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'N' A shortened way of typing AND. Narked. Irritated, annoyed. Narrowly escaped. Only just managed to get out of National Hoot Service. A play on words. In England, we have the National Health Service, which is the health service for the whole of England that is run by the Government. The National Hoot Service is run by Dr. Hoot therefore it is Owlopathic. National Hoot. National Health. Naturally orientated. Built in the way that nature intended. Needled. Annoyed, angered or angry. Negotiating working to agree on something. Nest egg. Savings that are saved for the future, which will be useful or needed years later when times are not as good. Nest rest. A period of rest and recovery from illness or trauma. Rehabilitation, Convalescence. Nestless. Homeless Nettle numbing gel is a substance made from nettles. Nettles are a plant that when touched cause much pain and stinging. They are called Stinging nettles. The leaves are hairy and when they brush the skin, they cause great irritation and leave a stinging sensation on the skin. This stinging causes the skin to feel numb so there is no feeling at the point the nettles touched. This substance then has been made into a gel for killing pain because it anaesthetises (kills pain) the area. The nurse put the anaesthetic substance to stop the patient’s pain. New pin. Bright, shiny and new. Nibbled and gnawed. Bit gently and then bit with more determination or harder using the front teeth. Nick in Rolie's Tail = Small cut or groove in Rolie's Tail. Nigh on. Nearly, almost. Nightly attired. Nightly clothed, they were dresses in pale clothing at night. Nightmare of life may not be fair but Dreams are never in vain no matter how you view them. This means that even though life can be awful dreams are there for a reason No end. So much, a great deal, huge amount. Help no end - There is no way to say what a great amount this will help. No harm in trying. There is no reason to not try it because nothing bad would happen if they did. Nom de plume. This is a French expression and translated it means Pen name. A name used by someone, usually a writer, to hide their real identity. In history, women were not allowed to write books publicly so to do it they had to use a false name, A Masculine (male) Name, to publish their work. None-the-less. Even so. Nonplussed. Surprised, confused and unsure of what to say. Normal or formal. Usual or routine Nourishment. In this instance it means food. Nurtured. Fed, looked after, also can mean loved. Oak Practice, This the name of Dr. Hoot's Surgery. Where a doctor works is called a Practice, because at this place he practises his medicine or does his job. Owls mainly live in Oak Trees. Obligatory. Required my law or rules or conscience to do something. A38 Obliged. Pleased or thankful. Also indebted or owed. Occupants, Residents, people who live in a place. O'Drake. An Irish surname for a duck. Offbeat. Different to the usual. Unusual. Not normal. Offending. It is something that should not be where it is. It causes irritation or hurt. Offending. Something which is the cause of the trouble or problem. Offered. Given, given out. Offspring. The Children or babies of the ones who had bred. Olive branch Gave a peace offering and apologised Ominously. /Something that looks to be in a horrible and threatening manner. Omitted. Forgot of left something out usually a piece of information but can be an item that was not put in. In this case it was something that was said. One and all. Everyone. Open minded. Prepared to look at everything and believe anything until it was proven to be false or wrong. Not judging straight at the first sight or hearing of something different or not normal. Open surgery = Surgery out in the open air or outside - no anaesthetic is required. Opportune. An ideal moment Organization. A group of people who belong to or are members of a Club. Out of favour. Not Out of sight, out of mind. When something is like this it means they are not thought about because they are not there to remind you of them. This goes for any object that is not within immediate sight. Out of your way. Go somewhere that is not on the intended route or path that was being trodden Outbreaks. A sudden occurrence of something, usually something not very nice. Outburst. A flood of emotions, words etc. Outlook on life. A way of looking at life. In this case it is to do with Penny's eyesight Outlook. Style, a way of wearing something. Also, Vision or sight. Out-ratted. Out numbered. Over proud. Too proud. Overboard. Over did it. Overcome. Get over or Get the better of something, usually a problem. Overrun. This means the area has become filled with something unwanted to the point where it is overflowing. Overwhelmed. Affected by having too much of something. Inundated, having too much of something to be able to cope with it. When the emotions have been completely affected, in this case not a good way. Overwhelmed. Totally affect someone's emotions in a nice way. Owlopathic. A form of medicine. The normal form of medicine in the West is Allopathic so it is this form of medicine but carried out by and Owl. The alternative type of healing or medicine is called, either Complementary, Alternative or even Fringe. In India, it would be Ayer Veda and in China, well Chinese Medicine. Pan out. Work out. Parentage. From where someone originates. Parents. Partial. Likes something or is fond of something. Passage of time. Passing of time. Passed pleasantries. Had a short and pleasant/polite conversation. Pastime. Hobby, something that is done for pleasure. Pastures New. Somewhere different to live or even work. Pasty. An unhealthy pale colour, usually referring to someone who does not get much sun or is ill so their skin is pale. Patchworks. See Medicinal Patchworks. Patio Plates. These are the paving stones or slabs that make up a patio floor area. Patronizingly. A way of looking down on someone and the manner in which you treat them because you feel more superior or better than they are. Patsy Purr Purr's Patisserie. Patsy is the cat running the cake shop and café. Patisseries are sweet pastries and cakes grouped together. It is from the French language. Patter of tiny feed. This is said when children or babies start running around the home. Patter is the quiet noise made by small feet. Paws and claws crossed on that finding." Fingers crossed on that outcome or conclusion of the trial. Hopping that everything will be all right. Paws to stand on. This is yet another English expression. It is actually Leg to stand on. However, as they are animals it is Paws instead of Legs. Even though you own paws, you cannot even use them to stand with because they are useless to you. The law has been written and nothing can change it, even though there is proof that you are right. Everything has been taken from you even the legs you stand on are no good to you. This needs confirming. Pearls of Wisdom. Advice, helpful comments. Pecking diet (sweet and sticky). A diet of someone who has a sweet tooth and who pecks or picks at their food rather than really eating for the enjoyment of it. Peeped. Looked out in a manner that would be unseen by anyone. Looked secretly. Peering. Looking in an enquiring manner or looking into somewhere where there is not much light. Perimeter. The outer limits of a piece of land. Perspectives. Views, sides. Perturbed. Worried, Put out. Petaphorically. A play on the word Metaphorical. This means something is said which describes the event or item but it is said in a way that is not literally the meaning. So, if you say someone is a cheeky monkey. You are not saying that they are a monkey you are just stating that they act like a cheeky monkey. If some one is Away with the Fairies. They are not actually with the Fairies but they are not here. Like Miles Away. This does not mean that someone is physically miles away from here. It just means that their mind is not paying attention to what is happening around them. Philandering. Flirting, having an affair, usually not legal or not wanted. Pickings. Spoils, that which has been collected in the way of food or treasure. Piecemeal. A bit at a time as they went along. Pity. Feel sorry for someone. Placid. Calm. Pluck up the courage. Summon up the courage. Plucked up the courage. Found the courage to do something that was dangerous or hard for them to do because they did not wish to do it. Plumage. Feathers. Plumeologist. Someone who specialises in diseases of the Fur, feathers and skin. Podium. The stand or standing point Pond life. In this instance it is the seedy residents of the pond. Pop in later. Go in later when I pass by there again. Portland Bill. Portland does not have a proper name as such but the area he polices (looks after) is called Portland. Portland is, however, a Stork in charge of law and order in and around the Portland pond. In England The Bill is a derogatory/informal name for The Police. Storks have beaks which in turn are called bills so it was a form of word play. Also there is an island and sea area off the South coast of England called Portland Bill. It produces pure white limestone which is used in building. Many buildings in London were built with this white limestone when it was rebuilt after the Great Fire of London in 1666. The word Bill has many other meanings too. In respect of the Island though it means a narrow strip of land. Coincidentally, Portland is a pure white stork rather than a black headed one. A white coloured stork is usually portrayed carrying babies wrapped up in a knotted hanky en route to delivering the babies to their parents. Therefore the stork is seen as a nurturing creature which Portland is too. +++++++++++++++++++ Portland Bill's beat. The area he looks after. A beat is a patch of land that someone walks around whilst looking after it. Portland. This is just the name of an area. Potent and unpatented natural Pest-ridding Potion. Very strong Potion used for getting rid of pests, i.e. lice. The ingredients are made from natural substances rather than chemicals and it is not possible to Patent something that is made in Nature or from the Earth. Poultry fee. Small amount of money. Also, Poultry is a name for certain groups of birds. Practical. Useful. Preening. Grooming or cleaning feathers with the beak, or fur by using the tongue. Also it means taking a very long time to look after the appearance when dressing and making many unnecessary changes to the hair and face. Presentable. Smarter, cleaner and feeling better to face the world. Prickle bonnet. A name given to the hedgehogs. They are covered in spiky spines, like a porcupine but smaller. So they have a prickly head. Bonnet is a hat, also the head. Prickle. A sharp spike usually small. Prickly Heat Rash. This is a rash, which happens when it is damp and the body is damp with the heat. Pip has hackles and these are known as prickles(thorns, spikes) so he gets a rash on his prickles. Prickly describes something that has spikes. Prickly Pride. Irritated pride. It means a type of pride that gets in the way of the person having a normal attitude to life and themselves. Penny is a little quick tempered and Prickly also means sharp tempered or having a temper. Also, Penny is covered in Prickles. Pristinely. Clean and new, clear and neat. Proceedings. Events, happenings. Profound. True. Profusely Very much. Prospective. Something that is hoped will happen or likely to happen. Provisions. Food. Provoked. Made to do something. Something that makes someone do something. Prowess. The ability to do a job well. Pure bred. Completely pure Put it out of mind. Not think about it. Put on hold. Deferred. Stopped until a later time. Breathing put on hold. To hold the breath in anticipation of what was about to happen. Put out. Out of joint, pushed out of place. Put up with it. Make do and suffer its bad effects. Put yourself in their shoes. A Metaphor meaning putting yourself in someone else’s place or situation. Quackalot. A surname of a duck that talks too much. Quacking and Quaffing, or Quack and Quaff. This means Talking and Drinking or Talk and Drink. Quagmire. A difficult situation. A marshy area that is very soft so it is not easy to walk on without sinking into it. Therefore it is difficult. Quaking. Shacking with fear. Quirks. Odd or strange happenings or events that happen in life. It also means strange habits, strange ways of behaving. Quizzically. In a questioning way which shows how you feel about something, in this case in an amused way as well as a questioning one. Raffia Reunion-type greeting. A secret greeting known only to members of the Raffia in order to identify these members to each other Raffia. This is a wordplay of Mafia. The rodent or rat Mafia. See also Masons. Raising the hatch. Bringing up the youngsters. Rapidly set. Went hard quickly. Rapidly. Quickly Rash-ridden. Covered in a rash, Covered with irritated patches on their skin. Rat-rage. Anger felt by a rat. Recall. Bring to mind, remember. Reciprocated. Give back whatever was given in the same manner or gesture that it was given to you. If you wave back at someone you have reciprocated their wave to you. Recount. Tell a story again. Recriminations. When people blame each other for something this process is called recrimination. Reedy. An area filled with reeds which are pond plants. It is also a play on the word Seedy which means not nice or not respectable. Refreshments. Food and drink, usually a small meal or snack. Refurbishment. A form of construction work, which repairs and renews a building. Rehabilitation. Help to return back to good health or a normal life, giving them the training or help needed to do this. Rejected. Not chosen Re-kindle. Re-light, Renew. Re-knitted. Remade. Reluctantly. Not wanting to do something. Remaining families The families who had stayed there and not moved away. Reminiscence. Thinking about the past events. Repast. Food or meal. Residency is where a resident resides. A Home is where the Creature/Person, Lives. Residents are people or animals who live in a place, like a nest, house, flat, tree. Resigned. Become used to his life because he knows he cannot do anything to change it. Respected. Well thought of. Highly thought of Respective. Own. Their respective means Their Own. Rest and reflexion. Relax and think about things that have happened today or in life. Reflexion here means to look back. Rest in peace. After bread is made it has to stand in order to rise before being baked. This is called letting the bread rest. Retorted. Replied in a very quickly or sharply (in a snappy fashion). Reunion. A meeting of old friends after a long absence from each other’s company. Ripe moons Full Moons. Rodent. This is the name given to rats and mice and several other small creatures like Guinea pig, Gerbils etc, hamsters, ferrets. These have similar teeth used for gnawing. A small gnawing creature. Rodentene, Rattertoui. These are just names. Rats are Rodents. Rattertoui is meant as an Italian Rat. Root cause. That which started the problem. The reason. Rose tinted spectacles. Another English expression. This means looking at something through eyes that see things being wonderful when they are not wonderful at all. Putting a beautiful meaning to things that are seen or things that are happening. Rota Turn, it is their turn to do the chore. It is from the word rotation. Round in circles Usually means that someone just goes round and around not going anywhere because they have lost there sense of direction. Rounded on him. Came around on him. Turned on him in a bad way also because he was going round in circles. Routine. Normal or usual pattern of activity. Something that is done on a daily of regular basis. Rubbing her up the wrong way. Annoying her. It refers to fur being stroked the wrong way which is irritating to the creature having this done to them. Rudimentary. Basic, the basics for everyday living. Ruffled. To have the feathers raised either in defence or when grooming. It also means annoyed or irritated. Untidy feathers. Rummaging. Looking for something in a careless and messy manner. Rusty Reynard. A fox called Rusty. Reynard is a name usually given to the Fox like Brock is the name given to Badgers. Sackcloth. This is just a name given to a mouse. The mice made their homes with material that was taken from a sack or bag. The sacks used to be made of fabric rather than paper. So it is material bag or material sack. Sacking. A bag made of cloth or material. Saga. Story, tale Sanctuary. A place of safety. A shelter from anything harmful or dangerous. Sandwiched. Fitted or wedged tightly between two layers or objects Scampered. Hurried or scuttled. It is a quick movement done by an animal in order to move quickly. Score. On that score. For that reason. Scrub down. This is the wash that surgeons have before doing surgery or operations. Scrutinizing. Looking closely at something to examine it. Scurried. A cross between hurry and scuttled. This is more a term referring to a speeding animal. Usually a mouse or rat. Scuttle. Walk quickly. Secluded. Quiet, far from civilisation, somewhere private. Secret Movement. A secret or hidden organization. Secret organization is also called a secret movement or underground movement. This means they are hidden or secret organizations. See MASONS Seemingly. Looked like it could or might be. Seemed to be. Self-respecting means someone who cares about himself for his survival or health. Someone who believes in their own worth and dignity. Sense of direction. The feeling that describes that you know where you are going. Sent them hopping. Made them go away. Fleas hop when they move. Serendipity Happy accident. An event that happens which is an unscheduled event, also a good one, is classed as a happy accident. This is in turn called Serendipity. Set. Went hard or turned solid from a liquid state. Seven years bad luck. A time span given as to how much bad luck would occur after breaking a mirror. Seven years is a complete cycle in the life of a creature as it is said to be the length of time it takes for every part of the body to completely renew itself. Whether this scientifically correct is hard to confirm. Shady side. (bog). The bad or ‘rough’ part of the bog where the undesirable or wicked ducks go. Shaking a tail feather. Dusting or gentle cleaning tasks. Shamefully. Badly. Shamefully treated means not treated in a good or proper way. Sheep’s clothing. Dressed and disguised, pretending to be something nicer than was the case. Sheepishly, in an embarrassed manner. Shepherded. Guided along, ushered, moved along in a direction the person doing the shepherding wishes them to go. Shop hop. Move shop. Shop Hopper. Going from shop to shop Short comings. The degree by which you are unable to do something. Short cut (home). A way or road taken which is shorter than the normal way or road, in this case, back home. Short sighted. In this, it means not looking far into the future to see what will happen later. Looking only very near, time wise, to what is happening now only. Shortfall. The amount by which something is short of what is required. Any Short-sighted. Not able to see very well. Show of character. Something that shows what the person is actually like. Sidetracked. Put off. If you are sidetracked you are sent somewhere different to where you wanted to go. Sidney Spinners' World Wide Web. Sidney Spinner is a spider who built the Web or Internet here. Sight and sound clinic. A clinic where the eyes and ears were tested and treated. Sight and sound. Eyesight and hearing. Similar manner. In a similar way or fashion. In a way that is nearly the same or similar. Sink in. Another English expression meaning to make something stay in the mind or memory. Sitting Tenants. This refers to the fleas that hedgehogs get in their spikes. A sitting tenant is not easy to get rid of in a normal way. Sligo. A name. However, sly means crafty and go means to leave. He left his partner and was a sly creature too! Slumber. Sleep. A period of sleep. Snapped. Said something in a very angry manner also very quickly. Snippet. A small piece of something, in this case it is information or news. Snout. Nose – the very end of the nose, usually an animal's nose. Snuffled. Sniffed. Also to look for something – sniffed something out (tried to find something). Snuffling. Searching in a noisy way by using the nose. So called. Alleged. Meant to be. If you say you are his 'friend' when you are not his friend at all then you have 'said' it (so called). Sociable. Friendly Soil Mason’s salutation. A secret greeting known only to members of the Soil Masons in order to identify these members to each other. Soil Masons. Rodents are good at digging soil so are called Soil Masons. Soil Toil Hard work Soothed. Calmed. Sophisticated. Adult, self-confident also complex and not ordinary Sore-paw-osis. It is an inflammation of the joints similar to Arthritis but in animals. Sound asleep. I take this to mean that you are asleep to the point that a noise would not wake you up. Sleeping very deeply. Sound working order. Good working order. Source. Supply, where it came from. Spacious. Large, roomy. A spacious garden is one with a lot of space or area. Spare grain. Nothing spare to use for paying anyone Spectacles. In this case, it means Glasses for seeing. Spectacular. Amazing to see or watch. Also Penny just broke her glasses and they are also called spectacles. Therefore spectacular means relating to spectacles. Spellbound. Being totally drawn and enthralled by something. Spent out. Very much in debt because the money or savings have all been used or taken. Spider's Silk. The yarn that is woven by Spiders to make their webs. Spin a good yarn. Tell a good story Spluttered. Spoke in a hesitating manner of coughed the words out. Spoken in jest. Said in a joking manner. Spotted. Another meaning is that the item is covered in spots or dots. Spotted. In this instance, it means Seen, noticed. The item was spotted. The item was noticed or seen. Spread his wings. Fly for long periods. Spring Green time. Spring time. Spring Green. Spring. Spun and stretched beyond belief. Totally exaggerated and changed from the version that was true. Square one. Back at the beginning where they started. In this case, it would mean the rodents would get their rashes back and become ill. Squeak intact. Voice in good order. She had lost everything but still had her voice even though everything else was gone she could still talk. Also, she had kept happy. Mice squeak when they speak. Squeaked up saying. Spoke up and said. Squeaky clean. Very clean. Also, they are rats so they squeak! Squiffy. Slightly drunk and not able to think or behave properly. Squint. Look through eyes that are almost closed. Squinted. Looked at something with eyes slightly screwed or closed in order to make something more visible. State of the art Practice. Modern and up to date Stem. In this instance, it means Stop, halt. Stork of the Town. A word play on Talk of the Town. Portland is well known, well liked and is always spoken of fondly. Straight'n'waddle. Another way of saying Straight and Narrow. This means to walk straight down a narrow road without going off anywhere. By going off the road it means to do something bad or wrong. To walk a long, straight and narrow road whilst being good all the way from beginning to end. Straw splints Straw is what remains when wheat or rice has been harvested. It is the stalks of the plant and the empty heads. Splint is usually a piece of wood or something rigid that is used to make something stronger, give it support and stops the bone moving so it mends properly.. When a leg is broken, a splint is taped to the leg and this gives it support making it strong enough to use for walking. Structural faults. Faults in the way the nest was built. Stuck fast. Glued firmly. Substance. Not strong, having no body or strength. Sunburst. A short time in the sunshine. Sundry. Means various things but usually refers to one type or group of things. (All and sundry.) Everyone without exception. Sunk in. The information has been retained and the meaning understood. Supping. Drinking in a relaxed way. Similar to sipping but taking pleasure with the actual drinking. Swabbed. Wiped or dabbed with a pad of material. A swab is a surgical wipe. To swab means to wipe a would with a surgical wipe. Swanley. A family name for the swans. Swept her of her waders. Made her fall heavily in love. Swept under the carpet. Something that has been hidden from view so it is not thought of. Taken aback. Surprised. Taken sides. In an argument, if you take sides it means you agree with one of the people and their opinion in the argument rather than the other. Therefore, you give your support to that person. In a game two Sides play each other and taking Sides is support one team rather than the other. Tale embroidery. Embellishing stories with something that was not in the original version so they are no longer true or just altering them to make them sound better. Tale spinning. Story telling. Tales of woe. Stories of sadness and sad happenings. Tall Walkers Humans Tea and sympathy. Sit with someone and listen to their problems and then feel then give too much support to them because you sense, understand and share their feelings. Tending. Looking after. Tentatively. Something that is done uncertainly and in a careful way. Thin on the Ground. (A Metaphor.) This means there will not be much left of it. When seeds are planted if they are planted a great distance apart then there are not many seeds in one area. So they are thin on the ground. When you do plant many seeds in one area and need to get rid of some, it is called Thinning out the Seeds. Tidal flow. Rush of something happening usually something bad. Titbit. Tiny bits or pieces. Tongue-in-cheek. Another English expression. When you say something that you do not mean in a joking way, knowing that you are saying it, you put your tongue to the inside of your cheek and then speak the words. This causes the lips to be in a form of smile, so you are saying it in a joking fashion and it shows that you do not mean it. Took her mind off. Stopped thinking about something. Tool of Freedom. The instrument that was used to free whatever or whoever was caught or trapped. Tools of your trade. That which is used to do the job with depending on what the occupation is. A plumber uses different tools to an electrician. Plumbing and electronics are a Trade or occupation. Bakers use their hands so these are the tools of his trade. Torrid. Passionate and heated. Tortuous. Long and difficult also a play on the word Torture. Touted. Put forward as an opinion. Transformation. A change from something into another form. Transpire. Turn out, happen, occur. Trepidation. A feeling of fear Tuffy-tail. Another name. This is for the squirrel. Their tails are fluffy with lots of furry tufts and is long so it is a cross between tuft and fluffy. 'Tug-a-ball' A game. Turned in her grave. Upset them because they would not like what had been done. Tutted. A sign of disapproval or annoyance given audibly so the disapproval is known to others. Tutting. Making disapproving noises. Tweaks. Minor or small adjustments/alterations to something. Twig is a small branch. Tea is made from different parts of plants not just the leaf. Uh Oh. Oh no, Oh dear. Unbreatheable Not safe to breathe. Unceremoniously. Without any niceties. Under the carpet. Where it will not be seen. Underground Movement. A secret or hidden organization. Underground network. A communications system. Undermined. Here it means, Worn away from underneath or below. Underoak Major surgery requiring special care and maybe anaesthetic. Undesirables. Things that are not wanted because they are not nice. Uniform. The same. Everything looks, feels or happens in the same way. Uninformed. Not Unnerved. Unsettled, upset, frightened. Unsavoury. Not very pleasant. Unscathed Unhurt or unscratched. Not hurt or marked by an accident. Unspoilt, not ruined. Upkeep. General housework. Upright walkers Human beings. Uproar. Outcry. Upheaval. A spoken sign of disapproval when someone is not pleased about what has happened. An outcry, Ups and downs. The good and the bad Ups far outweighed the Downs. Even though there were bad events in the story the good, events were so much better than the bad that it did not matter about the problems. Venturing. Wandering. Version. Something that is different to the original one. A story told in a different way is a different version. Vexed. Annoyed. Viable. How well something will or will not work Vibrations. Movements in the air. Warnings. Feelings. A bad vibration is a feeling that something bad is about to happen. Visibility. Here it means vision or sight and not something that is viewable or to what degree something can be seen. Waddle in his Father’s waders. Walk in his Father’s footsteps means to copy what his Father had done and how he had lived his life. Waders. The feet of wading birds. Wading birds stand or walk in the water usually to feed. Wafting Blowing gently in the air. Wanderlust Vacation. A discovery holiday where a someone tries to discover who he or she really is because of a great desire to travel and see the world. Wares. Goods, products that are on view in a shop or for sale. Warranted. Was a reason for something to happen. Watchful eye. Still being under control or still learning something so they are being watched to make sure they do not make mistakes. Still having someone looking after them. Waterlogged. Soaked in water. Watertight guarantee. Something that will definitely never let in water or let water out. It is a definite, sure or certain thing that will happen or not happen as promised. Guarantee is a promise about the ability of something to last a long time. This is a Lifetime Guarantee. Way out. Different, off beat, not the normal or the usual way of doing something. Weasel Wanderlust Tour Guide. The creature in charge of those on a Wanderlust tour or holiday. Weasels. A small animal related to the Stoat. They have long bodies, necks and tails. They differ from rats because they have very long necks. Wherewithal. Necessary equipment, material or money required to do something. Whirl. Spin or go round and around. Whisker twitches. Psychic feelings that happen in the whiskers. White ‘n’ Fluffy. Winter. Whizzed. Hurried, rushed. Whole picture. Complete story. Whooshed. Moved very fast and caused the air to move around noticeably. Wild-hood' friends. Their childhood friends. As animals are not children, they have wild-hood friends and not childhood ones. Childhood is a period in a life long ago. Wiley. Usually means crafty, clever. Cunning. Winnie Widgeon Bottom. A name of the Widgeon. A widgeon is a tiny water fowl or duck. Wipe, surgical wipe. A sterile piece of cloth used to clean a wound. Wiped out is completely killed off so they do not exist there anymore and are extinct. The dinosaurs were wiped out by a meteor, so they think. Wished them well. Wished that they had good health, good luck and happiness. Within his limits Only did what he was capable of doing. Without further ado. Without more Fuss. Without anything else happening Wordlessly. To say something but in the form of an action rather than using words. Waving is a wordless way of saying, “Hello,” or “Good bye.” Work cut out. Would have to work very hard in order to get what was expected done. World to rights. To put everything as they wanted it to be in their world to make it a better place for them and everyone else. (It is another Metaphor.) Worm bellygraph. Telegraph. A type of communication system in the animal world. Wrath. Anger. Wreckless behaviour. Here it means because she wrecked the nest it was a wreckless way of doing it. Wreckless is also meant as reckless (a play on the word reckless as they are pronounced or sound the same). Reckless means the action was given no thought as to the consequence or what would happen. Yonder. Something in the distance, over there.
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