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Taxes (oh no!!!)

Tax his land, Tax his bed, Tax the table at which he's fed. Tax his tractor, Tax his mule, Teach him taxes are the rule. Tax his cow, Tax his goat, Tax his pants, Tax his coat. Tax his ties, Tax his shirt, Tax his work, Tax his dirt. Tax his tobacco, Tax his drink, Tax him if he tries to think. Tax his cigars, Tax his beers, If he cries, then Tax his tears. Tax his car, Tax his gas, Find other ways to tax his ass Tax all he has then let him know That you won't be done till he has no dough. When he screams and hollers, then tax him some more, Tax him till he's good and sore. Then tax his coffin, Tax his grave, Tax the sod in which he's laid. Put these words upon his tomb, "Taxes drove me to my doom..." When he's gone, do not relax, Its time to apply the inheritance tax. Accounts Receivable Tax, Building Permit Tax, CDL License Tax, Cigarette Tax, Corporate Income Tax, Dog License Tax, Federal Income Tax, Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA), Fishing License Tax, Food License Tax, Fuel Permit Tax, Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon), Hunting License Tax, Inheritance Tax, Interest Expense Inventory Tax, IRS Interest Charges, IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax), Liquor Tax, Luxury Taxes, Marriage License Tax, Medicare Tax, Property Tax, Real Estate Tax, Service Charge Taxes, Social Security Tax, Road Usage Taxes, Sales Tax, Recreational Vehicle Tax, School Tax, State Income Tax, State Unemployment Tax (SUTA), Telephone Federal Excise Tax, Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax, Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes, Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax, Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax, Telephone State and Local Tax, Telephone Usage Charge Tax, Utility Taxes, Vehicle License Registration Tax, Vehicle Sales Tax, Watercraft Registration Tax, Well Permit Tax, and Workers Compensation Tax. NOTE: Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, and our nation was the most prosperous in the world. We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids. What happened? And I still have to "press 1" for English.
ACCEPT | DENY From: Cunninglinguist69 Date: 2007-04-05 11:21:08 Message: Merry meet!! I am a Bacchanalian-Pagan Satyr. I saw your photograph and immediately desired to have uncontrolably-wild Lesbian sex with you even though I have all this "extra" equipment!! I was wondering if you could assist me in mastering this "extra" equipment, so that I might utilize it more expertly. I was informed by those in "The Know", that the key to full mastery is continual practice until perfection is achieved, or until satieted, whichever cums first!! It has been difficult for me, thus far, to reach satietation, as my "extra' equipment is always engorged and will not become flacid until it has found "release" at least three times a day. It is very difficult to find women who are willing to allow themselves to become that sore, so I must have at least three.........or four!! Would you take a moment to consider becoming my friend so that we can begin the process?? And people wonder why they have been "de-friended"!
I saw you hug your purse closer to you in the grocery store line. But you didn't see me put an extra $10.00 in the collection plate last Sunday. I saw you pull your child closer when we passed each other on the sidewalk. But you didn't see me playing Santa at the local mall. I saw you change your mind about going into the restaurant. But you didn't see me attending a meeting to raise more money for the hurricane relief. I saw you roll up your window and shake your head when I drove by. But you didn't see me driving behind you when you flicked your cigarette butt out the car window. I saw you frown at me when I smiled at your children. But you didn't see me when I took time off from work to run toys to the homeless. I saw you stare at my long hair. But you didn't see me and my friends cut ten inches off for Locks of Love. I saw you roll your eyes at our leather coats and gloves. But you didn't see me and my brothers donate our old coats and gloves to those that had none. I saw you look in fright at my tattoos. But you didn't see me cry as my children where born and have their name written over and in my heart. I saw you change lanes while rushing off to go somewhere. But you didn't see me going home to be with my family. I saw you complain about how loud and noisy our bikes can be. But you didn't see me when you were changing the CD and drifted into my lane. I saw you yelling at your kids in the car. But you didn't see me pat my child's hands, knowing he was safe behind me. I saw you reading the newspaper or map as you drove down the road. But you didn't see me squeeze my wife's leg when she told me to take the next turn. I saw you race down the road in the rain. But you didn't see me get soaked to the skin so my son could have the car to go on his date. I saw you run the yellow light just to save a few minutes of time. But you didn't see me trying to turn right. I saw you cut me off because you needed to be in the lane I was in. But you didn't see me leave the road. I saw you waiting impatiently for my friends to pass. But you didn't see me. I wasn't there. I saw you go home to your family. But, you didn't see me. Because I died that day you cut me off. I was just a biker. A person with friends and a family. But you didn't see me. Repost this around in hopes that people will understand the biker community. I hope you never lose someone. Have a great week my friends
The Origin of April Fool's Day The origin of April Fool's Day remains clouded in obscurity. Basically no one knows exactly where, when, or why the celebration began. What we do know is that references to 'All Fool's Day' (what April Fool's Day was first called) began to appear in Europe during the late Middle Ages. All Fool's Day was a folk celebration and elite participation in it was minimal (which is why it's so difficult to trace the exact origin of the day, because the people celebrating it back then weren't the kind of people who kept records of what they did). But what is clear is that the tradition of a day devoted to foolery has ancient roots. As we look back in time we find many ancient predecessors of April Fool's Day. Ancient Roots Throughout antiquity numerous festivals included celebrations of foolery and trickery. The Saturnalia, a Roman winter festival observed at the end of December, was the most important of these. It involved dancing, drinking, and general merrymaking. People exchanged gifts, slaves were allowed to pretend that they ruled their masters, and a mock king, the Saturnalicius princeps (or Lord of Misrule), reigned for the day. By the fourth century AD the Saturnalia had transformed into a January 1 New Year's Day celebration, and many of its traditions were incorporated into the observance of Christmas. In late March the Romans honored the resurrection of Attis, son of the Great Mother Cybele, with the Hilaria celebration. This involved rejoicing and the donning of disguises. Further afield in India there was Holi, known as the festival of color, during which street celebrants threw tinted powders at each other, until everyone was covered in garish colors from head to toe. This holiday was held on the full-moon day of the Hindu month of Phalguna (usually the end of February or the beginning of March). Northern Europeans observed an ancient festival to honor Lud, a Celtic god of humor. And there were also popular Northern European customs that made sport of the hierarchy of the Druids. All of these celebrations could have served as precedents for April Fool's Day. Medieval Roots During the middle ages, a number of celebrations developed which served as direct predecessors to April Fool's Day. The most important of these was the Festus Fatuorum (the Feast of Fools) which evolved out of the Saturnalia. On this day (mostly observed in France) celebrants elected a mock pope and parodied church rituals. The church, of course, did its best to discourage this holiday, but it lingered on until the sixteenth century. Following the suppression of the Feast of Fools, merrymakers focused their attention on Mardi Gras and Carnival. There was also the medieval figure of the Fool, the symbolic patron saint of the day. Fools became prominent in late medieval Europe, practicing their craft in a variety of settings such as town squares and royal courts. Their distinctive dress remains well known today: multicolored robe, horned hat, and scepter and bauble. Mythological Roots There have been quite a few attempts to provide mythological explanations for the rise of April Fool's Day. For instance, it was once popular to attempt to Christianize the celebration by locating its origin somewhere in Biblical traditions. In one such version, the day's origin is attributed to Noah's mistake of sending a dove out from the ark before the flood waters had subsided (thereby sending the dove on a fool's errand). A second story tells that the day commemorates the time when Jesus was sent from Pilate to Herod and back again. The phrase "Sending a man from Pilate to Herod" (an old term for sending someone on a fool's errand) was often pointed to as proof of this origin theory. But there are rival mythological explanations linking the celebration to pagan roots. For instance, April Fool's Day was often traced back to Roman mythology, particularly the myth of Ceres and Proserpina. In Roman mythology Pluto, the God of the Dead, abducted Proserpina and brought her to live with him in the underworld. Proserpina called out to her mother Ceres (the Goddess of grain and the harvest) for help, but Ceres, who could only hear the echo of her daughter's voice, searched in vain for Proserpina. The fruitless search of Ceres for her daughter (commemorated during the Roman festival of Cerealia) was believed by some to have been the mythological antecedent of the fool's errands popular on April 1st. British folklore links April Fool's Day to the town of Gotham, the legendary town of fools located in Nottinghamshire. According to the legend, it was traditional in the 13th century for any road that the King placed his foot upon to become public property. So when the citizens of Gotham heard that King John planned to travel through their town, they refused him entry, not wishing to lose their main road. When the King heard this, he sent soldiers to the town. But when the soldiers arrived in Gotham, they found the town full of lunatics engaged in foolish activities such as drowning fish or attempting to cage birds in roofless fences. Their foolery was all an act, but the King fell for the ruse and declared the town too foolish to warrant punishment. And ever since then, April Fool's Day has supposedly commemorated their trickery. The Calendar-Change Theory The most widespread theory about the origin of April Fool's Day involves the Gregorian calendar reform of the late sixteenth century. The theory goes like this: In 1582 France became the first country to switch from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar established by the Council of Trent (1563). This switch meant, among other things, that the beginning of the year was moved from the end of March to January 1. Those who failed to keep up with the change, who stubbornly clung to the old calendar system and continued to celebrate the New Year during the week that fell between March 25th (known in England as Lady Day) and April 1st, had various jokes played on them. For instance, pranksters would surreptitiously stick paper fish to their backs. The victims of this prank were given the epithet Poisson d'Avril, or April Fish. Thus, April Fool's Day was born. The calendar change hypothesis might provide a reason for why April 1st specifically became the date of the modern holiday. But it is clear that the idea of a springtime festival honoring misrule and mayhem had far more ancient roots. In addition, the process by which the observance of the day spread from France to protestant countries such as Germany, Scotland, and England is left unexplained by this theory. These nations only adopted the calendar change during the eighteenth century, at a time when the tradition of April Foolery had already been well established throughout Europe. Finally, it is not clear what evidence, besides conjecture, supports the theory. For which reason, while there's certainly a possibility that the calendar-change hypothesis contains a germ of truth, it should not be regarded as fact. References/Further Reading: Jane M. Hatch (ed.). The American Book of Days. New York, 1978. p: 314-316. Hennig Cohen and Tristam Potter Coffin (eds.). The Folklore of American Holidays. Gale, 1999. p: 191-193. William Walsh. Curiosities of Popular Customs. Philadelphia, 1898. p: 58-62. Information taken from: Museum of Hoaxes
Look up your day of birth and see if its true!!! 1st Day of the Month A birthday on the first day of the month means that you have a strong will, are self-reliant and independent. People may say you "think too much," because you like to plan but not to actually build. Similarly, you're better at diagnosing what's wrong than prescribing a remedy. You have a good mind and like to reason things out. Practical and idealistic at the same time, you refer most things to your head rather than to your heart. As a result, although you are capable of great affection, you are not usually demonstrative of it. In spite of all your independence you are very sensitive and need positive feedback and encouragement. You possess a great deal of unexpressed power. 2nd Day of the Month A birthday on the second day of the month indicates that you are highly emotional and very sensitive to your environment. Somewhat nervous and forgetful, you make friends easily and they have great fondness for you. You're warm hearted and need demonstrated affection, so you like people to make a fuss over you. It's important that you avoid mood swings and anything that depresses you. While you like material comfort, you aren't always willing to make the effort to get it. Your talent for rhythm can be expressed in writing poetry or music. 3rd Day of the Month A birthday on the third day of the month indicates that you have great vitality and can quickly recover from illness. Your vivid imagination enables you to make a good story out of the smallest event. You have innate critical and literary abilities, and need a variety of interests to keep you busy. Intense and extreme in your affections, you recover quickly. You're a social animal, expressive in public and at your top form in front of an audience. Although you are restless, you are also easily satisfied and able to make the best of conditions. 4th Day of the Month A birthday on the fourth day of the month indicates a four-square individual, a lover of nature, home, family and country. You are most likely to be successful in manufacturing, building, utilities, textiles - any occupation connected with the products of the earth. Music, painting or sculpting offer relaxing sidelines, although you could commercialize any of these as well. You're rather set in your ideas and tend to impose them on others, seeing yourself as the final arbiter of good manners and correct ethics. Your belief in discipline makes it hard for you to express your feelings, and as a result you suffer a great deal emotionally. When it comes to work, you drive yourself tirelessly-and, unfortunately, everyone else, too. You have a decided tendency to overwork and if need be should schedule time for recreation. 5th Day of the Month A birthday on the fifth day of the month indicates that you are adaptable, enthusiastic and somewhat boastful. You have a fine mind and active imagination, and love to serve up your stories with all the trimmings. A lover of life, hale fellow well met, you're excellent company and keep things moving rapidly. Yours is a life filled with all sorts of new experiences and constant change. Although you are the type who refuses to be tied down by anything, you are the "marrying kind." You have a good singing and speaking voice. 6th Day of the Month A birthday on the sixth day of the month indicates a love nature. You bloom with praise and appreciation, but wilt in the face of criticism. When involved in a relationship you lavish your affection on your beloved - at least for as long as the relationship lasts. The 6 seeks perfection and seldom finds it, so it looks elsewhere. Following such a course will earn you a reputation for being untrustworthy. You love children but don't have to have your own to be happy. You have literary and artistic tendencies, and can attract the money or backing you need. The one area in which you are not talented is mechanics. Having people around you in a harmonious atmosphere is essential to your well being. 7th Day of the Month A birthday on the seventh day of the month indicates a specialist, on with a keen mind capable of deep mental analysis. You shouldn't gamble or speculate; on the contrary, you must closely examine every detail of any enterprise before becoming involved in it. Strongly intuitive if not psychic, you should never take advice that goes against your "gut feelings." You must WAIT for what you want rather than aggressively seek it, for what you long for comes to you only if it is not actively sought. You have talent for stringed instruments (including the piano) and the organ, as well as excellent judgment in money matters. Your opinions are firm and you don't like to change them; moreover, physical adjustments not easy for you and you tend to be a loner, all of which makes marriage difficult. Spend a portion of each day alone to relax and meditate. 8th Day of the Month A birthday on the eighth day of the month indicates a creative, productive individual with natural business acumen. Progressive and expansive, you deal well in matters of general or public interests, but should avoid equal partnerships because you need to be in a position to make the final decisions. Large businesses, corporations and governmental your bailiwick, in any of which you must express honesty and integrity in order to be permanently successful. More fond of books than you are of reading, you're inclined toward large gestures; if you have it, you give great sums of money to institutions or charities. You are somewhat ostentatious and want your family to be a credit to you. 9th Day of the Month A birthday on the ninth day of the month indicates publicity, distribution, art, broad mindedness and philanthropy (defined in The Wizard of Oz as "good deed doing"). You're interested in metaphysics and relate them to what's going on in the world. Literary, artistic and strong willed, you're a natural ruler who can succeed in almost anything artistic, as well as writing, teaching, law, publishing or the ministry. You need a broad education so that you can better choose your profession. You belong both in and to the world, making it difficult for you to lead a purely personal life successfully. Marriage during the middle portion of your life is likely to end, through death, divorce or some other separation, though the love may remain intact. Yours is a life filled with long journeys and many changes. 10th Day of the Month A birthday on the tenth day of the month indicates a person with many interests, capable of doing several things at the same time. Many others depend on you but few offer help, so you may feel rather isolated and alone. You have a good mind and strong will, and are an adept promoter of things you believe in. When it comes to friends & possessions (which you may regard in the same light) you are quite jealous and exclusive - you do not share either. Your creative talent is best expressed in the business world, but art, particularly music or painting, is a fulfilling sideline. Hospitable but not domestic, you don't like to be burdened with the details of maintaining a home. Your vitality enables you to quickly recover from physical and emotional ills. 11th Day of the Month A birthday on the eleventh day of the month indicates an inspired, imaginative individual with determination and perseverance, but with fluctuating levels of energy. In keeping with this master vibration, you are very dramatic in both thought and action, brilliant, scintillating, but nervous and high strung. You react quickly shoot from the hip and need to be careful that your intellect doesn't bury your intuition. There's a tendency for you to impose your own moral code on others and not allow for human frailty. Your passions are intense, extreme and without reason; in fact, you are a person of extremes all around, in the clouds one minute, in the pits the next. In reacting to these extremes, take care not to over correct. Guard your health and nerves, and avoid any tendency to be mercenary, inquisitive or self-aggrandizing. 12th Day of the Month A birthday on the twelfth day of the month indicates a brilliant, magnetic, imaginative person, a good speaker who can be very convincing in an argument. Since you have a well balanced mind, artistic, tendencies and enjoy life and action, you could succeed as a trial lawyer, actor or in sales /advertising. Your high ideals demand that you have a "mission" in life. You need to keep intellectually active to avoid the ups and downs that are the handicap of all 3's. Your flair for design would serve you well in architecture or interior decorating. Flirtatious and inclined toward affairs, you need to finish what you start and avoid the tendency to scatter. 13th Day of the Month A birthday on the thirteenth day of the month indicates a riddle inside a contradiction, creativity, expansion and restlessness (1+3 ) behind regularity and limitation (4 ). You are sensitive and spiritual, suffer through your environment, and are given to explosions of temper. Your good mind is offset by an exceptionally stubborn will, and while you have a strong love nature, you seldom show it and then suffer because of it. Often misunderstood, you are considered temperamental and at times unreasonable, and while you are inclined to be dictatorial, you are an excellent manager. Your best success is in dealing with the earth mining, geology, practical construction. A walking dichotomy, you love a uniform but hate war. Home is essential to your happiness. 14th Day of the Month A birthday on the fourteenth day of the month indicates a versatile and dual person with both a reasoning and a prophetic mind. "Lucky" in games of chance and contests, you're a natural bettor and gambler. Your success lies in business on a large scale, but you need some form of artistic expression for recreation and to "let off steam." Very emotional, you can always be appealed to through your feelings and sympathies. You are apt to crave constant change, and should avoid all of the pitfalls associated with the physical - drugs, alcohol, promiscuity and other sexual excess. You can be a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds, and have great constructive or destructive power - as you choose. 15th Day of the Month A birthday on the fifteenth day of the month indicates a gifted person under the protection of the kindly, harmonious six who absorbs knowledge rather than acquires it through hard study. In fact you attract many things - friends, gifts, money, opportunities, & give the impression of youthfulness and good health. You're capable of much self-sacrifice for a good cause or to help a friend, but you will not submit to domination. Your mind is scientific but your expression is often musical; although your success lies in a professional career, music plays a pivotal role throughout your life. You love your home, and while you are demonstrative and generous, you are more inclined toward individual acts of charity than to institutional philanthropy. 16th Day of the Month A birthday on the sixteenth day of the month indicates a nervous and sometimes irritable person who makes complications and intricacies and then suffers the consequences. Naturally aloof, you nonetheless lean toward home and affection. Though you can succeed in art or literature, your powers of reason and analysis demand a business outlet as well. While not actively aggressive, you don't like your plans interfered with. You tend to put off until whenever the things you know you should be doing right now, and live too much within yourself. As much as you want affection, you don't always make the effort to learn it. 17th Day of the Month A birthday on the seventeenth day of the month indicates a high minded proud spirited individual, sometimes liberal, sometimes conservative, generous or stingy, collecting or dissipating. Very set in your ideas, you seldom yield to others; in business you do best at the head of the enterprise, working with under-partners. You execute whatever you do, have a particular talent for managing the interests and affairs of others, and are drawn to dealing in large affairs. The details are for someone else to take care of, since you hate to be bothered with them. You can be successful in any enterprise connected with the earth (e.g. land, mining, oil, livestock), as well as writing, though you are more inclined to technical or historical writing than to fiction. You love knowledge and like to explore. When it comes to spiritual matters, you want proof. 18th Day of the Month A birthday on the eighteenth day of the month indicates a person whose life is filled with change, activity and travel. You may find yourself responsible for the care of groups or communities that will tap your fund of helpfulness. Much is expected of you because much has been given to u: The independence of the 1 and the efficiency of the 8, manifesting to mankind through the 9. Since you don't like to take advice, it's as well that you rarely need it. You're drawn to any large field in need of efficient administration (e.g. law, politics, religion), and although your first efforts may not always succeed, you do succeed on petition so try, try again. Somewhat emotional, you are nonetheless intellectual and enjoy both reasoning & arguing. These traits equip you well as a drama critic, writer or speaker. In money matters you are never rash, for you feel the responsibility of handling material assets. Marriages or engagements made during the middle portion of your life are likely to be broken. 19th Day of the Month A birthday on the nineteenth day of the month indicates the full gamut of the vibrations, from 1 through 9, influencing your personality. Logical, persevering, tenacious, practical , artistic and universal, you can rise to great heights or fall to great depths in both acts and emotions. You're independent and must not submit to limitations. This independence is the source of your dislike of society's conventions, which you refuse to follow in your private life, though you don't give public offense. Your versatility opens a wide range of career options for you, though you are suited to a profession rather than to business. Your deep sense of responsibility and strong impulse to better conditions equip you well for politics if you are so inclined. You crave change and variety, are always altering your surroundings and will need to make many adjustments in your personal life. 20th Day of the Month A birthday on the twentieth day of the month indicates a person best suited to small business, in a friendly, protective atmosphere. You prefer to work with others rather than shoulder all the responsibility yourself, and are somewhat disinclined to branch out into larger fields. Although you are a better speaker on paper than before crowds, your instinctive compassion and sensitivity suits you well to politics or ministry. Sympathetic and affectionate, you're able to accumulate a store of knowledge and should have a good education. Your attention to detail makes you well suited to professions demanding that trait, such as corporate law or estate management. You prefer the country to the city & are deeply vested in your home, family and friends. While you like to be helpful, you're not inclined toward avoidable manual labor. Musical expression uplifts u, though you should pursue this as part of a group rather than a soloist. 21st Day of the Month A birthday on the twenty-first day of the month indicates an individual blessed with a beautiful singing and speaking voice that is a significant asset. Magnetic and musical, fond of beauty, art and dancing, you are rather nervous and high strung. You need to get a grip on the inexplicable aversions you feel toward certain things & people. When it comes to love you're more receptive than active in expressing it, but you take great pride in the objects of your affections. Your active imagination leads you to be suspicious, which can cause serious problems in relationships, especially marriage. Avoid the tendency to brood or become depressed. Inherently drawn to books, publishing, editing and related fields, you can be very successful anything educational. 22nd Day of the Month A birthday on the twenty-second day of the month indicates a high powered individual who functions in both the objective and subjective worlds. This is a master vibration and as such, nervous and over-stimulated; you need rest and seclusion in order to recharge and maintain your equilibrium. Highly intuitive, you should rely on your first impressions. Although you have unlimited power on both planes, you are constantly pulled between expressing your ideals and keeping them within constructive limits. The 22 bears the mission of universal utilitarianism, which leaves little room for personal ambitions. Your greatest success lies in the world of form, in any line that meets your ideals and contributes to the general good. Avoid any dubious or illegal transactions; you would be sure to be caught and suffer the consequences. 23rd Day of the Month A birthday on the twenty-third day of the month indicates a sympathetic, sensitive, understanding person with a practical turn of mind. You have an uncanny ability to diagnose physical ailments and would therefore be well suited for a career in medicine (but not surgery, since the mission of this vibration is to build and heal instead of tear down and destroy). Your technical ability and practicality may give you an interest in law, chemistry or stocks, but you are simply too practical to succeed in art. Self-sufficient, popular and sociable, you do not suffer from an inferiority complex. You get a lot out of life because you make the best of any situation. You're a good friend who is willing to take on many responsibilities. 24th Day of the Month A birthday on the twenty-fourth day of the month indicates an extremely active person who must keep on the go in order to avoid wasting energy. Though you concentrate on one thing at a time, you thrive on constant change; you aren't the type to retire because you need to keeping expanding and enlarging. You're strongly allied to art and have considerable talent for the stage - your nature is thoroughly dramatic but are more likely to succeed in business or real estate. Externals don't count much with you, so you don't have much appreciation for the value of time or money. You're primarily practical, with a little inclination to dream and a large inclination to magnify your joys and sorrows. You have a decidedly domestic nature along with a well developed ego and will learn much through your powers of observation. Avoid depression, jealousy and worry. 25th Day of the Month A birthday on the twenty-fifth day of the month indicates a naturally prophetic and intuitive person with a strong leaning toward the occult. You tend to conceal your true feelings and as a result are not always understood. Artistically gifted, you can commercialize almost any area of art to which you are inclined. Success can also be enjoyed in the professions, business or the constructive side of politics. You tend to be vacillating and inconsistent, and until you overcome this learn to concentrate, force your mind into stability and away from a sense of inferiority, self-pity and depression. Your affections are your greatest weakness, and you must always stay on the straight and narrow, for there's a strong tendency to wander from the path that inclines you to preach morals but practice excess. Idealistic and hopeful, you need to work against laziness. 26th Day of the Month A birthday on the twenty-sixth day of the month indicates an individual with full closets and drawers, for nothing is too small for practical use, and you just know that you'll need it if you get rid of it. You're very introspective and tend to live in the past to the detriment of the present and future. Although you start many things, you find it hard to finish them, and either rise above or fall below average- as you choose. You can commercialize anything in the artistic lines except music in a big way. You can also do well in politics or diplomacy, and should have a good education. You have a beautiful domestic nature, love home and children and are the "marrying kind." Fastidious about your personal belongings and fond of color and show in the clothes you wear, you nonetheless do not insist on physical comforts and are very generous to others. 27th Day of the Month A birthday on the twenty-seventh day of the month indicates a more materially inclined individual than those born on the other 9" birthdays (9th and 18th). The 27 is a strong marriage vibration, though the experience may be disappointing. You're forceful, quietly determined but somewhat erratic, a natural leader who cannot be satisfied in a subordinate position. Neither do you like to account for your own conduct. Versatile and artistic, you have literary talents and could be a journalist, writer, lecturer or teacher. You're ardent in your affections but tend to overdo family traits. Your religious tendencies are toward Eastern beliefs and away from orthodoxy. 28th Day of the Month A birthday on the twenty-eighth day of the month indicates a strong willed, dominant, tenacious person who is nonetheless filled with love and willing to go to any lengths for its sake. In this regard, your unions may be unconventional, but are always in keeping with your ideals. Executive by nature, you want to excel and will make great sacrifices to do so. Your tendency to daydream and goof off could nullify all your wonderful gifts, so you must never let laziness get the upper hand. Most of your disappointments come from magnifying everything that concerns your life. Freedom is essential to you; you suffer when restrained or limited in anyway. Watch out for the tendency to drop your ideals once you have realized them since this can deny you your final success. 29th Day of the Month A birthday on the twenty-ninth day of the month indicates inspiration, spirituality and leadership abilities, since this is a master vibration. You have a unique ability to bring together disparate forces and can mediate labor problems or unify religious differences. Your powers are great; you can use them to bring honors or destruction to yourself and others - as you choose. You're an extremist in everything intense in love and judgments, either way up or way down emotionally. Home is essential to your happiness, but you're high strung and moody, and not easy to live with. You get absorbed in your dreams, aspirations and plans and forget to consider the needs or feelings of those around you. You need a definite work to keep you balanced and efficient. 30th Day of the Month A birthday on the thirtieth day of the month indicates a vital, rather nervous individual who seldom suffers from illnesses thanks to an enviable ability to throw them off. You need to avoid any type of obsession and should never experiment with the occult "for fun." set in your opinions, you always think you're right, basing your conclusions on a little knowledge combined with much imagination and intuition. Fundamentally loyal, a true friend, you would make a good teacher, writer or social worker. You're flirtatious, but fundamentally loyal & like to be thanked for the thoughtful things you do. Although you're an excellent manager, you're not terribly fond of work. 31st Day of the Month A birthday on the 31st day of the month indicates a person who, like those born on the thirtieth, shouldn't play with psychic phenomena. Your aspirations aren't always reasonable, which leads to disappointments; you need to apply practicality and patient hard work to your endeavors in order to succeed. You don't like to live alone and responsibility is a stabilizer for you, so it makes sense that you're the "marrying kind " You have good business qualities but need to get a grip on your tendency to spend money and dissipate other assets foolishly. Interior decoration, writing, chemistry and pharmacy (you have a special talent for combining drugs (and medicines) are other career avenues for which you are well suited. You never forget a kindness - or an injury, real or imagined.
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