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An Antonomical Tale.

Just so I can tear my book up! Thwack. Anton Deck was just not quick enough and the stone landed on him. Fortunately it landed in such a way that he was in a hole in the stone. Later, he could not figure out how long he had been there but he felt hungry and decided that something had to be done to feed the inner ant. With a little thought he wriggled the length of his body and discovered that there was quite a gully covering him. This was indeed a gift of the *. After what seemed a lengthy struggle he emerged back into daylight and the breeze blew across him blowing his antenae in a fierce manner which seemed strange because it was only a vespre. His eyes began to water as he extracted the tail end of his body from his former prison. He stood for a few moments, blinging mainly because of the dirt in his eyes and he rubbed them with great * to remove the grit. At that moment his partner rounded the rock and said, "Ah, there you are. You, have been gone ages and I was beginning to get worried. I had looked everywhere for you." He grunted and thought that there was one place she had not looked or he might have been less understoned.
Henrietta is to convoluted so I got bored and began the Tremane tale edit session. Thank heaven it is finished and just needs editing a little and tagging in somewhere before he met Percy. Written 2007 and not liked by all! Pah, so what, it is my story!!! With hawk eyes Tremane Tapernose surveyed the clearing as he emerged from what seemed a very gloomy jungle growth. The sunlight was dazzling to his unaccustomed eyes as it danced like laughing rainbows on the damp grass and foliage. He ambled over to the drinking water, his body wetted by the damp flora especially those that hung over stoop-shouldered, laden down by their heavy water load. Tremane appreciated that rain was a necessity for the survival of all life on the planet but it was jolly misery making when your fur ended up like a wet blanket. The sigh he exploded blew the glistening wet off the nearby spider’s web and the resident looked down on the cause of his intrusion. Once he surveyed the sight he saw the cause of his intrusion whereupon he understood the **sighwave**. After a quick examination of his recently spun home he was pleased to note that the latest tangle web had withstood the passing puff. In fact the puff or whatever had done him a favour because at least now he wouldn’t have to wait for the web to become sundried. Sidney cleaned his head with his agile legs. Sidney did not like stepping in water these days as he found it made him stiff in the joints. This was no fun when he as double-jointed and that was no accident of birth because he noticed that all arachnapods were well hinged like he was. When Sidney tottered his first tiptoe steps he rather cursed his misfortune being born a spider but his gift of Web making soon became renowned in the jungle as he had invented a communications network second to none. Sidney put it down to his unusual diet and his web work became know as what you eat is what you spin. For years he had perfected a web and his abilities were soon spread far and wide as the jungle grapevine had become rather ropey and cluttered over the centuries. Communications were getting lost and wires becoming crossed so one day Sidney decided to spin a Web that was the e the Centre hub of a World Wide Network replacing all the old cluttered and outdate forms of communications
Because the light was beginning to fade, Lenny went to the doorway and switched on the parlour light for Edgar. Edgar took Henrietta’s personal details and then he inspected her for flaws and warts - noting anything he saw. Henrietta was not sure whether she wanted the ‘all-over’ treatment and looked across to the list of available treatments. Henrietta asked if he would just give her a wash ‘n' buff, huff and blow. “Dearest Henrietta, you’ve come here for a treatment so you will have what we think is best for you and not what you want! If all our clients took that attitude we would soon have to close up shop and never roll in the clover again! Tell you what; I’ll give you a special offer to entice you back for further treatments. What do you say to that?” he said in an endearing fashion. Edgar gave her a questioning look and without giving it much thought Henrietta agreed - she really loved a quiet life and decided to take the usual line of least resistance. Edgar asked her to stand up and he promptly gave her a good hide washing with two enormous sponges. Henrietta enjoyed this and then gasped at Edgar as he started to put on a pair of ‘Porcupine’ slippers. The elephant told Henrietta to close her eyes for the all-over exfoliation which felt most uncomfortable and tingly even on her thick hide. Fortunately, all was soon soothed as he gave her a gentle hosing. Edgar then proceeded to apply brightly coloured lotions and potions to her body with what could only be described as a peacock-plume paintbrush. It seemed to take forever to cover her and the quantities required looked unending. When he’d finished all the applications Edgar told her to stand there for 20 minutes to get the required ‘all-over’ set. Henrietta wanted to sleep and started to sit again. Edgar “tutted” and told her to stay put or the fixing and setting processes would be spoiled. As Henrietta didn't think she would be able to stand for that long Edgar rolled a spare trunk under her belly as a beauty-sleep prop.
Lenny thought for a moment and enquired why Henrietta had not visited his salon before. Henrietta vaguely mumbled something about vanity and then sheepishly said that it was only by necessity and not for a luxurious whim that she was here at all. The poor hippo gradually began to realise that she had only herself to blame for her present predicament. If only she hadn’t lost all sense of time in contemplation none of this would be have happened. It also struck poor Henrietta that even being here was against her principles - after all she had not been brought up to be pampered and waited on. Henrietta voiced her doubts about the whole thing and was just about to clamber off the bed again in preparation for a hasty exit. Lenny read her mind and very firmly but gently laid a restraining trunk on her ample belly. “Darling,” he said, “This is not a ‘pamper or panda’ parlour nor is it an exclusive establishment for the elite. Our most humble clients are Nigel the Nectar Collector and Beryl Buzzington-Beezwax – the latter only comes in for a gentle wash and brush up.” The elephant was now miles away and had a distant look in his eyes. In a dreamy voice he said, “Oh, what gossamer wings they both have and the beautiful soft down on their abdomens is,” and he lapsed into a transient trance. Lenny suddenly realised he was going off track and coughed himself back to his present company. “If you had visited just once a month it would be so much easier for me to treat you now. As it is I will have to get my best body work therapist to give you the works,” and he bellowed out, "Edgar."
Wondering what to do for her usual slow sun‘n’air-dry she spotted a shaded area and lumbered over to it. As it was near the Termite Tree Henrietta knew she would have to be very careful in order not to get creepy-crawly dreams. Two minutes later she was settled again on the warm, shady ground with the dry grass blowing gently around her large and damp body. And so began the slow, drying off process. Henrietta had slipped off into pleasant oblivion where she peacefully stayed until there was an ‘altermity’ sound from the tree. There followed much hustling and bustling, and to-ing and fro-ing as the inhabitants of the Termite Tree had woken and were starting their ritual march-out drill. Because this was in preparation for their daily food foraging and litter patrols, Henrietta realised that it would be nearly an hour before all was tranquil again. Poor Henrietta sighed and felt a great thirst. Lumbering back to the waterhole made her hot and bothered and so after a long drink Henrietta jumped into the still water. There was more uproar and ripples but Henrietta was again oblivious to it all. With interest, Henrietta watched the beetles again for a while and re-climbed out of the water and once out had a quick shake. Her thick skin felt much cooler again and Henrietta went in search of another shaded place at the edge of the Jungle whereon she sat and listened for a few minutes. As all was quiet there she decided this would do for her new ‘soft spot’ and promptly settled down to slumber in, what was the last of the late ‘afternoon-nap’ sun. Henrietta drifted off nicely again. Not many minutes had elapsed before there were great rustling sounds coming from within the jungle. Denzil Dung Beetle, an ‘odifferous’ creature, mainly due to much dung pushing, came scuttling out of the undergrowth closely followed by Walter Warthog. When Walter saw Henrietta he braked, turned full-circle and went full-pelt back into the undergrowth. Denzil meanwhile had scuttled under Henrietta’s ample belly overhang and paused there for breath and shelter. He was very thankful that he had been saved from a fate worse than wetting Walter’s warthog appetite and started saying as much to Henrietta. Normally Henrietta would have accepted the ‘Thank you’ gracefully but she looked round and down at him, then almost exploded. After all it had taken her most of the afternoon to get into this slightly sun-kissed, half dry, albeit slightly wrinkly state, so she was not amused to smell eau-de-dung’. He sensed that his welcome had been outlived and hurried off before Henrietta could even think of scolding him in her usual high-hippo manner.. Henrietta watched him depart and before he wended his way Denzil scuttled towards the drinking hole for a much-needed whistle wetting. There followed a great deal of slurping and then the air was blue as he spluttered out the mud and a few colourful words. Denzil turned beetle-eyed and the look he gave Henrietta was designed to penetrate the toughest hide - even with her thick skin she felt his eyes boring into her. Henrietta’s ears started to burn so she hastily flapped them and sat up. At this rate she was not going to get herself totally dry without going completely wrinkly. Her only course now was to pay for her sins and try for a treatment at the “Shady Glade”. With as much dignity as she could find she tiptoed off into the jungle. Henrietta made a quick dash past the Jungle Gym and soon arrived at the “Shady Glade”. This was a pampering parlour that Henrietta had always associated with the idle, ornate and vain. Reluctantly she crept in - hopefully unnoticed. All was quiet in the parlour except for the gentle clinking noises being made by Lenny Long Trunk as he tidied around the basins. Henrietta was relieved to find him alone as it ensured her visit to the parlour would not become known to the outside world. After all, it was not the sort of establishment a self-respecting, practising but lapsed, creature of the Gentle Creed was expected to visit. Lenny welcomed her in with much gusto and Henrietta asked him if he could fit her in for a quick huff and blow. He said, “I just have a few ‘tusks’ to attend to then I will be with you, Dear.” Henrietta was so relieved that she almost hugged him and then leapt most unladylike onto the vacant couch. “Make yourself comfortable, why don’t you,” he remarked to the laid out hippo. She blushed and jumped off the couch as if it were a hot bed. Lenny chuckled and soothed the very embarrassed Henrietta saying that he was only jesting and told her to get back on the couch and relax. Henrietta made herself comfortable and waited patiently while he finished his tusks
He worked away and not wishing to delve too far into the past Trevalyan changed the subject asking “How did you manage to get such a sore nose, my friend?” “I was just on my way to take the first steps in getting a new partner when I came across a Termite Tree and the temptation was too great. I just had to stick my nose in for a nibble,” he confided. Percy snorted at the delicate way Tremane had described his near anialation of half the Termite tree but refrained from commenting. Trevalyan ignored the snort and asked Tremane “How do you expect to reach those parts that are required to light a Tapir’s Touchpaper with a smile like that?” asked Trevalyan in a non-condescending manner. Even so poor Tremane felt rather embarrassed by the scrutiny he was being subjected to. He had no way of escape because Percy sat on guard outside and Trevalyan had him well pinned down. Anyway he realised that Trevalyan had a point although Tremane always thought that charm was enough to light any touch paper, Tapir or otherwise. Perhaps he had no concept of what the outside world thought about him and how he looked. Pictures drifted through his head as the effects of the numbing salve kicked in and he found himself in The Shady Glade beauty parlour covered in all manner of lotions and potions. It was a sight he hoped was going to go away because it had to be said that it was not a pretty one and he shuddered. Trevalyan looked askance and said, “Are you feeling cold, my friend, because that was a shudder from the grave?” “Naargh,” mumbled Tremane and when Trevalyan had taken his paws out of Tremane’s mouth he added “I just had the most awful vision of *. The picture of a painted tapir is too much to contemplate.” The dentist raised an eyebrow hoping he would elucidate because it was rather a big shudder but Tremane remained Mum and Trevalyan carried on the long task of the necessary tooth tinkering. This is going to be a long day, he thought and sighed but it was his job so he just switched off from the vision in front of him and carried on working. Trevalyan wondered what had made Tremane shudder in such a heart felt manner and maybe he would enlighten him at another time. Percy fidgeted around outside and Trevalyan came back from his absence to concentrate fully on his patient's * after all he did not wish to be accused of failing in his cavity inspection. He wondered why Percy was making such a din when he was trying very hard to concentrate on the mouth in hand. “Is there something wrong, Percy?” he enquired. “Yes, Trevalyan, how long are your going to be because I don’t have all day to waste. There are ideas that require going down on paper before they go forever and time is pressing on,” he admitted. “What do you need committing to paper, my friend, because there is a note pad on the desk over there should you feel the need to jot something down,” said the busy dentist. “Thank you, I will take you up on that, Trevalyan,” and Percy walked into the room to find the desk and paper. When he located it he adeptly scribbled down all those thoughts that had crossed his mind during the seemingly long and drawn out day. Percy found himself scribbling away like tomorrow was not coming and Trevalyan looked on in surprise between the grinding and drilling.
Well, here goes nothing - another story to edit (written ten years ago) and with much drama and grammar corrections needed. Yes, and it is only about 12 pages of A4 to float over like Henrietta H. seems to do a lot of. I am not sure if this is the most recent pass either! However now it is down it cannot be over-looked even if it is as yet unadulterated. Henrietta Hyper-Potbellymus/Hippo-pottummymus woke from a long and deep slumber in the mud only to find that she had a very thick head. She stood up, gave herself a good shake to clear the deadlock and was disconcerted to find that it was no better. Flapping her ears didn’t help, as they were stiff as boards from the drying sun. Even her eyes were stuck in a far-distant stare. Then the penny dropped and Henrietta realised that, whilst in deep thought, she must have fallen asleep in the mud for much longer than was safe. A quick contemplation was perfectly safe but the results of a long meditation and sleep in the mud were almost total fixation. With much effort Henrietta clambered stiffly out of the swamp and shook off the excess mud. Without a thought of the outcome she delicately jumped into the water of the drinking hole. There was much uproar from all around because it would be quite a while before the water became clear enough to drink again. Henrietta’s momentary clumsiness also displaced a great deal of the precious water which now lay in puddles, glistening in the sunlight. Mindless of the general commotion and the angry, wild chattering, Henrietta swam and dived - repeating the process until her mud-packed face and body were moist again. Henrietta swam under the shade of a tree and stayed in the water hole watching the water beetles and skaters darting over the water surface. It amused her to see all the hustle and bustle going on while she just stood and idly wallowed. Just recently, all Henrietta’s actions had not been in keeping with her usual kind, considerate and placid self. Henrietta seemed to have lapsed from her Gentle Creed and become a ‘mind’n virtueless’ wallower, with not a thought to the ripples she made. The gentle creatures affected by these ripples prayed long and hard that Henrietta would, not only mend her ways but realise the effects her actions were having on the harmony and ecology of the Satin Swamp.
This is just after Beryl had eaten the nectar of the Gods. And only one Asterinx. Where there are two sets of similar writings it is because I am deciding which to use and maybe it will be different again next week! Because the time spent there had been so rewarding and relaxing, Beryl thought she was now ready and brave enough to make her humble apologies. The bee thought it best to carry out the ‘sorry’ affair under the cover of darkness, when her humming would be drowned out by the jungle nightlife. Beryl and Buzby reached the target destination and hearing the cacophony wondered how the jungle inhabitants did not have damaged hearing after the nightlife had gone to bed. On finding the baboons she was aghast at their current posture – they were all asleep with their hands over their ears. “I suppose it is one way of keeping your hearing intact,” she mused. “The problem now is finding the culprit and er,” at that point Buzby stopped her in full buzz. “Tut. Tut. Tut,” he interjected reminding Beryl that they were there to find the victim and not the culprit! Beryl agreed but it still left the locating thereof difficult. Although there was a rising sweet and ripe Honey Moon, it was not bright enough for a clear visual encounter with the stung baboon. Buzby asked Beryl how long ago the incident happened and the bee told him that is was prior to his last accident. It was a special time of year with the exotic flowers in full bloom and so tonight was the night of the Full, Ripe and sweet Honey Moon. It was just rising and giving off a brilliant glow but it was still not bright enough to give them a clear visual encounter with the stung baboon. Buzby asked Beryl how long ago the incident happened and the bee told him that is was prior to his last accident. “Hummmm. That is quite a while ago now,” he said and was deep in thought for a few moments. “Maybe if we do some low flying we might find whether there is any swelling left.” “Good idea, Buzby,” she hummed in a quiet fashion and they began the rear-view patrol. “It’s no good Buzby, I know the full Honey Moon is up now but I still can’t see in this light.” Buzby had just begun to think the whole operation would have to be called off until daylight when, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a pair of glow-worms playfully flitting around. As they flew closer, Buzby asked if they would help throw some light on the subject. The two glow-worms happily agreed and Buzby gave them a brief synopsis of the task in hand. The enlightened glowworms flew around just like mini searchlights as Beryl and Busby carried out the sting inspection. “Found it,” whispered Busby in a nasal fashion and Beryl glided over to him with a glow-worm lighting her way. The bee was a little taken aback when Busby excused himself and flew up onto a branch, where he * perched illuminated by his helpful glowworm.
Furthering the buzz for Beryl who is a hungry bee it seems.++++++ It was sad to them when they were unable to treat each flower with the love it deserved in order to put them into 'pollenation' for the natural creation of a future generation. One species had virtually disappeared due to its size because they found it hard work brushing and kissing the flower heads in order to produce the changed scent effect which was a sign of forthcoming offspring as the flowers imparted their life essence onto the fertile earth. If Beryl owned ears, they would have pricked up but she became alert at the mention of huge flower heads. The thought of a lazy romp and roll on a huge head was nectar to her senses and she enquired of the flowers’ whereabouts. The local bees gave her instructions and without a bye-your-leave, Beryl flew off at great speed. It helped that Beryl had a tail wind because she located the flowers in record time. Beryl was not usually so fast going forward but she was hungry for a ‘humm-dinger’ dining session, she flew down and in a gentle manner the hungry bee landed on a particularly scrumptious looking flower. It was mauve with white patches and black lines. The flower had a wonderful scent and Beryl knew she was about to experience the most rewarding feed of her life.
Once written twice espied. Well that is how it seems and now I can look to see where this is coming from or going to. You never know! The last time he saw Edgar Earflap he (was subjected to a trial-run suction session) (had what could only be described as a vacuuming session.) Edgar had come up with an innovative idea for giving Percy a deep-root clean and invented a suction machine. The only problem was that it was in its infancy and there were the usual teething problems and Percy experienced them all! It was all well and good because at least it gave Edgar the chance to tweak the tool and get it perfected for treating those nooks and crannies that other picking tools failed to reach on Percy’s long and ungainly quills. Percy shuddered at the tortures he had undergone all in the name of a good pencil preening and deep-cleanse treatment and not vanity. He was brought back to the present by a bee doing a close shave fly-by – not that it would have hurt him having so many spikes as he did, it was just that the sound of her passing buzz caused his quills stand on end for seemingly no reason. He still had no idea why it should be so and Percy regained some composure enough to relax. The startled porcupine shook his head in disapproval and wondered why Beryl chose to buzz him on her way through the jungle. It was not as if she ever stopped to say “Hello.” Percy watched her fly around and sniffing the air in the jungle undergrowth. Oh well, he thought, I had better press on, and off he went. The air was thick and heavy with the scent of daytime flowers and Percy came out into the full sunlight feeling the heat beating down on his back. It was fierce and penetrated between the pencil pointed quills burning the tender skin on his uprotected hide. The air was thick just like a blanket and as Percy came out into the full sunlight he felt it beating down on his back, penetrating between the pencil points. He pondered about the warmth and began to think that maybe Edgar was right and he should take care of his body because the sun was starting to burn. Turning around, Percy went back to his den and walked towards his cache of lotions and potions, given to him by Edgar to treat his body and spikes. Percy rooted through the pile of jumbled bottles and sachets until he came across the bottle of spray. It seemed the most penetrating way to apply liquid formulae. It had to be said that Edgar was nothing but innovative in his quest for perfection on behalf of his clients and he had tried all manner of potions and methods of application. Whilst Edgar was treating Percy he had a brain wave coming up with a spray that would protect his outer body as well as penetrate through the quills to offer his tender body protection from the sun. Percy always listened to Edgar’s lectures about the sun and the light spectrum in a wrapt manner as Edgar had a way with words, for all his bossing and preaching. It seemed that sunlight was not the only culprit for damaging the body but light itself, essential to life itself, caused damage too by virtue of its frequency. The thought-filled Porcupine sprayed his whole body liberally with the sweet smelling oil and made sure he had his eyes closed whilst he sprayed his face. Once done Percy dumped the bottle back on the heap and went again in search of the Tinkertooth Booth for a supplementary quill sharpening treatment. He often went to Sebastien Sunstripe for additional therapy and was just going to visit Sebastien’s replacement, Trevalyan Tinkertooth. It was warmer now than ever and he found the air to be warm and airless, if that was possible, to breathe. Sweat was pouring off his quills and the droplets seemed to glisten in the blazing sun as they hung onto the tips prior to dripping off. He hoped that the administered potion was waterproof as Edgar had promised but judging by its present condition Percy had his doubts about it. He ploughed on and finally he was back under cover and felt less hot, bothered and vulnerable. Because he was an artiste Percy admired all the beauty surrounding him and he noticed, in particular, a beautiful yellow flowering plant growing in the shade of a tree. It was one that he had not seen before and he went to have a closer look at its *. The aroma grew stronger as he neared it and by the time he was upon it Percy felt rather light-headed because of the heady odour. The scent was not one he had encountered before and he found it quite delightful even though he had to shake his head in order to bring him back to his senses. The flower stared up at him with great beauty and he was overcome by how delicate it was despite its size. It reminded him of a star fish with a huge soft centre and just as he was pondering the leaves Beryl buzzed down by his ear and landed with grace upon the flower’s centre. (Note. This is a flower which Beryl had managed to *germinate* there. The one that was virtually extinct from the Island - except that one was purple with black stripes.)
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