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It's hard to frame my thoughts. On Wednesday at 5:23am here in Vegas, my world was shattered. My nephew Devon passed away after a massive infection (Septic Shock) ravaged his body. He was 11 years old. This hits me so hard because this kid was special to me. *I* chose his name, and we were best friends from the time he could talk. While a special needs child, he was so smart - You should have seen his ability to take a few objects from around the house and make these incredible contraptions. Seriously, an architect would have been proud of these structures. While I love my other nephew and my niece dearly, Devon was (For lack of a better term) my favorite. It was his strength from the time he was born that impressed me the most about him. I'm not talking physical strength - Even though he WAS our little "Ox" - But the strength of his character. He had a force of character and will to always succeed that made him unique. You see, he was born VERY prematurely. So much so that the doctors then told us not to expect him to make it. But, his will even then was such that he fought for every breath, and raised his tiny little voice in a cry that said "I am here to stay". I guess I should look at this positively - I mean, he wasn't supposed to make it, but got 11 years of life. That's damned good for a kid that shouldn't have made it. But I just can't. All I can see is that this wonderful 11 year old was made to suffer this type of thing TWICE in his short life, beginning and end. And despite the strength he had, he just couldn't win both fights. I'm bitter because he was taken so young. I'm bitter because he loved The Hulk - And wanted to see the new movie with me, but didn't get to. I'm bitter because I'll no longer hear his voice or see his smile. I'm most bitter that my desperate pleas to "God" to take me instead of him were ignored. I've had a great life, and would willingly have laid it down for this child to have had even just one more day. It's not fair - Parents (And Uncles) shouldn't out live their kids. If you're reading this, I want you to think every now and then about the child who could build great contraptions. The child who loved Mexican Food and Pizza. The child who loved super heroes and pro wrestling, even though he sometimes blurred which was real and which wasn't. The child who should still be here. RIP Devon. I hope wherever you are that you know we all love you very much.


Bored, so I ended up writing a quick short story loosely based on Doctor Who (British TV show, brilliant). -------- ‘Now, what were you saying again?’ ‘it’s quite simple, really. You see, time is Relative. Actually, not only time but all of the varied dimensions. However, that’s really not important right now. What is important is that by discovering that truth.. If you can accept hat all dimensions are relative, the next step - The vital step in the creation of this device - is only a matter of getting the job done.” ‘Ah, so here comes the pitch. Just how much will this job cost the institute this time?” ‘Oh, just the usual tea and cakes, guild scale plus half, etc.’ ‘Plus HALF? My dear sir, with your last invention we paid you half of Guild normal, and now you wish three times that amount?’ ‘Of course I do. After all, the last gadget only allowed us to see into the past and future times. With this one.. Yes, with this one I will be giving the institute - And by extension all of mankind - I’ll be putting all of Time and Space within our grasp.’ With an audible Click, Belser deactivated the viewer, and then turned to the assembly, already murmuring with unrest. Pausing a moment, he steeled himself for the onslaught that was sure to come. And then, he began what he knew would be the most difficult moments of his long yet storied life. “So” he began, “There we have it. Using the Viewer I created, we have seen many things. Cleopatra’s court and her many lovers for instance.” As expected, there was the usual tittering of humor - many of those in the room had visited that era for their hedonistic pleasure. Belser went on. “As we all know, before this night we have never been able to look into the future. Something changed. I wish I knew what - But just now, you’ve all seen the same thing I’ve seen several times over. If the Viewer is correct - And I have no reason to think otherwise - Some time fairly soon, perhaps even at this very moment, the institute’s top man - Namely ME - will develop a method of not only seeing - But traveling through Time and Space itself.” The room quickly filled with noise, with the members of the Institute excitedly talking amongst themselves. Belser glanced at his chronometer, wondering how long he should give the group to digest the information. He was about to continue when one of Silver group stood and posed a question. “How exactly are we to know that what we are seeing is a true vision? Isn’t it possible that it is just a clever recording placed in there by Gold group, merely to extend their budget yet again?” At mention of their brethren, the members of Gold group stood and proclaimed their innocence, insisting that they had no knowledge of any such happening. Belser jumped in to get control of the meeting once again. “Fellows, fellows please attend me. Before I called this assembly, I made certain that this indeed was not a recording. The Viewer has in no way been altered. What we have just seen is in fact a future.” “Aha” cried one of Silver, “I note the tense you use - ‘A’ future indeed sir. Is this to infer that you believe that the outcome is *not* certain?” “Precisely sir. Have not all of you witnessed before that certain of our deal Cleo’s adventures were repeated, each to a different outcome? It has been my hypothesis for some time that the Viewer shows us all possibilities, both those actions taken, and those passed upon. We do not watch merely Time - We watch - as the Viewer itself just informed us, ALL dimensions, and all cusps of possibility. Why, on close examination, I do believe I have seen anomalies in almost every Era we’ve looked upon. In quite a few, there has been something curious.. A Box of a bluish color, with inscriptions upon it. Old English I should think. I had Ruby group translate one still image we managed to catch of it. ‘Police Box’ it said.” The leader of Silver group proclaimed “Police? Wasn’t that an old law keeping body?” “Yes,” said Belser “But that isn’t important. What *is* important is that this same box has been seen in the Jurassic period, the 19th, 20th and 23rd centuries - And in the very moment we witnessed not 20 minutes ago!” With a look of amazement, the assembly watched Belser run quickly from the room. The assemblage followed in short order. Belser himself was too intent on reaching his destination, the Laboratory they had glimpsed such a short time ago. When he arrived, it was to see a fair haired individual in a brown trench coat entering into the Blue Box. To his horror, seconds later a loud wail was heard coming from the contraption, and it vanished as if by a fantastic feat of legerdemain. All that was left was a scrap of paper, which he picked up, and read aloud: To whom it may concern: Sorry to have troubled you, but Mankind just isn’t ready for this type of power. Time isn’t something to meddle with lightly - Believe me, I’m an expert in the field. I’ve taken the liberty of also removing the plans for the Viewer from your computer - And as you’ll find when you get back to the meeting room, the Viewer itself. If you wish direction, you should look inwards - Humanity should attempt to better themselves, and worry about the future as it comes. Yours in Time, The Doctor. P.S. I do hope there are no hard feelings Belser, it was nothing personal. Just remember this - use the 3rd isotope, not the 2nd you discover. I think you’ll be pleased.

Happy Valentine's Day!

I figured this would probably reach all my real Friends on here easier than posting a Bulletin for everyone... But since NO Blog of mine is complete without a Rant of some sort :P I've just been going through, doing some rating for my Friends. And I have to ask.. Are ANY of the men on this site besides me ( And most likely Drunkard) actually getting Laid? I mean come ON now.. LOL. A woman shows a bit of cleavage - It's like a feeding frenzy of humorous (to ME at least) comments.. "ooh, I like that", "ooh, I'd hit that" - And others not so nice.. It's hilarious that Guys actually think that these comments are going to magically make a woman jump through the computer screen... I bet they even think such witty repartee is going to make the women leaves their Boyfriends and husbands too! Thank goodness is all I say. I am SO glad my though process starts in my BRAIN, and not significantly lower... :)
You know what? I'm getting extremely tired of the rest of the world calling the place I call Home "Evil". I don't know about anyone else - But I love this country. Maybe others can't see what this country does around the world - Maybe they just WANT to see what they perceive as "bad" in everything the US does. But look at the GOOD we do. Whenever there is a Natural Disaster around the Globe - It is the US who is there to help bail out the country in question. And it's NOT just the Government that sends aid. The Companies and PEOPLE of the US always send an outpouring of love and support to peoples devastated. But - When is the last time another country has sent US anything when WE had a disaster? We sent BILLIONS in Aid to the area afflicted by the massive Tsunamis. How many countries sent US even one reed cent when New Orleans was all but destroyed by Katrina? I'm sick of the hatred being aimed at US because we took out a vicious Dictator who was killing his people with abandon. A leader who had secret death squads, and allowed his sons to rape and pillage at will. Yeah, we're SO fricking evil because we got rid of that trash. Who the hell CARES if it even really *IS* about oil. The right thing was done in the end. But no, go ahead and hate us. We'll still keep on sending you support and help when you need it. That's who WE are.


*sigh* Computer died, so down to Limited access for a while. Why always ME? lol PS.. Anyone wanna send me cash? LOL

Perfumes are BAD for you?

Health Risks from Perfume: The Most Common Chemicals Found in Thirty-One Fragrance Products by a 1991 EPA Study by Julia Kendall 1995 Principal chemicals found in scented products are: ACETONE (in: cologne, dishwashing liquid and detergent, nail enamel remover) - On EPA, RCRA, CERCLA Hazardous Waste lists. "Inhalation can cause dryness of the mouth and throat; dizziness, nausea, incoordination, slurred speech, drowsiness, and, in severe exposures, coma." "Acts primarily as a central nervous system (CNS) depressant." BENZALDEHYDE (in: perfume, cologne, hairspray, laundry bleach, deodorants, detergent, vaseline lotion, shaving cream, shampoo, bar soap, dishwasher detergent) - Narcotic. Sensitizer. "Local anesthetic, CNS depressant"... "irritation to the mouth, throat, eyes, skin, lungs, and GI tract causing nausea and abdominal pain." "May cause kidney damage." "Do not use with contact lenses." BENZYL ACETATE (in: perfume, cologne, shampoo, fabric softener, stickup air freshener, dishwashing liquid and detergent, soap, hairspray, bleach, after shave, deodorants) - Carcinogenic (linked to pancreatic cancer); "From vapors: irritating to eyes and respiratory passages, exciting cough." "In mice: hyperaemia of the lungs." "Can be absorbed through the skin causing systemic effects." "Do not flush to sewer." BENZYL ALCOHOL (in: perfume, cologne, soap, shampoo, nail enamel remover, air freshener, laundry bleach and detergent, Vaseline lotion, deodorants, fabric softener) - "irritating to the upper respiratory tract" ... "headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, drop in blood pressure, CNS depression, and death in severe cases due to respiratory failure." CAMPHOR (in: perfume, shaving cream, nail enamel, fabric softener, dishwasher detergent, nail color, stickup air freshener) - "local irritant and CNS stimulant" ..."readily absorbed through body tissues" ..."irritation of eyes, nose and throat" ..."dizziness, confusion, nausea, twitching muscles and convulsions" "Avoid inhalation of vapors." ETHANOL(in: perfume, hairspray, shampoo, fabric softener, dishwashing liquid and detergent, laundry detergent, shaving cream, soap, Vaseline lotion, air fresheners, nail color and remover, paint and varnish remover) - On EPA Hazardous Waste list; symptoms: "...fatigue; irritating to eyes and upper respiratory tract even in low concentrations..." "Inhalation of ethanol vapors can have effects similar to those characteristic of ingestion. These include an initial stimulatory effect followed by drowsiness, impaired vision, ataxia, stupor..." Causes CNS disorder. [Note: this refers to denatured ethanol, which is commonly used in the cosmetic industry, not to drinking alcohol.] ETHYL ACETATE (in: after shave, cologne, perfume, shampoo, nail color, nail enamel remover, fabric softener, dishwashing liquid) - Narcotic. On EPA Hazardous Waste list; "...irritating to the eyes and respiratory tract" ..."may cause headache and narcosis (stupor)" ..."defatting effect on skin and may cause drying and cracking" ..."may cause anemia with leukocytosis and damage to liver and kidneys" "Wash thoroughly after handling." LIMONENE (in: perfume, cologne, disinfectant spray, bar soap, shaving cream, deodorants, nail color and remover, fabric softener, dishwashing liquid, air fresheners, after shave, bleach, paint and varnish remover) - Carcinogenic. "Prevent its contact with skin or eyes because it is an irritant and sensitizer." "Always wash thoroughly after using this material and before eating, drinking, ...applying cosmetics. Do not inhale limonene vapor." LINALOOL (in: perfume, cologne, bar soap, shampoo, hand lotion, nail enamel remover, hairspray, laundry detergent, dishwashing liquid, Vaseline lotion, air fresheners, bleach powder, fabric softener, shaving cream, after shave, solid deodorant) - Narcotic. ..."respiratory disturbances" ... "Attracts bees." "In animal tests: ataxic gait, reduced spontaneous motor activity and depression ... development of respiratory disturbances leading to death." ..."depressed frog-heart activity." Causes CNS disorder. METHYLENE CHLORIDE (in: shampoo, cologne, paint and varnish remover) - Banned by the FDA in 1988! No enforcement possible due to trade secret laws protecting chemical fragrance industry. On EPA, RCRA, CERCLA Hazardous Waste lists. "Carcinogenic" ..."Absorbed, stored in body fat, it metabolizes to carbon monoxide, reducing oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood." "Headache, giddiness, stupor, irritability, fatigue, tingling in the limbs." Causes CNS disorder. a-PINENE (in: bar and liquid soap, cologne, perfume, shaving cream, deodorants, dishwashing liquid, air freshener) - Sensitizer (damaging to the immune system). g-TERPINENE (in: cologne, perfume, soap, shaving cream, deodorant, air freshener) - "Causes asthma and CNS disorders." a-TERPINEOL (in: perfume, cologne, laundry detergent, bleach powder, laundry bleach, fabric softener, stickup air freshener, Vaseline lotion, cologne, soap, hairspray, after shave, roll-on deodorant) - ..."highly irritating to mucous membranes"... "Aspiration into the lungs can produce pneumonitis or even fatal edema." Can also cause "excitement, ataxia (loss of muscular coordination), hypothermia, CNS and respiratory depression, and headache." "Prevent repeated or prolonged skin contact." People should KNOW I always have facts to back up my opinions.
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