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1111spirituallaws.jpg ********************************************************************************************* MAKA WICAHPI WICOHAN ********************************************************************************************* Universal and Spiritual Laws ********************************************************************************************* Star Laws of the Wheel of Humanity ********************************************************************************************* ********************************************************************************************* * Universal Law of Free Will * ********************************************************************************************* TUNKASILA - Protects Personal Freedom ARCTURUS - Invokes the Freedom Ray QUAN YIN - Accesses Great Karmic Council ********************************************************************************************* Universal Law of Free Will Well, I could tell the story of The Three Little Pigs. Each chose to do their Will as they will. But was the right use of the will what got them where they were, you see? That little children’s tale said a great deal in aligning the Will and doing something right the first time. There will always be something in the background that will pull you in different directions or what you would perceive that you are being pursued by such as the Big Bad Wolf. The Big Bad Wolf pursued each of the Three Little Pigs. But each did not believe in themselves and what they could create. You see? They did not believe that their houses within themselves were their Strength and their Power. They set their foundations on other things . . . which was their Free Will to choose as they do. But what did they get in it, but lessons? Hard luck story, aye? But there was one that had the Vision to see the significance. And the strength and the power and the belief was in this one, in what this one could do for himself. The key here is “belief”. With this belief, he overcame fear . . . of the Big Bad Wolf--who was out there. So he was protected by his faith--the foundation--the choice--that he had. He had a Free Will in it. Do you understand now what I am saying to you? The Law of Free Will is a wonderful gift given to you; but, it becomes the right use of that Will that is of a significance. For when you have aligned your Heart in the foundation of the Love of the Creator and you have aligned your Will through your Heart, then you shall find Peace, Strength, Power . . . and the Absolute. So when you build your house, build it with Love. Let each cornerstone be uplifted with giving, with receiving, with enlightenment and with service for the Creator. Let the windows of this house that you have built be your eyes, be your doorways to receive and let in the Light. Let the roof be seen as the Light surrounding you. Let it be your geometric design of Faith. Honoring the Free Will of each and every soul upon Earth and the Universe is important for you to be able to have your own Inner Peace. For when you cannot allow and honor the choices that others make in their lives, you’re not allowing the Law of Free Will to be, as it were, to serve the purpose that it was created for. So, do not let Judgment of another interfere with their free choice. For it is in the knowing that all is well . . . of every choice that everyone makes. And all that you choose: Keep Love as the basis for this. For, Love is what you are. Love is what you’re created from. You are Love. our Source is Love. Therefore, you have a connectionary unity of Oneness with the Creator in all things. And the recognition of this in all things is honoring the Divine Light, in each and every Soul, and the freedom to choose: Freedom to choose. My story has been short and sweet. My analogy has been short and sweet. And it was done so and said in this manner so that it would not create confusion and what Free Will is. ********************************************************************************************* * Spiritual Freedom of Man * ********************************************************************************************* MATO MANI - Open Gates That Have Been Closed ********************************************************************************************* MAHPIYA OYATE - Initiates The Alchemy of Self ********************************************************************************************* KRISHNA - Invokes Dharmic Path ********************************************************************************************* Spiritual Freedom Of Man I do not know that I specifically have a story to go with this one. But it goes hand in hand with the Universal Law of Free Will. Your Creator created you out of Love (as I have just spoken and said before). The Spiritual aspect of your being is your Emotional Self. It is a fe-e-eling. It is a knowingness. It is a beingness within yourself. It cannot be touched. It cannot be created in the third dimensional. It is the very core and the very aspect of your being. It is what you are. You are Spiritual Beings. And, once again, this Spiritual Being is based in Love. So it matters not how you choose to serve the Spiritual Self and honoring the Creator within yourself. It matters not what religion one would choose (if you choose to put it in that category). For it boils down to the basis in all these things. And the Truth of it is: that there is a recognition of a Spiritual Being. Sometimes it’s called the Soul that is seated within the house called the Body. But no matter how it is chosen to be addressed, no matter what race you are, no matter what planetary system you come from, it is the Divine Essence. It is that Spark of Light that is your Spiritual Self. Now, you could use your ego to guide you in other directions if you wish. But the Spiritual Self is not separate ever, ever from the Creator. It is in merely this recognition . . . and honoring and accepting . . . [whispered:] that you are a Divine Creation of the Creator. One may believe in returning again and again, if they wish. If the belief is that one must do so to better themselves or improve themselves. When you hear these words that you must be “born again” to know the heavens and the Kingdom of the Great Creator, it is simply a reference to reincarnation. And it is also a reference to a shift in your perception . . . of who you are and recognizing yourselves that you are the Divine Essence. You are Love. And there is no judgment at all. Never has been from the Creator, never will be. It is you who judges yourselves. It is you who are hardest on yourselves . . . because your egos tell you that you are not good enough . . . to be the Spiritual Beings that you are. Creates a dichotomy, ay? Well, that dichotomy does not have to exist if you simply allow your perceptions to shift — shift into the Dimension of Light and Understanding. ********************************************************************************************* * Universal Law of Change * ********************************************************************************************* UNCI KIMIMILA - Invokes Butterfly Medicine ********************************************************************************************* MNI WICONI - Reinvigorates Stagnant Life Cycles ********************************************************************************************* BODHISAATVA - Great Mystery Symbol ********************************************************************************************* The Universal Law of Change There are many ways that one can view change. Mother Earth has her changes in the four seasons, ay? The human body goes through changes from infancy to elderly and then to death. There is a change of the presence of the soul being here and then into another dimension at death and then returning again into the physical body when the time is chosen. But the most important thing in the Law of Change, since you have the right to change, to make a difference for yourself, make a change in your belief, your perceptions, to go in any direction that you choose to go: North, South, East or West. For when you have change, what you may have to save to be in the wrong direction may the right direction when you change into a different direction. Going the one direction does not necessarily mean that it is wrong, but that it helps you in the perception of things if you are going in a different direction. Different scenery. Let’s put it that way. So change helps you to grow both Spiritually, physically, mentally. Change helps you to grow in the Mind, the Body and the Spirit. On many different levels, change is important. Change also has to do with the evolution of the planetary systems as well. They’re all interconnected. Astrologically, they have effects on you physical well being, ay? Or even your mental well being. As you well know, when different planets are in position with one another, it has an effect on you. Many of you are concerning yourselves with the Mercury Retrogrades, ay? It’s serving a purpose. ‘Twas designed that way. Keeps you on your toes, Hmm? The change is growth in whatever form you wish to see it as. Nothing ever stays the same. There’s constant change all the time. Some things you readily recognize in change and others you do not notice that it has happened at all. So indeed, change is growth. Aren’t you glad you are growing and changing? You are not what you were when you first began in this body. And tomorrow you will not be the same as you are today. It is growth. Yes, it is. It makes life an adventure, does it not? But, being in the moment, not worrying about what was in the past or what you are going to become in the future brings a sense of peace within yourself. So, we would suggest also the understanding of be here now. Be in the moment. Change will come as it will, when it needs to. Cannot force it. For if you do, you create in yourself and those around you a little bit of disturbances. So be here now in the moment. Let your issues of control be set aside. What was it that was said in your sixties, “Go with the flow,” hmm? ********************************************************************************************* * Spiritual Growth of Man * ********************************************************************************************* WANYECA - Assists Sacred Path ********************************************************************************************* TAWACIN AWANYAGKIYAPI - Awakens Higher Mind ********************************************************************************************* ST. GERMAINE - Directs Evolution Into Spirit ********************************************************************************************* The Spiritual Growth of Man The most important aspect of the being within you, in your Spiritual Growth is a consciousness level known as the subconscious. The subconscious is your motivator. It is the driving force within you. You could liken it to the gasoline that runs the engine, you see. And when you feed the engine the proper kind of gasoline, it runs much better. So, in order for you to run that engine, you must feed it the spiritual food that it desires to motivate it into a higher consciousness. (Sounds a little silly, I know, but it is an analogy here.) The entire planetary system by which Mother Earth is involved or a part of, Mother Earth serves the purpose and assists and aids humanity in their Spiritual Growth. One must have three things in order to do this: 1) The Mind, (a part of it is the subconscious), 2) The Body and, 3) The Spirit–your essence, the core of your being. When each of these things work in unity, in harmony one with the other, and you have the Spiritual energies flowing, you make a connection to higher understanding within. The ultimate goal for each one and their experiences of life, their lessons in life, as it were, the journey that they choose to go on, the ultimate aim or goal, is to grow Spiritually–to find your way home to Creator. Many of you will go on many different trips and many different paths. Some will choose adventurous trips. Some will choose a more difficult time–making that path a little difficult to climb over those hills and carrying a backpack on their shoulders that would be so heavy to carry in there. Others come to choose to serve only. Others choose to come to be self-serving. Does it make any one of these wrong or right? It matters not. For each that choose that path is correct for that one who walks that path–be it the man who has the richest of riches or the man who is the beggar in the streets. Each is serving their Spiritual Growth in their own way. And their ultimate goal is: to recognize the Creator within themselves. That is all that was ever the purpose for you to grow Spiritually: is to have a shift in the perception of who you are. And when you have that shift in those perceptions, let go of your past. Let go of the judgment of yourselves and others around you. Leave behind the very things that you would believe is necessary to hold you back. For, it lies within the belief, Dearhearts. . . . Belief. . . . For when you believe that you are one with the Creator, you create it. You make it so. If you believe in yourself as a Spiritual Being, then it is so. . . . (long pause) . . . If you believe that there is no separation from all creation, then you make it so. . . . (long pause) . . . So, believe in the Light. Believe in the Universal Oneness of all Creation. Let not your thoughts be your servant. Let your belief and the Light of Love be your servant–to yourself as well as to others. For it is with your thought that you can change everything in an instant. So align your thought to thoughts of Love and Oneness with all things. ********************************************************************************************* * Universal Law of Movement and Balance * ********************************************************************************************* HOGAN IYOTAN TANKA OYATE - Heals Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Imbalances ********************************************************************************************* TAWAMNIPA - Initiates Creative Energy for Manifesting ********************************************************************************************* MAITREYA - Steadies Evolution Through Grace and Strength ********************************************************************************************* The Universal Law Of Movement Well, I touched upon that one ever so slightly from the idea of thought and its creation. It is energy. It is movement. And it is through this movement of the energies that you create. The Universe is constantly in motion. So why not create an emotion that encompasses Love? Why not create emotion that encompasses Love? For emotion is energy as well. Until you transend your physical bodies and the need for a physical body, you will have emotions to deal with. For your emotions are part of you cellular being. Do not deny those emotions, but guide and direct them through your thoughts of joy and happiness and Love. You cannot afford a negative thought here in this matter. For what you think at this very moment goes and out into the Universe and all of your thoughts are affecting other Universes. They feel it. And just as those from other Universes who are watching upon you on planet Earth, are transmitting their thoughts of Love and Oneness. New doorways have been opened for this. So all of creation can come together to create an even greater unity within the Universe. The Universal Law of Movement also encompasses science and the new sciences--the new thoughts--you see. And these sciences cannot be seen with the naked eye. They are interdimensional and your scientists are only beginning now to understand that. And as the future goes on, the Universal Law of Movement will have a greater understanding by those who choose to view something scientifically, rather than spiritual. But they are very closely related. We put this thought out there so that those who study physics will have a greater understanding of metaphysics (those things that are beyond physics) and the creation of new paradigms and the letting go of the old paradigms. I hope that I have not confused you or sparked too many other questions in this matter. But have given you this information to make you think about where you are in the Law of Creation and Movement; for they go hand in hand. We will not give you everything on a silver platter here for this book. For we want you to search within yourself to find some of those answers. It would be pretty pompous of us to say that we even here have all the answers to these Symbols of Creation. But we do understand there is yet more to come yet in the future when you are ready to have those understandings. And these things will be given to you at a later time. So we ask that you forgive us here if we do not give it to you all yet. So you get a part of the apple pie, but not the whole pie. If we give you the whole pie you might get a stomachache, ay? A little indigestion here. ********************************************************************************************* * Spiritual Strength, Health and Happiness * ********************************************************************************************* UNCI - Opens Doorways For Unification of Self ********************************************************************************************* IYOZANZAN ZIZI - Golden Road of Health ********************************************************************************************* ARCHANGEL MICHAEL - Strengthens Through Divine Law ********************************************************************************************* The Spiritual Strength, Health and Happiness It is your divine birthright--all of these things. And the very key to each and every one of these things is meditation, Dearhearts. I cannot make it more simply and more clear than that. If you wish to have clarity of who you are as a Spiritual Being, focus and center yourself in meditation, bridging homeward bound to the Creator. If you desire health and you listen to the higher consciousness, that you can reach and attain in meditation, you will know the answers for what you need for your own body to have health and to create health. When you are at peace with yourself, happiness follows all of these things. Each of these things are a goal to work towards. In order to have health and happiness, you must understand who you are as a Spiritual Being. And once again it goes back to the perception of who you are and what you think that you need in your life. If you think that you need to create for yourself an illness in order to prevent you from working at a job that you do not like, then you will have illness. Or that you may create an illness so that you may get attention from another ‘cause you feel that you are not loved enough, then you will have illness. You unconscious accepts these ideas and thoughts that you may have and expresses itself as a truism for your self. So if you want to be healthy and happy, then work with the unconscious part of the Mind and the creation. And to let go of any thing that has been set deeply within the unconscious mind, that the unconscious accepts as a truth whether it is truth or not. The truth of it is you do not need to have a body that is not well. You have a right to happiness, but not at the expense of another. What is Happiness? Is happiness having riches? Is happiness having no responsibilities? Is happiness having yourself surrounded with family and children? Or is happiness serving another? (Long pause) If you are not at peace with all things within yourself and those around you, then happiness is not to be you, a part of you. You can cultivate happiness through thought. And when you place your thoughts in a positive manner and guard against negative thoughts, thoughts that are enlightening to you and others as well, your world around you begins to feel it, to experience it, and to react to it. And therefore, you create your happiness. So your happiness, Dearhearts, once again has to do with your perceptions and your beliefs. Quite simply: If you believe someone is making you unhappy or creating your world around you as to make you unhappy, then you will have it. But you believe and see the good with all things you are experiencing with those around you, you’ll feel better about it deep within yourself. And the others will feel it as well. And then you have a shift. Your perception has shifted and you have also helped others in the creation of their shift and their perception as well, you see. You get exactly what you concentrate upon. So if you desire to concentrate upon enlightenment, it will be so. ********************************************************************************************* * Universal Law of Innocence, Truth and Family * ********************************************************************************************* UNCI IKTOMI - Grandmother’s Protection For Child, Etc. ********************************************************************************************* SIHA TANKA - Cultivates Purity, Innocence, Truth ********************************************************************************************* GAUTAMA BUDDHA - Opens Original Mind ********************************************************************************************* Universal Law of Innocence, Truth and Family Innocence, Dearheart, represents your Spiritual Self and the actions that you can create. Let me make this more clear. The foundation of your Spiritual Being is Innocence. And by that we mean here, that you are, as a Spiritual Being, the purest of all things. When you have innocence, there is no judgment. When you have innocence you understand fully: only Love. There is the innocence of the babe born. It is by life’s experiences that it alters the innocence of this babe. So in essence, you are a Divine Being. But because you in some way, as humans are, accept those things in life that would form and create you into a pattern, it is a little like weaving your tapestry of your life by acceptance and by belief, that your innocence becomes lost, but is not gone. It is always there. For when you lose something, it is not completely gone; it is simply, out of sight or out of mind. (Do you understand?) So the innocence of you is still there. Your family helps you in the understanding of this innocence. Your family is what agreed for you to enter into this plane, this Earth plane. And it is by this agreement that the family teaches one another. Now I am speaking of the family by which you are born into, but on a greater whole, you are a family universally as well. You are all connected. You are all one, no matter what your race is, what your creed is. And this innocence is there as a unity and as a whole for all. This purity is there. Always has been, Dear Ones. And now is the time for the remembering and the return to this innocence and purity of Love. So let not your experiences cloud your memories of your innocence. Remember who you are as Divine Creations. ********************************************************************************************* * Spiritual Protection of Family * ********************************************************************************************* TATANKA OYATE - Law Through Spiritual Discernment ********************************************************************************************* WICAHPE WI - Brings One Into Right Relationship with Family ********************************************************************************************* EL MORYA - Shield of the Fathers Heart ********************************************************************************************* Spiritual Protection of Family This has more to do with discernment here. The Protection is for you always. It is given to you to use, as you see fit. But only if you feel that you need it. For once again, it goes back to belief. There is no right or wrong in the scheme of things here. But in order to align your Will, (and now we are going back to the use of Free Will again), one must use discernment--discernment of Spirit, discernment of Truth. The power within you is your protection. And it can be used for many different things. For power is power. For you can use it to cause harm to another or you can use it to create good for another, or for yourselves. So listen with your hearts. Always. Love those who would not understand your path of enlightenment. But it does not mean that you have to follow everyone. For each has their own path to walk, their own tapestry to weave in their lifetime or lifetimes. While you be the sum total of all of your experiences, by using discernment, you can shift your perception and align your Will to the Will of the Creator. So your Protection may be used by you, as you see fit. It is there for each and everyone of you. There are many in many different realms ready to assist you in this protection that serve purposely for this Divine Law. You may think of them as your angels, your Spirit guides, etc. But this Protection comes to you in many different forms--from the Spirit of animals to angelic hosts, to your extraterrestrial friends. It comes in many different forms. And it is for you to use your discernment as to which serves you and those around you the best way. If something does not feel right to you, within you, in the very core of your being, simply do not accept, bless it, thank it for coming to you and then be about your business. So do not forget that within your discernment, you must also honor that which is not your path. For there is no right or wrong. When you hear from many groups that their way is the only way, bless them, and leave them to their belief, for there are many different directions and paths on your way home to the Creator. ********************************************************************************************* * Universal Law of Symmetry * ********************************************************************************************* WAMBDI OYATE - Helps One Lift From Material to Spiritual Mind ********************************************************************************************* ORION MASTER - Grounds Divine Presence ********************************************************************************************* ISTA TO - Sets Eyes on Creator ********************************************************************************************* Universal Law of Symmetry Symmetry is pretty fancy word, ay? But it in essence has to do with what would have been thought of or has taught before as “as above so below”. To have something in symmetry in a form or a picture, it must feel in balance, hmm? And so this law has more to do with balance -- the Balance in Nature, the Balance in the Universe. The creation of these symbols are all created to maintain balance so that there is harmony between all levels--of the Mind, the Body, the Spirit--a balance in the planetary system, a balance in all creation, from the very cellular being of every thing, everything-- the trees, the animals, the plants, the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom, even in the evolution of man. There were those, who because of their own fears, interfered in the creation of man and their DNA. But hidden and locked away within the cellular memory, within the DNA of humankind was a key to bring mankind back in alignment and into that symmetry of all creation. And you are nearing your time when this key is going to be unlocked. You’re going to begin to remember that you are, within yourselves, creators. That you are at the same time, creator and creation. This too is a part of your divine birthright. It is your crowning glory as it were. And no matter whose little wills and egos want to change that, it cannot be changed, because the Creator created it as such to bring you back and bring you forward into another dimension and a new way of living, a new way of being. That thousand years of peace is at hand, Dearhearts. It is at hand. So remember that when you paint that picture of your life, that you do have symmetry in “as above, so below”. And that all is well with each and everyone of you. Fear not, fear not, for you are loved. ********************************************************************************************* * Spiritual Law of Equality * ********************************************************************************************* CANUPA - Empowers Respect for Mitakuye Owasin ********************************************************************************************* ANPETU WI - Invokes Spiritual Community ********************************************************************************************* ITE OTAPI - Unifies Humanity Through Becoming One ********************************************************************************************* Spiritual Law of Equality This goes back to judgment as well. There is Equality in all beings, no matter what race you are, no matter what your path is in life. Whether you are a king or a beggar, whether you choose to come into a body for a very short time, or for a very long time. There is Equality also in male and female. There has come a time now that male domination is not to be. Your male essences are going to move forward in this time for their DNA will unlock the small feminine side of them and they will move into an understanding of femininity. Their third eyes will work better for them, they’ll be able to commune through their crown chakras even better. It has been a part of the female always. But the man no longer needs to fear the female in this. For they too, now will have within them, that gift, that inner knowing. It is the female that carried the Vibration of Love always. For if there had not been this Vibration of Love, the children that were birthed would not have survived. For it is innate within the mother to hold close to their womb and to the breast the infant, to ensure their survival. So man is now coming forward–that is not to say they will birth the children–but they are coming forward and they are also carrying that Vibration of Love. There will be Equality in all of this, so as man should not fear the power of a woman anymore, or to try to suppress it in anyway, ‘cause it will not work. So all things of the Heart must be felt in the Mind, the Body and Spirit to help usher in the new way of living which encompasses an Equality in man and woman. Many of you will think of it as the Grandmothers speaking forward and coming forward now. And the Grandfathers are to support this–in every way. For Wisdom, the Knowledge, the Truth is there for everyone . . . to be shared equally. ********************************************************************************************* * Universal Law of Life * ********************************************************************************************* UNCI KEYA - The Straight Path ********************************************************************************************* QUETZALCOATL - Awakens Human Light Centers and Attunes ********************************************************************************************* Universal Law of Life ********************************************************************************************* To Galactic Center ********************************************************************************************* ARCHANGEL GABRIEL - Reconnect Lifeline to Great Central Sun ********************************************************************************************* Universal Law of Life It has to do with you as a Creator and bringing forward life that chooses to embody as life as you know it. This law also encompasses all of the Universes and their own creation and ways of creation. There are those who would choose to create life in a different manner, in a different form than what you have. But those of Earth have chosen to have a body as a part of their life. But there would be those who would not have a body at all and still have life. They can have form or they can be formless. But in truth, each of these things, though they may be different, in the creation of it, all have the same spark that came from Creator--Creator Sun. So honor all life to its fullest. Take not a life from another, not even in sacrifice. For it is time now to let go of sacrifice of other things in order to maintain your beliefs. Honor those lives of all creation, from the tiniest of beetles to the greatest thing that exists, whether it be an elephant or another being from another planetary system or a child before birth. Honor all things and honor the choice of life. This does not mean that you cannot eat to support the body, for there are those who chose to give their life to you, that you may support your body and they give it to you with Love. But do not forget to give the thanks to these things that give life to you, because they gave their life to you. So the Blessings of Life and the Giving of Thanks for the wonderful blessings that are being given to you are of importance. But never, never take a life, cause you think it is going to serve your purpose in some way. There are many kingdoms of the Creator. Some you are aware of and some you are not. But these kingdoms each serve a purpose in the creation of life. Honor and bless each kingdom and give thanks in prayer. By doing this you are expressing Love and Unity and Acceptance for things. ********************************************************************************************* * Spiritual Law of Choice * ********************************************************************************************* WAGMIZA WINYAN - Portals Manifesting Energy ********************************************************************************************* IYOYANPA IZANZAN - Messenger Symbol for Lightweb ********************************************************************************************* BUDDHA OF TRUTH - Opens Gates Of Future Possibility ********************************************************************************************* Spiritual Law of Choice It goes back to honoring Free Will, does it not? That is the main Law, the main gift that was given to you from the Creator. And so you have Choices that you can make, quite simple, isn’t it? You can even choose the dimension you wish to live in, or be a part of, or exist in. And coming with Choice is the responsibility for one’s actions. When you make a Choice, whatever it is, you are responsible for what you have created and chosen to do. Blame not another if it does not go well for you with your Choice. For you and you alone created that Choice. The respect, the Choices that each make. Judge not the Choices that one makes. But understand how your Choices affect another, even through your thought. Yes, you have within you, the responsibility of thought. It is a Choice as well. And understand how your thoughts are words that affect another. Take responsibility for your thoughts. And once again, let your thoughts be of Love. Let your thoughts be the basis of Love. Let me rephrase that. Let your thoughts be based in Love. Live not in the past. Do not worry about the future, but be in this moment. For it is of the utmost importance to be in the moment. For when you are in the moment, it is easier to create Love in your life, to cultivate it. Let your Choice be Love. ********************************************************************************************* * Universal Law of Light, Sound and Vibration * ********************************************************************************************* HINHAN UNCI - Awakens Inner Wisdom and Remembrance ********************************************************************************************* ODOWAN SKUYA - Awakens One to Cosmic Community ********************************************************************************************* HOLY AMETHYST - Atones Self to Celestial Word ********************************************************************************************* Universal Law of Light, Sound and Vibration It is the basis for all creation: Sound and Light. For light has sound–sound has light. The scientists are beginning to discover this in a wonderful way. Even these things you know as sound, light and vibration are given to you as a method of healing, to re-create. The very core of the being is a vibration. The thoughts are a vibration. It is quite simple, isn’t it? Your Creator is a vibration. There are tonal sounds to this vibration and these sounds can uplift the Spirit, raise your own vibrations to a much higher level. There are vibrational fields that the physical body is not even prepared to experience yet. But you are working your way towards that. The Angelic Hosts as well as your Extraterrestrial friends understand how to communicate thought with vibration, how to transform the body with vibration. It will be a part of your new way of living. There are those now coming forward to teach you of these things. The Light holds a certain vibration. Perhaps you have heard the White Light ? It is a very high level Light. A light vibration that is within all of you. It existed with you and your creation when the Creator created your being. It is divine. It is holy. And so with this Light and awareness of this Light, let there be peace, and let peace reign at all Universes. Let there be Peace. ********************************************************************************************* * Spiritual Law of Intuition * ********************************************************************************************* MNISUNKA WINYAN - Heals Emotional Body and Heart ********************************************************************************************* OILELE CEKPA WINYAN - Opens Wellsprings of Creative Intuition ********************************************************************************************* TIN WAKIYENA WAKAN WINYAN - Change through Thought Alchemy ********************************************************************************************* Spiritual Law of Intuition There was a great discussion last night between Marilyn and Virginia regarding Intuition and what one would determine as gifts of the Holy Spirit. Ah! Holy Spirit! What is Holy Spirit? All religions encompass this thought of Holy Spirit in some way. Think of Holy Spirit as your Higher Self: H.S.–Holy Spirit. H.S.–Higher Self. And there are many wonderful gifts that have been given to you through Higher Self. One of them is Intuition. When you have that Spiritual connection to the High Self, your Intuition opens up like it were a book or a doorway. It is a gift to you to use. It is a part of your discernment and in use of discernment. It is so that you have a knowing about your world and your world within. It is so that you will have a knowing of your Cosmic Realm and your Cosmic Realm within. Your Intuition is your guidance. It is very closely related to emotional feeling. It is how Intuition expresses itself, through emotion or instantaneous thought. So listen to that inner voice as it were, the Higher Self. And when you have the connection to the Higher Self, you are closely connected to the Source of All That Is. It was a gift given to you with Love. It is for you to use this gift wisely. Choose Love when you use this gift. You may use it for self protection to some degree. It may be used to help heal your body. It may used to help heal others. It can be used also in the opposite direction. For you have the gift of Free Will as well and how you use this Intuition. But because it is a gift, you share in the gifts that you have. Because you have this gift, does not give you the right to step in the space of another, intuitively even, unless asked. So in your sharing be aware that if you are not asked to share, then please do not share it. When you intuitively are with another and you by “accident,” pick up or receive something intuitively, it is not for you to share and gossip of another. It serves no purpose. If one feels compelled to share it with an individual, that it is regarding, and you feel so deeply within your heart that you must share it, then please do so. But bear in mind, that you are letting this one know that you have stepped into their space without permission. It is honoring and respecting the Spirit of another . . . and honoring and respecting your own Intuitive Self. By doing this in this manner, it is choosing Love, in this manner. And so be it. ********************************************************************************************* * Universal Law of Judgment * ********************************************************************************************* DIAMONDBACK - Evokes Visionary Experience See FULL BLOG @ http://people.tribe.net/karina/blog *********************************************************************************************
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* In Gratitude *
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* mMm *
 16 years ago
* Zero Point *
 16 years ago
* Pan Aeon Asana *
 17 years ago
* 12 Human Senses *
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