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What Happened to MAMA!!

Ahhh...well I'm sure this one will start an argument but I gotta put it on record! OK! What is the deal with these 2000 ladies! (in general if this doesn't apply then obviously I am not referring to you) It is no secret that every a man wants a wants a woman like his mom. Now, no woman will replace mom but sheesh...come close! This is what I am talking about. ME i am a neat freak well not really but I am very organised. Everything has its place. Now I live with a woman, she is the mother of my daughter, she is a model, she's fun and firey and all that...cool...Sounds perfect this is where the problem comes into play. She is a procrastonator and not very neat. I am the type of person who will use one cup all day. To me, there is no reason to get a new glass every time I'm thirsty. I have a huge set of dishes and I might actually use 10% of them. If I eat something, I take it straight to the kitchen when I'm done and wash it out and bam..kitchen is clean. Now you might argue that I have kids...so do I, no excuse lol. When it's me and the kids the crib is spotless, well as spotless as it can be with 2 toddlers but spotles none the less. After lunch or whatever, they go watch nemo or elmo and I clean up everything I used. Now when mom gets home its a trail, book bag here, shoes there yada yada yada...kids get their dishes, they get put in the sink kidas get more dishes plus hers, those get put in the sink, she gets a snack that goes in the sink. After about 6-7 hrs, 80% of the dishes are dirty.Now she is not a slob by no means and I am kind of anal about stuff like that but c'mon...When I clean up I clean UP! the floors the walls table stove top counters the works. To me If you get it right and maintain it, it is alot easier then getting it right then letting it get bad and getting it right again but thats just me. Maybe its a man thing but I personally feel that a box of dish washing detergent should last about 3 months. Maybe I'm still living like a bachelor but I can honestly say when I was a bachelor, my crib was a ladies paradise lol. It was always in order and smelling right, trash can was never full, the bathroom was perfect. People used to think that I couldn't cook because it look like nobody ever used the kitchen to cook in(far from the truth, I am a beast with the pots and pans!)I don't let the kids eat in their room period. I don't care if it's a cookie, she is the 180, her take this cookie and go in your room, now two days later I have to get oreo out of the carpet..but why is it that these "new age" ladies are like that. what happened to the women who cooked and cleaned and actually folded and put up laundry? Where did they move to. Even our closets are like night and day, she has a million clothes from the floor to the hangers, and shoes are all mixed up. Everything I have is hanging up or folded neatly in a drawer, all of my dirty clothes are in one place in the corner of my closet and my shoes are organised by type of shoe, nice kik it jordan's and tennis shoes, my dressy shoes, boots, dress shoes and my grass cutting/lets go fishing anything goes shoes in the back. And don't get me started on the bathroom! Now I know you ladies have to build your faces and hair like works of art but do you really need all that stuff? I just gave her the big bathroom because I know how it is going to look in 6 months. the makeup cart is going to be on the sink along with the curler, flat iron, hair ties etc. the cabinet is going to have so much stuff in it that us as men open it, look at it and a just close it. there is going to be 3 different soaps and anywhere from 4-6 bottles lining the tub. Why? you can only use one at a time... My bathroom is simple, electric razor in its little holder, toothbrush toothpaste and mouth wash. That is all you will see out. everything else is neatly lined up in the cabinet medicine and first aid stuff is on the top, deodorant and cologne and all that is on the second shelf with the extra soap and what not. IF i run out of t/p, I get a new roll put it ON the t/p holder and throw away the empty one I do not have a collection of toilet paper rolls on the counter. And speaking of toilet paper...what do you all do with it? It's like your butts have teeth and it just eats it. I understand that y'all naturally use more then men but a roll will last me at least a month and a half to two months. I been locked up before so I know how precious t/p is lol. At first I thought it was me, and I was being too nit picky, then I though that naa its just my girl. But after talking to quite a few guys, its the same story from them also and even with ladies I have dated in the past. Most can't cook and hamburger helper and tgi meals do not count! That is not cooking, that is reheating food. lol now maybe its the type of ladies we date, all of my friends are either married to or seriously dating/engaged to models whether they are or aren't they look like models, we all have very attractive spouses and I aint mad lol but I see very few, "im the baddest chic around and I know it" type ladies that are like mom, and you wonder why he goes over here or there all the time, It is because all you are is a pretty face!We like pretty faces, we LOVE women like our moms

OK I was talking to a friend of mine(female) and she was having "man" trouble...again...To skip the trouble and get to the poin of the titile of this post, I do not understand why you get upset and hurt when the guy you are with is being the guy that you chose.

Now Im not saying men are superior or anything close to that! BUT! If you go out, meet a rough, tough, "I dont give a damn about anything but me" guy, why do you expect him to be different with you? He doesnt care about his own mama but he should change because you are in the picture? I dont think so, as a matter of fact I know so, Im a man lol. Now Im not saying a bad boy cant be good to you or turn over a new leaf so to speak, what I am saying is that if you like bad boys, expect him to be a bad boy! Dont expect him to be a bad boy all the time except for when he is with you. 

Im not a bad boy but Ive been called one. I just handle my business when it comes(Thats a whole other blog lol) but back to buisness...Here is a scenario:

You meet Peter, Peter is a 24 yr old super single man, loves to party and he has a group of asswhole friends that you cant stand because thay are stereotypical 24 yr old guys. Now right there a flag SHOULD go up. Petere might not be the sensitive understanding nuturing faithful man you are looking for but he is just so...whatever it is yall ladies say for irrestable guys. You notice him and he notices you, bla bla bla yall hook up. Now for the first 2 moths at least, he is all into you and vise versa(the smoke hasent cleared yet, in relationship time, you two are still partying everyting is new and we all love new!) At this point in time there isnt one single flaw with each other. At the same time, Peter is still out here and there doing this and that, you all talk on the phone a bit but you usually dont see Peter till late evening or night time. or when its kick it time, What do you think he is doing! He might not be cheating but he isnt thinking about you, he is thinking about what club he and his boys are going to and how messed up he is going to get before he gets there.  (FLAG 2 if you caught it) after 4 months he doesnt call as much, or stay as long or even come over as much, not because he doesnt like you but because he is bored and he alread knows exactly what is going to happen, we are going to talk and she is going to want to cuddle and go out and show me off to her friends and walk around the mall arm in arm or holding hands and let everyone know that I am hers. Seem familiar yet? next thing you know you go out, he is talking to another girl, or he just stops all together or tell you its over or the worst one, you catch the infamous text message and you realise, he dropped you for someone else maybe not all the way but you are no longer number 1.

Now here is where it gets all messed up. SEX

men and women hold sex at very different standards. Honestly sex is not that important to us men. Well let me rephhrase it, the meaning of sex isnt, why do you think men can have so many partners and not care, because sex is sex to us, we get mad if our other half is sexing someone else up, but it isnt a sacred thing that we give out as....a really special gift im sorry it just isnt, if we want to give you a special gift, we buy you some expensive shoes or something materialistic, men are tangible creatures our woth in our brains is based more on things and achievememts that feeling or emotion unlike women generally. 

Ladies love sex but sex is alot more sacred to a woman that to man, romance and eroticism and al  that is for women. Men are happy getting it on with theire pants around thier ankles and the terminator on tv, ladies you all put more into it, lingere, candles, games, baby making music stuff like that, it is an event for you not an act. OK, men do that too, yes we do, thats because we know that that, drives you all crazy! trust me all the candles and sexy underwear in your arsenal dont mean a thing to us except for the fact that, " dam this is nice, she looks bangin and aww im about to get some" Think about it. Go to a bachelor's pad, he has sports stuff video games etc books and magazines and a porno stash. bachelorett, a collection of magazines with 10 ways to drive him mad and 50 sexiest things to do. scented candles, a special drawer or box with all your goodies in it. you have your regular night clothes and the ones you wear when you know he is coming over. Men keep our condoms in the sock drawer and wear the same drawls we had on all day we might bring a pair with us lol. Thasa how you know we are a little too comfortable, we come from the court or field and go straight to your crib with no clothes. That means IM not staying long!

With all that being said about sex, the main mistake ladies do is give in too early. We all know men want sex. Its no secret men think their carrots alot. Yes we want sex the feeling the rush of adrenaline etc we are not specifically looking for the connection it brings, the bond between two people becoming one to express their feelings for each other. thats is it right there! sex gets boring after a while with the same person, you have work to keep your relationship spicy! you and peter arent even in a relationship, you are just dating so you want it. he always wants it, of course he is going to take it and kinda press for it. Its like food and we are always hungry. So here it is, you know absolutly nothing of value about each other, you do not know each other, and have not gone through adversity together as a team but you are having sex like youve been together for a year or two. WRONG! sex is the most prized posession a man gets get from a woman and he got the prize with out working for it. He doesnt even know why your favorite color is what it is or what was your reasoning behind you changing your hiar from past your shoulder to above your ears and dyed. He just knows its different but he already got the most prized posession which should really be your mind but you never made it that far! Life is a gome sport whatever you want to call it. Well if you play basketball and you can shoot from one end of the court and make it in the hoop at the other end 7 out of ten times, are you really going to dribble to the goal? No, you dont need to. You already make the shot without the work! Now do ya see what I mean...

Im not saying all men are bad dogs and all men want is sex and thats it. By no means is that the point The poin it is, know what you have, dont make your weenie dog a pit bull, no matter how much like a pit bull it may seem at times, it is always going to be weenie dog! I am a good man and I believe that saying that there are no good men left is bull! There are lots of us, but, if you forfeit the game so to speak why would we put in the time to play? Now the bad do out number the good but ladies yall arent the best either, there are just way more women in the world so the female stats are better lol. IF he or she for that matter is a club/bar hopper from thursday to sunday, Dont espect too much. Enjoy the ride and get off, take it for what it is not what you want iit to be.

well, I believe in done please fell fre to comment, I encourage it! let me know if you agree or not, did it make sense did ya leans anything or do ya think its a crock of $%@*

                 eb eb be be be thats all folks!

The Truth About A man

Well it's all in how you look at it. Now I'm not woman bashing or anything like that but men are highly misunderstood especially in serious relationships. Now yes there are a lot of bad guys but the female side isn't too clean either just sneakier.(you all cover your tracks way better than we do lol). Basically the majority of problems in relationships are due to the basic differences between us. These are also the same things that bring us together.

On the men, you see a lady and she's all that, dressed sexy, BAM! Now 6 months later when the smoke has cleared and your girl goes to wal mart in some small shorts and a cut off wife beater don't get mad. On the flip side ladies, if you like a bad boy- manly man, don't expect him to be anything but bad and manly. be realistic in what you choose to "see". We all know what each other's faults are.

I always hear, "oh girl he's a dog" or something along that nature. This will naturally evoke a response from the male side in defense, for example; women are...whatever, we've all heard them before. Now I love dogs and I'm a man... I know my dog is the greatest thing next to my family. Actually, he is a part of the family. If you analyze, "men are dogs", dogs are loyal forever loving and giving and will ride with you to the end, IF IF IF, you take proper care of them and they don't need much. Give a little exercise, food, some games and a set of rules with a firm standing by these rules and ya got a pretty much perfect pet. Now he is going to mess up, dogs are kind of one tracked minded but he will always come back and depending on how you react he will never do it again. nobody who has a dog yells at it every day, three to five times a day for a year. The dog would have been gone a long time ago.

Now transferring these same, very general qualities to a human, (men specifically)we are the same way. Think about it for a minute, go ahead...Now, ladies you got a guy, when ya met him he was a bit of a jock, kinda cocky very driven to be," the man". He knew how to have a good time and make ya feel special. GREAT! Now it's six, seven months later and things aren't so good. He doesn't seem to care or notice when your mad or want to talk about it so to speak. He is the same man you met six months ago you just didn't notice this before. When you met him he wasn't an emotionally open person and very divulging with personal info. He loved talk about, adventures and dreams and plans and clown around. Why would he just all of a sudden change and do things you know are not in his character? It's not that we as men don't care about your feelings or we are too hard core to say if something bothering us we're just simple. Ladies if your having a bad day, your plans for that day didn't go right and your slightly irritable then you see us and we're like whats up and you tell us nothing, then to us that's what it is and we let it go.


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