heard. “I mean, it is obvious to all of us that he is… a little more than infatuated with you.” She squealed and jumped when Aurora laughed and threw her pillow at her. “He is just a good friend, Saph. Like the rest of you. I can trust him. I can count on him.” “But?” Aurora’s eyes saddened as she seated herself on her bed. Sapphira returned her pillow and watched as her friend held it tightly against her body. “There will never be another one for you, will there?” “I cannot be sure of that now, Saph. I have not seen anyone else for me.” “What about a spell? We could try one to see what happens.” “No,” Aurora refused softly with a shake of her head. “There are some things a person is not meant to know until it is revealed by Fate itself. Who one falls in love with is one of those things.” “But I hate seeing you so sad all the time.” “Is it really all the time?” She looked up at her friend, curiosity filling her gaze. “Only to those of us who can see in your eyes to know the truth. You appear calm and controlled, but those of us who know to look deeper, are always able to see the truth.” Sapphira say down beside her and placed an arm around her shoulders. “Hun, you loved him. You always will love him. No one will ever fault you for that, but Syrus would never want you to remain alone forever. He would want you to move on and find another who could give you everything he would have been able to and more. That person is out there. One day you will look up and he will be right there in front of you.” “You make it sound like a fairytale come true,” Aurora returned with a roll of her eyes. Sapphira grinned. “Who knows, maybe for you it will be. Hell, you could find yourself married to a prince.” “Me and a prince? Yeah, right, now you are dreaming,” Aurora laughed as she gave her friend a playful shove off her bed. “Go on, we need some sleep before morning actually gets here.” She heard her friend’s soft mocking laughter as she rested her head down on the bed. Her smile faded slightly as she thought over Sapphira’s words. Me and a prince… no, it could never be… © Lady Aurora
Chapter 1 Eudora, 3000 years ago
The air was silent and still in the Amethyst Forest as Aurora Phoenix looked around the clearing. She listened to the birds as they chirped from the treetops. She frowned as a raven flew overhead. Something about the raven made her uneasy, but she did not have the time to search it’s mind as she heard one of her friends making an attempt to sneak up behind her. A sly smile curved her lips as she reached back and grasped the hand before it could touch her arm. Her movements were fluid as she spun a tawny-haired teen around and pressed him back against a nearby tree. His honey brown eyes widened in shock before he flashed her a grin. “There is just no surprising you, is there, Aurora?” “You should know that by now, Dorian,” she chided lightly, casting a ghost of a smile at him before pulling back away. “You should know that I will keep trying until I can.” Aurora arched an eyebrow at him. “If you so wish it, then be my guest.” She gave him another smile as he left the tree and they moved back to the center of the clearing. Once in place, they prepared themselves for the other’s next attack. They tensed and stood straight when their sensitive hearing caught the soft sound of a door creaking open. Turning, they saw Aurora’s mother, Monique, as she stepped onto the porch of the meager cabin to shake out a rug. Aurora sighed. The cabin had been built prior to her birth, and when she reached her fifth birthday, she was brought to it regularly to begin her training. Training that eventually led from magic to the ways of battle. Not everyone from the Cerean Clan had been allowed out to this cabin. It was created specifically for a select few. Aurora’s lapis blue eyes glanced over the tanned back of her friend, stopping over a small, lightning bolt-shaped mark on his right shoulder. Her own shoulder bore a mark in the same spot, only of a heart. There were six of them total with unique markings . Six teens who held more power and strength than any other immortal in Eudora. They had no special name. The other clan members simply called them the Chosen Ones. The story behind the origin of their Power was still a mystery. They did not choose the Powers. The Powers chose them. They could control the elements around them. Some could even control any animals that happened to be near by. It was said they would appear when the world was in danger. Aurora was always told they had to train long and hard as a result of being Chosen; told that if the Powers were not controlled properly, she and her friends would be controlled by them. She watched her mother disappear within the cabin once more and stretched her neck to work out the tired muscles. Thoughts of her fate regarding the Powers always brought her back around to her other destiny. Aurora held an even greater responsibility as the future leader of the Cerean Clan. It was not something she was happy about. She understood her purpose in her life, but at sixteen, a part of her just wanted to be as carefree as the other teens in her village. Unfortunately, it was a dream that would never be hers to have. “Okay, Phoenix, time to show me what you got.” Aurora silently groaned as she narrowed her eyes and gave a half-hearted glance over at Dorian. Sighing, she turned completely to face him once more, instinctively reaching for a wooden staff resting on a tree near her feet. She held the long staff in her hand, leveling it in front of her to ready for the oncoming attack. “I am ready for you, Stanson,” she told him calmly, but the attack never came. “The practice will have to wait. It is time to help prepare for dinner.” Dorian turned and bowed to the woman who had stepped back out to call to them. “Yes, Miss. Monique.” “Coming, Mother,” Aurora added as she returned the staff to the weapon’s rack and rejoined her friend at the porch. Dorian ran a hand through his hair and looked down at Aurora as she paused on the stairway, head lowered, eyes closed, and her hand resting on the railing. “Something wrong?” he asked her as he reached out and lightly touched the side of her face. He had grown fond of her over the years they had spent at the cabin. They were close friends but that fact always kept him on the outside. Still, he would have rather been friends with her than nothing at all. As he gazed down at her solemn face, he saw the pain in her eyes. Pain she would never openly admit to. He may not have known what was on her mind, but he wanted her to know that he was at least there for her to speak to. “Not that I am aware of. At least not yet,” she assured him with a tight smile before moving passed him and entering the cabin. He bowed and shook his head with a sigh before following in after her. Monique turned from the sink when she heard their voices. “Dorian, can I have your help in getting the fire started?” “Yes, ma’am, right away.” “Aurora, I need you to go down by the river to retrieve Bryant. He has spent most the day there trying to get a stronger grasp on his water technique.” Aurora nodded and took a wooden bucket off the counter. “I will return with some extra water as well so we have it for later.” Monique gave her a tired smile. “Thank you, and Aurora?” “Yes, Mother?” She turned back to face her mother once more before opening the door. “Do try to hurry back. You have been staying out later and later every night this week. With the tension between our kind and the Creperians, we cannot be too careful. Lord Theron-” “-would do anything to get his hands on me and my power. Yes, Mother, I know. I have heard this lecture enough to know it almost better than my own name.” Aurora lowered her gaze and shook her head when Monique’s look turned serious. “I am sorry, Mother. I know my place and my destiny. I have every intention of following through. I just get tired of having it drilled into my head over and over again.” Without another word between them, Aurora slipped out the door and off the porch. Monique sighed and turned back to the potato she was peeling at the sink. “Is it just me, or is she becoming more and more stubborn every day?” Dorian swallowed hard and opened his mouth before thinking better of his words and quickly shut it again as he returned his attention to the fireplace.
“Nice water twister, Bryant.” The teen jumped, his blue-green eyes widening and the water crashing back into the river, at the sound of Aurora’s voice. “Aurora! You startled me...” “Whatever happened to expect the unexpected?” “I was concentrating too hard on this particular move. I can never seem to get it to look the way it should,” he explained, running a hand through chocolate brown hair. “I think it was looking just fine.” She placed the bucket on the bank of the river and Bryant smiled his thanks at her. “I take it, you were sent to collect me along with the water for the evening?” “Something like that.” He noticed the smile on her lips did not reach her eyes. “Aurora, what is wrong? You have been so distant lately. Are you feeling well?” She looked up at him with tired eyes. “I have been okay,” she assured him with a sigh. “Merely wishing I had a different path to lead.” “But, why? You are the strongest female to have happened to this clan in years. We need you when Dominik steps down.” “If he steps down. You know how he is about power.” “Ah, yes, the more he has, the happier he is. How did a man like that create a daughter as good as you?” She frowned. “Maybe I am not as good as you think.” He rolled his eyes. “Nonsense, I have no idea whose tea leaves you have been reading, but it is time to seek your answers elsewhere. This clan needs you.” “He is right, Aurora,” a soft voice said from behind them. They turned and a young teen with black hair dropped from a tree. As she stood up straight, the sun caught her hair just enough to see the deep blue streaks that mixed in the black strands. Aurora caught the look of awe on Bryant’s face and turned away from them, returning to her task of gathering the water. “Natara, I was not aware you were nearby.” “I am always nearby, Bryant, you should know that by now,” she chided playfully, her violet eyes sparkling. She walked passed him and knelt beside Aurora. “I may not completely understand what you have to deal with, but you have to know that you are not alone. You did not ask to be one of the Chosen Ones. Just like you did not ask to be the daughter of the leader of our clan. The thing is you are both of those things. It may not seem fair, but I have heard your ideas. The clan will be better run when you take over.” Aurora sighed and shook her head. “If Lord Theron does not wipe us out first.” She stood, facing her two friends. “I appreciate what you are trying to do. Really the only way for me to face my fate is to come to terms with it on my own. I have heard the whispers of our people. They fear me. The Power I possess. I cannot say that I blame them. I would fear me, too, if I were one of them.” “They may fear you now, but they also respect you,” Bryant returned, calmly. “They have also said that you would be the one to keep them safe. They trust you.” “I just hope I can keep that trust.” Aurora accepted the hug Natara gave her before retrieving her bucket of water from the shore and the three of them began to head back to their cabin. Aurora kept slightly behind her friends, watching as they spoke quietly back and forth between each other. She envied their carefree nature. Her gaze drifted away when she caught his hand lightly brushing over Natara’s. The touch was slight, but it said more than words could have ever expressed. She remembered having a love like theirs once; just once. A small path appeared to the right of them and Aurora hesitated near it. It was a path she knew well and traveled often; a path to holy ground. She gave her friends one last look before silently turning down the path and disappearing into the trees. “Hey, Auro…ra…?” Natara stopped speaking when she turned to realize her friend was no longer with them. “Where did you go?” she whispered softly. She felt Bryant’s hand tighten in hers and looked up. He nodded toward the path. “The burial ground,” he said in a voice of tight control. “Syrus?” “It is possible, and it would explain a lot,” Bryant told her with a nod. Syrus was their sixth member. His mark and Power had been that of Fire. His loss two months ago had hurt the Chosen Ones strength, but no one took the loss harder than Aurora. A powerful bond had formed between the two Chosen Ones early on in their training; a bond that set them apart from any other pairing within the clan. Natara remembered sharing laughter with their friend, Sapphira, as they watched the two taunt and test each other. It was thought, at first, that they despised each other, but as time moved forward, it became obvious that more was behind their constant battling. Natara and Bryant slowed in their approach of the burial field. They looked toward the far corner where a glimmer of the top of Aurora’s golden head shone in the fading sunlight. Suddenly, they felt like intruders on a private moment as they watched her slowly fall to her knees before a tiny cross and bow her head. She remained silent as she looked up and tenderly let her fingertips float over the name carved onto the cross. “Syrus,” she whispered softly. Aurora closed her eyes and felt the tugging of her mind; the memories of her lost friend begging to be released. She remembered hating how he taunted her, then realizing it was his way of testing her. She remembered the fire she felt in her heart every time he was near her. A shiver ran over her arms as she remembered the gentle feel of his embrace. Her lips quivered at the memory of their first innocent kiss. Tears filled her eyes once more and this time, she did not stop them as they fell.
“What is going on?” Aurora asked her mother as the sound of horses pounded through the village. People were running and screaming, some were creating a line in the middle of the village to stand against a man with long, flowing white hair. “A battle, Aurora, get back. You are not ready to become involved in this yet.” “But I want to help,” she insisted. Monique turned to a man with jet black hair and teal colored eyes. “Syrus, please, get her away from here.” He nodded and took her arm. She struggled against his grip. “Let me go, I want to stay!” “Go, Aurora, now!” Monique ordered. Syrus placed a hand over Aurora’s mouth to silence her as he attempted to drag her from the street. Once out of Monique’s sight, Aurora dug her feet into the ground, preventing him from taking her any farther. “Aurora, please, do not fight your mother’s order this time,” he pleaded with him. She shook her head. “We have spent all our years preparing for just such an occasion as this. What good is all our training if we cannot make any use of it?” “She is right, Syrus.” The couple looked up into ruby red eyes. “Sapphira, they do not want us to get involved this time. It… it would not be a good idea for us to.” Syrus looked back at Aurora, his eyes attempting to convey a hidden message to her. Aurora looked away. “Syrus, people are going to die, you and I know this,” she told him as she turned a determined look back at him. “Why should we sit back and allow it to happen?” Syrus sighed heavily and ran his fingers through his hair, closing his eyes. A feather light touch came to his hand and he opened his eyes to be lost in a sea of lapis lazuli. “You know I am right,” Aurora pressed once more. “I know.” Syrus’ chest heaved and he wished for once she did not have the control over him that she had. He took her hand in his and pulled her tightly to him. Aurora blinked and hesitated before returning the embrace. “So are we going in?” Sapphira’s voice broke into his thoughts and Syrus gave a quick look up at her as she pulled her black and red hair back away from her face. “Yes, Sapphira, we are going in.” “Sweet,” she purred as a soft red glow covered her hand and a maroon colored staff appeared in her palm. Footsteps sounded behind them as Natara, Dorian, and Bryant appeared, ready for battle. “You would not dare to count us out, now would you?” Dorian asked them with a playful smile. A long sword gripped in his hand gave off a soft blue light. “Yeah, it would not be fair to hold all the fun to yourselves,” Bryant chided them as his own staff appeared in a flash of pale green light. Natara gave them a demure glance as she stood between them. A blue and purple cloak flapped behind her in the breeze as she prepared her own weapon. She was one of the best archers the clan had ever seen. Her mark was always on target, no matter her distance. “Just point us in the right direction,” she told them with a soft and steady voice. Aurora pulled back from Syrus and raised her hand. A flash of white light revealed her staff with a crystal rose-shaped top and a dagger’s point at the handle’s end. Syrus drew his weapon and leveled it before him. In wordless agreement, the Chosen Ones all placed the tip of their weapons upon his and looked solemnly at each other. “Just be careful, all of you,” Syrus told them. They nodded and broke apart, each going their own directions. The battle was fierce and the ground was quickly painted red. Aurora and Syrus did not have time to look around as people fell on both sides of them. An explosion sounded nearby, causing the ground beneath them to tremble. They heard a shout and a cry. When they turned, they saw Sapphira standing frozen near what was left of her home. Gasping for breath, her weapon fell to the ground and disappeared. She never saw the Creperian soldier making his way to her at a deadly pace, his spear raised high. “Sapphira, look out!” Aurora sprang into action tackling her friend to the ground as a spear pierced the spot she had once been. Syrus circled the building checking for any signs of life. “They are gone. Aurora, they are gone,” Sapphira repeated in a choked voice; her hands clinging to her friend’s arms. “Sapphira?” “Sweet Ra, they are gone…” Ruby eyes were locked open, unable to even blink at the shock of what she had just witnessed. Syrus approached toward them, pain etched on his face. “How many?” Aurora asked him, looking up. She did not need to ask the entire question. He knew what she meant. “Four, her parents… and mine.” “Syrus!” Aurora’s eyes snapped open wide and her breath hissed in. Sapphira clung to her, body shaking uncontrollably. “I will take her out of here,” Natara told them as she came near. With effort, they disentangled Sapphira from Aurora. She and Syrus watched as Natara wrapped one of Sapphira’s arms over her shoulders and forced her to run into the shelter of the forest. Once they were out of sight, Aurora turned to Syrus. A mixture of pain, hurt, and rage glowed in his eyes. “Are you going to be okay?” He barely registered her words. Fire flashed in his eyes as his grief turned to rage. “That tyrant will pay for this,” he vowed darkly as he turned from her and stalked back into the battle. The wind whipped around her and she steadied her staff. A growl sounded behind her and she spun in time to block an attack from a man with dark hair and night black eyes. “Panther,” she seethed, feeling her feet slide on the ground against the pressure of his attack. “Hard to believe Dominik would leave his little girl out in the open like this,” he taunted in a smooth voice. Sword and staff clashed together, sparks flying as they moved. “He does not control me,” she returned coldly, forcing him back once more with a force of white lighted wind as she raised her hand to him. Panther’s face lost the teasing look, replaced by shock as he lost his footing and fell to his back. The daggered end of her staff stopped mere inches from his neck. “You cannot kill me. You have not the heart to be so cold.” “We shall see how cold I can be,” she told him lifting the staff in preparation to strike. Her attack was halted when Bryant’s shocked voice reached her ears over the roaring fires and other screams of her people. “Oh, Ra, Devona!” Aurora shook her head angrily and stomped her foot into Panther’s stomach before spinning toward the voices, leaving him curled in a ball on the ground. Her eyes widened in shock once more when she caught sight of Dorian and Bryant crouched over the limp body of a young woman. Her blond hair was splayed out under her, quickly becoming a deep shade of copper. “Mom, hang on, please hang on,” Dorian pleaded as he gripped her hand tightly. She could not speak. Blood poured from the slashed wound on her neck. Bryant tried his best to do what he could to stop the flow of blood, but Aurora’s keen eyesight saw Devona’s light fade. Dorian closed his eyes and struggled to breathe. “Get out of here!” Aurora shouted, as she turned toward another attacker. She dispatched him easily and in seconds her staff had the man in pieces at her feet. “Impressive.” The world froze around her. She no longer heard the screams of her people. She saw the flames, but they held no sound. Slowly, she straightened herself and turned to face the man with flowing white hair and silver eyes. Her breath caught as she looked up at the handsome face of Lord Theron. Her pause was brief, however, as the reality of the battle began to sink into her mind once more. Her eyes narrowed and she placed one foot behind her to steady herself as she leveled her staff between them. “So we finally meet face to face, Theron.” “I am honored that you know me, my dear.” “I make it a point to never forget the man whose army is killing those I love.” Aurora hated the taunting smile he gave her as he drew his sword. A sliver of fear pierced her heart and her lips parted slightly with quickened breath. She knew he was stronger than any she had ever met before. A small voice in her mind screamed at her to turn and run. She stopped and held her ground when she heard familiar footsteps come up and stand behind her. “It will take more then a handful of teens to even begin to slow me down.” Theron chuckled before he lost his smile and darted forward. Aurora’s staff barely had time to rise in defense as their deadly dance began. Bryant and Dorian covered her when Panther rejoined the battle, leaving her to face Theron on her own. The sword and staff clashed several times, each blow fiercer and more determined than the last. Each step took them through the town and soon the battle around them ceased as the villagers and his army all turned to watch their struggle. “You are stronger than I thought,” Theron mused as he pressed her back. “You have no idea what I can do,” she returned through clenched teeth. “Then I shall have fun learning.” He laughed as she was forced to leap a short distance away from him, landing on one knee. She could feel the fatigue beginning to take her body and saw her hands trembling on their hold of her staff. “Aurora, no!” The shout startled her and she turned her head to see Dominik holding her mother back from the fight. Aurora slowly got to her feet. “Never should have taken your eyes off of me, child,” Theron growled. She turned sharply to see Theron raise his sword, the handle aimed at the sky, a dragon’s head on the handle beginning to take on a dark aura as the black crystal in it’s mouth began to glow. He raised a hand and a large sphere of black, electric light rushed at her. Aurora never had the chance to react. Instantly, she was knocked off her feet and cradled tightly within a protective circle of strong arms. She gasped and her eyes snapped wide open when she heard Syrus’ agonized cry. His grip on her tightened and she felt his face twist into a grimace when he pressed it near her neck, shielding her as best he could. Her back struck the ground with bone crushing force. They rolled several times before finally sliding to a stop. “Perhaps you should teach the future of your clan a little better,” Theron sneered over at Dominik and Monique. “Maybe then, they will not be so easily killed.” He raised his arm to signal the end of the attack and his army retreated back into Oscuro Wood. Aurora remained motionless under Syrus a moment before she reached gingerly around to hold him. Slowly, she sat up, shifting so she could cradle him in her arms. He reached over and grasped her hand. His lips moved, but no voice could be heard. “Syrus?” Her voice was barely above a whisper as she gazed upon him. His once tanned face was pale and his normally bright, teal eyes had lost their shine. She felt his fingers tighten in her hand as he looked up at her. He coughed and a trickle of blood could be seen from the corner of his mouth. A crowd gathered around them and Aurora leaned closer as he made another attempt to speak. “Aurora,” he whispered lightly. She swallowed hard as he closed his eyes a moment. “Aurora, it is all you now. You have to protect them.” “Syrus, no; you can beat this,” she insisted in a shaky voice. Tears filled her eyes and began to fall as he shook his head. “You know what must be done.” “But I need you, Syrus, you cannot leave me here. Syrus-” “My time is done, Aurora,” he interjected. “No.” She closed her eyes, attempting to shut out his words. She felt his fingers lightly touch her chin and she opened her eyes again. “Aurora, I will always be near you. My spirit will always be around.” “It is not the same…” “I know, but it will have to do. Aurora, be strong. Do not give up, and remember-” He was stopped by another fit of coughs, his grip tightening in hers once more. “Remember what, Syrus?” Pain filled his’ gaze. Pain and another emotion Aurora could not quite recognize. Slowly, she felt his grip loosen in her own and she felt her breath halt. “Remember that… I love you.” His whispered words stopped her heart as his hand fell from hers, his eyes closing, never again to open. There was a brief moment where his body took on a red-orange hue; then all was still. Aurora knew then what the second emotion had been. Regret. Gentle hands reached to pull her away from the empty shell she cradled in her arms. She cried out and struggled against the arms holding her still. She watched helplessly as Syrus’ body was taken to rest with the others who had fallen. Again, she fought against the arms holding her. Bryant’s soft, but strained, voice spoke near her ear as his grip became stronger. “He is gone, Aurora.” She spun around to face him, shaking her head defiantly, denial holding her gaze. “No! He cannot be!” She insisted. “He cannot be gone!” Tears fell from her eyes and soaked Bryant’s shirt as he held her tightly. “Please, sweet Ra, he cannot be gone. Syrus come back, please…” Her words continued to repeat themselves as her voice fell to a whispered plea for Syrus to return.
“I never had the chance to tell you,” Aurora whispered as her eyes opened and she gazed forlornly at the cross in the ground. Their parents had often spoken of an arranged marriage between them, to keep their powerful line pure, but they cared not about the betrothal. What they had felt went far deeper than mere duty to their people. They would have given up everything for each other. In the end, Syrus gave up his life for her. Silent tears fell to the ground once more as she remembered the vigil her village had held for those who had fallen. Too many had been killed in that battle. Those who had survived demanded vengeance. Aurora was among those who kept her anger in silence when Dominik refused them telling them it would do more harm than good for such an act. “I promise you, Syrus, Theron will fall for what he has done.” Her voice shook with emotion. “I will see to it.” “It will not be easy,” Natara reminded her softly as she and Bryant cautiously made their way closer to her. “We are a chosen one short,” Bryant added. “The new one is still out there,” Aurora told them. “I watched the spirit of the Power leave Syrus’ body. I can still see the power active in my visions. Another has been chosen. We only have to find the one who has been branded with the mark of the Eternal Flame. Once we have the new Chosen One, we can be stronger. Then we can do what we were meant to do.” She stood and turned to face them, her face dark and grave. “Destroy Theron and place this country at peace once again.” She said nothing more as she moved passed them and began home once more.
King Sidel paced back and forth in front of his throne, a worried expression on his brow. His wife, Marian, watched him move around the room from her chair and sighed. The days had been long and hard for him as he faced off against his brother for control over Eudora. Their army was wearing thin. Their people fatigued and quickly reaching their breaking point. Outside assistance was desperately needed, but the king and queen had no idea where to go or who to turn to. “Sidel, please, your constant pacing is beginning to make me dizzy,” Marian said softly as she stood to place a sleeping baby in it’s cradle beside her place on the throne. She gently tucked a small blanket around the babe before going to her husband. “I am sorry, Marian,” Sidel said with a sigh as he held her tightly to him. “I just wish I knew what had gone so wrong.” “You know your brother has always wanted his place on the throne. He could never accept that he would have to submit to his younger brother the rest of his days.” “But that is the thing. He has never had to submit.” Sidel turned away and shook his head. Marian motioned for a nearby servant to care for the baby before she followed after him. He stopped when he reached the balcony overlooking the kingdom. “He has never been mistreated by our father or me. It just does not make any sense.” Shake her head was all Marian could do as she gave another soft sigh. Ever since his father passed on, the kingdom had been concerned over which son would gain power of the throne. Being the eldest by mere minutes, Prince Theron was the proper choice. However, the royal council had concerns about the rumors they had heard of his dealings with the Creperian immortal beings of Eudora. Dealings that went against the order that had been set by kings before him. Eudora was a large country with sparkling rivers and lakes, lush green trees, and plenty of wild game on one side, while the other was shrouded in shadow. It was for their protection from the mortal world that all immortals resided there. But like every country, there were immortals who brought trouble to the peaceful country. They were given the Creperian title and exiled to the darker half of Eudora known as Oscuro Wood. It was there in the shadows where Sidel’s brother had rejected his royal title and assumed his place as Lord Theron, ruler of the Creperians. It was there that the difference between the light and dark immortals truly began. All immortals in Eudora were born with special gifts, or powers, some had more than others. Most used their gifts for the good, while some used them to their advantage to gain riches and a name that those weaker would fear. As Marian stood in silence, she recalled another group of people within the Adurian half of her country; a clan of immortals who were stronger than the others. Fearing their own strength and powers, they broke away from the main village, opting to live outside the palace walls in peace. As she remembered the stories of this clan, Marian felt a sliver of hope enter her heart. “Sidel, may I offer a suggestion?” The king turned to look closer at her. It was a rarity that she would offer insight of her own when it came to such matters of war. He wondered what idea had come to mind for her to speak up. “Of, course, my dear.” She took a breath and brushed a strand of hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear. “Do you remember the band of people living outside the palace gates? The one that suffered a brutal attack by Theron’s army just a month ago?” “The Cerean Clan?” He asked after a moment of thought. Marion nodded. “Yes, that is the one.” “What about them? They have kept their distance during this whole war. They have made it clear that they want no part in this.” “Perhaps, but, that was before they lost nearly half their own kind. Our men are tired and weak. As Theron’s army grows stronger we need all the help we can get. If we can convince Dominik and Monique to change their minds, we can get that help. What is more, is that help would come from people more powerful than Lord Theron.” Sidel took a moment to think over his wife’s words and nodded. “All right, I will send for a messenger to bring Dominik and Monique to the palace. Be sure Adair and Adam are prepared for this meeting. They need to be there for this as well,” he told her. Marion frowned at his request. Adair and Adam were their older twin sons. Sidel had never requested them to take part in meetings concerning the war before. “But… why?” He looked down upon his wife’s face and gently brushed her teal colored hair from her eyes. “We may be immortals, but even immortals one day are called to the afterlife. The boys need to be prepared just in case.” Marian nodded and her aqua-marine eyes turned softer. “I understand. I will go to them now, then, and let them know. Adair could use a small break anyway. Poor thing has been in his study all morning practicing spells with Manus and his fencing skills with Sol.” Sidel arched an eyebrow. “And Adam?” “Last I saw of him, Silas was chasing him down the hall after another of our son’s famous pranks.” Marian chuckled softly and Sidel shook his head with a smile. “I only hope he is at least learning something in between those tricks of his. The Elders have been kind enough to offer their assistance to our sons.” “Considering their original position in keeping the Creperians in line, yes, it is a great deal for them to take the time needed. Do not worry, my love, the boys learn quite quickly. Adam knows what he needs to know and is progressing in his studies well. Adair just pushes himself harder to prove himself worthy of the throne for when his time comes.” “I know, Marian. I just cannot help but worry. My brother is a ruthless man. I just want to know my sons will be ready.” She gave him a small reassuring hug before turning to reenter the main hall. “They will be, my dear. They will be.” To Be Continued....
*note: Click pic for full screen version of the art* image.php?u=153863&i=1852356604&tn=1 This is to kind of tell a little bit more about them. One of my favorite pairings in the novel- they are the main focus in the first book of my series. Both of Adurian (light) blood, Adair Hart- eldest of a set of twins, is trained to be the future King of Eudora. Aurora Phoenix was the only living heir to Dominik who was the leader and Master of the Cerean Clan living just outside the palace gates. A war devastates the country leaving Adair to take the throne before he was ready. Aurora and her friends opt to go against Dominik's order and side with Adair against his Uncle and enemy, Lord Theron. As the flames of war continue to grow, eventually so do the flames of passion that spark between the fated leaders. It is a pairing Lord Theron cannot allow to happen... But can he really stop it before they join to create the power needed to destroy him?

Novel Notes! ^_^

Notes on my Novel series: Years ago, a unique group of people walked upon the Earth. They were an immortal race, most of which held extreme power and strength. Some used that strength and power for good and tried to help the mortals of this world. Others became dark and used their strengths and powers to manipulate, hurt, and create destruction in the mortal lives around them. The struggle for control between the two groups threatened to destroy them all. That is, until the new generation of light and dark appeared. For along with the new generation, a common enemy was reborn as well. Faced with this old evil, the dark and the light are forced together in ways they never dreamed. Can the two groups ban together to destroy this new force? Or will the darkest of all evil consume them all? This is a Fantasy/Action/Romance novel series. In the journey the characters have followed, there are many times where the characters found themselves in situations they wanted to be in and others they did not want to. There are so many warning notes on this because the novel is based on Real World acts. Adult themes that mean both good and bad events happening. So call it a disclaimer, or warning... call it what you will.. there are things you would HAVE to know before reading the series and even the side fics that I have posted on AdultFanFiction.net First off the warnings... It is a mature series. Not mature as in erotic.. though... it can get that way (the more erotic parts are not going to make their way into the actual novel when it goes for publication). I mean it deals with adult and mature themes. That includes but is NOT limited to the following: Drugs Alcohol foul lauguage consentual sexual situations adulterous affairs Homosexual pairings (including all gay, lesbian, and bi-sexual) Gang related situations Cutting Suicide Rape murder violence (including domestic violence) Anything else would probably be redundant. These events are included in the series at scattered portions which is what makes it a continuing series. They are here because every main character has to have their demons to battle and I am not specifically talking about the main antagonist .. or 2.... I mean that within the bigger story, several things will happen to the main characters to test their ... well characters.... Each instance will make the character either break or grow. So as dark as the themes can and will be, they are needed. Sadly, these kinds of things happen in real life and the characters don't live in a fantasy world where every thing is perfect. They will have to face the good and bad that real people face everyday... It is a series about magic and immortality. So there is spell casting that will be used for many purposes including to erase memories and turn back time. With certain rituals, the dead can be brought back to life. The term Guardian is used in the series in regards to certain characters. The immortal characters lived under a different kind of code. When their country was destryed as a result of war, they had to find a way to mix and mingle in the mortal world. In order to do this, they were given mortals they were to watch over; protect... kind of like a light to dark, dark to light situation. So the guardians are NOT like legal parents in this series, though some have taken the sur names of their charges. Sometimes it is hinted that things may or may not have happened between guardians and their charges... And now that you have been warned... Feel free to check out the other 2 entries in this blog that are the sneek peeks into Spellbound~ Book 1: Path of Destiny. If it catches your attention, feel free to keep an eye on my future bulletins and blogs to know when the book is officially released. Thanks for taking the time to check it out! ~Lady Aurora
Years ago, a unique group of people walked upon the Earth. They were an immortal race, most of which held extreme power and strength. Adurians used that strength and power for good and tried to help the mortals of this world, however, the Creperians were dark and used their strengths and powers to manipulate, hurt, and create destruction in the mortal lives around them. The struggle for control between the two groups threatened to destroy them all. That is, until the new generation of Adurain and Creperian kinds appeared. For along with the new generation, a common enemy was reborn as well. Faced with this old evil, the dark and the light are forced together in ways they never dreamed. Can the two groups ban together to destroy this new force? Or will the darkest of all evil consume them all?
Spellbound Let their will be done...
Part One Rise from the Ashes She was chosen to keep the peace, but the price she was to pay was far too great. Could she be saved from her dark fate?
Prologue From the personal journal of Aurora Hart
June 29th They say the past always has a way of repeating itself. I can’t help but fear this to be true. I have seen the signs. I have heard the warnings. Just when I thought the war was over, I can see now that it was just one small victorious battle. The real challenge has yet to play out. Maybe not now, but it will. I can feel it, and it scares me. I see everyone moving on with their lives and having fun for a change. I hear their laughter and see their joy. I try to be happy for them. I smile with them, but my smile is false. Have they forgotten what we’ve been through? Are they blind to the signs of his return? Or am I just seeing things? Is my mind really just playing tricks on me, making me see what isn’t really there? Have I let my fear take control? It has happened before, so why not now? Everyone has always told me how strong I am. Yet, I feel so weak. They seem to have forgotten that I am the reason we no longer allowed have a home. The home we once felt so safe in. I always said they had reason to fear me. They didn’t want to listen. Now… Now, we live on the other side of the world. Our friends and family…left behind, buried in a field of stone. I keep wishing my mother were here. I want to hear her voice giving me some kind of clue to the direction I need to take. I know now that I should have listened to her more when she was with me. I am lost. I am grown, yet I feel like a wandering child. They look to me for guidance, and all I want to do is curl up in a ball and wish it all away. As if wishing could change our fate. No… This isn’t something I can change with a small chanted spell and a prayer. If I could, trust me, I would have done so a long time ago and we could be in our homes, instead of trying to find our way in this new life; if you can call it a life. They can live. They can learn the new ways and blend in with the people around them. They sleep in peace at night. But I… I spend every night tossing and turning. I constantly hear the screams and the pleas for help. I see myself running through the darkness, and just when I reach those begging to be released… they disappear. Then I hear him... A laughter that makes chills run down my spine and the hairs on my arms stand on end. These dreams, these… visions… For many years, I was able to sleep at night like the others. I was able to curl up beside my husband and think everything would be all right. I was able to fool myself into believing that it was over. Just like them. It has been so long since I have been plagued by these nightmares. Why have they returned? Are they warnings of the future? Or fears from the past? Has the evil I once fought so hard against really returned? If it has, then it is truly something to be feared. This evil… This darkness is such a powerful force; I doubt we have the strength to even take it down alone. The last time we faced it… The bloodshed... I wish I could erase the memories of my family and friends as they fell one by one at the hands of our enemy, Lord Theron. Has Theron really returned? I thought for sure that he was gone this last time. I hoped we were rid of him anyway. We maxed out everything we had when we faced him. It was foolish of me to actually think he would not have found a way to save himself. He was almost as good a sorcerer as the rest of us. A deadly match to take on. Still, that attack should have sent him to the Underworld. I shudder to think we could be forced to face him again. Even more now, with the return of the nightmares, I am forced to relive more of the past. Memories of a time hundreds of years ago before I began roaming, seeking… Back when the Earth was different, before there was a great deal of civilizations and technology. Memories of the clan I was to lead and memories of the time I stood beside the king. All long before anyone knew much about the differences between my immortal kind and their human kind. Memories of life and memories of death… Memories of my home in Eudora… Eudora… I will always miss my country, so beautiful on one side and a place of darkness and shadow on the other. It was the one place in all of Earth that my immortal kind could be completely accepted amongst each other. No one feared us there. No one tried to harm us. None of us were ever forced into a position that would allow us to hurt a mortal. We were all the same there. Well, most of us were. Harbor Springs; where we live now… The area isn’t so bad, but it just isn’t the same. The trees don’t seem as green, nor do the waters look as blue as what we lost. There were times I wondered if Eudora had been created by some great source of magic. I would not have been too surprised considering some of the people living within the country’s walls. Some of us were blessed with a few mystical gifts. Those gifts were a blessing for some, and a curse for others. Either way, we used them to the best of our ability to keep the beauty alive in Eudora. Still, with every light, there has to be a dark and Eudora most certainly had that aspect covered. Those of us who belonged to the lighter half of Eudora, the Audurian immortal kind, knew to steer clear of the darkness in Oscuro Wood, where the Creperian kind dwelled. I shudder when I think of how close I came to having to remain trapped within that realm of shadow and night. To think my father wanted me to marry the son of Lord Theron… It still makes me sick. Theron, the Lord and Master over Darkness and Shadow. If there was ever a man I could find within myself to hate, he was that man. Some called him a Lord; I called him a tyrant and a fool, among other names. He was cold and cruel, evil to the core. He could have been a good king if he had the heart for it. Unfortunately, he was a man with a soul as dark as the night. He promised riches and power to any who would join him, including my father. Any who opposed him, found themselves on the wrong end of a rapier’s point. Those are the screams I can still hear; the villagers as one by one they were slaughtered by Theron’s army. He wanted to control all of Eudora… and eventually the world if such a thing could be done. It is said to never deny someone their dreams, but his were over the top. I was not surprised when King Sidel, came to my people for help. King Sidel, Theron’s younger, fraternal twin, ruled the light half of Eudora. He was a kind man with a gentle heart. He did everything he could despite the hardships he faced. He remained true and loyal to his people. I remember him doing much good for the land. Any of the Adurians would have gladly given their lives for him. Over time, many of them did. I never regretted my decision to help the King and his family. I would do so again if I had the chance to do it over, too. I just wish I could have done more with fewer casualties. My people were different from the others. We had Power and Magic the others had only heard rumors of. We should have been able to protect them. Maybe I just wasn’t the leader I should have been. Ra knows my father certainly wasn’t. For all I know, I just followed in his footsteps; only when the clan was under my lead, I did more damage then he ever did. All the Power and Magic we had access to use… The fate of the country depended on us for survival. In the end, we destroyed our only home. Now, I am faced with the possibility that it could happen all over again… Aurora Hart looked up from her writing and stared out her window. Her younger days were a part of her she would never forget. Not that she would want to. The events of the present depended too much on the events of the past. With a sigh, she lowered the top of her laptop and stood to stretch. Her head pounded from the returning flash of memories. Reaching for a glass of ice water, she hoped the pounding would go away. She still had so much to write. She had only touched the tip of the iceberg. She was not normally the writer of her group, but the urge to write out her story had grown too great to be contained. The fear of her enemy’s return had her hoping that the answer to the problem could lay in her memories of the past. Those memories, she felt, were her last resort. Laughter sounded outside her window and she went to her balcony. There beneath a large Oak tree, she saw a girl with red-gold hair and crystal blue eyes smiling brightly up at a man who wrapped his arms lovingly around her. Aurora reflected on his hair a moment. It was short. The top layer was purple with a slightly longer layer of blue beneath it. His ice blue eyes sparkled in wonder as he held the girl tight. She could tell the man had immortal blood within him. She was glad that the girl seemed to accept him. It was hard for an immortal to find acceptance since they were forced into the mortal world. Still, Aurora could not help but worry. The girl was Angel Hope, her ward ever since the murder of her parents. Angel understood that Aurora was not like the other people she knew. She also understood that she was unlike other immortals. As much as she accepted, Aurora knew there were still many things her charge did not understand. “Theron, why couldn’t you have just remained gone?” She muttered as she flopped upon her bed and rested a hand over her eyes. “She deserves the love she has with that man.” She stopped whispering as she realized the words were very similar to what had once been said about herself. She closed her eyes and prayed for rest. Instead, she found herself lost in the memories of her past.
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