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Chapter Two: The Scheme

Aidan's head was pounding and he felt slightly nauseous. Worse, he'd just woken up in a hospital room; he hated hospitals with a passion. Sitting in the chair across from him was George, the son of one of his father's business partners. They weren't friends, really, so much as partners in crime. Whenever Aidan had a scheme it was George who helped him. "You're awake," George said, rising from his chair. "Let me get a nurse." "Wait," Aidan rasped. His throat hurt. "What the hell happened?" "A flower pot fell on your head," George explained, trying and failing to hide his amusement. "She said she didn't, but I think it was that chick from the hospice. She sure as hell didn't like you." Aidan groaned. "Damn bitch! And in front of everyone!" That was humiliating. It was hard to get businessmen to respect you when they saw you get knocked out by a girl. Even indirectly. Well, I can't let her get away with this, Aidan thought, frowning. There's no way in hell she's going to be able to save that hospice now. That didn't seem like enough, though. There had to be something he could do to humiliate her the way she had him. "You're lucky," George told him. "The doctor said you didn't even get a concussion." "I have a headache," Aidan grumbled. "I feel like I have a concussion." "Nope," George said, shaking his head. "The only thing the doctor was worried about was amnesia, but you're obviously fine." I'll just bet that bitch was hoping I'd get amnesia, Aidan thought, rubbing his head. That I'd forget all about her precious hospice. Fat chance! He was going to sue her, though. Dropping a flower pot on his head! Anyone could see that she had plenty of motive to do it. I hope if I did get amnesia someone else would have sued her, Aidan thought wryly. I'd hate for her to get away with it just because I forgot...to... "That's it!" Aidan exclaimed, aloud. George stared at him. "What's it?" "Amnesia," Aidan said, grinning. "What do you think a girl like that will do if she thinks I have amnesia?" "She'd probably feel sorry for you," George snorted. He paused, thinking about that for a second, then looked up, grinning. "What did you have in mind?" ***** "Amnesia!?" Leda stared at the doctor. When she'd been told that Aidan was not injured she'd been relieved. But then they'd asked her to come to the hospital. And so she had, and now they were telling her that he had amnesia. There's just no way, she thought, frowning. I mean...he's not injured and he doesn't remember who he is? I'm never that lucky! Okay, Leda knew it was bad, but part of her was overjoyed. "You should go see him," the doctor said. "See for yourself that's he's all right, physically." "Yeah," Leda said softly. "Thanks..." She didn't want to see him. Leda glanced sideways at Martha, who had called in other staff members so she could come along. The look she gave said clearly that Leda ought to go see Aidan. Resigned, she checked in with the nurse, then headed down to his room. I just need to get this over with fast, is all, she thought, biting her lip. See that he's all right, then go. Because she did feel bad about knocking the flower pot on his head, at least a little bit. The room he was in was a private room, and it was quiet. Aidan was sitting up in bed, talking to one of the businessmen that had been with him. His hair was no longer slicked back and a lock of it was hanging over his face. He looked up as she entered and smiled bemusedly. Oh my, Leda thought, as her heart thudded loudly in her chest. He's still Aidan Kirkland, damnit. I can't think he's cute. "Hello," Aidan said. His voice even sounded different. "Um...hi," Leda stammered. "I uh...I came to...to see that you were okay." "You're the girl who knocked the flower pot on his head," the man in the chair said, scowling. "I didn't mean to!" Leda protested. Aidan sighed. "It's all right, George. I'm sure she didn't mean to do it." Leda blinked at him. Even though the doctor had told her that Aidan didn't remember who he was, she had trouble believing it. The gentle, quiet tone of his voice really threw her off guard. She took a step into the room, just as George came up out of his chair. The angry look on his face startled Leda. She stumbled backwards, bringing her hands up reflexively. "What are you going to do about this!?" George demanded. "He need his memory back!" "I...I...I..." Leda stammered, backing up further. "Stop, George!" Aidan insisted. "Enough! I'm sure we can figure out something. This isn't her problem." Good lord, Leda thought, staring wide-eyed at Aidan. Aidan Kirkland is standing up for me! He gave her a wan smile. Really, he looked so much like a sad, lost child that she just wanted to hug him. Moving in a wide arc around George, she approached the bed. Leda reached out timidly and laid her hand on Aidan's arm. She would talk to him like she did the children at the hospice: in a quiet, steady voice that was not patronizing. "I'd like to help if I can," Leda said. "I do feel really bad..." Aidan shrugged. "I don't even remember what happened...or who you are." "Your father can't find out about this, Aidan," George said, dropping back into the chair. "Not if you want to protect this...girl. He'll do his best to get her charged with something." "Well, we can't have that," Aidan said, frowning. "But...what am I supposed to do? I don't know if I can go home...I don't remember home." "You need to stay somewhere," George mused, sinking low in the chair. "I might be able to take you...I'm the only one who knows about this. No one else can find out...well, unless you're willing to leave her to her fate." "No," Aidan said firmly. "Absolutely not." I can't believe this, Leda thought. She wished she had a chair too, because he legs felt weak. Could his father really get her in trouble for this? Earl Kirkland had a lot of money and a lot of influence. If nothing else, he would take the hospice away, and that would be punishment enough. And Leda couldn't believe this was really Aidan. He must really have amnesia, she thought, eyeing him. He'd never act like this, otherwise. "I suppose if we could teach you enough," George said, "You would be all right at home. But that would take time...you might just regain your memory by then." "But...you could?" Leda asked. "Teach him what he needs to know, I mean?" "I could," George replied, his voice cool. "Not that it matters. He has no place to stay until then...unless you want to take him in." Leda stared. He can't be serious, she thought, gaping at him. I'm not...I mean why should I...well, this is kinda my fault but... Aidan, however, was shaking his head. "Absolutely not," he said. "I can't impose upon her." "This is her fault!" George exclaimed, starting to rise again. "Stop!" Leda interrupted, lifting her hands. "Just...stop. I need to think for a second." This was insane. It was not the sort of thing that happened to everyday, normal people like her. It seemed much to outrageous to believe. But from everything she'd seen, Aidan really couldn't remember who he was. Still, I don't trust this, Leda thought, frowning. I can't help feeling like something is out of place. They were both looking at her expectantly...a little too expectantly. "Could I speak to Aidan alone for a few minutes?" Leda asked quietly. George opened his mouth to say something no doubt angry, by the look on his face, but Aidan interrupted him, "It's all right. I'm sure she's not going to drop another flower pot on my head." George eyed her for a long moment, then rose from the chair and left the room. With him out of the room it was much easier to think. Leda went around the bed and took a seat in the vacated chair. Now this is better, she thought, resting her hands on her lap and trying not to fidget. Aidan was watching her with wide, curious eyes. "You're awfully calm," Leda said. "For someone who can't remember who he is." Aidan chuckled. "I guess so. Hard to panic when you don't know what you're panicking about." "I...suppose you could stay with me," Leda said hesitantly. "If you really think your father will be angry..." "I don't know," Aidan admitted. "I can't remember. But George insists he will be. And George is supposedly my friend or something...I personally don't like him much." "So...you probably...I mean, I don't have much," Leda stammered. "But if you want to...your other option is to stay with George. I'm going to be busy, though...so you know." "Work?" Aidan asked. "No um...volunteering," Leda explained. "At a hospice. For terminally ill children." He went quiet so she did as well. I can't believe I offered to let him stay with me, she thought, biting her lip. I don't know what's gotten into me. But she couldn't see anything to indicate that he was being insincere. Oh, Leda knew there was a chance that he could be a very good actor. But she'd always been soft-hearted, so she really didn't believe that. After all, what would be the point of pretending to have amnesia when it would be easier to just take the hospice away from her? ***** Now that he was actually in Leda's apartment Aidan was really beginning to think this was a bad idea. The place was cramped and messy. There was one couch, but it was covered in plastic bags filled with...something. The tiny kitchen was crowded with dirty dishes and what he could see if the bedroom looked like a tornado had hit it. She lives like a guy in college, Aidan thought, stepping over something that was laying across the doorway. "Sorry," Leda muttered, toeing stuff out of the way. "I uh...I'm not here often...the couch...it's pretty comfy." "It uh...looks that way," Aidan responded, trying not to cringe. This was a stupid idea, he thought, leaning hesitantly against the couch. I didn't really think...I mean...ugh! Really, he should have know that Leda would agree to take him in. The kind of woman who worked in a place for terminally ill children wouldn't say no to someone in need. Even though I'm the man who wants to take the hospice away, Aidan thought, amnesia or no. It chafed him to admit to himself that that impressed him. He had never met a woman who would do anything like that. His father was always having him introduced to the daughters of business partners and they were all prissy and stuck up. Leda was much gentler than those girls. She smiled at him as she began to remove all the bags from the couch and set them aside. "Stuff for making decorations," Leda explained. "For the Valentine's Day party we're having at the hospice." "Really?" Aidan looked at her. He already knew about it, of course, but he couldn't let her see that. "So...what are you doing?" "Oh, they're gonna make cards and we'll probably bake cookies," Leda said, smiling to herself. "And watch a movie. I was thinking Lady and the Tramp..." Aidan watched her as she moved around the apartment. She retrieved sheets from the linen closet which, he was pleased to see, looked pretty clean. As she made up a bed on the couch she talked about the children of the hospice as if he was a friend, not the man who was the enemy. Right now I'm not the enemy, Aidan thought, moving to help her with the sheets. I am a friend. He didn't even realize he was smiling. "Ha, now there's something I thought I'd never see," Leda said, as she tossed him a blanket. "What?" Aidan asked, spreading the blanket on the couch. "You uh...well," Leda stammered. "You aren't...weren't...the type to make your own bed. Or you didn't seem like it." Aidan's eyebrows lifted. "I wasn't?" "No, you...you were..." Leda sighed. "Well, it's not important, really. Let me get you a pillow." She disappeared into her room for a moment, leaving him staring after her. Why not just tell me? he wondered. I didn't think she'd have a problem telling me exactly what she thought of me. Except that right now Aidan wasn't himself. It had been tricky at first, figuring out how he was going to change his attitude. George had suggested that he simply followed Leda's example and emulated her mood. Aidan was good at adjusting how he acted to meet other people. It was a part of business. "Here," Leda said, tossing him a pillow. "Use this." Aidan caught it, and dropped it on the couch. "Thanks." "Why don't you take a shower?" Leda suggested. "I'm sure you feel icky...the hospital always makes me feel that way. I have to be up early to get to the hospice, so..." Aidan nodded. He really did want a shower. When Leda had disappeared into her room again he went into the bathroom. That, at least, was surprisingly clean. He was feeling a little unsettled, actually. I didn't expect her to be this nice, Aidan thought, as he pulled off his clothes and stepped into the shower. I thought she'd just tolerate me. Still, that was nothing. He was a business man. He could handle a naïve, trusting girl like Leda. ***** Leda was feeling edgy. It was odd to think of Aidan Kirkland as a nice man...a nice man living under her roof. She'd been doing her best to keep from telling him exactly what she thought of him. After all, he didn't even remember who he was. It wouldn't be right. Leda listened to the sound of running water as she headed into the kitchen for something to drink before bed. There was juice in the fridge. She poured a glass of it and was sipping it when the shower turned off suddenly. That didn't take long, she thought, frowning. I should get back into my room. Leda set the glass down and was heading for her room when the bathroom door open. Aidan came out, still dripping wet and wearing only a towel. He stopped when he saw her. "Uh...George isn't bringing my clothes until tomorrow..." Aidan explained. "These are...kind of dirty..." "Right," Leda said, swallowing hard. "Yeah, um...well...I can wash them for you tomorrow but..." "It's not a big deal, as long as you don't mind," Aidan told her. "Uh...I wanted to thank you for...allowing me to stay. I got the impression from...well, from George that...I guess I don't see how I could be friends with someone like him. He's an ass." "Well, you were a-" Leda began, then stopped, biting her lip. "I mean...look, it's not important." "You can tell me," Aidan said. "I can handle it." Leda shook her head. "No. You're not who you were then. So...so it isn't important now." She might have been imagining it, but she thought she saw surprise on his face. Then it was gone, replaced by a sleepy smile. Leda began edging around him, towards her bedroom. He's drop dead gorgeous, she thought, feeling her face heat and glad it wasn't very light in the apartment. I wish he'd put some clothes on...and at the same time I don't. As she was moving past him Aidan reached out suddenly and grabbed her wrist. "You're a very nice person, Leda," Aidan said quietly. "And...beautiful..." Leda's mouth felt dry. "Um...well...I..." "Sleep well," Aidan murmured. He lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles gently, then let her go. That is not Aidan Kirkland, Leda thought, as she fled into her room. He's...I don't know who he is, but he's not Aidan! Her heart was hammering in her chest. She dropped onto her bed with a heavy sigh. If she couldn't keep control of herself, this was going to be a problem. Thing was, Aidan was a good-looking man and right now he was being very charming. He's not a prince, Leda, she reminded herself, rolling onto her back. He's a snake. Even though he doesn't remember he's a snake, he is one. So she would have to keep herself distant from him, keep herself from falling for his charm. Besides, she would be spending her days at the hospice and he would be spending them with George, relearning his life. This should be no problem at all. So why was Leda feeling so uneasy?
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