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What Are The Jokers Cards?

Jokers Cards Insane Clown Posse claim to have been visited by the spirit of the Dark Carnival. This showed them six revelations, each one in the form of a Jokers Card. Each Jokers Card is more than an album... it is a warning. Each one has a specific message telling people to change their evil ways before "the end consumes us all". No one knows what this end is... The end of the Jokers Cards, the end of ICP, or "the crumbling of time itself". sixjokercardsjuggaletteui5.jpg

What Is The Dark Carnival

The Dark Carnival While its name invokes some disturbing intentions, the truth is the Dark Carnival, described through the 6 Joker Card albums, is a representation of Death. Nothing can really describe what it really is better than these lyrics... "...Now we been told this Carnival shit has touched on many lives People have fuckin sworn to us they too can feel it inside What is it that draws you in? This magic that compels you? We've been waiting six fuckin Joker Cards to finally tell you The messages and hints were there, although, most never picked up on em We snuck em in subliminally with that wicked shit around em We mentioned more and more of this on every Joker's Card The bottom line, always the same, you ain't have to look hard We wickedly kick it, inflict it, you get it, get wit it, and then we don't preach it flat out" "'Cause some ninjas don't wanna get wit 'cha They quick to forget 'cha without the hatchet and gat out So we rose the hatchet, do or die, now Juggalos standing tall After all six have risen, the end of time will consume us all! It ain't got nothin to do wit us! It ain't Psychopat-chic Records! All we're doing is bringing shit out to you; We in this together! Who's behind the Dark Carnival, the Gatherings, and the Hatchet? Who's behind Dark Lotus, the circus, and everybody at it? Who invented Juggalos, and Juggalettes, and fucking Faygo showers? What about that feeling you get when bumpin' our shit? Who's behind the Juggalo Powers?..." "...It ain't about Violent J, or Shaggy, the Butterfly, or 17 When we speak of Shangri-La, what you think we mean?! Truth is, we follow GOD! We've always been behind Him The Carnival is GOD; May all Juggalos find him!" "Thy Unveiling" from The Wraith: Shangri-LA

Who Is ICP?

Who is ICP? In the early days, Joe Bruce ("Violent J") and Joey Ustler("Shaggy 2 Dope") grew up in the nicer suburbs of Detroit, but were underprivileged. Bruce's mother was a janitor most of his childhood and went from one broken father to another. Both lived a childhood that is purely unbelievable and better left for those that read their book ("Behind the Paint") The Insane Clown Posse actually started out as these two with another rapper in a group called the Inner City Posse. Back then, they were at least trying to be a real street gang. After years of the hard life that went along with it, Violent J had this brainstorm, which he claims had come to him in a vivid dream explained in his book, of the whole Dark Carnival and the meaning and doing Six separate Jokers Cards. Over the years, they literally worked their asses off. From 1993 to 1997 when they got their second big deal with Hollywood Records, they spent their lives doing shows, hitting up Kinkos, and covering Detroit with flyers. When they were signed with their first label, Jive Records, they were still stuck in the Detroit scene and determined to travel to Dallas, TX, of all places, and pass out samplers for their third Joker's Card album, The RiddleBox and became an underground hit there too. Hollywood Records came along and signed them up. The Great Milenko was produced. The same day of its release, though, it was recalled from store shelves after Southern Baptists had protested against Disney, who happens to own Hollywood Records. Insert big bad news is good news adage, and we have ICP re-signed to a new label, Island Records, who proceed to hook up with everything ICP could ever want to get their message out. After a couple years of big backing from Island, things started to get stale and ICP wanted out by the time their 6th, and final, Joker's Card was released. After initially trying to bide time and wear out their album quota, Island decided to straight not renew their contract. Now, standing alone on their own label, ICP has released its final Jokers Card and living large. And attract over 5,000 fans to yearly four day festivals, make one of the largest margins in music merchandise, own their own label, which now boasts more than 7 different artists/groups, and countless other media bearing their likeness. It's the American dream personified.

What Is A Juggalo?

Juggalos To anyone not in the know, the term "Juggalo" is given to someone who is a fan of ICP. but the reality is that the term has a deeper meaning to those who consider themselves one. Scrubs: The kid in class that never had a snowball's chance with the prom queen. The fat kid who never was good at sports and got picked on by the jocks. "..I speak for the crazy, I speak for scrubs I speak for the thugs pissin' in your hot tubs I speak for the people that you always say don't know how to act We like'em just like that.." "Take Me Away" from Bizaar Family: Being a Juggalo is being part of something bigger. When you are labeled a Juggalo, that means there are legions of people who are down Rebels: "Is someone who the world is against all of your life, the world is always trying to show you how much better it is then you. Everyday of your life something in the world keeps trying to push you down to the bottom of life and make you think that you are the trash it keeps telling you, you are." *** Juggalo VS Fan** Many people often believe that Juggalos & Juggalettes are just another name for fans of Insane Clown Posse. Being a Juggalo is much more than liking the music; it is a way of life. A fan is someone who only likes the music either because it's the fad right now, or because they want to conform. Fans don't see the true message of the music, just the outer layer. Fans are quick to forget you as soon as the next big sensation comes along. They also will hound ICP for autographs and see them only as big famous stars. A Juggalo is one who lives their life by the hatchet. In other words, they believe in the true meaning behind ICP's songs try to live by J and Shaggy's preachings. Juggalos are down with the clown for life, and will never turn their back on ICP because they are said to be "uncool." A Juggalo will always have another's back, and speak their piece no matter how harsh. If a Juggalo ever came face to face with ICP, they'd see them as another Juggalo not something rare and famous. They wouldn't instantly whip out the autograph collection, but treat them as one of their own. A Juggalo knows the Dark Carnival is about God. When it was revealed in the Shangri-La album, some Juggalos turned their back on ICP. Of course now that means, only the true Juggalos remain. They are dedicated to Psychopathic forever.** Juggalo Culture/Juggaloism**** Juggalo culture is as misunderstood as it is lacking in academia. “Juggaloism” is a movement that has been thriving all over the world for the past 10 years as both a music subculture and as a spiritual philosophy, known as the Dark Carnival. Juggalos are basically outcasts from all walks of life who were brought together and united by the group Insane Clown Posse, and created a world amongst themselves free of hate, prejudice, racism, sexism, and celebrated the differences that drive many in mainstream America apart from each other. Culturally diverse people who embrace this movement see others for who they are instead of what clothes they wear, their social class, etc., and love each other as much as or even more so than normal people love their immediate families. Juggalos are people who have shared similar experiences of being picked last for a sports team in high school, who have had abusive parents, who have not been blessed with the necessary support to grow and prosper in life, who have not had others to turn to, and who have been shunned by the macrocosm of society for simply being who they are. With the expansion of this culture over the past 10 years, you can find Juggalos everywhere. For every religion and music culture: punk, hip-hop, rave, etc., you can find Juggalos, who share an amalgamated belief system that is not written in stone, but embedded in the heart and conscience of every true believer of this movement. On a cosmic place, the Dark Carnival is a spiritual philosophy quite similar to Eastern theologies that involves living one’s life in a way that treats every person equal, regardless of the color of their skin, their gender, their religion, their sexual preference, and every other “distinction” that often separates humanity. Experiencing the world through the vantage point of a cultural relativist is a major concept in the values that all Juggalos share towards themselves and towards the rest of society, even the society that has systematically oppressed them in various ways for refusing to conform to the mainstream.
Right now, at this very moment in time, how content are you with your life? Is it everything you wanted it to be? Is it somewhat like what you imagined it would be? Are you enjoying your studies, your work or whatever it is that you do? Do you wish you had done everything differently or somethings differently? Do you think at least some of your dreams and ambitions would come true before you die? Are you brave enough to let go of everything you have built up so far and make a life altering decision? Are you prepared for change? Is love and commitment overrated? How important is higher education? Is it impossible to live your life without a single degree? If you consider the feelings of everyone around you, would you ever be content? But if you don't consider them, who will catch you incase you fall? Is it wrong to run away from things once in a while and let a few shots of tequila take charge? Why is it so difficult to want to do well in life and also want to enjoy life?
Krystal - profoundly disturbed, slightly neurotic and psychotic, likes to ponder upon the most mundane as well as the most extraordinary, creative, passionate about her work, carries the first prize for greatest amount of self esteem found in one person...ever..
- Can you cry under water? - If money doesn't grow on trees then why do banks have branches? - Since bread is square, then why is sandwich meat round? - Why do you have to "put your two cents in".. . but it's only a "penny for your thoughts"? Where's that extra penny going to? - Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby" when babies wake up like every two hours? - If a deaf person has to go to court, is it still called a hearing? - If you drink Pepsi at work in the Coke factory, will they fire you? - Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground? - How come we choose from just two people for President and fifty for Miss America??? - Why do doctors leave the room while you change? They're going to see you naked anyway. - If a 911 operator has a heart attack, whom does he/she call? - Do illiterate people get the full effect of Alphabet soup? - Why is there a light in the fridge and not in the freezer? - Can a hearse carrying a corpse drive in the carpool lane? - If the professor on Gilligan's Island can make a radio out of a coconut, why can't he fix a hole in a boat? - Why do people point to their wrist when asking for the time, but don't point to their crotch when they ask where the bathroom is? - If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, what is baby oil made from? - If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons? - Is Disneyworld the only people trap operated by a mouse? - Why do banks leave the doors unlocked but chain the pen to a table? - Why do 7-11's have locks on the doors when they are open 24hours 365 days a year? - How far down will a Kitchen sink? - Can a needle see with a metal eye? - How can Flour, water, and sugar make glue, but add a few mor ingredients and you can make a cake? Is this why women say it will stick to their a$$? - I thought about how mothers feed their babies with tiny little spoons and forks so I wondered what do Chinese mothers use? Toothpicks? - If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea...Does that mean the fifth one enjoys it? - If people from Poland are called Poles, why aren't people from Holland called Holes? - Why Is It Called, "Spontaneous Combustion" If it was planned wouldn't you do something to stop it?

Discovering Ones Self...

Discovering Ones Self... There lies a path Deep in the woods. Once it forked- The bad, the good. I chose to take The path which led to the left, I did not know what was in store For I had no map. Years have came- And years have gone. Now this road that I travel- Is dirty and battered. For it's littered with my dreams That have been broken and shattered. Paved with my wrongdoings- And dotted with pieces of my heart. That has been given away- And just torn apart. Revengence and anguish are common, Wherever you turn they're near. So close am I To falling- Into the darkened depths Of life. I cry out For help- No response I'm alone. There lies a path Deep in the woods. Once it forked- The bad, the good. Heed my warning, Because I know. Follow your heart- And you'll know where to go.
I sometimes wonder about myself. A couple weeks ago I had to go to the child support office, Was there for oh uMm almost 5hours!! uGh!! So anyways I got home about 2:45 PM, my kid was going crazy, I had my 5 year old cousin for a while, my grandma was coming over and I needed a break in all the hysterics to get a couple of things done before she got here. So what do you think I thought was an inspiration? * my lightbulb shines brightly * PLAY DOUGH!! uGh! Someone shoot me! Good Lord. If that wasn't the worst idea I have ever had, I don't know what was. This somehow became a much bigger mess than I had anticipated and it took 2 days to get it totally cleaned up. On top of my bright idea which turned out to be a big mess, it's a good thing that it is NON-TOXIC because Kalea ( my daughter ) thought it looked like a snack! I had to keep digging pieces outta her mouth, ears, hair, pull up, pockets, and did I mention EARS!!*SIGH* I know, you're sitting there calling me an idiot and are asking wtf I was thinking. I know most toys now days are labeled by age appropriate ages. And well, I guess it's too bad I don't read everything that I should. uGh if I EVER get the bright idea for play dough ever again someone just shoot me before I even get myself into a mess like that. Oh and did I mention they feed it to Charlie the dog too?! At least we will be able to see the bombs in the yard as they will be multi-colored. I still don't thing I got all of the playdough out of the bedroom carpet. Whoever thought up the idea of playdough should be SHOT!
First off dont flatter yourself, as I DON'T want you back. I am just writing to inform you of some things I think you should know. Most of the things I said while between the sheets with you were lies. I'm generally not a liar; in fact, I insist upon the truth at most times. I know it does not absolve me of my deception, but understand that I said these things to placate your insecurities, because I knew that your performance depended upon my stroking of your ego more than it did my stroking your cock. I have learned confession is good for the soul; thus, I am confessing in this said letter. However, so allow me to clue you in on how spot-on--if often times cruel -- my thoughts have been with reguard to you and your obvious to everyone but YOU lack of sexual prowess : When I said it was an " OK " size, I swear, what I really meant was, " I've had bigger; infact they've all been bigger. Are you going to fuck me or write me a note, Mr Golf Pencil? " When I said it was deeper than anyones ever been before; what I really meant was, " Please stop it, youre bruising my cervix! " When I said you last a really long time in missionary position; what I really meant was, " I'm through counting cealing tiles can we wrap this up already? I need to do the dishes k thanks? " When I said it tasted " AMAZING " what I really meant was, " I'm amazed im able to contain my non gag reflex reputation and not hurl in your lap, Mr. Asparagus and Gasoline Smoothie! " When I smiled as if thinking naughty thoughts in between licks of your cock as you moaned loudly, I was really grinning because I wanted so badly to laugh out loud at the ridiculously loud, animalistic sounds you were making. When I pulled your head out of my lap and silently mouthed the words " FUCK ME " what I really meant to say was, " Enough already! you dont take direction very well, and its painfully obvious youd need a map, a gps device and a huge neon sign at the destination to find a clit. so lets skip to the next step ok? i'm getting MAJORLY bored.. I just HOPE you get this step right! " When I saw you tearing open the Magnum XL condoms, I smiled, not because I was impressed by your endowment, but rather because I was amused at how incredibly delusional you were. When I cut our kiss short and whispered " I want you now " what I really meant was, " Good Grief! Youre a horrible kisser! Lets just fuck and get this over with! " So now that I have confessed to you all of your self-lacking areas maybe you can work on them and be thankful that we dont have any close mutial friends. So that no one will be aware of how abyssmal you are in the sack. Be thankful I was enough of a lady to neither spoil the moment nor hurt your feelings by being blunt.. P.S. Just a note for yourself. The ONLY time you EVER per-say made me reach an orgasm was by PHONE SEX, and that was only because I NOT YOU was doing the work! Shows how good in the sack you are eh?
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