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Dr Turi's blog: "Dr. Turi's Blog"

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Cruise From Hell

8/18/2007 Hello Readers: Well it looks like this Playboy frenzy will never stop with so many people emailing me with their thoughts. Again because I am helping to promote a cruise involving “Playboy” does not mean a few thousands people including myself on this ship are sluts, imbeciles, degraded and doomed to hell. To me it’s one of the best opportunities ever, as those who can afford the cruise are the elites and on top of their professional career. The universe brought me geniuses like Bryant Mc Gill and so many other famous souls from all walks of life for good reasons. I know on the ship, I will make very important contacts that will provide the help needed for my honorable mission to pass on the light to this world. “A magnet will not attract a piece of wood” it’s all about energy, opportunity and growth and I decided to take this opportunity wholeheartedly simply because I know better. CLICK HERE to Get More Information NOW

So I have decided to do something very important to appease the puritanical spirits who thinks they are better that everyone around them. So the new name of the cruise is… THE CRUISE FROM HELL! I am inviting all of those who have emailed me their frustration for FREE…(About 300 so far) and of course I changed a few things around to accommodate them to their expectations. Now imagine being stuck for a week with those people in THE CRUISE FROM HELL! The new regulations: 1 - I rented a vessel from a poor fisherman in Mexico and I can not assure the dirty, smelly boat (and rats) will not sink after a few hours at sea… 2 – I imposed an age limit and ONLY those who are above 75 years old are allowed in the cruise (no wheel chairs allowed). 3 – Because the majority of the patrons are old, critical, perfectionist and/or religious fanatics YOU must pray God for at least straight 8 hours a day and be in bed no later than 8:00 PM. 4 - Absolutely no swimming suits, make up, (lipstick included) or body spray allowed, these extra cost too much money to this new puritanical poor crowd. 5 – I can only afford dog food and sea water for the entire trip because the attendance is so poor (fishing NOT allowed). 6 – A contest will be held for the UGLIEST oldest man or woman on board and the winner will perform belly dancing before all lunches and diner. (You can’t leave your table). 7 – Absolutely NO kissing is allowed during the entire trip and only the bible is allowed to read onboard (No Playboy magazines please). 8 – It is forbidden to laugh, to be happy, to look at butts or try to be sexy or wear sunglasses (if caught you will be thrown outboard). 9 – You will be allowed to choose the weapon of your choice to commit suicide (only at the last day of the cruise from hell). Now do you think the majority of you would sign up to this cruise? HELL NO, unless you are nut! The fact is beauty; health, fame, intelligence and plain positivism sells. Some puritanical souls think that women’s body are for sale and used as a lure. Well this is what young women are all about, beautiful, sexy and made by God to be very magnetic so this world would procreate. After all without SEX you would not be here! But this doesn’t mean those pretty girls are sluts or imbeciles… It has been that way since forever and I will not change God’s will even if I could, because I appreciate a combination of beauty and magnetism not only in women but men too (I am not gay by the way!) But again the real reason behind this commotion is the difference of how and how love is perceived by all of us. The Cosmic Code is in action all the time and even in this hot debate. Hopefully, outside of my funny cold sarcasm I hope to prove a point, I wish to be able to raise your Cosmic Consciousness to the crucial position of Venus (The Goddess Of Love) in Greek mythology. There are 12 different ways to perceive or express love and all depends on the location of this planet because of the house and sign it is found in your chart. Then your reaction and perception to a situation, a person, a deal and love etc. is produced by your natal UCI (Unique Celestial Identity). Trying to use logic will never ever fix the problem or bring more light to our “loving” differences, it’s like politics and religion, its stinks and no one really wins at the end. Venus (the love planet) represents in a female chart the type of love she is able to offer a man. Venus (the love planet) represents in a male chart the type of love he needs from a woman. There are 12 different signs and twelve different ways to express love not to forget thousands of other means will come to play because of other astrological aspects. Take the course by mail and become an Astropsychologist because I can’t teach you here. CLICK HERE to Get More Information NOW

If your Venus (perception of what and how love should be displayed to another human being) is in a earth sign such as Taurus (jealousy) Virgo (Perfectionism/feminism) or Capricorn (manipulation/operation) you will react and behave in a very different way than someone born with his Venus (love/affection) in a fire (demonstrative/open/masculine) or water (emotional/shy/feminine). It’s all about true wisdom and Cosmic Consciousness but the reality is that 99% of the people on this world do not use or understand the “Universal Code”. Well let me explain a few things to you. I was born with Venus (love) in Aquarius (freedom/originality) and to make the situation (better or worse) this planet conjunct (is greatly promoted) by Jupiter (luck/expansion). And you wonder why I am so popular and constantly surrendered by the most beautiful girls in the world? But unless you are “educated” in Astropsychology this is just mambo jumbo to you and you are missing “the boat” in the affairs of love. If everyone on this world knew how the stars make up the psyche of humans and affect perception and actions, this world would be less judgmental, more forgiving all the while appreciating our differences. To make the things worse not only the majority of humans are robots of the stars but also overloaded with phobias, fears that were induced at an early age through their initial education and dramatic experiences. A woman writing her frustrations to me is simply regurgitating her fears produced by a bad experience with a man that abused her emotionally or physically. Another person would think of behave differently because of the positive or negative experiences he/she suffered or enjoyed. Again I spent 40 years of my life feeling and learning the hard way what it means to be human. While deep-rooted emotions will always take over logic, only education will heal the wounded soul. I went through hell and experienced homelessness, hunger, anger, cold, fears, destitutions, rejection, loneliness and cried river of tears angry with God and this harsh world. But I have learned the hard way and raised to heaven. I now finally enjoy life so much more and it’s just the beginning. I love life, courage, intelligence and beautiful healthy people and I made my choices for POSITIVISM in all aspects of my life and what wrong with that? Why would YOU try to bring me back to your level where limitations, frustrations, worries even poverty reign? Don’t you think you deserve better for yourself and enjoy life fully like I do? Its pretty much up to you because I am there myself. I have learned the power of the thoughts and 35 years of experiences are crystallized in my new book “Beyond The Secret” but who are you to judge me when you have not walked my shoes and know nothing about me, my life, my dramatic experiences but only the erroneous façade you pictured and perceive of me? May be you should take this experience with “The Cruise From Hell” and exit this deplorable ship and its accompanying attitude…because once more “Your future is nothing else than the reincarnation of your thoughts”. Will you finally get it and realize you may be your own worse enemy? Do yourself a favor and raise your vibrations and find out who the REAL Dr. Turi is you will indeed learn something valuable that will open the gate to a new YOU, a new a better life and prosperity. Do you really think it’s an accident for you to read me and be offended because of your perception of my world? Nope! Get my book and find out why, then you will know better, when everything has been said and done with this specific sensitive topic. Don’t let the “Playboy” energy blind your perception, get the book, and don’t assume anything and then judge the real Dr. Turi. CLICK HERE to Get More Information NOW

On the air… Michelle is the host of Perfect Game Saturday, Sept 1st - 11 AM - 1 PM at KXAM 1310 AM CLICK HERE to Get More Information NOW

Rita Louise, Ph.D.is the host of Just Energy Radio Friday September 7th 7 PM - 9 PM CST CLICK HERE to Get More Information NOW

Sharing emails (Yes I do promote everything in my newsletters…) Hi Dr. Louis Turi!! My name is Maria Acosta and I was hoping you could help me out with something very big. I'm running the National Aids Marathon (presented by AIDS Project Los Angeles) in Hawaii on December 9th and I need sponsors. I need to raise $3,500 by September 25th. Contributions are tax deductible and all proceeds collected go to AIDS patients. Any help you can give (whether through your talents or financial contribution) would be greatly appreciated by me and the countless many who are living with this disease. Thank you, Maria Acosta L.A. Runner 5415 CLICK HERE to Get More Information NOW

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ed Dear Dr. Turi: I was very upset by your Playboy email! What nerve, to send out pictures of beautiful women and not include phone numbers! I'm sure, you being a man of honor and integrity, that this was purely an oversight. I look forward to your next email, undoubtedly correcting this serious oversight! Ed ----- Original Message ----- From: Craig DT, I think the cruise sounds like an amazing experience. Happy Sailing! :) Craig ----- Original Message ----- From: Carol Oh my gosh, these readers are just over the top, so just don't pay any attention to them. They are just part of our very insecure and judgmental population who are very jealous of everybody around them. They live like that every day, and think they have to approve of everything others do. Well what tunnel vision that is! I live with a ton of narrow minded, tunnel vision people in Oklahoma, and that's what these letters reek of. Smile about it and think how lucky you are they are never going to read your newsletter again. Good riddance to them. Carol- OK ----- Original Message ----- From: Thom Dr Turi, In my honest point of view regarding the people who criticize you for going on the cruise, I think they are jealous because I would LOVE to go on a cruise like the one you're going on and really enjoy the presence of all those lovely ladies who by the way have probably worked very hard to get to where they are at. Have fun on the cruise and know that at least one of your e-mail recipients out here not only condones your attendance on the cruise but wholeheartedly approves and encourages it! Dude! Have fun and share some photos! Even those lovely ladies and gentlemen attending the cruise need guidance and friendship too! Enjoy! Respectfully, Tom ----- Original Message ----- From: Annie Dear Dr. Turi, I got the e-mail regarding the cruise, it sounds fun but I'm too old to send in my picture. It's a bit shock to me at first but when I went through the information, it's absolutely has nothing to do with you, it just a party! Have fun to you and all the beautiful people for the event, save a seat for me, just in case I turn 18 again...... I wish... P.S. I heard about you on CTC, thanks for doing the good deed for this world. Take Care, Annie ----- Original Message ----- From: Robert Wow, amazing that your cruise invite inspired so much controversy, etc. I actually thought it was a pretty clever idea and if not for /// I might have been on board. Rob ----- Original Message ----- From: Liz Dear DT, Love your response! My thoughts exactly! I've always felt that way myself :) Our God is a loving God....live and live is my motto... and yes LOVE & SEX is awesome with the right person that is of course :) When I received the Playboy Opp e-mail I wanted to be 20 years younger and as gorgeous as those lovely ladies... nonetheless, I am very comfortable in my own skin at the age of 45... I didn't send in my photo only because I am realistic about the competition and tend to be more on the timid side! Lol This is what I look like my dear... nothing to be ashamed of! Love you and truly respect your awesome talents and gifts, my friend our world is blessed with a beautiful soul like you! Liz ----- Original Message ----- From: Jennifer Being a Scorpio I had to comment on Bikini/Cruise competion: Women who are beautiful are also part of the human race, the creators made them as they made you and I. Its all good embrace the positive. Regards and many blessings to you and yours. Jen ----- Original Message ----- From: Dakan Dear Dr. Turi - I am a 60 year old man and have studied spirituality and metaphysics consciously for the last 40 years. I am actually in the process of writing six spiritually based novels. I would LOVE to be on that cruise surrounded by all those beautiful young women. It would excite me, stimulate me, inspire me and maybe even sexually heal me. Right on brother . . . I'm behind you 100%. Dakan ----- Original Message ----- From: Carol I happened to think how cool it was that you were doing that cruise. Enjoy being you and know you will receive nasty mail because when you are right, the nuts come out of the woodwork due to their lack of education and thinking abilities, plus like you said, look at their grammar!!!!!! Have a great weekend! Carol ----- Original Message ----- From: VP Dear Dr. Turi: I am glad you spoke up to those that are not focusing on what is most important about what you are delivering to your fellow man/woman--the uplifting of their spiritual selves. And that does not mean you aren’t a human and admire the beauty and diversity of this multidimensional reality of ours. It is also true that when we have all reached the spiritual knowledge that we seek, we will no longer need to judge others. Thank you again Dr. Turi, your newsletter is really ONE OF A KIND, just as you are. Your positivity and spiritual uplifting will come back to you 10-fold, I am sure of it! Sincerely, VisioneryPlanet ----- Original Message ----- From: Marie Dear Dr. Turi, I do enjoy your predictions. Following where the planets do help. I look forward to more newsletters, Thanks, Marie ----- Original Message ----- From: Linda DR. TURI, I ENJOY YOUR NEWSLETTERS AND WISH I HAD ACCESS TO THE INTERNET TO GET MORE OF THE INFORMATION YOU HAVE AVAILABLE, BUT I CAN ONLY SEND AND RECEIVE E-MAIL AT THIS, MY WORK COMPUTER. DO YOU HAVE A PHONE NUMBER I COULD CALL TO ORDER YOUR BOOK, "BEYOND THE SECRET" WITH A CREDIT CARD? I AM LOCATED IN OHIO, SO WAS WONDERING IF YOU WILL EVER BE GIVING SEMINARS IN THIS AREA. THANK YOU, LINDA ----- Original Message ----- From: D Dr. Turi I had to scroll down and find the email that everyone was all cranked up about.. Wowie!!! I had to laugh honestly...I didn't think its was worth all of the hysteria..Us sag's are very physical people. People are like art, the whole worlds a great big beautiful canvas... There is definitely something in the air everyone seems so be so hateful and nuts take care of yourself xoxoxo D ----- Original Message ----- From: Joie Dr.T, I knew that some folks would have a problem with your post. I am so happy that instead of ignoring them, you loved them enough to "enlighten" them on why they feel the way they do. You make no apologies for your beliefs and that is HOT!!! Im tired of wishy washy leaders who change their beliefs with the weather. I plan on coming to France with your group whether I’m sexy or not, but I still want to remove the blocks that bind me. With all the negative things going on in the world, how do you separate it to remain totally positive? I see myself young, wealthy, healthy and wise, yet I still struggle..... Merci, Joie~ ----- Original Message ----- From: Denise Dear Dr. Turi, Please don't judge me by your standards...or anyone else's:) I was giving my house a top to bottom cleaning for a birthday party today. I was moving around some really heavy furniture, and at your mailing I very much felt this physical body of mine! Sometimes the mind says yes but the body says no when it comes to such things. I believe you understand what I am trying to say, yes, my friend? I see it as fortunate for the youth (the girls) to have opportunities I myself have already experienced.....in other words- been there, done that, got the T-shirt if you get my drift. Being a teacher of children and adults and the fun-loving person that I am, please don't read me as being negative in anyway at all- please cancel those thoughts about me, Sweet Spirit! God's beauty is all around us and meant to be enjoyed. Enjoy your trip and ignore the party poopers! Have a nice day, Dr. Turi. You're still way OK in my book. Grins and humbled, ~sD Denise ----- Original Message ----- From: Ray Hello Dr. Turi I have greatly enjoyed you on CtC and thru your mails.Gotta lot of respect for a man of your talents. I feel compelled to send my own comment in response to the recent narrow minded knee jerk reactions of some of your readers regarding the upcoming cruise. I am 54 human years old and I would love to be a part . What energy will be present! It would seem that some think you should not enjoy the finer things life has to offer. I, on the other hand, think we should live life to the fullest and according to our conscious. I am the type of person that could live in a shanty next to a billionaire and his mansion and still not resent his wealth. These knee jerk reaction types probably haven't thought of the impact you will have on so many in one place with the energy that surrounds you. I don't think they understand the separation of humanistic thought verses spiritual thought. I don't think they understand that their own domestication of life and how it interferes with their growth. I don't think they understand that we are meant to live life at its' fullest and that just because you may be in a certain environment doesn't mean you are just like those you are around. I do think they relate to deep-seated desires of their own and when they can't have it, they condemn those that do. I think they do well reading other peoples' thoughts on certain matters, such as your newsletters, and can relate intellectually, but cannot interemesh them spiritually. Most, in my opinion, have times when they can be spiritual and then times when the are humanistic in their thoughts and actions, but few can combine the two simultaneously. They do not think life should be fun and uplifting. I firmly believe that the interpretations of religious principals throughout the centuries by so called scholars and religious leaders have caused most of the thought patterns of people today and stifled their growth towards what God truly is. Finally, I believe that a lot of those that read your books and newsletters have placed you within a "box" and if you step outside of this "box", you are suddenly not what you espouse to be and all your talents are for personal gain or some other nonsense. Here's a prayer that appears to be sorely needed: I intend that everything needing to be known is known: That all my words are clear, precise, uplifting, helpful and fun: That I am guided, guarded and protected throughout my experiences; And that everything I say or do today, serves the highest and best good of the Universe, myself and everyone everywhere. So be it and so it is! Love you man! Ray ----- Original Message ----- From: Craig DT, *NEGATIVE DRAGON WINDOW FOR JULY #19th* * Deep Shadow Skeletons To Light Passion, Death, Drama In Vain Also fits the usual tone for this type of window **(#)Dramatic News And us usual Destructive Weather * Fears for miners trapped by floods*BEIJING, China (AP)* -- Floodwaters from heavy rains poured into two coal mines in a town in eastern China, leaving 181 miners trapped and feared dead, government officials and state media said Saturday. http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/asiapcf/08/18/china.miners.ap/index.html Craig
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