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Long ago, Great Hare made the world. He made all the stars, too, and the world is one of the stars. He made them by scattering his droppings over the sky and this is why the grass and the trees grow so thick on the world. Great Hare makes the rivers flow. They follow him as he goes through the sky, and when he leaves the sky they look for him all night. Great Hare made all the animals and birds, but when he first made them they were all the same. The sparrow and the kestrel were friends and they both ate seeds and flies. And the fox and the rabbit were friends and they both ate grass and plenty of flies, because the world was new and Great Hare shone down bright and worm all day. Now, White Rabbit was among the animals in those days and he had many wives. He had so may wives that there was no counting them, and the wives had so many young that even Great Hare could not count them, and they ate the grass and the dandelions and the lettuces and the clover, and White Rabbit was the father of them all. And after a time, the grass began to grow thin and the rabbits wandered everywhere, multiplying and eating as they went. Then Great Hare said to White Rabbit, “Prince Rabbit, if you cannot control your people, I shall find ways to control them. So mark what I say.” But White Rabbit would not listen and he said to Great Hare, “My people are the strongest in the world, for they breed faster and eat more than any of the other people. And this shows how much they love Lord Great Hare, for of all the animals they are the most responsive to his warmth and brightness. You must realize, my lord, how important they are and not hinder them in their beautiful lives.” Great Hare could have killed White Rabbit at once, but he had a mind to keep him in the world, because he needed him to sport and jest and play tricks. So he determined to get the better of him, not my means of his own great power but by means of a trick. He gave out that he would hold a great meeting and that at that meeting he would give a present to every animal and bird, to make each one different from the rest. And all the creatures set out to go to the meeting place. But they all arrived at different times, because Great Hare made sure that it would happen so. And when the blackbird came, he gave him his beautiful song, and when the cow came, he gave her sharp horns and the strength to be afraid of no other creature. And so in their turn came the fox and the stoat and the weasel. And to each of them Great Hare gave the cunning and the fierceness and the desire to hunt and sly and eat the children of White Rabbit. And so they went away from Great Hare full of nothing but hunger to kill the rabbits. Now, all this time White Rabbit was dancing and mating and boasting that he was going to Great Hare’s meeting to receive a great gift. And at last he set out for the meeting place. But as he was going there, he stopped t rest on a soft, sandy hillside and while he was resting, over the hill came flying the dark swift, screaming as he went, “News! News! News!” For you know, this is what he has ever since that day. So White Rabbit called up to him and said, “What news?” ‘Why,” said the swift, “I would not be you, White Rabbit. For Great Hare has given the fox and the weasel cunning hearts and sharp teeth, and to the cat he has given silent feet and eyes that can see in the dark, and they are gone away from Great Hare’s place to kill and devour all that belongs to White Rabbit.” And he dashed on over the hills. And at that moment White Rabbit heard the voice of Great Hare calling, “Where is White Rabbit? For all the others have taken heir gifts and I have come to look for him.” Then White Rabbit knew that Great Hare was to clear for him ad he was frightened. He thought that the fox and the weasel were coming with Great Hare and he turned to the face of the hill and began to dig. He dug a hole, but he had dug only a little of it when Great Hare cam over the hill alone. And he saw White Rabbit’s bottom sticking out of the hole and the sand flying out in showers as the digging went on. When he saw that, he called out, “My friend, have you seen White Rabbit, for I am looking for him to give him my gift?” “No,” answered White Rabbit, without coming out, “I have not seen him. He is far away. He could not come” So Great Hare said, “Then come out of that hole and I will bless you instead of him.” “No, I cannot,” said White Rabbit, “I am busy. The fox and the easel are coming. I you want to bless me you can bless my bottom, for it is sticking out of the hole.” Then, Great Hare felt himself in friendship with White Rabbit who would not give up even when he thought the fox and the weasel were coming. And he said, “Very well, I will bless your bottom as it sticks out of the hole. Bottom, be strength and warning and speed forever and save the life of your master. Be it so!” And as he spoke, White Rabbit’s tail grew shining white and flashed like a star: and his back legs grew long and powerful and he thumped the hillside until the very beetles fell off the grass stems. He came out of the hole and tore across the hill faster than any creature in the world. And Great Hare called after him, “White Rabbit, your people cannot rule the world, for I will not have it so. All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.” And White Rabbit knew then that although he would not be mocked, yet Great Hare was his friend. And every evening, when Great Hare has done his day’s work and lies calm and easy in the red sky, White Rabbit and his children and his children’s children come out of their holes and feed and play in his sight, for they are his friends and he has promised them that they can never be destroyed.

Time for friends

They say... It takes a minute, to find a special person. An hour, to appreciate them. A day, to love them. But, An entire life, to forget them.
Take the time to live! Do not value the THINGS you have in your life. But value WHO you have in your life!

2 Friends

A story tells that two friends
were walking through the desert. During some point of the journey they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face. The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand: TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SLAPPED ME IN THE FACE. They kept on walking until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a bath. The on who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friend saved him. After he recovered from the near drowning, he wrote on a stone: TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SAVED MY LIFE. The friend who had slapped and saved his best friend asked him, "After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now, you write on a stone, why?" The other friend replied "When someone hurts us we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away. But, when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it." LEARN TO WRITE YOUR HURTS IN THE SAND AND TO CARVE YOUR BENEFITS IN STONE.
1. Be careful of using personal entertainment as a way to avoid closeness with the one you love. Couples often do this at bedtime.
2. Do not stifle natural feelings of desire. Do whatever you can to fan the flame.
3. Do not work yourself up into a bad attitude simply because your loved one is busy doing something else at the moment.
4. Never speak with sarcasm in your voice, especially regarding something your loved one enjoys. Show love by trying to appreciate each other’s unique interests.
5. Do not give in to sudden fits of temper.
6. Beware of selfish preoccupation so you do not miss between-the-line hints when a loved one needs you.
7. Do everything you can to preserve the bedroom as a quiet place of rest and refreshment. Avoid discussions of business or family problems there.
8. Do not point blame at your loved one for changes and problems in your relationship.
9. Be willing to forgive and continue to take reasonable, lifelong emotional risks.
10. Focus on what you can do in the present and in the future to improve your relationship; do not dwell on “the way you were.”
11. Do not mentally rehearse your loved ones shortcomings over the last day, month, year, decade, ect.
12. Do not dwell on the times your love has hurt you. Move on.
13. Reflect on whether you have truly forgiven someone for hurting you.
14. If you have been unfaithful, accept the fact that it might take a while for your loved one to forgive you and trust you again.
15. Do not assume your relationship is as good as it can be or even better than it was.
16. Realize that everyone deals with tragedy and grief differently.
17. Talk about what’s happening in your relationship right now; do not bury feelings or hide them from each other.
18. Take as many photos as you can so you can cherish them through time together.
19. Express to your loved one how he or she can help you cope.
20. Do not forgo long periods of abstinence from intimacy.
21. Do not go to bed angry—never, ever, ever!
22. Share significant life events together whenever possible.
23. Treat each other with tenderness, even in public. It makes your lover feel special.
24. Be honest about grief when it surfaces, but do not dwell too long on sad thoughts.
25. Help your loved ones to practice the valuable act of forgiveness.
26. Have concerned regarding social and environmental surroundings of your home.
27. Express forgiveness in tangible ways.
28. Compliment your loved ones when the do something commendable. Be specific and sincere about the reasons for your admiration.
29. Plan activities during the holidays to create special meaning and memories for each member of the relational family.
30.Respect the fact that each person’s physical, mental, and emotional clock ticks at a different speed.
31. Understand the strong correlation between a significant other’s sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in their feeling of purpose.
32. Encourage on another to take up a hobby or a project to stimulate personal growth, but do not let you own interests infringe on the relational family’s well-being.
33. When a loved one wants to speak to you about something, give them your undivided attention, or ask if you can discuss the matter at another time when you can better concentrate. Do not brush the matter off.
34. Care enough about relational members to keep abreast of all that is going on in their lives from day to day.
35. Demonstrate support for you lovers choice of profession. He or she spends usually half of all waking hours there; you don’t.
36. Do not attack your loved one as soon as he or she walks in the door, even if you are on edge about a problem.
37. If your lover makes even the slightest effort to be affectionate, put your own agenda on hold and respond.
38. Listen carefully to the emotions and body language behind your loved ones words and show appropriate concern.
39. Be available. Make it easy for your loved ones to talk to you
40. When your lover has a “gut instinct” that something is wrong, do not lecture him or her. Take heed and try to understand.
41. Pay attention to subtle changes in behavior of loved ones and address the underlying issue before it’s too late.
42. Pitch in with chores around the house. Every member of the home should share the responsibility.
43. Do not allow yourself the luxury of critical thoughts about your lover, simply because he or she has a different personality and habits than you.
45. Do not throw away items belonging to your lover without discussing the matteer first. Children also deserve to understand why you feel something they cherish needs to be discarded.
46. Make bedtime a special bonding time with children in the relationship. Talk, read stories, and reassure them of your love for them.
47. If you want to help members of the relationship to appreciate what they have, help others in need, and do a quality job while you’re at it.
48. Be a mentor or role model to those younger than you. Likewise, submit to mature elders as well.
49. Be thoughtful. Offer to do tasks or errands for a loved one without their having to ask.
50. Show genuine concern for another family in crisis.
51. Be willing to confront someone, lovingly, about an area where you see negative changes taking place.
52. Wish good upon others, especially when they need it.
53. If one child requires extra attention doe to disabilities or illness, go out of your way to make sure other children do not feel guilty, unimportant, or unloved.
54. Make every effort possible to have at least one guardian attend school activities your child is involved in. If your are a single parent who has to work, express sincere regrets for your absence and try to make up for it another way.
55. Provide your children and “open-door” atmosphere to come and talk to you about what’s bothering them, no matter what it might be. A deep sense of trust comes from time spent together. They learn they can count on you to really listen.
56. Teach you loved ones ways to avoid danger, as well as ways to protect themselves.
57. Do good deeds as a “Good Samaritan”. It builds good karma, but be aware, that it may cost you something.
58. Do not alienate those you are trying to reach when they are irrational. Hostility and a demanding tone of voice will only send them fleeing further.
59. Acknowledge the fact that others mat be better qualified to handle a matter than you are. Let them do it.
60. If your lover makes a mistake in judgment, do not rub salt into an open wound. Keep quiet.
61. When you are angry, it is often better to hold your tongue and just walk away until you calm down.
62. Make personal sacrifices in order to surprise your lover with something special.
63. Do fun things together to keep the romance of your courtship days alive.
64. Do not ponder temptation of unfaithfulness when the relationship lacks spice.
65. Assist your lover in the small details of life, in order that he or she may accomplish a sought-after goal.
66. Life has its’ ups and downs. When things seem overwhelming to handle, hang in there. Blessings will come and better days will be around if you just keep trying.
67. Couples complement each other with different strengths and weaknesses.
68. If someone speaks to you in a condescending tone, do not retaliate. Simply state your case calmly.
69. Recognize your own weaknesses, and listen to your lover when he or she issues a warning of potential danger ahead.
70. Before you say “good night,” always kiss your spouse and say, “I love you.”
71. Be aware and concerned for what you view and listen to amongst children. Remember, PG stands for “parental guidance.”
72. Teach you children the consequences of right and wrong, but remember to set a good example yourself.
73. Love you family members, “warts and all.” No matter what, let them know you love and believe in them, even when you cannot condone their bad behavior or decisions.
74. Do not ever resort to shouting arguments or periods of cold, silent treatment. Learn how to communicate in more constructive ways.
75. Do not blow things out of proportion.
76. Do not belittle those who struggle with substance abuse; assist them to recognize and resolve their issues. Never demand them to “choose” or an “or else” ultimatum.
77. Be sure to love yourself. Only then can you love others.
78. Practice a constant, personal relationship with your Higher Power, not just a ritual of churchgoing.
79. Instead of an accuser, become an intercessor for those around you.
80. Before, you point out your loved ones faults, look hard at your own. Remember, when you point a finger there is always 3 pointing at yourself.
81. Recognize the damage separation problems cause to children’s emotions and encourage them to talk about it. Even if you and your lover decide to reconcile, do not sweep the matter under the rug with the kids as if nothing unusual happened.
82.Do not take your frustration wit your lover out on the children.
83. Do not let one child’s more pleasant personality cause you to show favoritism. Each child is unique.
84. Be quick to do fun things your children will enjoy.
85. Just because something has little value to you does not mean your loved one feels the same. Respect each other in this area.
86. Do not give your lover trite, placating observations or suggestions when they are upset. It only makes things worse.
87. Do not assume your lover does not care about a crisis as much as you do, simply because he or she shows fewer feelings about it, or tries to keep busy.
88. Remember that a soft answer turns away wrath, but a hard one kindles it.
89. Give money to those in need, but use wisdom about who, where, and when. Talk it over with your lover first, too.
90. Drive carefully, especially when your loved ones are in the vehicle. Do not add to their sense of stress; they should feel secure and comfortable with you at the wheel.
91. Never be abusive, emotionally or physically, to your lover or children.
92. Show special understanding to your teens after relationship break-ups so they are not as vulnerable to attention from the opposite sex.
93. If you need outside counseling for any concern in the relationship, by all means seek it.
94. Do not manipulate your lover into doing what you want, no matter if your intentions are good or not. Give him or her time to make a decision without pressure from you.
95. Make time alone for yourself to reflect on your thoughts.
96. Avoid the mind-set that you “deserve to be happy.” It can lead to self-indulgence. Life is not all about you.
97. Believe in a Higher Power that cares for you.
98. Be careful how and when you express anger to your lover. However, do not hold it in and let it fester, either.
99. Hone your communication skills throughout your lifetime.
100. Acknowledge your interdependence on other human beings.
101. Maintain an eternal perspective. This world is not our final destination; it is a training ground for the journey yet to come.

The Incarcerated Moth

I witnessed a moth attempting escape from my cell overnight. I wanted to help the moth out, but the slim window was one solid slate of tempered glass; designed to never open, nor break. I could not take the creature outside the building; For I too, was locked within the very same cell. The only outlet for it, that I could reveal, was a half-inch gape under the locked steel door to the dark chamber beyond. From there what would he do? Nothing more to guide him and no light to appeal. There were still 3 more doors of this obstruction type before reaching the air of natures freedom. Even to be finally free… Would the light he desired “burn” or lure one as victim of prey to the predators of the world? Instead, it died trying through the shortest distance “seen”; Giving up life for not knowing better.

Now, the moral of this (reflecting in my opinion) comes as follows: How have I found MYSELF behind so many obstacles? Am I seeking my goals in a false hope? Am I being guided by and to and unsafe illusion? Where is “true” help, IF any possible? Will I ever make it to the other side of the glass or am I so institutionalized that I should accustom myself within and not beat myself trying to get “what”?

What about YOU?

Box of Kisses

The story goes that some time ago, a man punished his three tear old daughter for wasting a roll of gold wrapping paper. Money was tight and he became infuriated when the child tried to decorate a box to put under the Christmas tree. Nevertheless, the little girl brought the gift to her father the next morning and said, “This is for you, Daddy!” He was embarrassed, be his earlier over-reaction. But his anger flared again when he found the box empty. He yelled at her again, “Don’t you know that when you give someone a present, there is supposed to be something inside it!?” The little girl looked up at him with tears in her eyes and said, “Oh, but Daddy, it is not empty. I blew kisses into the box. All for you, Daddy!” The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little girl, and he begged for her forgiveness. It is told that the man kept that gold wrapped box by his bed for years and whenever he was discouraged, he would take out an imaginary kiss and remember the love of the child who had put it there. In a very real sense, each of us as humans have been given a gold container filled with unconditional love and kisses from our children, friends, family, or God. There is no more precious possession anyone could hold. Now, you have two choices: 1. Pass this on to a loved one. 2. Ignore it and act like it didn’t touch your heart.
As you can see, my choice was #1

The Value of a Smile

It costs nothing, But creates much. It enriches those who receive, Without impoverishing those who give. It happens in a flash, And the memory of it lasts forever. None are so rich they can get along without it; And none are so poor, but are richer for its benefits. It creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in a business, And is the countersign of friends. It is rest to the weary, daylight to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, And nature’s best antidote for trouble. Yet, it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, For it is something that is no Earthly good to anyone ‘til it is given away. And, if someone should pass by and not give you a smile, Leave them one of yours. For, nobody needs a smile; So much as, those who have none left to give.
First & foremost, love each other. Realize how lucky you ate to be in love with someone who loves you. Say "I love you" often & in different ways. Surprise each other with gifts of praise to show your love. Remember that love grows in an atmosphere of freedom & trust, not from restraint and obligation. Do things to keep your love and romance new & alive. Don't take love for granted, ever. It's such a blessing… Listen objectively to each other, as you would to a friend. Acceptance is a key to understanding & a buffer for tension & resentment. Don't take things personally; give each other the right to have different opinions, the right to disagree. You don't want anyone to control your feelings, so don't try to own someone else's, not even the feelings of the one you love. Never stop treating each other like sweethearts. This is important! Talk to each other as sweethearts. Do things that sweethearts do. Share the chores around the house. Work together in achieving your goals. Do things just to make the other one feel loved, especially when he or she might be feeling a little down. Take pride in the way you look or act, for yourself & your partner, but never let external values have more importance than the internal feelings of your heart. Take of each other. Go to the doctor with each other. Put the other one first, but don't neglect your own needs either. Do the things that show that you're interested in your partner's needs & desires & problems. Look to each other for help. Don't let your problems or concerns get out of hand & make you go in opposite directions. Be joyful that you've each made a commitment to the other…through sickness & in health, poverty or wealth, or whatever comes along. You're in this life together. Be thankful. Talk about things together the way you would talk with a friend. Absolutely refuse to say anything negative about your partner. Share your most important secrets, & never betray the secrets of your partner; treat them as almost sacred. Keep your own identity, but walk together as one. Don't ever give up on your love. Settle the fact you've made your choice & your no longer looking for anyone else. Don't flirt. Think of the consequences. Don't consider it. Be in agreement about how your money is spent. Big items should have the approval of both. Talk about how to manage you finances. When in doubt about your actions, ask yourself how you would want to be treated & then act accordingly. If you've argued, never go to sleep without asking the other's forgiveness, even when you don't feel like it or want to. Be faithful about this; you won't be sorry! Say "I love you" every time you lay & wake next to each other. Do what will make you both the happiest in the long run & be the best for your relationship. HAVE FUN!!!
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