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Dr Turi's blog: "Dr. Turi's Blog"

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5/3/2008 Dear FREE Dragon and VIP's Newsletter Readers; Just a little note to let you know that "Cosmic Code 3 Booklet 2" has gone and as usual we've got a few returns. Thus if you are a VIP you should contact Mike ASAP from mailto:dr.turi@cox.net to find out why you did not get it. Remember our sophisticated software DID the job RIGHT and chances are your settings need attention so you can receive my latest and very long "Cosmic Code" newsletter. IMPORTANT: EMAIL US ONLY IF YOUR ARE A PAYING VIP Include your first and last name for verification. Here is a small sample of the "Cosmic Code 3 Booklet 2". Dear VIPs Reader; Thank you Britt (and so many others) for finding the DOB of another lost Neptunian "Jesus wanna be" named Michael Travesser this disoriented spirit was born May 18, 1941 in Riverside, California. http://strongcity.info/LOR/sc/page/about_michael_travesser/ ANOTHER SCHIZOPHRENIC JESUS WANNA BE! As always the uncanny perceptive power given to anyone using Astropsychology will be used to denunciate once more how real and badly needed this lost art really is. I do not want to lose the majority of you because you do not posses the basic understanding of Astropsychology dynamics, so I will use very simple terms to bring some light on how the "Cosmic Code" "programmed" this heavy duty Neptunian soul. Again anyone overloaded with the deceiving power of Neptune (ruler of Pisces) will NATURALLY be in a world of dream (the fish in his own tank) and will not have enough critical thinking (or logic) to see the fact. Realize also that many grown up men (Priests and ministers alikeand other religious leaders in the world) who do look normal to others (or on TV) are also very sick in the head. To a fish looking outside of the real world is very blurry and impossible for him to comprehend. Pretty much like those Mormon Ladies ridiculously dressed like in the 18th century refusing to grow up, stuck in the religious compound (the tank) terrorized by the outside, dirty world (or air for a fish that can only breathe under water). Those people are so mentally manipulated and with so much Neptune in their chart, completely destitute of common sense. Thus the "tank" is their only safe and secure world and like any radical Muslims, those lost souls lives for death on the breadline life wasting ALL the great opportunities to spiritually grow through natural worldly experiences. Note also these celestial affliction breed serious addictions to alcohol, drugs, and medical prescriptions forcing you in time to visit or reside in one of Neptune's homes. These would be a "Funny Farm" a hospital, a temple, a synagogue, a church or a religious compound or worse a mental institution or jail. Note also a strong Pluto (power freak/sex/domination/secret) usually makes a strong aspect to Neptune to create anything from a Minister, a priest or a cult leader. Make sure to read "What Makes A Cult Leader or a deceiving Neptunian" from http://www.drturi.com/daily.php if you are unsure about someone trying to bring you IN Neptune's deceiving "quick sands" SORRY THE REST OF THIS LONG EDUCATIONAL MATERIAL IS FOR MY VIP'S ONLY Continued: What is a Cult Leader or a Deceiving Neptunian? Let me start by saying faithfully and honestly that my work is NOT "for entertainment purposes only". I offer true knowledge and legitimate guidance and unlike other astrology sites, I STAND strong and sure, sharing my visions and knowledge with you. What I do, write or say is very real and very serious. Do you have any question about metaphysics? The spirit? Psychics? Ufo's? Then check what hundreds of radio and television hosts have asked me over the years at http://www.drturi.com/radio.php so that you can feel the depth of my own spirit. The question is; are you ready for the truth? Are you ready for the real thing? Will you take the time to investigate all areas of this site and read all about my work and me? You may also read feedback of what many satisfied clients and students worldwide wrote about me in all my newsletters Sharing Emails section. Then, after investigating my website www.drturi.com properly, you will also trust me to guide you and truly inform you of your unique relationship with the Divine and the working of the Universal Mind. In this site you will find your very personal guidance and what the energy of the days ahead will bring to you. Simply observe the true power of my predictions as they unfold in your and other's lives, and with patience you will acknowledge my claim; YES I am indeed the real thing. Over the last two thousands years, Neptune (Poseidon the Lord of deception) has imposed his stellar will upon the world and stimulated man's imagination to created over 875 different religions. Politically oriented churches officials were fast to exploit the weak spirits of the "dark Ages" by controlling the information of a God fearing uneducated masses. Like all "organized" institutions their final aim is greed, control, wealth and power. Read http://www.drturi.com/commandments.php As of 1945 the planet Uranus (the God of the Skies) became in charge of this world and shaped a multitude of deceiving New Age organizations and deceiving practitioners. Like all organized religions, they must find a way to lure you to their groups (Scientology, Mormonism etc.) then control your psyche to get to your financial support. The common lost soul will be sold easily and join the popular group or religion and become an easy pray. Any intelligent intuitive person will easily see through the manipulation and avoid Neptune's deceiving quicksand. Before investing in anything ALWAYS investigate thoroughly the group in question or the "spiritual guide" and its claims before taking a chance with your fragile psyche. With 99% of the world's population lacking true "Cosmic Consciousness" it is a certainty that the spiritual group and its leaders are unable to enter the archetypal realm of consciousness and help you to regenerate with Cosmic Regulations. You are taking a chance to attract nefarious entities and waste both your time and money if you do not pay attention to my heeding and obvious predictions. But what really alter anyone's cosmic consciousness is mostly due to; jealousy, ignorance, fears, religious poisoning, mental snobbism (scientists/atheists) or plain stupidity produced by a weak natal UCI (Unique Celestial Identity). This celestial affliction produces a very rational mind and always involves a strong earthy Mercury location (critical thinking) in the subject's chart. All these elements breed the "attitude" hurting the integrity of a real gifted Prophet and his message to the world. The worse form of Neptune's expression produces a typical "Neptunian" or a cult leader, a deceiving psychic or an unethical medium or off beam channeler. Armed with the following information one will be able to make a good assessment of what a false spiritual Leader or a con artist is all about. A strong delusive persona accompanied by grandiose expressions will undoubtedly plague the subject's personality and words. This Neptunian attitude masks a total lack of Cosmic Consciousness and an enormous spiritual pride "When suffering is on all sides and man hungers for the unmanifested mystery in all phenomenon, He seeks reflection of the Divine. God's higher truths are cloaked in his creation and the message is in the stars." -- Nostradamus "THERE IS ONLY ONE THIN HAIR BETWEEN DIVINE INFORMATION AND PURE IMAGINATION!"-- Dr. Turi The subject believes he is Jesus, the Virgin Mary etc. (i.e. David Koresh and Rev. Jones). The subject says he/she channels from God, Angels, high spirits and Ancestors. The subject believes he or she is a reincarnation of a prominent religious leader. The subject says he/she always pray on your behalf, use Caps and produces typos while "channeling". The subject believes he or she has very specific religious mission and regurgitates bible verses. The subject thinks he or she is the only chosen one and Jesus / Allah is the motivator The subject thinks he has a very specific purpose to save or change the world. The Subject is sex oriented and possesses no Cosmic Consciousness or real spiritual powers. The subject hears angel's voices (i.e. Joan of Arc) and do not use recording device. The subject uses several or foreign long Indian names and do not use or understand the "Cosmic Code". The subject uses dignified words (i.e. Great, Ascending Master, Grand Order etc.) The subject uses appearances (i.e. Jesus, long beard, long hair etc.) The subject dresses magnificently (i.e. long robs, hats, striking colors, gold, silver etc.) The subject uses words or religious verses (i.e. bible, immaculate, archaic material etc.) The subject uses lots of caring words (i.e. love, prosperity, savior etc.) The subject uses negative Plutonic energy, magnetic voice piercing eyes, private (i.e. Hitler etc.) The subject demands money for his selfish cause (i.e. to build temple, statues, churches, temples.) The subject uses physical strengths and abuses others (i.e. rapists, con man etc.) The subject is unaware of the working of the Universal Mind (i.e. religious or skeptics alike) The subject has little or no testimonials available on a cheap website and get paid by donations. The subject has absolutely no Cosmic Consciousness and do not provide you with your natal UCI (chart). In all honesty this type of endeavor is detrimental to a well-balanced society and as much as I defend and support freedom of expression I am totally against any form of cult in any way, shape or form. I am real, I have real gifts to offer society and help mankind's metal evolution. I have proven my premonitions many times and will do it over again! I am also in need of your support and if you can contribute to helping me building Astropsychology schools for the children of the future please do so by calling me at (602)-265-7667. Thank you. Dr. Turi Sharing emails; From Sharon; Hello Dr Turi! I am writing to tell you how much I enjoyed my reading!!! As usual you have nailed everything! I was especially astounded on your insight into my "possible" past lives!!! Just to let you know..........On my mother's side our ancestors came from France during the French Revolution when they were chopping off lots of heads. Their family name was Meaux and there is a town in France named for them. The Meaux family escaped the guillotine and came to America. They were so fearful of being found out by the French that they changed the spelling of their name to "Moe" There are still some of my relatives with that name living near here. Also I have been told many times by many of my intuitive friends that I have a gift for "knowing things" Which I sometimes do. Very strange sometimes. Any way I am happy to report that the week end that my reading came I listened to it so many times that I almost know it by memory. And I was showing a client dog that week end and made up my mind that he was going to win and get his last two points toward his championship title and go home. Well guess what? Gunner won and I am taking him back to Ohio Sunday!!! Bless you always Dr. Turi! Sharon – Michigan DT _ I am glad I could provide you with an accurate reading my friend. Blessings DT From Beverley; Morning DT; Quick question.... your newsletter states: Are you into conspiracy? i am. Join us in Phoenix http://www.pst-az.com/ i'm interested to know what this link is all about, but when i go there its a dud page. .. :( hell yeah im into conspiracy,im a sagitarius, i love conspiracy. but now i'm beginning to think you giving me an incorrect address/link is some sort of conspiracy which i have yet to figure out... totally kidding. lol but do you have the correct link, please? Thank you in advance, your mentor <----- heheh beverley ;) DT - Well remember the Supernova window I mentioned, problem with MISCOMMUNICATIONS? lolol sorry their link was broken, here is the correct one. http://www.past-az.com/ Blessings DT From Carole; Dear Dr. Turi, You are so right. You mention to be careful of accidents. Well, I have been a handling goat for many years. They often get their head stuck in the fencing. I always successfully removed their horny heads without incident. However, this morning a young goat's head was stuck and while I was manipulating her head to fit through the fence, wham, my finger got smashed between her horn and the fence. So now I am nursing a very bloody sore finger. Keep up the good work. I agree with you everyone should get your newsletter. God bless. Carole DT – Thank you for your support my friend…Moon Power is a true piece of information. SPECIAL DEAL TO ALL MY READERS – I have decided to offer this E book for a fraction of the price. Here is your chance to test my claims. I am offering a copy of my book 2008 Moon Power (e book) for $15 S&H included. Again this deal is only through regular mail. MPORTANT TYPE or PRINT your email address, so we can fulfill your order. Send your check or money order to: Dr. Turi 4411 N. 23rd St Phoenix, AZ 85016. Dragon Newsletter sign up to receive them directly to your mailbox. GO TO http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ Both radio shows I did on Coast To Coast with George Noory and Paranormal Radio with Captain Jack will on You Tube soon. If you are in England Tune in I will be on the air with Nick Margerrison May 19th http://www.kerrangradio.co.uk/ - http://www.whatson.com/kerrang/ Are you into conspiracy? I am - Join us Phone: (925) 449-6844 (NEW) mailto:www.conspiracycon.com - http://www.conspiracycon.com The Premiere Conspiracy Event in the country returns for its 8th year on June 7 & 8, 2008 at the Marriott Hotel in Santa Clara, CA. JOIN US IN PHOENIX http://www.past-az.com/ Join us, George Noory, my good friends Jordan Maxwell and Dr. Lear Jim Karol Bryant Mac Gill and many others UFO MAGIC MYSTICISM IN HOLLYWOOD SATURDAY MAY 17 - 7-30 PM http://www.sacredmysterieslive.com/ Get Wisdom @ http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=drturistar&p=r Astropsychology, Predictions & UFOs on Coast To Coast. Astropsychologist and seer Dr. Louis Turi recounted his UFO abduction experiences and also shared some new predictions for the future of mankind. Through hypnosis, he was able to recall being "sucked into the belly of a flying saucer," in August of 1991 during a Southern California highway trip. Dr. Turi said he witnessed "grays" as well as the blonds "Nordics" on the craft. His wife, who was also abducted, had a fetus removed from her, he reported, and a laser-like scar appeared afterwards that was not there before. Further, he noted that a "helmet" was dropped from the ceiling and placed onto his head, causing him to download a massive amount of cosmic information in a fraction of a second. Subsequent to that experience, Turi said his life path changed, and he began to have the ability to make accurate predictions, which are documented in his yearly Moon Power Starguide books and all his radio and television appearances. Check incredible pictures on Coast To Coast website http://www.coasttocoastam.com/gen/page989.html?theme=light JOIN US IN SEDONA, START A NEW LIVE AND A NEW CAREER http://www.drturi.com/astroclass.php JOIN MY VIP'S FAMILY, BE SMART, BE UNCONDITIONALLY ACCURATELY GUIDED PERSONALLY AND UNIVERSALLY WHILE MASTERING THE UNIVERSAL CODE SECRETS Free Dragon Newsletter and while there sign up to receive them directly to your mailbox. http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ JOIN THE WORLD http://www.drturi.com/orders3.htmlnewsletter
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