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Nevada's "Haunted Areas"

The following is a working list of places that are alleged to be haunted in the state of Nevada. As the paranormal is experienced differently from person to person, please let us know if you have had any experiences so we can update our page. For pictures, click names, and for local maps, click addresses. All authors notes will be in green. Austin The International Hotel - Intersection of Main St. and Cedar St. The International Hotel, said to be the oldest hotel in all of Nevada, was moved board by board to Austin, from its original site in Virginia City in 1863. The hotel is said to be haunted by a ghost called "Tommy," a former owner or employee. Tommy has been seen and felt at the end of the bar, and heard clunking around upstairs in the closed hotel. Battle Mountain Donna's Diner - 150 West Front St. The diner is no longer in business, however the building is still there. It is sad that the diner is haunted by a ghost called "The Lady in Blue." Nevada Hotel - 36 East Front St. When the hotel is open, things will disappear, weird noises will be heard and a strange coldness is felt upstairs where the motels are located. This Hotel was built back in the 1800's. Boulder City Boulder City Hotel (Now Boulder Dam Hotel) - 1305 Arizona St. Many reports have been filed, claiming that everything from noises to apparitions fill the historic site which is now a full service hotel, restaurant, and historic files office. Carson City Bliss Mansion - 710 West Robinson St. This 8500-square-foot mansion was built on top of an 1860s graveyard. Lumber millionaire Duane L. Bliss completed the three-story house in 1879, after the last bodies on the property were exhumed. Some psychics believe those disturbed pioneers still haunt the grounds. Brewery Arts Center - 449 West King St. Built in 1874 by the Carson Brewing Company, the structure is now the center of cultural like in Carson City. It houses the Nevada Artists Gallery and the Donald Reynolds Theater. The building has a ghostly caretaker as well. A pleasant, discarnate voice makes suggestions and reminds workers to turn off the lights and lock the doors. Curry House - 406 North Nevada St. Abe Curry left his wife behind in New York when he came west in 1850 to search for gold. it took several years for him to make enough money to bring her west, and in 1871 he built her a beautiful limestone home. But when Abe died his total wealth consisted of a single silver dollar he had in his pocket. That may be why he returns there, searching for his wife Mary, whom he left alone and destitute. This home is part of the Kit Carson Ghost Tour. Governor's Mansion - 606 North Mountain St. This stone mansion was completed in 1909 and has been haunted since the 1950s. That is when someone presented the governor with an antique mantel clock apparently accompanied by ghosts. Doors in the parlor started opening by themselves, and a cold, moving presence was detected. Ultimately, a housekeeper saw the ghosts of a woman and her young daughter wandering through the room and into the halls. Nevada State Museum - 600 North Carson St. Abe Curry was the head of the Carson Mint in the late 1800s. He built this rugged, fortress-like structure to house the U.S. Mint in 1869, and used the same type of stone to build his house two years later, limestone. Eventually the building became the headquarters for the Nevada State Museum and Historical Society. Curry's friendly spirit is felt here by many people. Fallon NAS Fallon - 4755 Pasture Road There are several places in the base that claim to be haunted. Barracks 3, 3rd deck, has a strange sound that comes from the room where a suicide occurred, and the lounge TV turns on by itself. The 2nd deck room was occupied by a pilot who was killed during an exercise flight. Workers claim that this room is haunted as well. Another spot on the base is Tahoe House. When there are no occupant, the smell of a strong floral scent can be experienced. Goldfield Old Goldfield Hotel - 310 Sondog Ave. The 154-room hotel was built in 1908 atop an abandoned gold mine. It is believed that years ago, the former owner, George Winfield, got a prostitute named Elizabeth pregnant. When she started to show, he locked her in room 109 and chained her to the radiator. Once she gave birth, the baby was thrown down an old mine shaft in the basement and Elizabeth was left in the tiny room to die. The ghost of Elizabeth has shown up in photographs. Downstairs in George's room, cigar smoke is smelled and his presence is felt. Also, near the foot of the lobby staircase, the ghost of a midget and two small children have been observed. In the "Gold Room" a presence is felt that is said to "stab" people. A presence is also felt on the third floor in the Roosevelt Room. The Goldfield hotel (now abandoned) is said by psychics to be one of only seven doorways to the "other side" that still exist today. Gold Hill Gold Hill Hotel - 1540 South Main St. This hotel, built in 1859, is Nevada's oldest hotel. Almost since the hotel was built employees and guests report mysterious presences. The victims of an accident at a nearby mine are said to "live" there. Also, the former owner William, who died in a fire there in the late 1800's, is said to appear once in a while accompanied by a strong smell of cigar smoke. He is said to have dark hair. Also, the ghost of a former housekeeper at the hotel, Rosie, appears along with the smell of rose-water perfume. It is said that alcohol is smelled and that alarm clocks go off even when unplugged. Henderson Foxridge Park - 1815 Foxridge Dr. The ghost of a little boy appears shortly after midnight. When approached, the ghost changes into something that looks like a demon and then disappears. Treem Elementary School - 1698 Patrick Lane When people are alone they see the white face of a girl and hear her crying out for help. Las Vegas Bally's Hotel and Casino - 3645 Las Vegas Blvd. The property used to house the (old) MGM until it burned down on November 21, 1980 and killed 84 people. This was the second largest life-loss hotel fire in United States history. Soon after, Bally's bought the property. The new MGM is located further south. It is believed to be haunted buy the people killed in the fire. The Flamingo Hilton Hotel - 3555 Las Vegas Blvd. The ghost of Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel haunts the presidential suite at this Las Vegas strip hotel. It was Siegel's home for many years, and ever since his violent death in 1947, dozens of guests staying in the presidential suite have seen his specter in the bathroom or near the pool table. The green colored bidet, toilets, and linoleum in the two bathrooms are the same ones that Siegel personally selected for the suite. He considered pistachio green to be a very "classy" color. Guests lounging by the pool in the late evening hours when the pool is less crowded have also seen the apparition of him. Also, a cleaning lady quit after seeing Bugsy on the 5th floor. Las Vegas Hilton - 3000 Paradise Road The ghost of Elvis is said to roam the area around the backstage elevators of this glamorous casino. Luxor Hotel and Casino - 3900 Las Vegas Blvd. Some believe that the pyramid has brought bad luck to the "gambling mecca." During construction of the 400-foot golden pyramid, one worker was killed, and several were injured in several accidents. Several construction workers refused to work at this site. Just as the pyramid was completed, Vegas World Sky Tower casino (now the Stratosphere) caught fire and suffered serious damage. Those who believe in the esoteric (secret) properties of the pyramid shape say the city will remain cursed until and artificial eye is placed at the capstone of the pyramid. Nellis Air Force Base - NE of Las Vegas off HWY 604 Air force personnel and civilian mechanics at Jet Engine Intermediate Maintenance Facility Building 858 have reported encountering a ghostly gray figure and hearing disembodied footsteps at night. The "gray mass of dim light" hovers about 5 feet off the ground. At other times, it is observed as a brilliant ball of light about 20 feet off the ground. The unidentified specter has been sighted along the south wall, in the hangar bay, and in the hall leading to the break room. The building was constructed in the 1960's but has been expanded twice since then. Redd Foxx's Home - Corner of Eastern and Rawhide It is said that Redd Foxx's ghost is playing pranks on the current tenants. Tropicana Hotel and Casino - 3801 Las Vegas Blvd. Over the years visitors to this hotel are greeted at the entrance by a large tiki mask face and many people have reported getting a terrible purple rash after touching it. Some people have reported seeing a strange purple hazy cloud of smoke in their developed pictures of the mask. Logandale Moapa Valley High School - 2400 St. Joseph St. When Indians died, they would bury their loved ones under their homes. When modern houses were being built near the school, corpses were found under ground. While at the school, on a quiet night, a dark shadowy figure is said to appear. It has a tendency to follow people around and even through fences, and then suddenly disappear. Primm Whiskey Pete's Casino - 100 West Primm Blvd. Whiskey Pete's ghost watches players in his casino. Rachel Highway 375 This isolated state road has become known as the Alien Highway, because of the many UFO sightings reported along its route. The area became famous in 1989, when government physicist Bob Lazar came forward with information that the government was operated a secret flying saucer base in the restricted area between Highway 375 and U.S. Highway 95 to the west. He claimed that the government had nine UFO's at the site and was trying to reproduce alien technology. A place known as the Black Mail Box (mile marker 29.5) is the closest unauthorized persons can get to Area 51, the top secret site at Papoose Lake, where the space craft and other top-secret projects are supposedly stored. The lake is 12 miles south of Groom Lake in an extremely classified area, officially known as Dreamland, on the huge Nevada Test Site and Nellis Air Force Base. In 1995, the government confiscated White Sides (road at mile marker 34.6) mountain and Freedom Ridge, which had provided views of the "non-existent" base. The only remaining legal view point is from Tikiboo Peak. However, the 7,900-foot-elevation site is difficult to reach and provides only a distant view of Groom Lake. For information on hiking tours to Tikiboo Peak, contact the Psycho Spy Network, HCR Box 38, Rachel, Nevada 89001. Little A-Le-Inn - Directions This restaurant and inn is the headquarters for UFO enthusiasts seeking to spot alien craft. The roadhouse, on Highway 375, is covered with flying saucer memorabilia and sells UFO tapes, books, T-shirts, and other souvenirs. Reno Park Lane Mall - 310 East Plumb Lane In 1976, a woman was found dead in the old bathroom downstairs. Her murder was never solved, and she haunts the bottom floor of the mall. She is said to appear around 9:00 p.m. on the third Saturday of every month. Mapes Hotel - 10 North Virginia St. The hotel was destroyed on January 30, 2000. It is now an ice rink in the winter months. It is haunted by an unknown spirit. Wooster High - 1331 East Plumb Lane One year, the Wooster Colts lost the zone final to the McQueen Lancers. One guy went to the football field later that night and shot himself. Now whenever the Lancers play on the Wooster field they have said that they trip over nothing at all. They say that someone or something tripped them. Tonopah The Mizpah Hotel - 100 North Main St. Dozens of witnesses have seen the phantom of a lady in red on the 5th floor of this hotel. She is thought to be a prostitute stabbed to death by a jealous lover. Virginia City Cemeteries - The Intersection of Carson St. and Cemetery Rd. Virginia City has 15 cemeteries clustered on the north end of town. People have reported seeing many souls here. A glowing headstone is sometimes seen by observers in town, but when they arrive at the graveyard to investigate it, the stone is dark again. Delta Saloon and Casino - 18 C St. The Suicide Table here is haunted by the ghost of Black Jake, the notorious gambler and owner of the saloon in the 1860's. One evening when he lost a lot of money, he committed suicide by shooting himself. Afterwards players at the table reported seeing the ghost of Black Jack putting a gun to his head. Soon, no one would sit at the table and it was moved from the casino into the saloon and put on display. Fourth Ward School - 537 C St. This four story school has 16 classrooms, 2 study halls, and accommodated over 1000 grammar and high school students. Built in 1865, it graduated its last class in 1936. A tardy ghost named "Miss Suzette" still walks across the schoolyard to the front steps, where she vanishes. A local couple even gave a ghost a ride one evening when they saw a woman in old fashioned clothes walking down the street. She said her name was Suzette and she had to get to the school. When they dropped her off, she disappeared before their eyes. She is thought to be a teacher who worked at the school in 1908. MacKay Mansion (now MacKay Museum) - 129 South D. St The apparition of a woman dressed in Victorian clothing has been seen sitting in a high back chair in the living room. An upstairs room is haunted by a child who likes to lay down on the freshly made bed. The mansion was built in 1860 and housed both living quarters and offices for the entrepreneur John MacKay. Ophir Mine - Near the Intersection of Carson St. and Cemetery Rd. The ghost of Henry Comstock haunts the site where he discovered the "Comstock Lode" in January 1859. He lost millions of dollars when developers took over the claim. In the winter of 1874, and eerie light shot out from the mouth of the mine and rose 60 feet into the air. Townspeople arrived to put out what they thought was a fire, but no smoke or flame could be detected. All they could see was the weird light coming from half-way down the shaft. The next morning, strange things were reported at the long-deserted seven-hundred-foot level. The cage would be summoned when no one was there, and odd sounds could be heard coming from that level. Investigators discovered the glowing ghost of Henry Comstock, who identified himself, and said that he was reclaiming his gold. Chunks of skin were hanging from his decomposing skeleton and "his eyes were an orange-yellow color with pupils that danced as if filled with blue flames." The ghoulish phantom continued to harass the miners, blowing out their candles one at a time in a row, calling the cage when no one was around, and filling the tunnels with his howling, insane laughter. St. Mary's Art Center (formerly St. Mary's Hospital) - 55 North R St. The ghost of a white nun stays in the upstairs room here, and her face is frequently seen in an upstairs window. The two-story brick building used to be a Catholic hospital. One night, in 1878, a patient in the psychiatric ward started a fire in which he and the nun on duty burned to death. The nun's spirit is tied to the place where she so selflessly served. St. Mary's In-The-Mountains - Intersection of E St. and Taylor St. The distinctive footsteps of Father Meinecke are still heard coming from an upstairs alcove in the church. The priest who has been dead for many years walked with a cane. Both parishioners and visitors have reported hearing the inexplicable sounds. St. Paul's Episcopal Church and School - Corner of South F St. and Taylor St. Many people have reported seeing the ghost of a woman with a shawl over her shoulders standing in an upstairs window here. Her agitated apparition turns from side to side as if suffering some great distress. The church was built in 1876 on the site of a previous church that burned in the great fire of 1875, when 2000 buildings were destroyed in Virginia City. Washoe Club - 112 C St. The nebulous form of a blond-haired woman has appeared on the spiral staircase of this saloon so many times that patrons gave her a name, Lena. The unique staircase was built for the Millionaires Club, an exclusive men's group which met in the building in the 1870's. Lena's ghost has also appeared in front of the wall across from the bar. The apparition of an old prospector has materialized on one of the stools at the end of the bar, and the ghost of a thirteen-year-old girl, thought to have been murdered in the basement has appeared in an upstairs bedroom. Owners Doug and Sharon Truhill have reported a number of other unusual manifestations, including moving chandeliers and the presence of an "angry spirit" that breaks glasses. Wild West Museum - 66 C St. This is one of the eeriest place in Virginia City. hundreds of authentic artifacts, as well as recreations of murder scenes and a spook room upstairs are housed there. The collection of sculls contains outlaws, such as the Apache Kid and a Zuni ceremonial skull adorned with turquoise. Washoe Valley Bower's Mansion - Intersection of Highways 395 and 429 Mrs. Bowers, who died penniless after her husband died, is said to haunt the second floor of the house. She used to conduct séances in the parlor, after her husband died, in order to contact him. The graveyard on the hillside behind the mansion has also been a spot of numerous sightings of glowing figures on moonless nights.
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