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A Night Of Horror

My day had started many hours before from a little motel where I had holed up the night before. I was so happy that I would be returning to the comforts of my own home and especially those of my large waterbed. My days on the road were few but they did offer me some inconveniences in my life’s travels. The day was beautiful as the bright sun was still in th eeastern sky so the temperature had not yet soared upward. People were bustling and hustling up and down the streets as I watched cars go quickly past me. People that I did not even know were pleasant as they greeted me warmly with the day’s greeting. Before leaving town I stopped by the local restaurant for a good breakfast meal. Entering the old diner shaped restaurant the fragrance of fresh baked goods filled my head. I also caught the smell of cooking eggs, bacon and many other breakfast foods. I made my way along the counter until I found an empty stool and sat down. A woman, young in age, came along with a cup filled with fresh brewed coffee and placed it in front of me. I looked up at her and smiled a smile of thanks and I saw a radiant smile, deep dark eyes, flowing hair and pure smooth skin. She placed a napkin and silverware in front of me with a well worn menu with which I could make my selections. I watched as she then returned to taking care of all the others seated along the counter. I looked at the menu and after I decided what I would have, I motioned for her to return and placed my order. Waiting for my food to be prepared and served I listened to some of the local gossip which was being passed around. Finally I saw the waitress coming towards me carrying a full plate of food that was piping hot. She made her way along the counter until she was again standing in front of me. Placing the plate on the counter in front of me she reached for the coffee pot and refilled my cup, smiled and said, “Please enjoy your meal and if you need anything else let me know.” Slowly I ate my breakfast as I wanted to savor every bite of the perfectly prepared food. The coffee was brewed just right and the smell was enjoyable to me. I watched as people around me got up and left and others quickly took their place. The bustle of this place told me that I had chosen the perfect place to partake of my breakfast. After finishing all that was on my plate I insured that it was totally cleaned before I placed the silverware across it and puches the dish slightly to the inside of the counter so the waitress could see that I was finished. She came to me and after removing the dish asked me if I wanted more coffee. I told her I had enough and that I was ready to leave if she would give the check. She brought my check and I took my last drink of coffee, emptying my cup, placed the money for my meal on the bar with a tip included for the waitress and turned and left the diner. With a full stomach I was now ready to ger along on my trip home. I sat down in my car, placing my key into the ignition I brought it to life. The blue paint that once sparkled when my car was new showed the strain of the years and miles that had been put on it. I was proud of it still has it had always taken care of me and kept me out of harms way. I backed out of my parking spot, into the roadway and headed out of town. Looking at the dash I noticed I was low on fuel and stopped by the gas station to top off the tank. Soon I was totally underway and looked up to see the last remnants of the town disappear in my rear view mirror. The sun was steadily lifting up as it made its familiar travel across the field of blue. The temperature had started to climb as the day passed me by. Down the bumpy two-laned road I traveled listening to the humm of the tires rolling over the sun baked asphalt. I had tuned the car’s radio to an oldies station and was singing along with the music. I knew within the next eight hours I would be in the comfort of my own home. As I moved along this road that I had mapped out as a short cut to save time the road became rougher and rougher. I had a choice now as I could dodge the large potholes and hit the small ones or just go straight and get eaten up by one of the big ones. Then suddenly I heard the one sound that I heard a few times before. The thump thump thimp and rubbing sound of a flat tire. I could not believe my luck on this day as I pulled my car to the side of the slowly so as not to lose control. Bringing the car to a stop I put the shifting lever into park, turned off the ignition and exited the vehicle. Kicking the ground in total disgust and frustration I started walking around the car looking for the culprit. The sun beat down hard on me as the heat was getting unbelievable with the passing of the day. As I turned the final corner of the car, there it was the tire that was causing me all this anguish. In total disgust I kicked at the tire and in total release I let some profanities fly and then turned to get the items needed to fix the flat. I opened the trunk and removed the jack and then reached for the spare tire. Horror filled me! My hand fell on emptiness as there was no spare tire to be found. I then thought and remembered I had used it many months ago and the flat was sitting in my garage waiting to be taken to be repaired. With horror and anger fueling my thoughts I contemplated what I should do. Knowing that I had driven for hours from town and had seen nothing along the way I knew that there was no help for me back that way. I then took out my map and after looking at it I deemed that there was a better chance for help if I would just walk further in the direction I was traveling. I closed my car all up, took the keys and put them in my pocket, grabbed my light weight jacket, locked and closed the door. Under the heat of the sun I then took off walking for what I was hoping would be a short walk for help. Moving along on the shoulder of the road, saving my feet from the scorching asphalt, step by step I made my way. I noticed that overhead more and more clouds were starting to fill the sky and the wind, having changed direction was picking up in force. I pleaded in silence to the lord to not let me get caught in a storm in my time of dispair. Faster I walked as I was thinking if it was going to storm I wanted to be as close to help as I could possibly be. The sky darkened with the passing of each moment as now heavy, moisture laiden gray clouds covered the sky. The wind was blowing strongly against me as I bent into it and steadily pushed onward. Worried now that I was going to soon be caught, without protection, in the midst of a bad summer storm. Darker and darker the sky became and the harder the wind blew. Long blades of green grass were being savagely whipped back and forth by the winds fury. It pulled harshly at my skin and chilled me as it blew against the once sweat laiden shirt I had on. The chill it sent clear to my bones was almost numbing as I shivered from it. Suddenly there it was! The one thing I feared the most. Yes that first drop of rain hit my face. The speed of each step I took increased as I knew I had to find a safe haven from the impending weather. Worried now that I had made a bad choice as I had traveled what seemed like miles and still not even a house had come into view. I listened to the far away clap of thunder as it rolled through the sky off in the distance. I knew in my mind that this was going to be a fierce storm I just had no idea how long it would last. What had started out as a perfect day was really taking a turn for the worse since the flat tire. I crested a small hill in the roadway and there it was, my safe haven or so I hoped. Lightning was flashing in the distance as I saw it brighten the darkened sky. My heart racing and knowing I was racing the coming of a bad storm, I started running for the safety of the house. The faster I ran the harder the rain fell and I was soon drenched from a terrentual downpour. Finally gasping for breath I had reached the point where the winding drieway and the road met. Turning onto the driveway I started to run faster as I buried the burning pain that was filling my chest as my lungs starved for air. As I ran along the winding driveway , that seemed no more then a grown in trail now, I was slipping and sliding in the mud from the dirt surface laiden with water. Numerous times I slipped, losing my balance and fell into the mud and grass. Still I knew I must reach the safe haven of this house that I had found as if an answering from God. I would hurriedly climb back to my feet and continue on towards the house. Finally I reached the steps leading up onto the porch and taking them two at a time I lunged for the safety of the porch flooring. Looking at myself I was the victim of minor cuts and bruises, lightly flowing blood and a lot of muddied clothes. What a sight I thought to myself. I laid there for a while as I gasped for all the oxygen my lungs would hold. I had not run that fast for that great a distance since I was a young lad and was chased by the old man down the street with his pitch fork. Slowly my body calmed and I sat up and watched the storm that was quickly approaching. Loud banging rolls of thunder rolled across the skies as the storm encircled me seemingly closing off every avenue I could use to escape. At times the thunder was so strong that I could actually feel the wood, I was sitting on shake. Suddenly! Right in front of the porch a lightning bolt, thrust from the heavens struck the ground with a ear exploding bang and was then gone. My hair stood on end and I jumped what seemed like feet into the air in startlement, my heart was racing. Finally I composed myself and got to my feet. Walking along the porch which went three sides of the dark, weather worn house I looked for signs of who lived there. As I turned the last corner there it was in front of me, signs of life as I saw a chicken coop, pig sty, and what looked like a bird holding area. I then turned and went back to the front door, after looking for a door bell and seeing none, I reached out my hand and gently tapped against the weather beaten wood. The glass in the door seemed covered in a dull grey like dust. I was thinking to myself, please be at home and have some means I can get help and move along my way. No answer!!! I waited a moment and then knocked louder, still no answer. One more time I waited and rapping as loud as I could I waited and still no answer. Thinking to myself I wondered what else could possibly go wrong on this day. Well without an answer at the door I reached for the doorknob and it turned freely in my hand. I opened the door a gap and called for anyone inside to respond to me. Waiting for what seemed eternity, but in reality was only a few fleeting seconds I pushed the door open slowly. Once the door was wide open I stepped up into the doorway and again spoke, in a little louder then normal voice, to sdee if someone was inside and hadn’t heard my first inquiries. Still no answer did I hear but I decided to enter and see if I could locate someone. In my mind I also needed to be somewhere near some heat so I could dry the rain soaked clothes I wore. As I entered I looked around noticing that the place seemed in some what of disarray, almost as if no one lived there at all or for a long time as far as that was concerened. The dust hung heavy on all the wooden articles that were around the massive living room. Huge cobwebs hung freely from the chandelier that dangled from the high ceiling. Walking around the living room I noticed that there was dust and cobwebs clining to everything that had been placed there. My mind was full of thoughts now as I wondered if someone really did live here or were those animals in a holding place for soemone from another house? I could not make up my mind as part of me said that the house was empty but something inside me kept sayin, “There are people here and you need to meet them.”I could feel my palms as getting clammy as my body started to sweat with the fright that was starting to flow in me. I knew that I could not leave right now as the vicious storm outside was far worse then anything I coud face in here. I was about to complete my walk around the living room I noticed a door that seemed to lead to an adjoining room. I walked up to the door and placing my hand on it I found that it was a free swinging door as it gave ground freely. I debated for a second whether I should go on but for some reason I had been caught up in the excitement of the unknown in front of me, something inside me would not let me turn back. I pushed harder on the door and and with a loud creaking sound it gave way to me. What was that!!! My heart raced and I could barely breathe as I heard the sound of rushing footsteps as someone or something was fleeing from the room. I stopped ddead in my tracks as I waited and watched for the sound to return. Nothing but eerie silence broken only by the fierce wind and smatter of the rain would fall upon my ears. My heart racing, I called out over trambling lips for soemone to answer me. Waiting I heard nothing but a sudden and sharp slamming of something wooden. What could it be that had just run away at the sound of the opening door was a thought that was consuming my mind. Still I stepped and entered the room that was dark and dreary with no light as the heavy curtains that were open in the living room were pulled tightly closed in this room. A funny smell filled the room and I knew I had smelled it before somewhere but could not remember. I moved into the room and as I released the door it swung closed once again shrouding me in total darkness. My heart was pounding as if it would jump out of my chest, my breathing was heavy and my palms were covered in sweat. My eyes were wide open as I was trying to absorb everything that was around me. Suddenly and in total silence something hard brushed against my leg. My heart skipped a few beats, I went light in the knees and my breathing suddenly stopped as I inhaled catching my breath in my now bone dry throat. What could that have been that had touched me with such silence? The hair on the back of my neck and along my arms was stiff and standing straight on end. Turn back or go on? This was the one question I must answer with a mind that was filled with horror for my safety and well being, excitement for the unknown, and concern for my immdiate comfort from the storm. Well against my inner souls better judgement I decided that I should move farther along in my searching for someone in the house. As I moved I could feel the shaking unsteadiness of my legs as fright was building in my body. Bam!!! Down I fell. Face first onto the hard wood floor. What could I have so clumsily tripped over that would cause me to fall that quick? I moved my feet around and could feel nothing that had been in my path. As I lifted myself from the floor and stood once again upright I felt the flowing of warmth down along my chin. Reaching my hand up to feel what it was, pain went through me as my whole lower jaw ached from my gentle touch. Feeling along it I knew that I had done damage to my lower jaw and teeth blood was free flowingfrom a gash along my gum line. I put my fingers there to feel how bad the cut was and in horror three of my teeth came out, falling into my hand. I reached in my pockets to find my handkerchief to stem the flow of blood but I must of lost it with all the falling I did to arrive at the house. I then removed my shirt and making a wad out of some of the material I pressed it against the cut to stop the bleeding. A cold draft then blew across my damp skin causing me to shiver. Was it the cold or was it the thought that I had made a mistake entering this house. Something told me that before I left I would surely have the answer to that question and many more. I moved on but with way more caution and alertness then I had used to get to this point. I moved in the darkness bumping into a high back chair that was placed in the middle of the floor for some reason unknown to me. As I finally neared a wall across the room from where I had entered my eyes caught a seam in the wall with a bright light shining through it. What could possibly be on the other side I asked myself? A house filled with complete and almost eerie darkness and on the other side of that wall was total light as if the sun was shining. I put my hand up to the wall and touched the slit and was greeted by not only light but heat which was seeping from the slit. My pulse was running as if it was a world class marathoner nearing the finish line, being chased by the rest of the competition. I could feel my heart pounding as it beat heavy in my chest. My ears were filled with only the sounds of my labored breathing. Perspiration had replaced the wetness that had covered me from the rain that I had raced through. I then slid my hand along the wall and suddenly there it was. I grasped it, my latch that would let me escape this horror and allow me to once again see what surrounded me. The doorknob turned in my hand and I pushed the door open and light entered into the room in which I stood. I turned to survey the room behind me and horror swept through me. Lining the walls were shelves with large jars with metal lids intact. Inside the jars seemed to be remnants of animals in all different stages of being. I saw this head of a pig that had the crown totally removed and the brain was missing, one eye had been gouged from its skull and the tongue had been cut off at its lips. Another jar contained a chicken with its chest cavity ripped apart and its insides just floating in some liquid. Completely filled with horror I stepped into the lit room and slammed the door behind me closing that goulish site from my view. As I turned to see where I was I found that I had unknowingly made my way to the kitchen. On the counter was a perfectly polished silver serving platter with a matching domed cover on it. After thinking about what I just saw my mind was spinning with horror filled thoughts of what could be under that dome. Turning I noticed three huge kettles sitting on top of the stove with flames under each one, listening carefully I could make out the sound of something in them boiling. Walking over to them the smell of cooking meat flooded into my nostrils comsuming my sense of smell. I knew one thing for sure, from the odor, that it was not any ordinary food cooking in these pots. Curiosity was building inside me but the horror that was fighting it told me not to look inside. Which would win? Only time could tell for sure and it was answered in the next couple of seconds. My trembling hand reached for the lid on the pot nearest me and with reservations flowing I lifted it slowly. Steam escaped that had been trapped under the lid and obscured my view of what was inside. There staring up at me was the huge head of a pig with brains exposed and eyes popped out of their sockets. Bang!!!!! Back down went the hood with a forceful slam as I felt my stomach start to churn from the smell and scene mixed together. I decided then that I would not look inside the other two pots cause I knew in my mind I did not want to know what was being cooked inside. I started walking away, suddenly I was frozen in place. I turned and I could feel something as it drew me back to the stove as if it would make me remove the lids of the other pots. I stood there mulling over in my mind what could possibly be under the two remaining lids and what kind of demented persons residence had I stumbled upon. Suddenly a if being forced my arms raised and reached for both lids simultaneously. The heat burned as it rose and landed against my damp cool skin. Slowly my now trembling fingers curled around the wooden knobs centered on both lids. Slowly and beyond my control I raised the lids from the pots and my heart was savagely pounding in my chest, my breath was held, as I waited for the escape of the once confined steam. I then stepped up cautiously to look into the pots, my eyes wide open in horror, I reluctantly looked inside. Oh my God!! Could it possibly be? Plain water was boiling in both off them. I let out a light chuckle and thought to myself, “And they say that men ar brave?” I replaced the lids and thought to myself I was certainly over exagerating all that happened to this point. Well I then knew that someone, somewhere had been around here not too long before my arrival. I imagined now that the scurrying I had heard was someone that had not wanted to be seen and went quickly into hiding. Would I ever know the truth or would it forever escape me. I turned and seeing another door leading off into a different direction from which I had come I went towards it. I stopped just as I approached the door as I faintly heard the sound of voices. I listened carefully as I could not make out the conversation but often I would catch the sound of an eerie laugh. What could possibly be that was so amusing to the ones that I had not yet seen? I pushed open the door and said hello as I stepped into the next room. There before me were two chairs in the middle of the room with a small table between them. As I walked over to the chairs I caught the scent of perfume that hung heavy in the air. Two half empty glasses of wine sat neatly on coasters on the well polished table. Picking up one of the glasses I inspected it and found a smear of red lipstick along one side of the lip. Where could the two be that had moments before been sitting here drinking? Where did the voices and laughter I had heard come from? Why was I still shaking and sweating from the fright that was inside of me? Questions without answers were now starting to flow freely into my mind. Would I ever know the true answers to any of them or would they all remain a mystery as this place was. I sat down in one of the chairs to try and think through some of these questions and make some sense of this whole day. Time had flown by as I looked at my watch and saw that it was well after seven in the evening. My body was totally drained of energy from all that I had asked it to today and I knew that soon sleep would overtake my will to keep my eyes open. Slowly I felt my eye lids becoming heavier and blinking I tried to fight off their closing completely. Second by second I was surely lsoing the battle to sleep. Finally, unknowing of what time, my eyes finally closed and I drifted off into a deep sleep. I knew that if sleep overcame me that I would have no control over what happened to me this night. Suddenly my head is filled again with the smell of that same perfume my nose had detected when I entered this room. The strength of it told me that it had been freshly applied and that person or persons were in the room with me. I tried to quickly remove the sleep that consumed me and open my eyes to see who was there. Suddenly fear consumed me again as for some reason my eyelids would not move and I was locked in the world of darkness. All of a sudden my arms were held in place by the powerful grip of some unknown person or persons. I tried to stand from the chair where I sat but I was firmly held in place. I then felt the smooth coolness, of what I imagined to be leather, being slid quickly around my wrist and fastened to the chair. Next my legs were jerked savagely apart and my ankles were quickly and securely bound in the same manner. I was now a total captive to whoever it was that was now in the room with me. Fear was all that filled my mind and the thought that I may soon draw my last breath was causing panic to chill me to the bone. I then hear the laughter that I had heard standing on the other side of the door, before I entered. Feeling human warmth against both of my naked arms told me that I was in the company of two or more people and the perfume told me that they were female. Suddenly I feel the belt securing my trousers being unfastened and drawn through the loops that held it. The waitband of my trousers was undone and the short zipper was slid down as I felt the cool air land on my exposed waist. Horror had replaced fear as I could only think horrid thoughts of what was about to happen to me. Suddenly I feel the chill of cold steel as it pressed against my naked upper thighs. Slowly my ears were filled with the sound of a knife as it ripped through material and I felt the legs of both trousers loosen around me. Finally the material having being cut free was ripped from my body. There I sat totally exposed to my captors and unable to defend my body. I feel the hardness of long finally filed nails as they rake against my chest sending the feeling of pain through me. Fingers sliding up and down raking my bronzed flesh. I feel pain as small rivelts of running liguid follow behind the scraping. In my mind I knew I had then suffered deep scratches and my blood was seeping from my body. I knew I had to break free of my bindings if I was to open my eyes to another day. Wait what was that I just felt!!! Was it truly the warmth of human breath falling against my skin? Yes it was! As I then felt two tongues press against my skin on my neck and drag slowly down my chest. In unison I felt the soft sensuous lips close around each nipple that now stood erect at the tip of my pecs. My body was filling with arousal which was short lived as then savagely together they bit the nipples harshly with teeth that I thought would cut them off. As they gripped the nipples they pulled back from my body stretching them and pain ran through me. My mind was flooded with thoughts of what would follow. Finally my aching nipples were released as their lips returned to travel over my skin, stopping to lick up the blood that had seeped from the deep scratches. Downward I felt them moving along my skin, stopping to harshly take bites of it, leaving telling marks I was sure of. The pain it caused was almost unbearable as I caught myself just before I screamed out in pain. I wanted so much for this torture to be over and be on my way back to the safety of my own home. Would I make it there was the daunting question that I was facing. Suddenly I felt the sliding of cold steel across the skin on my legs and my body tensed with fear. Visions of sadistic torture were now flowing rapidly through my mind. I was learning quickly that it was impossible to achieve rational thinking while comsumed in fear. I had visions of my body being savagely cut into pieces and then the pieces taken to those boiling pots in the other room and dropped in. Would I be the next meal that these two ladies would be partaking in. I could feel the sharp tip of a knife as it was pulled across the skin of my legs sending shivers through me. My heart was racing and the pressure building inside me made it feel that I was about to explode. My God what a day of luck I was having!! I heard a loud slaming sound, the breaking of glass and suddenly a harsh cold breeze was slamming against my naked body. My ears were overwhelmed with the loud harsh sound of the storms fury blowing through the trees. The eerie sound of branches scratching the side of the house mixed with the sound as trees were savagely wrenched back and forth. I could just imagine what it would have been like to be caught out there in nature’s unleashed fury. Suddenly the window was closed as the wind, hitting my skin was drastically reduced. Could it be that my unknown captors had left me and were tending to the house? If so this would be my chance to break my bindings and flee for my life. It had turned eerie quiet again around me. Was I now alone in this room or were they standing back and watching me? I had no idea as I could not see but I decided to sieze the moment. I pulled savagely against the leather binds that were holding me in this chair. After a few minutes of pulling and tugging with all my given strength I felt an arm of the chair come loose and knew if I pulled hard I could break it free and possibly free myself. I wrenched the arm again and suddenly my arm was free. I quickly reached up and pulled the blindfold from my eyes. The instant penetration of of light into my pupils made me squint as the tried to quickly adjust. Would there be time? I fought against panic as I looked around and noticed that I was indeed in the room by myself and I knew not how much time I had before my captors returned. I was racing against an unknown time to save my life. Quickly I undid my bindings and stood up from the chair. Looking around I found the nearest door and went for it hoping it would be the one opening up to my freedom. I reached the door quickly, turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. Oh my God!!!! I had opened the wrong door as hanging from hooks and chains from the celing were skeletons of many different animals and humans. I stopped dead in my tracks as panic consumed me and felt myself feeling faint as I started to black out. I stepped back and slammed the door shit and looked around. Two doors remained and I could not tell which one I had entered th eroom through. Would I pick a door to freedom or would I again be sucked deepeer into this house of horror. I thought quickly and headed for one of the doors, grabbed the handle and giving it a quick turn I thrust it open. As I pushed through the door cold wind whipped against my skin.I looked up and I was once again standing on the porch of the house, freedom was with me at last. Dressed in just my boxers and my shoes I jumped the railing, falling into the rain soaked grass. The pouring rain was hammering against my skin but I did not feel as I was just happy to be free of the hell I had been in for the last few hours. I hurriedly got to my feet and took off running as fast as I could back down the driveway to the roadway. Finally making it I turned and started running down the middle of the road until that house was no longer in my view when I looked back. I then slowed to a brisk walk as I was hoping that somehow and someway I would find help. I heard a car coming from behind and not taking any chances I dove into the grass pressing my body down into it so as not to be seen. Closer the car came and suddenly my eyes saw it as I peeked through the grass. My body trembling so harshly as I wondered if it was captors and they were looking for me. A black hearse went by and as it did I noticed that there were two women in it and they seemed to be laughing. Could this possibly be the same two that had held me captive and caused pain to my body? What would I do, what could I do, almost naked and shivering from fright, exposure and horror I knew I had to press on. I summoned all the courage I could musted and once again standing I started down the road making sure I kept an alert eyes for any oncoming vehicles. I walked for a length of time and finally the rain had stopped and the sky was cleared once again. The chill of the night had taken over my body where fear had once flowed. What was that? Were my eyes now playing games on me from deep desire I had in me? No it was a set of headlights coming towards me. I stepped to the side of the road and knelt in the deep grass knowing in my mind it was that hearse with the two women returning. As the car approached I saw it was not the same shape so I quickly stood up and waved my arms frantically. As the vehicle came to me I noticed the emergency lights overhead and knew that it was a police cruiser and I was finally safe or so I thought. The vehicle came to a stop and the drivers door opened quickly, my mind was racing at full speed praying that this person would be my salvation. In a split second out stepped this huge form. I thought to myself, could this possibly be? I heard this deep voice beckon me to come toards him. Panic filled me as I slowly took steps closing the distance. Closer and closer the distance became as my heart was pounding savagely as I could feel the beats in my temples. Finally I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw the badge on his chest and the pistol hanging loosely from his hip. Saved at last! Was all that went through my mind, saved at last. The officer took one look at me and asked me where I came from and what had happened for me to lose the majority of my clothes. I related the story to him starting with the flat tire and he looked at me with a strange and bewildered look on his face. I looked at him and knew from the strange look that this officer was not buying any part of the story I was telling him. I knew not what to do until he spoke to me after I completed my horror packed story. He turned to me and looking at me with a eerie, blank, death filled stare he said, “ That is totally impossible as there is not a house on this road all the way back to the other town you said you left this morning.” I thought to myself that this could not be as I had lived through that hellish nightmare and I knew it was real. I offered to show him the scratches and bites that my body had suffered and he agreed as he turned on the dome light of his vehicle. Looking down at my chest horror filled me once again. There where I had felt the pain of every inch of the digging nails there was not a scratch on my skin. Where I had felt savage bite marks was only smooth unblemmished skin and I frantically serched for some sign of what I had been through. Total horror was about to consume me until my brain kicked in adn I told him if he took me back wwe could find my car, still with a flat tire, beside the road. He offered me his raincoat and back towards my car we went. As we traveled I thought to myself what if my car was no longer there, this officer would surely take me to his office thinking I was derranged. Traveling along the now dried pavement I watched for anything that I might remember so I knew that I was closing in on where all the events had taken place. Off to the left side of the roadway I kept glancing in hopes of catching a glimpse of the house which had become my mansion of horror. Nothing came into sight and suddenly as we crested a rise in the road I saw a vehicle pulled off onto the shoulder and I knew it was my car. I pointed to it and finally we pulled up along side of it. I had no keys or anything since my trousers were gone, but I got out of the cruiser and went to my vehicle. As we both walked around the vehicle and came to the drivers side, there hanging in the door lock was my complete set of car keys. Shocked, I then took him around to the flat tire and to my amazement there was none. He looked at me strangely and told me that if my vehicle would start that I was free to go and he would forget this had ever happened. I then went back to the drivers side and opening the door I started to slide in and was stopped by something soft in my seat. Borrowing his flashlight I looked and there, neatly folded on the seat was a pair of pants and shirt matching exactly what I had worn that day, color, material and all. I pickjed them up in trembling hands and turned to him with total bewilderment in my eyes. He looked at me and smiled and said, “Looks like someone really needs to trhink about getting dressed.” I quickly put on the clothes and slid into my car behind the steering wheel. Placing my keys in the ignition I gave it a turn and my engine roared to life. I looked at the officer and with what seemed to me to be a devlish grin he said, “You better be on your way.” I nodded and closed my door and pulled out onto the roadway. I reached over and turned on the radio and searched through it for a relaxation station to accompany me on my trip. Then I heard it. The voice of two women came across the radio and in total surprise said, “I hope you enjoyed your stay!” I slammed on the brakes and brought my vehicle to a skidding stop. After I regained my composure I put the car in gear, floored the gas and sped like a man possessed from that area. Finally lights of a town came into view and I was never so happy to see civilization. I pulled into the garage on the beginning edge of town to get gas and asked the attendant to fill it up. He nodded that he understood and went about his business. He checked my oil and washed the windshield and rear window for me. After he completed his task he came to me and told me what it cost me. Then it hit me, how would I pay for it? Good grief my wallet was probably back there in the clutches of whoever or whatever had held me captive. I reached back against my back pocket where I always kept it and guess what? There it was still in that very spot. I took it out with trembling hands and after opening it up I pulled the money out and handed it to him, shaking uncontrollably. He looked at me and in the kindest words he could muster he said, “Man you look like hell, like you had just been through the worst day of you life.” I chuckled as I thought to myself, “If you only knew, yes if you only knew.” As I started to get in my vehicle in beside me pulls the same black hearse that I had seen drive past me. After it stopped I watched in shock as two of the most beautiful women got out of it and one walked up to the service station operator and said, “Here it is dad all cleaned and returned like you asked.” I was in total shock, could this possibly be? I just stood there as if in a suspended state of animation. As the girl walked past me she winked and whispered in a soft sensual tone, “Nice seeing you again and please stop by again next time you come through.” I had had enough and knew it was time for me to get as far away from this area as I could. I bid the ladies good day and thanked the attendant. Into my vehicle I quickly slid, started the engine, put it in gear and departed as quickly as possible. As I was driving down the road I thought about all the events leading up to the day I had or had not experienced and decided on one thing for sure. No more ice cream before I went to bed. (C) Tall Mountain Dreamer October 31, 2002
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