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Mz Vytal's blog: "Julie"

created on 08/07/2007  |  http://fubar.com/julie/b112786


What is the cause of the inequality that exists among mankind? Why should one person be brought up in the lap of luxury, endowed with fine mental, moral and physical qualities, and another in absolute poverty, steeped in misery? Why should one person be a mental prodigy, and another an idiot? Why should one person be born with saintly characteristics and another with criminal tendencies? Why should some be linguistic, artistic, mathematically inclined, or musical from the very cradle? Why should others be congenitally blind, deaf, or deformed?| Why should some be blessed, and others cursed from their births? Either this inequality of mankind has a cause, or it is purely accidental. No sensible person would think of attributing this unevenness, this inequality, and this diversity to blind chance or pure accident. In this world nothing happens to a person that he does not for some reason or other deserve. Usually, men of ordinary intellect cannot comprehend the actual reason or reasons. The definite invisible cause or causes of the visible effect is not necessarily confined to the present life, they may be traced to a proximate or remote past birth. "All living beings have actions (Karma) as their own, their inheritance, their congenital cause, their kinsman, their refuge. It is Karma that differentiates beings into low and high states." Buddah "If anyone says that a man or woman must reap in this life according to his present deeds, in that case there is no religious life, nor is an opportunity afforded for the entire extinction of sorrow. But if anyone says that what a man or woman reaps in this and future lives accords with his or her deeds present and past, in that case there is a religious life, and an opportunity is afforded for the entire extinction of a sorrow." As we sow, we reap somewhere and sometime, in this life or in a future birth. What we reap today is what we have sown either in the present or in the past. http://www.buddhanet.net/e-learning/karma.htm

Healing Crystals

For those who are looking for a smidge of help in their life, I hope this helps you! The therapeutic properties of the gemstones listed here are for rounded, highest quality gemstones. Non-rounded stones may have different effects. Amazonite: Improves self worth. I find that I have more confidence when I wear this stone. Amber: Lift heaviness. Amber is great at lifting the heaviness of burdens -- allowing happiness to come through. Amethyst: Spiritual Upliftment. This is also the present carrier of the purple color ray. I wear a short necklace of this when I need to communicate effectively. I place this on my stomach/liver when I have stomach problems. Apatite: Communication. I wear this stone when there has been a misunderstanding. It is also helpful for fighting viruses. Aquamarine: Remind one of the ocean of love and mercy. It can help one understand difficult situations from a love-filled viewpoint. I either wear an aquamarine stone or gaze into an aquamarine crystal. I recommend aquamarine or rose quartz for those who are experiencing a lot of grief. Aventurine: Circulation. I get very happy when I wear this stone. I also use this to help clear my congestion. Green Aventurine: Physical healing. I either place this around my neck or on the area where healing is needed. This is the stone I would choose for overall healing support. For major illnesses, I would use emerald and/or frosted quartz as well. Transparent Aventurine is extremely powerful - however, it needs washing daily (dry flat). Immature transparent aventurine will fade. Cape Amethyst: Inner alignment. This seems to balance the inner bodies (emotional, spiritual, etc.) as well as provide more energy. I use a very small sphere (4-6mm) on acupressure points for 1-5 minutes to clear energy blockages. For larger spheres (8mm), use less than a minute. Also good for arthritis - wrap strands of cape amethyst around aching joint. Carnelian: Balance creativity and mental processes. When my husband was wheezing from allergies, I placed this on him. He stopped wheezing within 30 seconds. When I removed it, he started wheezing again. This worked best with natural carnelian (bright orange). However, clear man-made carnelian worked on him as well. Wash carnelian under water after wearing it. Carnelian is the carrier of the orange ray. Chrysoprase: Spiritual protection. Thi stone allows me to work through issues without outside influences. Great when starting in management or working with large groups of people. Citrine: Upliftment. I wear this to help align my spine. I either place a strand along my spine or wear it around my neck. Citrine encourages the yellow ray to support the body. This stone also helps one process energy work. Coral: Emotional Foundation. Coral protects and strengthens one's emotional foundation. Diamond: Increase personal clarity. I find this aligns me with my higher purpose as well as offers many healing properties. I have had profound results with diamond therapy. (Some diamond therapists are listed under gemstone therapists.) Emerald: Physical and emotional healing. This is the strongest physical healing gemstone that I know. I use it by placing it on the area which needs healing or wearing it around my neck. Emerald is the carrier of the green ray. Green Fluorite: Hormone Balance. This stone has been helpful with hormonal changes such as PMS and menopause. Purple Rainbow Fluorite: Change. Helps one get out of ruts. Jade: Relaxation. Jade works wonders for my husband when placed on a sore shoulder or back. I have used it to reduce tension in my life. I find that I am calmer when I wear jade. Kunzite: Emotional Support. I use this stone to help my mind and my emotions be in sync. Lapis: Understand the mind. Expanding your viewpoint. It is good for connecting the heart and the mind when worn over the heart. Leopardskin Jasper: Bring what one needs. Note that it doesn't necessarily bring in what you want. However, it is a wonderfully supporting stone. Mahogany Obsidian: Decision making. It has been helpful in healing my gums as well. Malachite: Bring harmony into one's life. I have done many meditations with malachite to gather knowledge on gemstones and on myself. Moldavite: Grounding stone. Really puts one in their body. This is extremely strong -- you may wish to try black onyx for grounding first. It is rumored that it helps you talk to other sentient beings (humans and whales and dolphins). I haven't tried this. Grey Moonstone: Helps one accept other stone's powers by cleansing blocks. This can be hard to wear. Orange Moonstone: Helps one accept other stone's help by comforting you. This is less powerful than white - but helpful when one really needs a certain stone. White Moonstone: Helps one accept other stone's help through highlighting the others effects. I like this moonstone the most. When worn by itself is balances yin/yang. Moss Agate: Get in touch with nature. Plant knowledge. Mother of Pearl: Protection; Know mother's love. This stone is a great protective stone. Black Obsidian: Grounding stone. I gaze into it for a very short time (1-5 minutes) each day for 3 days when I need insight into a problem. I use black obsidian when I have been unable to understand what aquamarine has been trying to show me. This is a very strong stone. I use it sparingly. Black Onyx: Helps one to change bad habits. This is great when used in a necklace. I have found it helps people notice their chakras when placed on each chakra. (This can be done one chakra at a time.) It is a great grounding stone. Mexican Onyx: Helps one sleep better. For more details, see my Sleeping Better therapies. Black Opal: See self as Soul. I find this stone is great for helping one see the possibilities of how one can be all they can be. This stone seems to strengthen bones too. Opal: See possibilities; discover a broader view. I use opal to see all the possibilities in a situation. I find it very freeing when I feel blocked in a situation. Some people find this stone very hard to wear. I find it wonderful. A little opal can go a long way. Fresh Water Pearl: Enable one to accept love. See the good parts of oneself so you can love yourself and others more. Peridot: Brings the energies from in the aura to the physical body. This is useful after energy work -- however, one needs to be certain that they are bringing in the new energy -- not the stuff they are trying to purge. Use with caution. If you muscle test (or use a pendulum), test for it. Poppy Jasper: Gain a positive outlook. I find that I am very happy when I wear this stone. Frosted Quartz: Balance. I often place this over the chakras or wear it around my neck. It is wonderfully soothing. Rose Quartz: Emotional balance. Very good for expressing and soothing emotions. Try to find undyed rose quartz. I find that gold doesn't mix with rose quartz. Rhodonite: Emotional support. Helps one take the next step emotionally. Rhodocrisite: Change. Gives one confidence while making desired changes. Very supportive. One can make large changes very quickly with this stone. Ruby: Love; Open the heart. It allows me to overcome fear. Carrier of the red ray. Sapphire: Mental clarity. Clear mental garbage. Carrier of the blue ray. Sodalite: Protects from external negative energy. I use it by computers to help reduce the damage from EMF. Sunstone: Enhances contemplations. I find my meditations are clearer when I wear this stone. Also, I remember my dreams more. I use it for a few days in a row when I find I have not been remembering my dreams. Sugilite: Absorbs garbage from wearer's aura. I feel lighter when I wear this stone. It uplifts me and gives me more energy. Tanzanite: Changes. Uplifts and opens the heart. Green Tourmaline: Promote male balance and physical healing. I do not recommend this for females (use emerald or aventurine). Pink Tourmaline: Promote female balance and protection. Tree Agate: Introspection. Helps one view themselves with more clarity and see the world through a broader viewpoint. Unikite: Balances physical/emotions.
I have begun reading this book...On the Threshold, Home, hardwood and holiness....a friend sent it to me, said he thought that I would really enjoy it! We talked about my spiritual journey over the last year, he gave me a "reading" and proceeded to tell me why it is that I am doing the things I am doing.......ok, the insight that he gave me about my life was SCARY, to say the least! The things he said to me, made TOTAL sense, and he mapped out my life as though he had known me all my life! After all we talked about, he wanted to send me this book, so I allowed him to! As I began to read, from the very beginning, I felt as though this Author was writing about my life, so i just wanted to leave a few incerpts from the book, perhaps leave some inspiration for others!!! ".....On the outside, one foot preeceded the other and geese scattered from my path. Inside, it was as though, all my life I had been riding a mighty steed which, on a whim, decided to buck. I was thrown. Gravity yanked my heart down so roughly that it bruised and split. At least that's the image that came to me then, the story that layered itself on that moment, explaining my sharp intake of breath and clutched gut. Afterward, the depression that raged in me for a full year I blamed on the feisty and unfaithful horse. ........Now, I recognize the stallion as God, the theistic deity who existed outside myself; it was a temperamental and unreliable mount from the start. ......" ".......The realization that God, the holy one I worshiped, didn't seem to care is what unseated me. I wanted to believe otherwise, but it was God who galloped away in that moment, flanks shining and nostrils flared with defiance. ...." ".....The story of the soul's night is never wasted. Sadness is a wilderness we walk through, leaving behind a meager trail of bread crumbs. We can't retrace our steps to get out. We can only forge ahead, meet the witch, outwit her when we can. grab her jewels, and run. If we make it out the other end, the father who chose to abandon us is still our father. His compassion is incomprehensible. ....." Over the past year, many things have made me question the existance of "GOD", made me wonder if all my beliefs were in vain! Slowly but surely, I am finding that answer, it isn't easy, and my road isn't even half way traveled, but I know in my heart, that one day I will again be whole and that all this will seem quite the petty circumstance! I hope that, for any of you who read this, one day you will realize what I am now. If you are on the same path, perhaps this will help you in some way, as it seems to be helping me! BLESSED BE my friends! Much love and harmony to you ALL!!! Jewels

Love Quotes

Just wanted to leave you some thoughts for the day! Love means MANY things, however each of us have our own views as to what LOVE is to us! Enjoy! "Love is a precious gift that you receive, and you need to give it with caution!" "Love is a fire that reigns in the heart." "Love is a noble act of self-giving, offering trust, faith, and loyalty. The more you love, the more you lose a part of yourself, yet you don't become less of who you are; you end up being complete with your loved ones." "Love is when there are a million things you want to say to someone, but when they look you in the eyes and hold you in their arms nothing in life matters other than being with that person at that moment." "Love is like the weather, sometimes it forces you to withdraw even when you don't want to stay inside. While other times it is the best of times and you keep yourself inside." "Love is looking at him and knowing that even if you can't be with him, you feel happy because he is happy with someone else." "Love is like standing in a puddle of wet cement, the longer you stay, the harder it is to get out, but when you do get out you always leave your shoe behind." "Merlin: Love is a force Young Arthur: Is it very powerful? Merlin: Yes.. some would say the greatest power in the Universe." And last but NEVER least, I saved the best for last..... "To love you must be willing to let go, to let go you must be willing to love." Hope you enjoy them, perhaps give you something to ponder on!

Craving the Rose?

"But he that dares not grasp the thorn, should never crave the Rose!" Ponder that thought for a moment..... OK, now, absorb the meaning of that quote! Whatever life is, the Rose is quite symbolic of our journey, don't you think? It is beautiful to view, nice to smell the fragrance, the silky petals feel great against the skin, enchanting to realize all the different layers, and still yet, you get the occasional prick from the thorns! Does that make us love the Rose any less?? For me, that answer is NO, actually it makes me respect it even more! Mind the thorns, otherwise they can cause you to bleed! Because of the thorns, we treat the Rose with a fragile touch! The Rose can symbolize life in that very same manner! We should be careful how we embrace life, else we get a taste of our own blood, perhaps become bruised even, by the very essence of it's touch! It is my will, my goal, if you will, to treat life in the same manner as I treat the Rose! I want to admire it, feel it, embrace it, live it, breathe it, sense it and most of all, enjoy all the beauty it has to offer me! For all the beauty that life can offer to us, we must also accept that in embracing it in all it's glory, we must also accept the pitfalls and the craters, bumps and pebbles! We must endure times of hardship, weather the storm, infuse our strength into our losses and NEVER lose sight of the overall goal! Is it easy?? No, not in any means, however, to endure all that the pain encompasses, you must be strong, but in the end, we get to relish in all the beauty and wonderful things that our trials made worthwhile! If we didn't struggle in life, how would we know what was good? How would we know what it means to be happy?? Unless we suffer sadness, we would NEVER know how to be happy! With every single thing that is good, there is also the bad to face! That is how LIFE works, that is how Karma is.....yin/yang, remember! For every good, there is a bad....for every happiness, there is a sadness.....for every day, there is a night.....for every feminine, there is a masculine! Life, in general, is FULL of opposites! What we must acheive, is the talent to make it through our trials so that we may reap our rewards! With rewards though, comes responsibility! We must adhere to the everlasting rule in life.....To ALWAYS maintain some form of balance in our lives! When we get angry and cause pain, life ALWAYS repays us in one form or another! When we seek to help someone in life, Life then rewards us in the same manner! The trick, is to recognize which of the opposites you are causing! I have always prided myself in being strong.....but to become strong and realize that you are, you will first taste your weakness! Life has a way of making you swallow your pride, no matter what that pride consists of! If you are vain, life can take your beauty from you in many ways.....if you are greedy, life has ways of breaking your greed and making you humble! In everything that we do, life has a payback! Where I go with this is to get myself to realize, that in some point of my life, I took advantage of a good relationship, somehow made it sour, and life is merely making me realize that now! I sit here in judgement of myself, wondering where in life I have upset the balance and am now reaping what I have sown.....I must have, for I am tasting a sorrow that I have never known in this life! I was not perfect, am not now perfect, and will NEVER be perfect, however, in this life, I am to take the necessary steps to try and prevent causing pain to others! How do we acheive that?? Remember what I said earlier.......to understand the good, we must first taste the bad......to know how to stop the pain of others, we must first taste that particular sorrow to understand it! In this life, we will learn MANY things, but in order to truly understand what we learn, we must first apply that knowledge! You have read my words many times, have read over and over that my goal in life is to be "enlightened".....well, enlightenment isn't just gaining knowledge, it is knowing how to apply the knowledge in the correct setting! It is understanding that no matter how much we think we know, we are ALWAYS learning! Once our lives absorb all the necessary knowledge, we then start to omit knowledge, sort of strip our minds of what we know in order to get back to our basic selves! Don't understand that?? No worries, you will in time! The last couple of days, I have learned something.......there are REASONS for everything that happens, reasons for why people do what they do........a yin for every yang......perhaps my hurt and sorrow was caused to allow another to heal his own!!! Sometimes, we must clear our lives of all that matters, strip our lives completely so that we can regain some degree of order in our lives! Perhaps that is exactly what was going on......someone was stripping their lives of everything they valued so that they may regain an air of order in their life! I hope I have gained some insight into my own personna, gained some knowledge of how things shall be for me, and better yet, how to apply that knowledge in future reactions to events and make them benefit my life somehow! Many blessings to you, my friends, as I hope that somehow, I might teach others as I learn! I hope that one day, someone can take something from my pain to benefit their own lives! Blessed Be! May the Goddess bless and keep you in her care always! May you always "Crave the Rose"!!! Namaste!

I made it!!!!!

Special thanks to my friends who helped me level in the last couple days!! FUBAR friends are the GREATEST!!!! Love ya all!! When you need help, let me know, I will most definately return the favor!!!! **HUGS**


Just wanted to take a moment to thank a very good friend for helping me!! WOW, thanks so much for rating every single pic and stash item I had!!! YOU ARE THE GREATEST!!!! Stop by his profile and show him some love, help me re-pay the favor in a cool kick-azz FUBAR way!! Smitty - Just Having Fun

@ fubar

Special friends folder!

I am considering a photo folder to add those I consider my special friends......people who have helped me level, helped me help a friend level, kept constant contact with me throughout my history on here....things like that! If you wind up on my list, then you have made my life better in some form or another! Just a small tribute to those of you who are caring and considerate! People don't get enough recognition for those qualities these days....this is just MY way of showing you how much you are appreciated! If any of my friends wish for me not to use their pic in this folder, please contact me and let me know!!! THANKS.......YOU ARE WORTH A MILLION TO ME!!!
A few more miles to go, just a few, and I will finally get to meet him!! Thinking back to all the phone conversations, the instant messages, my mind races at the thought of what the meeting will be like! I have played it over and over in my mind, but will it be the same? As I look ahead at the road I see the exit sign I need and slowly merge into that lane, ready to veer off into the land where I will meet the one who has expressed his desire to meet so vehemently! Why am I so compelled to meet him? I have longed for this for so long. Over the last few months, we have shared so many thoughts, so many feelings, I felt as though I had known him all my life! In some respects, just from talking to him I felt as though I had met my soul mate! So many things that were coincidental. The finishing of each others sentences, the things we have in common, words that were said to each other that coincided with things we have only dreamed of, feeling each other so strongly that we knew when one was thinking of the other......so many enchanting things that have happened. Was it possible? Could he be the one that she has heard many speak of? How could one man be everything and nothing to me at the same time? Everything to me because I knew him on many levels, and nothing to me because we had never met face to face. Now, now I am given the chance to meet him and I am so nervous about it! Driving down the new road, my mind wanders to the thought of the meeting.......... I hear a light rapping on the door and become enveloped with excitement. I raise from the hotel chair, smooth down my shirt and swiftly cross the hotel floor to the door. Just as I reach for the knob, I catch my breath. A deep inhale and a very slow exhale! My heart is pounding at the thought of him being just outside the door. I turn the knob, open the door and my eyes search for his, as our gazes lock, I realize that everything that we have said or done depends on this one moment. A smile across my face, I say "Hello", all the while realizing that my palms are damp, my knees are weak, my stomach full of butterflies, my heart pounding as though it will explode and my mind is just racing in thought! As he speaks his hello I am comforted by the voice I have heard so many times before. I reach out, grab him by the neck and embrace him for a hug. Both arms around his neck and his placed around my waist I give him a tight squeeze to let him know just how glad I am to see him, and say, "I am so glad you are here". I turn my head slightly and give him a peck on the cheek and release my hold so we can enter the room. Phil asks where the restroom is and I direct him toward it. He banters toward the door of the restroom and I giggle at his actions......always the playful one he is!! While he is indisposed, I think of the day ahead and what is to come and decide to sit on the edge of the bed. When Phil comes out we determine that the bags need to be brought in. So, with that being said, we both head towards the door............ When I come out of thought I see the sign to the hotel and get excited...I pull into the lot and park the car. I head into the hotel to register and get the key to the room. As I am signing in the Clerk tells me the room number...221..hmmmmm funny about that number...2 2 1 when 2 people combine to make 2 hearts, they become one!! Weird how that number makes me think that! I grab the key, head to the car and proceed to drive around to where the room is. I head into the room looking for the phone. When I spot the phone, I dial Phil's number, patiently waiting for him to answer! After the second ring I hear his voice say, "HELLO" and I reply," Hello there sexy, I have arrived and I am waiting for you, so get your slow ass in gear and head this way baby!!!" We both say goodbye and I decide to sit in the chair and wait for him to arrive. I flip the television on for some background noise while I wait and get totally lost in my thoughts..........
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