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God's Cosmic Code Order



Just a little note to let you know that because of the severity of the news I have decided to share “Cosmic Code” newsletter # 14 Booklet # 4 titled "God Cosmic Code Order" with all my readers. THIS WILL BE THE LAST FREE VIP NEWSLETTER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. So far 74 VIP newsletters loaded with crucial information have been broadcasted to all VIPs and much more are on the way before 2008 is over. Message To All From Dr. Turi As imposed by the Cosmic Code Mankind is moving into some remarkable changing times! The deceiving energy of the Age of Pisces (oil, religions, deceptions, manipulation, drugs) is moving away fast and at the brink of the New Age of Aquarius where total spiritual and educational overhaul is imposed upon us all. We are at the dawning of an age of great hopes and a full re-construction of the human psyche. Those blessed with *Cosmic Consciousness fully understand the mission and envisions of the liberating sign of Aquarius and perceives the fast approaching changes as a heart-caring movement of human empathy and unified vision. Mystics, writers, teachers including the elites of all our scientific political and religious human constitutions are left wondering of what causes those remarkable changes.


TIME FOR REAL SPIRITUAL FOOD! So your priests, ministers and spiritual leaders will give you the only erroneous answer they only know trusting and bringing forth new an old testaments archaic writings promising the awful *end of times. But as incredible as it may sound, little do they really know if anything at all of God's true language and why he is "upset" with this world while inflicting more pain in a constant dance of financial and political crisis? Without any exception, ALL your *rulers are left dumbfounded assuming the worse, regurgitating archaic religious material and rationalizing at best, but still incapable of offering you a solution or a plausible timetable for what is really going on. Based on a line from the film "The Matrix" You took the RED pill. I took the BLUE pill. We live in different worlds. Your world is the world of illusion that Big Brother and the Church want you to see. My world is the world of reality that Big Brother and the church want you not to see. Modified by Dr. Turi Of course the newcomer reading my work for the first time, he/she can only think how much of an egocentric Dr. Turi really is to pretend to have the key of what it means to be human and the answer for all… While voided of spiritual pride, I really do know better but time has and will always be my true witness and this is why only those readers that know me well can appreciate it all. Could it be that the human specie is not longer satisfied with building up the largest cities at the expanse of Mother Earth looking for the highest position of power for egos purpose to feed the insatiable beast of power inside each one of us? Are we all hiding behind the word security and progress risking total destruction in the long run? Is humankind finally realizing after centuries of war and destruction that we are not any more secure? Dying for a religion or a deity or a piece of land has taken a devastating toll on the religiously poisoned weakened human spirit! I understand also that some readers will have difficulty to see life outside of those religious doctrines suffering years of mental biblical *prescriptions while some of my new VIP readers are so exasperated with my direct expressive ways "secure in my wisdom" and can again inaccurately perceive me as a huge walking ego and have cancelled their subscriptions. But the real reason behind their act is induced religious fears that built a deep insecurity and inferiority complex blurring a repressed ego. Will they be able to auto analyze themselves accurately with my help? I can only hope but not understanding their own UCI or the working of the subconscious can only bring more frustrations and confusion. How do you fix that? Educate yourself, become a clinical Hypnotherapist and an Astropsychologist then speak the real language of God as my students and I do! Incidentally you are not supposed to deal with Astrology if you believe Christianity so why is the dragon doing on the roof of the Vatican? Check this pictures sent by my good rend Jordan Maxwell. www.jordanmaxwell.com - jm1@jordanmaxwell.com


Another Dragon in the Vatican ceiling? But is Astrology forbidden in Christianity?



WELL THE FACT IS ASTROLOGY IS ALL OVER THE VATICAN! Continued - Aquarius rules also technology and more light workers are joining me in the electronic battle to educate the God fearing mass. True celestial *rules are coming to light and cannot be kept secret any longer by multitude of *established abusive, manipulative power hungry politically oriented organizations (the Church Inc.) But now the liberating seeds of reasons and education are sprouting faster and faster and mankind is moving into a new safer direction...it is the beginning of a New Age of reason through advanced souls as we also rebirth a New Earth where conscience and responsibilities will take over greed and destruction. The Mayan Astrology knew better and marked this important cosmic phenomenon by ending their calendar in the year 2012, marking the * Golden Door To The Rising Of The Human Spirit. Much of the astrological celestial work of this ancient civilization was stolen and destroyed by the Conquistadors (sponsored by the Church Inc.)


All the while making up stories of human sacrifices to justify the dissemination of those wise indigenous spirits. Because something is accepted by the majority does not make it truth. The reality is the religious Spaniards did not understand the Cosmic Code Mayan hieroglyphic writings and thought it was evil. I refuse to believe that those complex souls capable of such advanced astronomical and building abilities were also behaving like animals and performed human sacrifices, it simply does not make sense at all and as always I am here to open your eyes to the undulated truth. And religious lunatic Mel Gibson (a Capricorn) in his movie did not do much to help the situation. Remember Libra, Pisces, Cancer and Capricorn are more than any other sign prone to religious poisoning beliefs. Again without Cosmic Consciousness, the majority of the world wonders why this is happening just now in the tumultuous history of our dear bleu planet. Why are we now convinced that something urgent is missing and it has nothing to do with acquiring wealth or becoming the next President? What has motivated your political and religious Leaders and many other earth residents including yourself, to reflect on the deeper meaning of life, and to reconsider how they pursue joy and personal fulfillment? To those of you who have followed my work over the last few years, you know well about the *Power of the Dragon and the solid reality of the Cosmic Code's implacable celestial jurisdictions. I worked hard to raise your spiritual vibrations so you can comprehend God's celestial language through my heeding. But more and more newcomers from all over the world are joining you and many did not take the time to "investigate" my work thoughtfully and I find myself repeating myself endlessly. This new mental progressive process is produced by education stirring the curiosity of humankind and marks the beginning of an upgraded thought process. Remember what I wrote so many times in my newsletters "The Future Is Nothing Else Than The Reincarnation Of The Thoughts" and it is so very important for all of you to recognize this fact. I elaborated on the subject in this radio show. http://kaps.mypodcast.com/2008/10/Just_What_The_Doctor_Ordered_part_1-149051.html And much more will come your way when I start my own radio show January 26th 2009 www.bbsradio.com/education/courses/cosmic_codes.php You will still see hidden religious endeavors with film productions on major network talking about "The Bible Code" or "Noe Arch" or "Jesus' life" etc. as a desperate efforts by the *Church Inc. to keep its crumbling financial empire and foundations alive a little longer. Meantime from the Internet to your local meeting place other much more advanced "pagan" discussion while reality television ghosts programs are flourishing. Furthermore the influx of awareness regarding health and wellness, (my own cabalistic Healing) yoga and meditation, aromatherapy, chiromancy, astrology, psychic phenomenon, tarology and interest in organic food, grassroots online newsletters such as mine and other organizations provide more progressive ideas and discussions (see my forums) and billions of other forums from a multitude of individual opinions. Everyone directly or indirectly involved HAS A VOICE and all are rising out of the growing unity consciousness. Gone are the days where only the Church Inc. was monopolizing and controlling the information by offering free bible in every hotel in the world… It is truly amazing to be witnessing this movement and I am asking you to join its powerful birth by posting my work everywhere true wisdom is needed! After two thousands years of Neptune's dreaming, deceiving state, humankind is finally are coming out of a deep religious sleep where separation killed the very essence of the very real Universal life (UFO/Cosmic Code) and spiritual progress itself. As mentioned so many times in previous newsletters man has accomplished such a dramatic technological progress at the expanse of the spirit but this is changing so fast now! As we swab off the mental fog of religious and scientific confusion, humankind is given the opportunity to gaze above in the stars into an alternate path, a human reality known and used wisely by many disappeared generations long before us. The crossroad between the physical and spiritual gap is becoming thinner by the day and it is because of so many advanced spiritual (NON religious) light workers that we will finally see the light. The truth really exists in the higher realms of spirit and presented to all of my readers who pursue a higher spiritual communion in their hearts uncovering the Cosmic Code by endorsing and investigating the Universal union between the Universal Mind and the human soul. It requires you to take a chance of the unknown, a total dedication to raise your spirit in the pursuit of Wholeness by mastering God's tools as he intended us to do.


GOD' SIGNS ARE BEHIND THE HUMAN BLACK HOLE BRAIN! "God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a more productive life. Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus In this New Age of renovation you do not need to join the fearful ranks of religiously poisoned organizations or the mass of the spiritually bankrupted, emotionally disturbed lost souls stimulated by political new comers who pursue your votes for personal wealth and power. Daily and political and religious sermons have become nasty, offensive, desperate where blink souls tries hard to lead others in the land of confusion. But how much do they know about their own souls? He who reigns himself and rules his passion, desire and fears is more than a king. - Goethe Watching the greedy and powerful being rescued and grab for more must stop as the surf of human consciousness cries out, its time to stop this nonsense! Injustice reign and our hearts cries in pain wondering why one gets millions while a destitute young mother of shamefully works at the local adult bar showing her young body to the same dirty old wealthy men? The Age of Aquarius is bringing us with the awareness that we are all connected in one degraded human race. Times have changed and the action of too many ravenous, greedy people acting irresponsibly will indeed harm the whole human community. So God saw it all…and through the Cosmic Code and the Dragon he is closely checking the greed of a few financial elites corporations responsible for destroying Mother Earth as we know it, and the karmic wave of celestial justice is sweeping through and toppling their golden castles. The New Age of Aquarius and those badly needed changes are upon us. As the Age of Pisces (manipulation/drugs/oil/religions) or the old World Order collapses under God's Celestial justice, we are also witnessing the Supraconcious in action generating a tremendous wave of steady thought power from the people demanding a new system, more education, more hope and respect for human life. This freeing Aquarius (Dragon's Head) thought process can be heard all over the news, see it online, read it in print media and all around you - the people thoughts have been generated, man as a whole has demanded and spoken for a New Earth. While religions announce the end of times the entire progressive signs, as I perceive them are around us. Has imposed by the Creator himself, the Cosmic Code has provided the" ideal cosmic blizzard" for a universal human reaction and progression. As the Dragon Tail (negative since December 2007) in Leo (transform) the second house of money of the US (until August 2009) the world wide repercussion is set to bring those badly needed changes. God speak his cosmic orders with obvious signs right from the center of our Milky Way galaxy. God sees all and will bring humankind hope and transformation.


THE TRUE FACE OF GOD! And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:" - Genesis 1:14 in King James Version of The Bible I am asking all my worldwide readers to pray even more and produce more constructive thoughts and to avoid the forces of evil (fears) poisoning your mental process. Its God's order and God knows better than anyone of us, it is time for you to put your faith and your trust in the Creator as you ever did before and join me in this Human Wave Of Spiritual Ascension. God sees all his children as HIS family and contrary to what you have been taught God will "discard NO ONE but keep all of us safe on earth. Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish. Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Lastly realize that you have personal dreams you nurtured forever, you have hopes for more money, build a better health, more security, and enjoy a better career but what did you do to change that so far? Thus God through the Cosmic Code is challenging you, as you never experienced before, you are forced to think in a different way and take chances you would never take, had you not lost your job! Remember there is NO accident in the ultimate order of things and any death is only the envisions of a rebirth to a higher level. Once more remember knowledge is power while ignorance is evil! The same Cosmic Code that enslaved you to undergo those worldwide drastic changes has also specific gifts you were born with. Now it’s the time for you to tap on those gifts because I can guarantee you that the imparted blessings are reachable goals. Now will you be like 99.9 % of the mass and "MISS" this incredible Dragon transit or take a chance on my legitimate wisdom of the Cosmic Code and let me show you the way to the golden pot? "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Einstein In those trying days I am offering you a SUPER DEAL ( $310 - until November 7th) 1 – Get a 90 mn taped Full Life Reading – Let me point out when, where and how you can make the most of this Universal Dragon Transits. 2 – Get another 90 mn of Hypnotherapy to help you to regenerate and learn to use your subconscious creative forces at your advantage. 3 – Get a 35 pages of Career Path Report and see where the Cosmic Code will promote you right to the top of the career you are best suited for. 4 – Get your 2009 FREE Personal Dragon Dates and GO with the wave of protection. I need your DOB, your place, time of birth: Use this link to order and please be patient. www.drturi.com/readings.php

teraniapromodir@peoplepc.com Question? Help? Talk to Terania 972-623-7689 I can only rely on ME to make the changes in my own life and I TRUST you to help me to help you and make those vital changes by sending this newsletter to anyone and everyone concerned so those badly needed changes can become a reality for all of us. All Is That And That Is All When men realize the church is the universe and the twelve Apostles are the twelve signs of the zodiac, God's commandments written in Starlight will bring true love, respect peace and harmony to this world. Only when science finally honor the word science itself and investigate the “Divine” a real chance will be offered to the rest of mankind to uplift its perception and working of the Universe. Love, respect peace and harmony depend in understanding and respecting God’s highest celestial orders cloaked in the “Universal Code”. The truth of life and the Universe cannot originate from ONE solitary foundation, it’s all about a complex range of integration of all things at once”. Dr. Turi Start by reading and directing all the people you know to the educational material posted at www.drturi.com/newsletter/ Blessings to all Dr. Turi Sharing Emails: GOODBYE PICEAN AGE HELLO TO THE AGE OF AQUARIUS!!!! IT CAN'T COME SOON ENOUGH FOR ME.!I HOPE I WILL LIVE LONG ENOUGH TO SEE IT!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK MY FRIEND. LOVE, EFFIE www.alternet.org/story/105447/ DT – LOLOL Your email could not come at the more appropriate time Effie… A true omen / symbol that the stars are in our favor? You bet! Love you DT Dr. Turi; How important is the TIME of birth for accuracy of your readings? Is there a special discounted price for old codgers? Devendra DT Yes there is a $100 discount for "old Codgers lolol" and NO I do not need the time if you don’t have it, Astropsychology is much more objective and accurate than traditional Astrology. Call Terania and follow the instructions. Blessings DT THIS IS THE LAST FREE VIP NEWSLETTER OFFER - Don’t Miss Anything Join My World Wide VIP Cosmic Code Family NOW! www.drturi.com/orders3.html#newsletter MAKE SURE TO MENTION TO US IF YOU ARE AN EXISTING 2008 VIP. IF YOU ARE NOT A 2008 VIP SUBSCRIBER SIGN UP RIGHT AWAY OR ADD $35 TO GET ALL MY NEWSLETTERS AND WHAT EVER I WILL WRITE BEFORE THE YEAR 2008 IS OVER. YOU MAY ALSO SIGN UP AND READ THE FREE DRAGON NEWSLETTERS AT www.drturi.com/newsletter/ IMPORTANT ONCE INSIDE THE SITE MAKE SURE TO SCROLL DOWN TO SEE AND READ ALL NEWSLETTERS.



If you are NOT a VIP simply download the FREE 2008 Moon Power.


www.drturi.com/moonpoweroffer2008.php ASTROPSYCHOLOGY LIVE course in 2009. HAWAII - February 26th through March 3rd 2009 SEDONA – September 21st through September 26th 2009 Go to www.drturi.com/astroclass.php for updates COSMIC CODE WITH DR. TURI If you have any question do not hesitate to join us and talk about any interesting topics at www.peoplelinking.com/group/Astrology Do you like my newsletters? Sign up before 2009 and save $25 Sign up for the new 2009 VIP “Cosmic Code” newsletter before January 1st 2009 for $75.00 and save $25.00. As of January 1st 2009 the only way you will be able to sign up will be through my website and the price will be $100 FLAT rate and $35 for Seniors citizens. teraniapromodir@peoplepc.com - Question? Help? Talk to Terania 972-623-7689 Blessings to all Dr. Turi

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