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Lo's blog: "Goddess"

created on 03/06/2008  |  http://fubar.com/goddess/b195373

Got this from a beast.

1. Have you had any fun this year? HMMM. YES I SUPPOSE I HAVE 2. Have you had your birthday yet? NOPE. NOT AS OF YET 3. Kissed two people in the same night YES 4. Been on a diet? EW. I HAVE AND THEN I REALISED HOW MUCH I LOVE TO EAT FOOD AND HOW FABULOUS I AM REALLY. 5. Pulled an all nighter? I HAVE ACTUALLY AND IT WAS FABULOUS 6. Drank Starbucks? MMHMM FOR SURE. 7. Went Camping? NOPE. BUT MY SON WANTS TO GO THIS YEAR...AND SO WE SHALL (AND I SHALL SQUEAL AT LIL SQUIRMY THINGS IM SURE) 8. Bought something(s)? WELL...SURE 9. Met someone special? VERY SPECIAL. 10. Been out of state? YI HAVE NEVER BEEN OUT OF THE STATE. CEPT ONCE WHEN MY STEP MOM MARRIED MY DAD AND I WAS IN RENO FOR A DAY. SAD HUH? 12. What are you thinking about? MANY THINGS. SAD THINGS. REAL THINGS. ___________________________________________________________ 1.) Hugged someone? WELL OF COURSE I HAVE. SHEESH. 2.) Slept in someone else's bed? YES. 3.) Got a job? YES I HAVE, HOW DID YOU KNOW...SO PHYCHIC! 4.) Loaned out money? HELL NO IM BEEEEEEEEROKE. 5.) Gotten in a car accident? EEEK NO. *knock knock knock* 6.) Gone over your mobile phone bill? HELL YES. 8.) Done something you regret? I DO SOMETHING I REGRET ALMOST DAILY. ___________________________________________________________ Last Person you hugged? UMMMM. I HUGGED LOTSA PEOPLE TODAY. I ROLL THAT WAY YA KNOW? When was the last time you felt stupid? EVERYTIME HE BLINKS AT ME Who did you last yell at? ONE OF MY TWO'S FOR CALLING ME A MUTHERFUCKER What did you do today? WOKE UP, DRANK COFFEE ON MY PORCH, CHECKED MY EMAIL, WORKED, ATE ENTIRELY TOO MUCH FOR TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK, WENT TO LUNCH WITH DAWN, GIGGLED OVER BOYS, CAME HOME, MADE DINNER, READ THE BEASTS SURVEY, SIGHED ALOT, CRINGED A BIT, AND NOW THIS. TEN FACTS : ___________________________________________________________ 01. Hometown? DON PEDRO CALIFORNIA 02. Natural hair color? BLONDE 03. Initials? L.J.T 04. Hair style? LONG AND WAVEY 05. Eye color? UMMM BLUEISH GREYISH. THEY CHANGE 06. Height: FIVE foot three inches. 07. Pets: A DOG. JUST THE ONE. 08. Mood: KINDA SAD 09. Where would you rather be: IN A PASSIONATE EMBRACE 10. What was the last thing you drank? ICE WATER TEN THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE: 01. Have you ever been in love: YEP 02. Do you believe in love? WELL YEAH I DO SHEESH 03. Why did your LAST relationship fail? HMMM. I AM NOT SURE HOW TO ANSWER THIS. SO I SHANT. 04. Have you ever been heartbroken: UNFORTUNATLY 05. Have you ever broken someone's heart: I HAVE 06. Have you ever fallen for your best friend EW NO. 07. Have you ever loved someone but never told them? THAT IS COMPLICATED AND MANY WORDS. ILL SAY YES. 08. Are you afraid of commitment? A LITTLE YES. 10. Have you had more than 5 different serious relationships in your life? NOPE 4 EMOTIONS ___________________________________________________________ 01. Are you missing someone right now? I AM 02. Are you happy? I AM CONTENT 03. Are you eating anything? NOPE 04. Do you like someone right now? I LIKE ALOT OF PEOPLE. 1. Do you bite your lip? I DO ALOT. WHEN I AM NERVOUS OR EXCITED 2. do you have pictures on your walls? SURE I DO 4. do you like country music? NOT REALLY NO 5. how do you peel your orange? I DONT. I CHOP IT AND EAT THE PEELS TOO. 7. could things be better in your life at the moment? OF COURSE. 8. have you ever tried to put a huge puzzle together? MMHMM 10.have you ever tried to cut yourself? EW NO. 11. do you like clowns? HAHA. IM KINDA SCARED OF THEM. THEY HAVE RED NOSES...ITS ALMOST ALWYAS ASSOCIATED WITH ALCOHOLISM AND REALLY WHATS WORSE THEN A DRUNK CLOWN? 12. have you seen the movie Jaws? YES. I LOVE IT TOO. 13. how do you feel about show offs? I DO NOT LIKE PEOPLE WHO BRAG ABOUT WHAT THEY HAVE OR HOW IT IS BETTER THEN EVERYONE ELSES. INSTANT TURN OFF. 14. do you go to the library? NOT LATELY. BUT I LOVE THE LIBRARY. THE SMELL IS JUST AMAZING IN THERE. SO MANY BOOKS TO READ. MAKES MY MOUTH WATER. 16. what¡¦s your favorite type of energy drink? ROCKSTAR PUNCHED. COULDNT HAVE GONE THROUGH SCHOOL WITHOUT IT. 17. what do you put on your hamburger? I DONT LOVE HAMBURGERS 18. do you wish you were older? WELL NO I DO NOT. 19. do you wish you had magical powers? IV'E BEEN TOLD...WELL...*smile* 20. if so, what powers? I WANNA BECOME INVISABLE AND SPY ON PEOPLE. HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE REALLY? 21. do you eat teddy grahams? I HAVE. THE CINNIMON ARE MY FAVORITE 22. does anyone hate you? UM. I THINK MOST EVERYONE LIKES ME. 24. have you ever believed in fairies? YES 26. do you have your nose pierced? YES 28. do you know how to divide? I CAN DIVIDE MANY THINGS, EVEN MYSELF 30. what is your favorite number? 3 31. would you rather have braces or glasses? GLASSES 34. have you ever seen Coronation street? UM NO. 35. are you missing anyone right now? YEP 36. who? 37. do you have a job? YES 39.have you ever stolen something before? WHEN I WAS LITTLE I DID. What holiday is coming up next? FOURTH OF JULY I THINK. What are you doing this weekend? MANY THINGS What is the last thing that you ate? GARLIC BREAD Do you watch a lot of TV? NOT REALLY. I TIVO HOUSE Are you feeling uncomfortable? A BIT. When is the last time you laughed a lot? TODAY AT A TEACHER Would you rather get your lip or nose pierced? ID PIERCE MY EYEBROW AND MY NIPPLES Love or hate? LVOE OF COURSE Why did you last smile? I DONT KNOW Have you ever locked keys in a car? YES. I HAVE. IT SOOOOOOOO SUCKED! What was the last movie you went to? UH. I THIIIIIIIINK....I AM LEGEND. ITS BEEN AWHILE Who did you see it with? MY SISTER How are you feeling? HAHA. Are there any plants in the room you are in? NO. Do you believe that women should be able to have man jobs? WHY NOT. WOMEN ARE LOADS SMARTER Do you hate people? I HAVE. Do you hate your parents? I HAVE. Do you like the color black? AS AN ACCENT ONLY Friends or family? MY FRIENDS ARE MY FAMILY Is your heart currently hurting? ITS BEEN THAT WAY FOR AWHILE. IM KINDA USED TO IT Have you ever been to L.A.? YES. DISNEYLAND IS PRETTY MUCH PERFECT. Do you still have an obsession with something that you loved as a kid? EWOKS? MMHMM How is your hair? IT DRAWS FINGERS AND LIPS TO IT...THANK YOU FOR ASKING Do you think people talk bad about you? OH I KNOW THAT THEY DO. Have you/do you go to shows? NOPE. NEVAH BEEN Have you ever had stitches? YES. I GAVE BIRTH. MY POOR VAGINA. UMM AND I HAD SURGERY Are you cold? I LIKE BEING COLD, HATE HOT. Do you like the current season? I LOVE IT Where is your heart? BENEATH MY BEWBS Seven Deadly Sins Survey Wrath Who did you last get angry with? TOPH. What is your weapon of choice? SARCASM Would you hit a member of the opposite sex? I HAVE NEVER, BUT IVE WANTED TOO How about the same sex? IF I HAD TOO Who was the last person who got really angry at you? TOPH. HE WICKED HATED ME AND WOULD DRINK AND CRY LAST SUMMER. What is your pet peeve? THERE IS NOT ROOM LONG ENOUGH. Do you keep grudges, or can you let them go easily? I GRUDGE FOR A SMIDGE AND I ALWAYS REGRET IT. Sloth What is one thing you're suppose to do daily that you haven't? FILL OUT MY THINGY AT WORK. What is the latest you've ever woken up? I DUNNO Name a person you've been meaning to contact, but haven't? MY STEPMOTHER What is the last lame excuse that you made? HAHA. ID RATHER GO WITH THE TRUTH AND JUST SAY IT OUT THERE. NO EXCUSES NECISARY Have you ever watched an infomercial all the way through? YES. How many times did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock this morning? NONE Gluttony What is your overpriced yuppie beverage of choice? IM BROKE. NONE, PLUS I HATE THE WORD YUPPIE REALLY. Are you a meat eater? I EAT BONELESS SKINLESS CHICKEN BREASTS ONLY What is the greatest amount of alcohol you've had in one sitting/outing/event? IM NOT A DRUNKARD REALLY Are you comfortable with your drinking and eating habits? SURE Do you enjoy candy and sweets? MUCH MAS Which do you prefer: sweets, salty foods or spicy foods? SALTY Have you ever looked at a small house pet or child and thought, "lunch"? EW...NOOOOOOO Greed How many credit cards do you own? NONE. DONT HAVE THE MOOLAH WONT BUY IT. THANKYOUVERYMUCH If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it? HUMP IT Would you rather be rich or famous? ID RATHER BE WORRY FREE. I DO NOT ASPIRE FOR NEITHER. Would you accept a boring job if it meant that you would make megabucks? NOPE. Pride What's one thing that you have done that you're most proud of? STANDING UP AND LIVING FOR MY SELF. What's one thing you have done that your parents are most proud of? HAHAHA. I AM NOT SURE THERE IS ONE. What thing would you like to accomplish late in your life? ID LIKE TO ROLLERBLADE MY GREATGRANDCHILDREN TO THEIR FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. Do you get annoyed by coming in second place? NOPE Have you ever entered a contest of skill, knowing you were of much higher skill than all the other competitors? I HAVE NO IDEA. Have you ever cheated to get a better score? NO What did you do today that you're proud of? MOST EVERYTHING Lust How many people have you seen naked MANY How many people have seen you naked (not counting physicians, doctors, family, locker rooms, or when you were a young child)? HMMMMM 7 Have you ever caught yourself staring at the chest/crotch of a person of your chosen sex during a normal conversation? I DO IT ALL THE TIME. What is your favorite body part of a person of your gender choice? BELLY Have you ever had sexual encounters (including kissing/making out) with multiple persons? NOT AS OF YET Have you ever been propositioned by a prostitute? UM NO. Envy What item of your friends would you most want to have for your own? Who would you want to go on "Trading Spaces" with? DAWNDINGA If you could be anyone who existed in the world, who would you be? MYSELF. I THINK IM PRETTY AWSOME Have you ever been cheated on? NOT AS FAR AS I KNOW Have you ever wished you had a physical feature different from your own? EVER? SURE WHEN I GOT BELLS PALSY THAT WAS HARD TO DEAL WITH. BUT I DID. What inborn trait do you see in others that you wish you had for yourself? Sure, there should be an answer here. <-- I KNOW RIGHT? What deadly sin... Do you do the most often? LUST Do you do the least often? GLUTTONY Is your favorite to act on? LUST A ( against... HUNTERS. I JUST CANT STAND IT. B ( better than ...UMMM C ( caring person... MELANIE ANN D ( Dangerous Obsession... BEAST E ( easy to listen to... CHILDREN GIGGELING F ( food that reminds one of a love...HOMEMADE FRENCH FRIES G ( Great Writer...EMMA HOLLY, BEST EROTICA EVER. H ( Huggable Blogger... THE BROOKLYN RAKE...REALLY WHERE DID HE GO? HE EMAILED ME BUT...LESIGH. I ( Intelligence you desire...OF THE MATHEMATICAL PERSUASION J ( Jester who brings you peace...PEACE? UH. K ( Keen desire... DESIRE...MMMM L ( Love able Teacher you had...MS.SPENCER M ( Meditative Image...WIND BLOWING THE LEAVES N ( New song for you... O ( opening in your mind (recently)... LOVE P ( Person who supports you... DAWN Q ( Quest for this year...TO SMILE EASILY AGAIN R ( restful Memory... WAKING UP NAKED ON SUNDAY ENTIRELY TOO LATE S ( sexy song for you... TOUCH MY BODY T ( Top Childhood friend...MELANIE U ( Understanding Uncle or Aunt...N/A V (Victorious moment .. A NEW BEGINNING W ( wondrous event...THE BIRTH OF MY CHILDREN X ( your most important vote...HMMM Y ( Youthful feeling...GIGGELING UNTIL I FEEL LIKE I WILL PASSOUT Z ) ZZZZZZZZZZ thing that tickles your heart... ZIPPERS. THEY ALWAYS GET ME. SLOW PLEASE. 1. Do you ever wonder what your ex is up to? I KNOW WHAT MY EX'S ARE UP TOO. I SEE THEM ALL THE DAMN TIME. 2. Have you ever been given roses? YES I HAVE. BUT NEVER BY MY EXHUSBAND. ONLY FROM KING WHEN MY DADDY DIED. 3. What is your all-time favorite romance movie? REALLY...I LOVE THE OTHER SISTER. 4. How many times have you honestly fallen in love? HONESTLY TWICE. 5. Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate? I BELIEVE THAT WHEN YOU MEET SOMEONE THERE CAN BE THAT SOMETHING. YOU CAN MELD YOUR LIVES TOGETHER BEAUTIFULY IF BOTH ARE OPEN TOO IT. I DO NOT BELIEVE IN THE MYTHICAL SOUL SEARCHING FOR THE OTHER. THAT IS ENTIRELY TOO SHORT SIGHTED FOR ME. 6 What's your current problem? I DONT LIKE SO MUCH COMPLAINING, THANKS. 7. Have you ever had your heart broken? YES. ITS LIKE TORTURE BUT WORSE. 8. Have you had a Long Distance Relationship? I HAVE. 10. Do you believe the statement, once a cheater always a cheater? YES. 11. How many kids do you want to have? I HAVE THE TWO. 12. What's your favorite color(s)? HOTPINK 13. Where do you shop the most? TORRID 14. Do you believe in love at first sight? Lust at first sight can be amazing, but I don't think you can comprehensively love someone just by seeing them. <---WHAT HE SAID 15. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? I DO BELIEVE SO 16. At what age did you start noticing the opposite gender? VERY YOUNG. 5 OR SO 17. Are you happy with your love situation? I AM...DEALING WITH IT 18. Do you know someone who likes you? I KNOW OF A FEW 19. Do you like anyone? I LIKE...ALOT OF PEOPLE. NOT EVERYONE. 20. Do they know you like them? COURSE THEY DO A to Z: All About Me A Age?: 30 Available?: DEPENDS ON FOR WHAT Annoyance?: WICKED SKINNY PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT HOW FAT THEY ARE WHEN IM LEANING AGAINST THE COUNTER EATING ANOTHER CHEESE DANISH LISTENING AND SNORTING. B Birthday?: AUGUST 10TH Best Friend?: DAWN MARIE Bar?: I HAVE NO IDEA C Crush?: NO Car?:A BLUE MINIVAN Cat?: EW NO D Dad's Name?: LAURENCE Dog?: ZOE THE WONDERDOG Dead Pet's Name?: AMBER E Easiest person to talk to?: THE BEAST. I HAVE NO IDEA WHY Eggs?: SCRAMBLED WITH CHEESE, BUT AFTER THE LIQUID CHICKEN COMMENT I AM UNSURE. Email?: MMHMM F Favorite Color?:PINK I SAID Food?: MEXICANISH Favorite Band?: CANNOT SAY ONE G Gummy bears or worms?: NEITHER Goal for this year?: TO KNOW I DID WHAT WAS RIGHT. Gold Digger?: I WOUDLNT HAVE THE SLIGHTEST IDEA HOW TO BE H Hair Color?: DARK BLONDE Height?: SIGH....SOOOOOOOOO REDUNDANT 5'3" Happy?: I CAN BE. I Ice Cream?: UM CHOCOLATE WITH CHOCOLATE CHUNKS AND CARAMEL INSIDE Instrument?: THE GUITAR. ALWAYS MAKES THE NIPPLES HARD Idol?: I AM UNSURE J Job?: TWOS TEACHER Juice?: CRANAPPLE Joke?: I DONT LIKE JOKES. PLANNED JOKES. I ALWAYS FEEL ON THE SPOT AND I NEVER LAUGH IF ITS NOT FUNNY. K Kids?: YES Karate?: HIIIIIIIIIIYA Keep Secrets?:THE BEST L Love?: MMHMM Longest Relationship?: 13 YEARS Longest Car Ride?:MODESTO TO LA M Milk Flavor?:EW BEAST! JUST TEH REGULAR KIND Major?: CHILD DEVELOPMENT Movie?: 200 N Number of Siblings?: 1 FULL, 2 HALF, 2 STEP Names of Siblings?: CYNTHIA, ROBERT,KATHLEEN, MICHELLE, WILLIE Number?: 3 O One Wish?: TO BE SUCCESFUL AT BEING WHAT I AM. Order of Birth?: SECOND TO THE BABY Obsession?: I AM OBSESSED WITH.. P Phobias?:BUGS, COWS AND SEAFOOD Parents: Married or Divorced?: MARRIED DIVORCED, MARRIED DIVORCED MARRIED AGAIN Pizza Toppings?:cheese and lots of it, mushroom, tomato ,peppers and cheese again. <---WHAT HE SAID BUT WITH OLIVES Q Quiet or Loud?: LOUD SEX Quote?: When love is not madness, it is not love. ~Pedro Calderon de la Barca Quitter?: I SUPPOSE I QUIT MY MARRIAGE R Reason to Smile?: THERE ARE MANY. MOST BEGIN AND END WITH A SIGH Right or Left?: RIGHT Reality TV Show?: HELLS KITCHEN S Song Last Heard?: REALISE COLBIE CALLIET Sexual Orientation?: I LOVE THE PENIS Season?: SPRING AND FALL T Time woke up?: 5 AM Tattoos?: NOT AS OF YET Type of Music?: GOOD BEAT AND FABULOUS WORDS U Unknown Fact?: I FALL ASLEEP EACH NIGHT TO DINSEYS CARS. University?: Ugly?: PEOPLE WHO NEVER SMILE FOR THE LOVE OF LIFE V Vegetable - like/dislike?:I LOVE ARTICHOCKES AND I HATE SQUASH. IT IS SLIMEY AND HAS THE WORST NAME EVER Vacation (last)?:COACHELLA Valentine?: I WAS BROKEN THEN W Worst Habit?:TALKING TOO MUCH Where are you traveling next?:I HAVE NO IDEA Want to be when you grow up?: PROUD OF MY CHOICES X X-Rays?:SCARE ME X-Rated?:THE DRINK? REMINDS ME OF SEX AND SUMMER X-mas or Thanksgiving?: BAD TIMES LAST YEAR. I HARDLY REMEMBER IT. Y Your current mood?: SAD Yankees or Red Sox?:I HAVE NO INTEREST Yearning for Someone?: DONT I ALWAYS Z Zodiac Sign?:LOE Zoo Animal?: GORRILAS Zzz time?: WHENEVER I FALL INTO BED Would You Rather Pierce your nose or tongue?:NOSE Be serious or funny?: FUNNY Die in a fire or drown?: DROWN Are you? Simple or Complicated?: I DONT KNOW. YOU TELL ME Honest?: UNFAILINGLY Do You Prefer Sunrise or Sunset?: SUNRISE M&M's or Skittles?:M&M . Being hot or cold?: Cold. Having many aquaintances or a few best friends?: FEW OF THE BEST About You Do you like anyone?: SIGH Do they know it?: SIGH Name?:LAURIE Any Nicknames?: LO, BEANIE Where do you want to live?: SIGH How many kids do you want?: SIGH Kids names?:SHANE, EMMA Any nervous habits?:BITING MY LIP Can you roll your tongue?: I AM FABULOUS AT IT Do you shower daily?: OF COURSE Favorite Drink?:ICE WATER, COFFEE, VODKA Favorite Restaurant?:. MIMIS Last Person That Saw you cry?:DAWN You went to a movie with?:CYN You called?:DAWN Called you?: JEFF Texted?: JEN You hugged?: MY KIDS You thought about?: DAVID. I MISS HIM 1. What would you take from your house if you knew it would be flooded tomorrow: MY CHILDREN, MY DOG, MY PICTURES, MY BAG OF TOYS...WHAT?!! 2. If you could erase anything you ever said to anyone, what would it be? NONE 3. Your stuck in a room for an hour with a chalk board, what do you draw on it? NAMES, HEARTS, MUSHROOMS, SPARLY LOOKING THINGS, RAINBOWS, PEOPLE WITH BOOBS AND PENISES 4. The theme song for your life is called? YOUR SO VAIN 5. If your life was a movie, what category would it be in? PORN 6. Something you wish to accomplish before the end of the year: SCHOOL DONE! 7. How much does it take to make you laugh? DEPENDS ON IF YOUR FUNNY 8. How many sheep do you want on your farm? NO FARM 9. Which wizard of Oz character are you most like? TOTO. CARRY ME AROUND BITCHES 10. You learn through mistakes, what mistake are you glad you made? ALL OF MY BEAUTIFUL MISTAKES 11. Would you ever run naked in the rain with your love? IS THERE CUPPYCAKES? 12. Do you think Giant anacondas really have a purpose on this earth? SURE. 13. Which is worse¡K15 pounds underweight or overweight? 15 LBS ISNT MUCH EITHER WAY. GET OVER IT PEOPLE. 14. Do you like eating ice cream out of the carton? NO 15. Do you find it gross to share drinks with family or friends? ID REALLY RATHER HAVE MY OWN THANKS. 16. Does the world revolve around you? NO. MY KIDS AND THEN ME 17. Is everyone equally important to the world? EVERYONE IS AS IMPORTNAT AS THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE WORLD ARE. 18. Do some people truly deserve to die? I WOULDNT ASSUME TO ANSWER 19. If the world comes to an end¡Khow do you think it will go? HASNT IT? 20. Will artificial intelligence help better or destroy the world? I DUNNO SOOOOOOOOO BORING. 21. How long does it take you to get out of bed in the morning? I JUMP UP AND HEAD FOR COFFEE 22. How important is it for us to find other planets, resources and life? SIGH 23. What do you think we'll use other planets for in the future? SIGH 24. Do you think emptying our trash, pollution, and waste on the moon is okay? WELL HELL NO. 25. What do you think about California? We can empty our trash, pollution, and human waste there. I'm fine with that. *FROWN* I THINK CALIFORNIA IS A LOVELY PLACE AND MY HOME. 26. Is it important to you to always stay(live) close to family? STAY CLOSE TO THOSE WHO EMPOWER YOU. 27. Why are slasher films entertaining? I DUNNO. 28. Do you think it would be a good idea if dinosaurs were reborn? THERE IS A REASON THEY ARE DEAD. 29. What do you think about Tennessee? NOT MUCH 30. What kind of animal do you think the world could live without? I WOULDNT PRESUME TO THINK OF THAT. 31. If someone invented glasses that can see through things, would you buy it? YES. 32. If you were a spider where would you crawl away and live? SOMEWHERE LEAFY 33. What do you think about pop ups? I DONT THINK ABOUT THEM AT ALL 34. Would you prefer to be emotionless, so you didn¡¦t have to feel a heartbreak? NEVER. 35. When you die, and if you become an angel, who will you watch over? WHO EVER GOD TOLD ME TOO DUH. 36. If when you die, you become a ghost, would you try to contact your loved one's? YES. I WOULD AND SCARE EM TOO. 37. Would you want to haunt anyone? Who? HAUNT SOUNDS SO UNPRETTY 38. What does everyone live for? (could it be love)? THE LOVE OF SOMETHING. WETHER IT IS CHILDREN, MONEY...WHAT HAVE YOU. 40. Are emotions what make people desire to thrive and live? Desire is the embodiment of emotion. HMM SOUNDS SO SMARTISH. ILL GO WITH THAT. WRITE EXACTLY WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND...DON'T CHANGE IT SO IT'S COOL!!! 1. Your ex and you = DONE 2. I am listening to = DOGS BARK 3. Maybe I should = JUST STOP 4. I love = THE BEAST 5. My best friend = THE TALL REDHEAD 6. I don¡¦t understand = WHY I DO 7. I have lost my respect for =..... 8. I last ate = CHEESE 9. The meaning of my display name is: A BEAUTIFUL POISON 11. Someday = ILL STOP ALREADY 12. I will always be = LOVING 13. Love seems to =THRIVE 14. I never ever want to lose = MY CHILDREN 15. My myspace is = BORING BUT IM THERE 17. I get annoyed when = MY CHILDREN ASK TO SLEEP ON THE TRAMPOLINE WHEN WE LIVE IN THE GHETTO *eyeroll* 18. Parties = ARE SUPER FUN 20. Simple Kisses = ARE WHAT YOU GIVE WHEN YOU HAVE BEEN MARRIED FOR 13 YEARS AND YOU DONT REALLY MEAN IT 21. Today I = DO NOT WISH TO SAY 22. I wish IS YOUR/ARE YOU 01. is your hair wet?NO 02. is your cell phone right by you? YES 03. do you miss someone? YES 04. are you wearing chapstick? NO 05. are you tired? NO 06. are you wearing pajamas? YES 07. are you mad? NO 08. are you upset? MAYBE TODAY HAVE YOU: 01. have you cursed? HAHA YES 02. have you gotten mad at someone?NO -RANDOM- Q: is there a person who is on your mind right now? Yes Q: do you have any siblings? YES I SAIIIIIIID Q: do you want children? THE ONES I HAVE Q: do you smile often? I SMILE MORE NOW THEN I DID A MONTH AGO Q: who¡¦s bed others than yours do you sleep in?: DAWNS, HOTEL Q: what color shirt are you wearing? WHITE Q: what were you doing at 11pm yesterday? I HAVE NO IDEA Q: I can¡¦t wait until: SIGH 1. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? YES MY FATHER 2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? TODAY 3. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING I SUPPOSE 4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT? TURKEY IF I HAAAAAAAAAVE TOO 5. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? YEP 6. IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU? I SO WOULD 7. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? YES 8. DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS? Sure , unless they were stolen while I slept. 9. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? NOPE. I DONT FACY PEEING ON MYSELF 10. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL? CINNIMON LIFE 11. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? NO TIES 12. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG? NOT AS STRONG AS I COULD BE 13. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM? 14. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? THE WAY THEY CARRY THEMSELVES. THEIR SMELL 15. RED OR PINK? PINK 16. WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOU? I WILL NEVER TELL 17. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? MY SISTER 18. DO YOU THINK ANYONE MISSES YOU? YES 19. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING? BLACK PANTIES 20. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU ATE? SIGH 21. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? MUSIC 22. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW? HOUSE 23. FAVORITE SMELLS? RAIN, SPRING, CLEAN COOL SHEETS, A MANS SKIN 24. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? I FORGET DAMN! 25. DO YOU LIKE YOUR BODY? ARE YOU COMFORTABLE WITH IT? I AM 26. FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH? UM 27. HAIR COLOR? BLONDEEEEEEEEEEEE. THIS IS SO LONG ITS TORTUOUS 28. EYE COLOR? THEY CHANGE 29. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? No. 31. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? Happy Endings.
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