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Dr Turi's blog: "Dr. Turi's Blog"

created on 10/28/2006  |  http://fubar.com/dr-turi-s-blog/b18948  |  1 followers

*******The Secret *******

2/20/2007 Dear Reader: I am working really hard on my new book "The Rest Of The Secret" and I decided to give you a little sample on how "The Law Of Attraction" can work for good or for worse in one's life. Again remember that I do endorse the movie "The Secret" but this fast and empowering production seem to be more like of a Tony Robbins speech. You indeed received a fast service and like McDonald burger this treatment may not be good for your body, mind and soul. In my upcoming book I teach numerous implacable Universal laws that are an intrinsic part of "The Law Of Attraction" and I teach also "The Law Of Opposite". Realize that you will not become a millionaire get a better health or get a great job by wishing for "The Law Of Attraction" to do all the work for you. It is imperative for you not to be deceived and realize that you will never be able to reach your goal with only 60 minutes invested watching a very positive DVD. Your chances of success are as good as you winning the lottery and that is one million to one. In order to make a good use of any law, not just the law of attraction, one MUST invest time in education. Don't be in denial and accept the facts that the only people who have benefited so far with the movie "The Secret" are the smart producers and knowledgeable "actors" because they all got your cash. There is so much more behind any and all laws and in my book "The Rest Of The Secret" I use my incredible adventurous, even perilous, life and a great dose of logic in my teachings. I designed many tables and took unarguable example to help you uncover how those undeniable laws operate from both the physical and spiritual realms of consciousness. The book is real, like me, non fictional and my material will force you to acknowledge true facts and true events lived by real people in my life. At time you will wonder if I really say the truth but be sure because I do. I can guarantee you that my book will bring both tears to your eyes and make you laugh insanely. Be ready to take on an incredible journey from homelessness when I arrived in the US to what I am today. My rich life and incredible adventures will serve a purpose and that is to never quit and aim high because I did it "MY WAY!" My book will help you to auto-analyze yourself to great depth and use all the crucial value found in ALL Universal Laws accordingly and practically. I am writing non stop sometimes 8 hours a day and this is what it take to TEACH you something tangible so that you don't question "The Secret" but be informed and learn it the right way. You will not play piano after watching a 60 mn DVD You will not fly an airplane after watching a 60 mn DVD You will not become famous or win the lottery after watching a 60 mn DVD But I can guarantee that you will GET only what you put in and sitting on your couch for 60 mn dreaming and hoping for riches WILL NOT CUT IT! Now don't be mad at me if somehow I am against your wishes, because I am not really! I am just trying to save you 60 mn and instead put it in a practical use and GAIN real wisdom that will make REAL difference and bring you REAL results in the long run. The mass is gullible, lazy and easy to manipulate but that is the common person, the one that hope for Elvis return to save the world or to get thing done the easy way by watching an empowering DVD. That's NOT you, at least I hope for your sake because there are many more laws that work with the "The Law Of Attraction" and you better learn them all if you have any chance to succeed in life. Use common sense, a pilot will not fly you safely if he only knows and respect ONE law. The same apply for a business, a country or anything else for that matter, because everything is under the jurisdiction of countless or rigourous unforgiven laws. Mess only one up; such as ignoring a red light or a stop sign in the street and see what "The Law Of Attraction" will bring you, do you get it yet? My book is loaded with both very positive and very dramatic stories and all along, in all the real events of my life, I teach how those subtle laws interacting and manifesting in this dense physical world. Again realize that nothing negative at all has been emphasized or taught in the movie "The Secret" and this is not right for the "consumer". One must be aware of "The Law Of Polarity" 'The Law Of Opposite" and countless other Universal Laws at work. Doing so you are now "in charge" and able to control or direct what those laws will attract to you. But before reading the paragraph let me tell you in all honesty what the MOST important secret of all truly is.. "THE GREATEST SECRET OF ALL IS UNCOVERING YOUR OWN DIVINITY AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH THE UNIVERSAL MIND!" Dr. Turi Death Wish Both the summer and my relationship with Gina ended and I anticipated seeing my son, friends, and family. My first thoughts were for my son, but sad enough Marylise moved away without letting anyone, not even her mother, know where she was. I was in despair and realized she was probably in a new relationship and wanted to stay clear from me. There was nothing I could do but to sympathize with a sad mother in law. I tried for a few days to locate her and my son without any success. I then decided to go back to Pont Saint Esprit and reconnect with my loved ones. My mother was very happy to see me back home but I decided to stay with a friend away from my turbulent stepfather. I found myself a job in construction and after many hours operating a fifty tons bulldozer, I joined a local band. I always wanted to be a musician and "The Law Of Attraction" once more worked for me when I read the advertisement on the local paper. Since I was a child my guitar was always my best friend and I wrote many songs to release my broken heart and with time on my side I learned to play. This guitar was my father's only legacy and I cherished it so much, but I purposely left it behind with Marilyse so she could sell it and use the money for my son. My stepfather is a phenomenal harmonica player and while he was away I "borrowed" it and learned to play. Later on in life, against all odds at the age of 26-years old while residing in the UK, I mastered piano playing and graduated from the Royal School Of Music with high distinction marks in front of four hundreds other competitive students. Note that I was born with a Dragon's Head in Aries (luck in all matters involving fire, danger, machinery, construction) and I was lucky enough (or attracted?) the option to be trained by the government as a heavy equipment operator and after six months at the PFA (Professional Formation Accelerated) I also became a highly qualified "ASME section nine" welder. Aries rules also Germany and many years later I was picked between hundreds of top applicants and sent there to work in a nuclear (Aquarius) cooling system station. The same applied for music, my Dragon's Tail in Libra is ruled by Venus (the Goddess of love and the art) and depicts my natural musical ability. All those Universal rules apply in term of "attracting" situation, people, career and a myriad of others experiences. A few days passed and I saw my old friend Jacques. He and I were friends for many years, I knew him as a lucky, happy kind of guy. We both spent great time having fun with all that life offers teenagers and young girls were an important part of our existence. None of us took the vulnerable hearts of those young darlings seriously and many of the "prey" suffered serious heartaches. Then came the day when Jacques got caught in the game of love. Jacques and I had a strong relationship and we spent quite a lot of time together trying to make up for the lost time away from each other, but since he met the girl of his dreams, he began to spend less and less time with the guys. One day, as I was parking my car, at the "La Bourse" cafe, I saw him inside. The small cafe was the "Rendez vous point" for all of us to talk about everything from cars, bikes, sports, and music and of course girls and hang out with the boys. I happily walked to his table; sat down and ordered a pastis (we French are crazy about this aperitif!). "Hey Jacques, you've been with the same girl for a while now, what's going on man?" I asked. He looked embarrassed for a moment, and then he answered, "Hi Louis, it's a long time no see man yeah, I'm still with her but we've got problems". He paused for a while sipping on his beer and then added "She's pregnant; I don't know what the hell to do!" "You're joking aren't you? Man you're only 18, don't make the same mistake I did, she is too young, she won't stay." I added. "She's gonna break your heart man and take your baby away, there is plenty of girls out there, come on!" I was unleashing my own fears and frustration on him but I learned later in life that in the fight between emotion and rationale, emotions always win. He looked up at me and I could see his powerful emotion building up in his eyes. Just a bit late, I realized my mistake and my honest comments brought the worse out of him. I also noticed a few empty beer bottles on the table indicating that Jacques had also a few drinks before I sat with him. "No!" he yelled. The problem is that this relationship is not happening the way I wanted! Do you understand? It's not happening?" I love that girl man; if I can't be with her I'd rather die! He then composed himself, tossed a few Francs on the table and to my surprise simply walked out on me. Jacques never behaved this way with me before; I was in a state of shock. To my disappointment I realized a side of him I never dealt with before. He was in some ways like me, surprisingly choleric, bullheaded even destructive, faced with opposition. I felt guilty for my lack of "savoir faire" but Jacques never gave me a chance to either apologize or provide some support. At distance, other friends were watching from the corner of their eyes, they promptly took my side and blamed his reaction because of the beer. Later on I called Jacques but he never returned any of my calls. I then realized how I felt when Marilyse "dropped" me. I also realized the depth of his trouble, hoping for a solution that I could never be able to offer him. A few weeks later here he was at the same place, at the same table, and drinking the same beers. This time I kept a safe distance between his destructive temper and myself. Then to my surprise he called my name and asked me to sit next to him. "Please Louis, forgive me." he said, "We are good friends, I really need you to help me man." Knowing that I would never be able to help me, I reluctantly I sat myself in front of him, trying to avoid his stinking smoky and drinking breath. "So what's up buddy?" I said. He tossed his head back in mock exasperation and took another zip from the beer bottle. I noticed his dirty hair and felt sorry for his exhausted drunken face. "I don't come here as much, I stay home all the time crying for her return" he said. How can only a few weeks make such a significant difference in one's life, I thought. Maybe my escapade with Gina in Italy saved my sorry butt and more trouble than I thought. "Well, I know man, been there done that, life's a bitch you know!" I answered. "So, what about you Louis, life treats you good?" He asked. "It surely does, buddy, I am having fun with the girls and with my music" I said. "Are you into music?" he surprisingly said. "I always been into music, you know that!" I said wondering. "The only thing I remember about you and music is when you were learning your dad's mouth organ on the way to school," he said jokingly. This remark brought back sweet memories from our close childhood. We both went right back to the cheerful friendship's lost feeling and some of our most memorable adventures. I felt terrible, but I also knew from the bottom of my gut that Jacques was not going to be alive for long. "Tell me Jacques," I asked, "What happened to you last time we met at 'La bourse'?" "I knew you were going to ask me about that" he said. There was a short silence then he answered. "Well, I had to deal with a lot of stress, I apologize Louis." He kept going on, "I thought I had a problem then with her pregnancy, nothing compares to what went wrong since then." "So Jacques" I courageously said, "what's really going on with you?" For a moment he collected his confused thoughts then blankly said. "I had it Louis, I want to die, I can't be without her and my kid. She left me for someone else and I can't be in this world without her" he said. I quickly realized that his world had crashed with the loss of his wife and his child and my premonition about his death sacred the hell out of me. Like so many of us he was a victim of love and indeed totally emotionally destroyed inside. A long and painful challenge was ahead of him and I knew, right then I had something to do and I had to do it fast. His surrender to alcohol was opening door to depressions; a serious signal that time was running out. By now big tears were running down his face, I felt helpless and so bad for my old friend. He gave me an intriguing look and again, reasserted. "I want to die, you know me well Louis," he continued, "I mean business, I had enough." I felt powerless no matter how much I tried to take him out of his deep depressing mood. The last couple of months brought him serious stress continuous depressions and his drinking got totally out of hand. The destructive thought process would finally get the best of him within the next few days. He left the cafe in a state of despair refusing any help what so ever. I never felt so powerless and dumfounded in my entire life, but I had to get on with my own existence. For a few days to come I had to try hard forgetting his desperate words and I began to nurture an unhealthy fear for his life. Only a week later, to my horrifying surprise, I heard that Jacques had been killed in an auto accident. That dramatic night, while taking a sharp turn, the right back tire blew up, and then the car went out of control then hit a wall and overturned killing him instantly. The driver was also a good friend of Jacques and persuaded him to go with them at a birthday party. The conductor and three young girls traveling in the back seat of the car miraculously escaped serious injuries. Incidentally, apart from Jacques, all the occupants were ejected more than twenty feet from the overturned automobile. Both the driver and Jacques did not wear their seatbelt. The driver suffered only a broken arm while a direct blow to the head killed Jacques instantly. Later on, another troubled closed friend working with the emergency care unit in the ambulance told me, that, the three young women were hysterical. On the way to the local hospital, the girls involved in the drama, kept breaking down, saying; "Jacques wanted to die, everywhere we went, he was saying to everyone that he wanted to die, he couldn't live without his wife and children!" Per his wish, he died, good-bye Jacques, may God bless your soul! Jacques' constant verbal affirmation became a death wish to his indifferent subconscious. The terrible innocent and unintentional "mental participation" entangling all of us is the results of "The Law Of Attraction" at its worse manifestation and speeded up his death. Like my innocent friends, I am also a direct participant on the "making" of his fatality, since the very moment I began to nurture a strong fear for his life. Jacques was born in October with the Dragon's Tail (negative) in Libra (on himself). Libra rules marriages; contracts, commitments and "The Law of Attraction" through the Universal rules brought him the wrong partner and his demise. "For every action either physical or spiritual there will be a reaction". The memorandum is unconditional and disclosed this sad experience. End So are you ready to MASTER "The Rest Of The Secret?" The only way for you to do so is to invest more than 60 mn of your life, don't be in denial, be practical and join me in Hawaii in May. SPECIAL DEAL FOR THE COURSE (This deal apply for Hawaii ONLY) "UNIVERSAL CODE" Deal One - Bring a friend (S) and save $250.00 for each student you bring. Deal Two - Sign up before the end of February and save $ 500.00 (regularly $1050) Deal Three - Sign up before the end of March and save $300.00 Deal Four - Sign up before the end of April and save $200.00 Join me, CLICK HERE You may learn more here - CLICK HERE ========================== Sharing emails ----- Original Message ----- Hey Bro: More on "The Secret" and this newest info answers a big question for me. I noticed that the newer copies of the movie had been remade and Ester Hicks (channeling Abraham) was left out. This really pissed me off that they would not inform the public of this major change and just keep selling the DVD as if nothing had happened. That's when I realized that it's just about making money for the producers and I will no longer promote the movie. Take care Aquarian Brother and I'll see you soon. kc ----- Original Message ----- From: carolg Dr. Turi, this is good advise from you: "You better invest more than 60 minutes watching a DVD if you have any chance to uncover a multitude of unforgiving Universal Laws and be practical in your search if you want concrete results with "The Secret." Too many people think they can read a book or watch a movie & know it all.... our society is a "right now in your face' group of people with no knowledge of what it means to wait for anything..... if they only knew. Keep up the good work hope to join one of your classes this year carolg in Ohio ========================== ----- Original Message ----- From: Craig Subject: (Death wish Generation) Teen 'sport killings' of homeless on the rise DT, As you have said, this states 101% Teen 'sport killings' of homeless on the rise From Story: "When Nathan Moore was 15, he and two of his teenage friends beat homeless man Rex Baum to death. Now 18, Moore is serving 15 years in a Wisconsin prison." Sometimes my friends wonder why and give me shit when I put my guard up around some teen-age kids... I was "feeling" this before I ever heard about your definition of the "Death wish Generation" I was in the military and spent time in many places face to face with people who really really wanted To Kill Me, and these children have the same eyes. You cannot fake that look, the look of a ruthless killer who orgasms when they kill.... Take Care, Craig Blessings to all Dr. Turi
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