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Since I work with many companies and leaders around the globe I get the privilege of hearing and learning about things that many people don’t.
I was listening to a group of distributors discussing the topic of training recently. It was very interesting for me to just listen and hear the input from different people and watch the direction of the conversation and then their conclusion (or lack of). Here is what I observed:
The premise: To train or not train new distributors
Argument for training: They’ll be better at M.L.M
Argument for not training: Training doesn’t “really” help; it only slows growth
There were many great points (arguments presented) for both sides and everyone had fun debating it; although it did get pretty heated at times.
My conclusion was and is that it’s a worthless debate because the premise is incorrect. Again, the premise is train or not train. That assumes there’s an option to train or not train.
With this group I was able to unravel them from their own endless debate by simply asking them to question the premise and define what the word training meant to each person and then come up with a definition that all could use. Here’s how I described it to them.
If distributor A brings prospect B into their business to sell products but later learns that B can’t sell products, distributor A can either train them or dump them.
If an industry chooses not to train their people, the pile of people rejected (by not training them) will grow faster than the industry itself and will prevent the success of the industry by causing bad public relations!
Let me explain the mechanics of this: if YOU choose not to train someone that you bring into your business and they fail as a result, then you have positioned that person to talk badly about YOU and YOUR COMPANY and the INDUSTRY as a whole! By-word-of-mouth advertising works both ways!!
When enough people in an industry engage in this destructive behavior, the negative talk exceeds the positive talk and becomes the PUBLIC’S GENERAL VIEW OF THE INDUSTRY.
So how the premise was “wrong” is that whoever tossed the subject on the table didn’t look at the whole picture; only a fraction of the picture.
Whether to train your downline on how to do the business correctly is no more of a debate than debating whether you should train your son or daughter to walk, talk, eat, share, love, etc.
Huge respect to you,
Tim Sales

ps:Join TEAM247 & get the PROPER Training from the BEST Business Development Leaders in the country!! ~ SeanBarnette - TEAM247

39 Reasons to drink Acai Juice (Monavie) Each Day

      Some of the most important reasons to drink Monavie Acai, the main ingredient of the Monavie juice is known to have a benefic effect on human health, and bellow are some of the things that this fruit can do and the best 39 reasons to drink acai juice - Monavie - that you will ever need:

...Reason No. 1 Acai Helps You Sleep Better! Because it contains nutrients like vitamin B and others, acai is able to decrease your level of stress and aids in the communication between your brain cells. Acai is able to do this by assisting with the making of neurotransmitters. Some known neurotransmitters are serotonin and dopamine. This will also help you sleep better

...Reason No. 2 Acai Will Increase Your Energy Level! Monavie can and is used by renowned athletes like Venus Williams, because Acai has a lot of nutrients, and especially a lot of lipids which are responsible for boosting up your energy level. This is why Monavie can be used on a daily basis to improve your energy level, and even before a more “energy demanding” event.

...Reason No. 3 Acai Reduces High Cholesterol Acai has a lot of EFAs which stands for Essential Fatty Acids. These Acids sustain the good cholesterol (which is named HDL cholesterol) and at the same time, it will decrease the level of bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol). These two actions, made by the EFAs will lead to a much better blood circulation in you body. If you want to know more about how monavie helps reduce high cholesterol you can also read Monavie & Cholesterol If you have problems with you cholesterol, you can try this

...Reason No. 4 Acai Will Help You Lose Weight! If you are trying to lose weight, then Monavie is a gold mine for you! Drinking Monavie will help you lose weight because acai will delay hunger and help you control your appetite. This is possible because Acai has a low glycemic index.

...Reason No. 5 Acai Helps Lower Your Stress Level! Acai is a great helper in the battle against stress! This is mainly because acai is able to adjust the stress level in your body and then to repair it.

...Reason No. 6 Acai Improves Your Sexual Health! Acai is known for having antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties can counteract sterility because of pollution, stress and factors associated with free radicals.

... Reason No. 7 Acai Eases Women’s Menstrual Cycle! Good news for women! Especially women who go through great menstrual pain each and every month! Acai is very rich in calcium and it eases the nasty pain of bloating and cramps.

...Reason No. 8 Acai Helps You Fight The Wrinkles! The Acai Juice has a high volume of phytisterols and anthocyanins which do a great job in protecting the collagen (and other connective tissues) and this way you will be safe from premature wrinkles.

...Reason No. 9 Drinking Acai Makes Your Teeth Stronger! The calcium that Acai has is not only good for easing cramps and bloating, but it also helps you have more powerful teeth, a nice whiter smile and also prevents the appearance of gingivitis or other gum diseases.

...Reason No. 10 Acai and Your Vision! The Acai juice helps improve your vision, reduces complications of macular degeneration in diabetics. This happens because of the vitamin C and the beta carotene that Acai has.

...Reason No. 11 Acai Aids Your Skin Tone! Because Acai has phytosterols, by drinking Monavie you will help decrease the wearing down of your skin’s protective outside layer and so improve your skin tone.

...Reason No. 12 Acai Fights Aging! Monavie may help slow down aging as acai has strong anti-oxidants and regenerative nutrients that aid cells to operate optimally. This is probably, one of the most important reasons to drink acai juice, from all the 39 reasons to drink monavie.

...Reason No. 13 Acai Protects Blood Vessels! By drinking Monavie you will be protecting you will be protecting your arteries, capillaries, veins and blood vessels. This is possible because of the anthocyanins that Acai has.

...Reason No. 14 Acai Can Improve Your Resistance To Disease! Because acai has lots of nutrients, monavie helps the immune system and increases your body’s resistance to all sorts of diseases.

...Reason No. 15 Acai Improves Lipid and Glucose Levels. Acai has a low glycemic index which improves these two levels.

...Reason No. 16 Acai Detoxifies And Cleanses Your Body. Acai is used for a long time now to detoxify human’s bodies. These are only 16 reasons to drink Monavie (acai juice) every single day and you can already see how powerful the fruit is and how much Monavie can do for people that drink it.

...Reason No. 17 Acai Can Even Help In Healing Ulcers! Due to his antibacterial properties, acai is able to destroy fungy, bacteria and even parasites like the one that causes ulcer.

Reason No. 18 Acai May Reduce The Risk Of Alzheimer’s Disease. According to a study made in 2004, which is found in the Archives of Neurology, people that drink acai are reducing the risk of an Alzheimer disease because of acai’s bigger amounts of vitamins E and C.

...Reason No. 19 Acai Is A Great Helper Against Osteoporosis. Because acai has an increased amount of calcium, the bad osteoporosis tends to stay away from you.

...Reason No. 20 Acai Fights Against BPH (prostate enlargement). Acai is a tough enemy of BPH which stands for benign prostate hyperplasia. You might know BPH as enlarged prostate.

...Reason No. 21 Acai Helps Twart Retinopathy. For people that have diabetes acai is great news, because it helps weak capillaries that otherwise could lead to retinopathy. The bad part about retinopathy is that it can often lead to blindness.

...Reason No. 22 Acai Can Even Prevent Causes Of Heart Disease. The Acai Juice has a powerful heart protection agent which is the antioxidant named polyphenols. The production of nitric oxide in the endothelial cells is improved by anthocyanin. The nitric oxide is responsible for the relaxation and enlargement of the blood vessel walls and this means a lesser amount of stress on your heart. And even more than this, your blood flow will be increased and you will have a decreased risk of any vessel blockage.

...Reason No. 23 The Acai Plant Sterols Help Lower Your Blood Pressure. The sterols are responsible for a lot for good things for your body. Sterols are the components of plant cell membranes. They are used in the treatment things associated with blood pressure.

...Reason No. 24 Acai Helps In Relieving The Symptoms Of Asthma. Acai is able to improve the symptoms from Asthma because it has a lot of vitamin C which is a very powerful antioxidant. The vitamin C has anti-inflammatory properties which help in relieving the Asthma symptoms.

...Reason No. 25 Acai Also Helps Relieve The Symptoms Of The Crohn’s Disease. Because Acai has great anti-inflammatory properties, he is able to stop the malabsorption of nutrients that are vital for the body. This way, acai is preventing any damage on the wall of your small intestines.

...Reason No. 26 Acai Helps In Relieving The Pain Caused By Arthritis. Once more, the anti-inflammatory abilities of the acai berry help in relieving pain caused by arthritis.

...Reason No. 27 Acai Helps Prevent Free-Radical Damage Of Your Immune System. Oxidation (free-radical damage) represents one of the principal causes of the immune weakness (dysfunction). Acai fights this by toughening the immune system.

...Reason No. 28 Acai Also Acts Like An Astringent. An astringent is a substance that shrinks, contracts, tightens the body tissues like our skin. Astringents are utilized to stop bleeding from small cuts and to give to the skin a fresh, tingling sensation.

...Reason No. 29 Acai Fights The Deadly Cancer! Acai prevents and lowers the risk of cancer. Acai fights breast cancer, skin, stomach, lung cancer by neutralizing the free radicals before they can harm cells.

...Reason No. 30 Acai Overcomes Acid Reflux! Because of it’s antioxidants, Acai helps protect and even repair our lower esophagus when damaged by the acid reflux disease (GERD). Acai also reduces the acidity of the stomach contents when the reflux occurs. This is because, acai has acid-suppression effects. Having problems with acid reflux? See if this helps

...Reason No. 31 Acai Makes Your Body Stronger! Because Acai has even more protein then the average egg, he is able to help your body grow stronger.

...Reason No. 32 Acai Enhances Muscle Contraction And Regeneration! Acai has a mix of trace minerals and amino acids which allow him to help muscle contraction and regeneration after a exhausting activity.

...Reason No. 33 Acai Improves The Function Of The Immune Cells. According to a study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine, acai improves the function of the immune cells by modulating the lymphocytes and preventing the immune suppression. This is all possible thanks to acai’s beta-sitosterol.

...Reason No. 34 Acai Acts As An Anti-mutagenic. Acai helps in the prevention of any damage to our DNA structure and reduces the possible risk posed by mutagens.

...Reason No. 35 Acai Fights Against Viruses. Acai reduces the frequency of infectious diseases like viruses, fungus or bacterial infections.

...Reason No. 36 Acai Improves Our Digestion. Acai dietary fiber helps our colon and the digestive tract.

...Reason No. 37 Acai Gives Us A Better Mental Clarity. Acai helps our alertness and mental function with his omega 3 fats.

...Reason No. 38 Acai Promotes Overall Health. With his powerful antioxidants, Acai helps build and replenish our body.

...Reason No. 39 Acai Helps Our Body’s Sinergy. Acai helps with the protection of the whole body. These are the main 39 reasons to drink acai juice (Monavie) every day. There are many other reasons to drink acai, but those are the most important ones. I hope you've enjoyed this article and that it helped you learn more about acai and Monavie! Click Here to see the original article on the MonavieLand Website>>> http://www.monavieland.com/39-reasons-to-drink-acai-juice.html

MonaVie Featuring the Acai Is HERE!

MonaVie and MonaVie Active presented by Monarch Health Sciences, The Premier Health and Wellness Company. MonaVie will touch the lives of many people both health wise and financially.
Top Health and Wellness company Monarch Health Sciences to Launch New Phyto-Blend Elixar with the Acai Fruit Berry as the Headlining fruit. ACAI Berry Named Top 10 Superfoods for Anti-Aging by Dr. Nicholas Perricone on Oprah's website and it is also touted by NBC's Matt Lauer as the 'Amazons Viagra', the Acai Fruit Berry is quickly gaining popularity. Experts predict that MonaVie is very likely to set industry records. 

(PRWEB.com) December 13, 2004 -- MonaVie's ACAI Berry Named Top 10 Superfoods for Anti-Aging by Dr. Nicholas Perricone. Dr. Perricone is the author of the best selling title The Perricone Promise" www.​MonaVie-​Emv247.​com

The benefits from eating healthy are endless. And, according to Dr. Nicholas Perricone, some foods can be eaten to help you look and age better! At the top of the list is the acai fruit from the Amazon forest.

A previously little-known fruit harvested from the Brazilian rainforest is now gaining recognition for its high levels of the cholesterol-​fighting fatty acids, Omega 6 and Omega 9, and its strong concentration -- up to 33 times that found in red wine grapes -- of anthocyanin, a powerful anti-oxidant.

The acai berry is especially noteworthy for the antioxidant properties afforded by its concentration of anthocyanin -- which is also present in red wine -- that prevents oxidants from harming connective tissue while repairing damaged proteins in blood vessel walls. This helps explain the French Paradox." The French, who are noted wine drinkers, have one of the lowest incidences of heart disease of any westernized society despite a diet high in cholesterol and saturated fat. 

Monavie Acai Berry Juice with Celadrin and Glucosamine is here. www.​MONAVIE-​EMV247.​com

One of the key and most phenomenal ingredients in this amazing Monavie juice is the acai berry. For the past ten years it has been studied by scientists globally. It has been scientifically proven to work dramatically and rapidly as an incredible natural remedy and cure for ailments such as inflammation, arthritis, cardiovascular health as well as many other nutritional deficiencies. Monavie contains 18 other fruits as well. Monavie Juice also has Celadrin and Glucosamine.

MonaVie provides the full impact of what fruit really has to offer: This polished product is the perfect blend of rare and lesser-​consumed fruits from the 4 corners of the earth that are enormously rich with nature's benefits. It is not a mixture of mythical juices; it is just good science. 

Find out about MonaVie Today. www.​MONAVIE-​EMV247.​com

This is not a story of some explorer hacking his way through the jungle, searching for a forbidden city, and discovering some mystical fountain of youth. This is not a tale of the mythological healing powers of some exotic crop. This is, however, the true account of leading researchers and scientists who saw a health need and as a result, discovered an authentic solution.

This group of experts, led by Dr. Ralph Carson, realized that the worlds population at large were not enjoying the health enhancing benefits found in some of natures most wondrous fruits. And that through the proper intake of the right variety and balance of fruits, grown and harvested in some of the richest soils of the world, individuals could benefit from critically important nutrients that are so illusive in todays polluted environment. Together they made a discovery that they believe, can significantly impact the landscape of personal wellness because of 4 important factors. 

Factor #1 - The Forgotten Fruits
Evidence is clear that throughout the world, individuals are not eating enough fresh fruit. Whether this is due to convenience, cost, or taste, culturally the world has moved toward cheaper, processed alternatives rather than raw whole fruits. Dietary trends have eliminated much of the health benefits nature has to offer. In many ways, all fruits have become forgotten. 

Factor #2 - A Wide Variety
When fruits are actually remembered, it is just a few: an apple here, a banana there. If additional fruits are considered, people instantly look for that single cure-all nutrient, hoping it will be contained in a particular berry or melon. Consider the body with all of its functions and processes; it is unreasonable to assume a single substance can aid all of the bodys faculties. 

Factor #3 - Color Me Beautiful
Simply put, fruit with rich color equals fruit rich with nutrients. It is all about the pigments. Brightly colored fruit naturally contain high levels of antioxidants and phyto-​nutrients for the plants own protection. The brighter and deeper the pigments, the more intense and potent the nutrient levels. 

Factor #4 - Wear and Tear
Even with the full impact of all the nutrients available in fruits, due to wear and tear, the body still requires more assistance. Once the damage is done, two natural substances can help: Celadrin and Glucosamine. Celadrin lubricates the bodys cells and revitalizes the membranes that cushion the bones and joints. While Glucosamine restores flexibility and is the natural building block of healthy cartilage. Helping repair previous damage paves the way for the benefits of fruits to have full sway in the body. 

The Solution
Step one was to find the perfect combination and variety of fruits, rich in pigments. If the right fruit was rare or expensive it still was to be used-​compromise was not an option. Step two, puree them in their entirety-​flesh,​ skin, and seed so as to capture all the rich nutrients. Step three, include the repairing benefits of Celadrin and Glucosamine enabling the body to enjoy the full benefit of these sometimes forgotten, yet wonderful fruits. And the final step was to elegantly bottle the juice with the natural ingredients that enable prompt results. 

The solution is MonaVie. www.​MONAVIE-​EMV247.​com
MonaVie provides the full impact of what fruit really has to offer: This polished product is the perfect blend of rare and lesser-​consumed fruits from the 4 corners of the earth that are enormously rich with natures benefits. It is not a mixture of mythical juices; it is just good science. 

With each bottle of MonaVie purchased, a portion of your proceeds will be donated to help preserve the Amazon rainforest. MonaVies roots are entrenched in the Amazon. The Amazon is a region of superlatives: it spans the borders of eight countries; it is the worlds largest river basin and the source of one-fifth of the Earths freshwater; it has the worlds highest diversity of birds and freshwater fish; it is the planets largest and most luxuriant rainforest in which, amazingly, live more than one third of all species in the world. Despite its natural richness, the Amazon ecosystem is fragile and in peril. 

Make a Difference in the World. Drink Life... Drink MonaVie www.​MONAVIE-​EMV247.​com

More MLM and Network Marketing leaders as well as many Top corporate individuals are aligning themselves with the MonaVie Acai Juice product and Monarch Health Sciences. 

We are currently looking for team leaders for the following countries: USA, Canada, Singapore, Puerto Rico, Australia. Enroll@ www.​MONAVIE-​EMV247.​com

We will be opening many more countries starting in 2005. 
We are currently looking for team leaders to help with International Expansion and we are offering free Signup and free Website marketing systems at no cost to you but for a limited time only.
So act soon! @ www.​NewEnergyDrink.​info

For addtional information about MonaVie please visit: 
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