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dec. 8th 2006

Last Updated: Dec 5, 2006 Send Message Instant Message Email to a Friend Subscribe Invite to My Blog Gender: Female Status: In a Relationship Age: 25 Sign: Pisces City: Middleburg State: FLORIDA Country: US Signup Date: 03/21/06 Blog Archive [ Older Newer ] 1234567891011121234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303120002001200220032004200520062007 Friday, December 08, 2006 Why I love him!!! Current mood: loved Why I love him? I love the way he makes me feel. The handwritten letters he leaves for me to find. The long and short emails that he loves to write to make my day brighter. The voicemail he lets me come into work and hear just to tell me to have a great day. How he will sit and listen to me complain about things that he has little concern for but he knows it means something to me. He helps me with advice and is understanding when I don't take it. He makes time to spend with me even though he has a million other things to do. He lets me win at chess. He tries everyday to make my day better than the day before. He will just sit and talk to me for hours. He plays video games with me. Takes me where I won't to go. Feeds my horse when I am running late. Cooks and cleans when I don't have the time. He makes everything seem ok and perfect. Looks at me with great love and compassion. Tells me I am beautiful every single day. Enjoys making me smile and knows he does it often. Is concerned when I am concerned. Is sympathetic when I am sad. Is content with just sitting there hearing each others hearts beat. I love his gentle touch, his smile, his soft lips, his handsome face and too many others to count. I could give you a million reasons why and still could not even touch a speck of why I love him…Jenn

dec 7th 2006

Thursday, December 07, 2006 Props to the Girls... Current mood: determined I have decided I am very proud of myself. I have worked hard for everything that I got. I have an awesome career that I have worked very hard for. I plan to go back to school again and further my knowledge of my job. I am a single parent and still stand on my own two feet. I don't depend on anyone and have done everything on my own. I pay for my own house, car and bills. I love the feeling of being an independent woman. I have props for all the women out there that have a job that they go to. Props to the working single parents that can balance a career, household and children. Many women work 2 jobs for this. I am lucky and have found a very high paying job so that I can do it all in 1 job. Though I have worked hard to get here and work even harder to continue to move up in this company. I am very proud of all my girls out there who go out into the workforce and stand on there own feet. To many women these days refuse to work and just sit at home expecting everyone else to pay for there things. To many women watch there household struggle and do nothing about it but sit at home (this don't include women who have real medical problems and can't work) So this is a huge "You Go Girl" to all the hard working women out there, rather they be single, married, kids or no kids. We work hard for what we got and we choose to stay working and supporting ourselves along with our spouses and family. 7:50 AM - 1 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment

dec, 8th 2006

Back home | Subscribe | rss | add to blog group | sign out Jenn Last Updated: Dec 5, 2006 Send Message Instant Message Email to a Friend Subscribe Invite to My Blog Gender: Female Status: In a Relationship Age: 25 Sign: Pisces City: Middleburg State: FLORIDA Country: US Signup Date: 03/21/06 Friday, December 08, 2006 Coming Home!!! Current mood: ecstatic Yay!!! My baby is coming home today. Right now he is currently 2 hours away in GA. I am so excited that he finally is making it back to Florida. Though granted we have talked everyday I still miss him. I don't know if we are going off this weekend. I don't really care if we do or not. If we do thats great if not then I can save some money for Christmas. I am trying to get him to stay home tonight and sit curled up on the couch and watch movies with me all night long. Tomorrow night we plan to go to our famous spot at Crazy Horse and do some great dancing and then Sunday night we want to go to Saint Augustine and watch see the City of Lights. Its awesome me and a frined named Danette did it last year. We had a great time. This all depends on if we go off this weekend or not though. Yay!! I am so excited. I can't wait for him to get home. I love Fridays. I get paid and I get to see my baby... 5:36 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment
< Back home | Subscribe | rss | add to blog group | sign out Jenn Last Updated: Dec 5, 2006 Send Message Instant Message Email to a Friend Subscribe Invite to My Blog Gender: Female Status: In a Relationship Age: 25 Sign: Pisces City: Middleburg State: FLORIDA Country: US Signup Date: 03/21/06 Thursday, December 07, 2006 I Feel Lucky... Current mood: amused I feel lucky that I have the people I do to talk to when I need them. I have many friends, family and loved ones that is there for me to talk to. When I have troubles or just need to talk I have many people there. I love that feeling. I have friends that would sit with me for hours if I needed them to. My boyfriend is awesome at listening to me about different things and he is so caring and loving on issues. My mom has always been there for me. Even though I don't always like her advice I seem to always follow it. She is very wise and very understanding. She has helped me through her having cancer, my divorce and guy problems that I have had along the way. I love talking to her. Another person I have great communication with is Matthew. We talk about everything. He calls me when he has problems and I call him when I do. He is awesome to talk to and very understanding about things. He will give me great advice. I get cranky and have to call him to make sure everything is ok when I haven't talked with him in a while. We have a great friendship and I support him in his ministry and he supports me in my career. I love the communication and friendship that we have. I just love my friends and family. I feel like calling everyone now.

ha ha life is good

Jenn Last Updated: Dec 5, 2006 Send Message Instant Message Email to a Friend Subscribe Invite to My Blog Gender: Female Status: In a Relationship Age: 25 Sign: Pisces City: Middleburg State: FLORIDA Country: US Signup Date: 03/21/06 Blog Archive [ Older Newer ] 1234567891011121234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303120002001200220032004200520062007 Thursday, December 07, 2006 I like it!!! (sort of) Current mood: amused I have found a bunch of perks about my love being on the road. Granted him being gone so much sucks I have found that instead of making him come home like I was going to do I have decided to be very supportive about it. These are some of the positive things I have found about his new job. 1.) I know I can make him come home anytime with just a few words. 2.) We can travel and him get paid for it. 3.) I have talked to him on the phone for over 10 hours in a day every day. 4.) I get to play in his truck. 5.) He is home on weekends. 6.) He is happy with his job. 7.) Gives me time by myself to do my girl things. 8.) Gives me time to spend with my daughter by ourselves. 9.) He will be making good money. 10.) I get to hear how much he loves me and misses me and wishes he was home with me.
< Back home | Subscribe | rss | add to blog group | sign out Jenn Last Updated: Dec 5, 2006 Send Message Instant Message Email to a Friend Subscribe Invite to My Blog Gender: Female Status: In a Relationship Age: 25 Sign: Pisces City: Middleburg State: FLORIDA Country: US Signup Date: 03/21/06 Who Gives Kudos: Evee (2) Tuesday, December 05, 2006 Missing Him!!! Current mood: busy Well, last night was my first night in 4 months that I did not spend it with my wonderful boyfriend. I have decided that I don't like this new job and I think he might have to quit so he can be home with me. I talked to him for a while last night and I know he hates it as much as I do. He is so cute. He tells me ever few minutes that he misses me. He is trying so hard to get me to go out on the road with him. Unfortunately with my job it's hard to take the time off and just go. At least he will be home on weekends. I can't wait for Friday to get here. It will be just me and him all weekend with no kids. I am really looking forward to this. It has been a long time since we haven't had any kids on the weekend. I think he is going to try to get a run South for the weekend so we can go. I feel bad him taking his home time to take me down south but he really wants to do it. It will be great. I wouldn't mind being in a truck with Steven all weekend. It has been a long time since I have been in a big truck and this will be the first time I will ever be in a truck with someone that I am dating. This is so exciting. We talk from the time I get up to the time I go to bed. Thank God for free incoming and mobile to mobile. When he was on the Road the whole time with Tri State my cell phone minutes was over 8,000. That didn't include when we talked while I was at work or when we talked over the internet. It was so fun back then. It was different then it is now. LoL he told me this morning that he was going to marry me. I told him he didn't want to do it he just missed me but he was strong about it. Of course he was joking and wasn't talking about right now it was just very very cute. Wow I didn't realize I missed him as much as I do. Hopefully he will be in before I know it and I have great friends and family and oh yeah don't forget video games to get me through it. 6:46 AM - 2 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment Evee One word for you girl friend. Infatuation. Nothing wrong with falling fast in love, but don't go making any rash decisions. You've got a good life right now. You have a beautiful daughter, a man who really cares for you, and loving brother, good friends and family, a paid off house you live in, and a bas ass paying job, and a sweet pontiac. Don't go jumping off the the deep end, and change your whole life. Slowly incorporate this change (steve) into your life. Also, Steve seems like a very intelligent guy. So why does he have to be a truck driver? Also, why can't smaller trucks that in route to this area, Jacksonville, OP, the Burg, Gainesville. You'd see him everyday, he'd still be driving, and you guys could get really serious. All I ask is that you think before you react, unless it involves sex. Then never think, only react. Posted by Evee on Tuesday, December 05, 2006 at 8:23 AM [Reply to this] Jenn Oh don't worry I wouldn't do anything crazy or rash. I just miss him thats all. The whole marriage thing I was talking about isn't anytime soon. LOL besides we both have to get divorced first Thank you for the props on my life though. And as always your comments are greatly liked and greatly thought about. I hope everything is going well for you and we will have to do lunch again. TTYL...Jenn Posted by Jenn on Tuesday, December 05, 2006 at 8:41 AM [Reply to this]
< Back home | Subscribe | rss | add to blog group | sign out Jenn Last Updated: Nov 21, 2006 Send Message Instant Message Email to a Friend Subscribe Invite to My Blog Gender: Female Status: In a Relationship Age: 25 Sign: Pisces City: Middleburg State: FLORIDA Country: US Signup Date: 03/21/06 Friday, December 01, 2006 Christmas Tree Current mood: bouncy We put our Christmas tree up last night. It was fun watching Steven put all the little things on it and undo the lights. My daughter was so cute. All she wanted to put on the tree was candy canes. She didn't care about anything else. She was so cute. The tree is now up and the lights are on it. I need to add some color to it. I am not sure how I want to do it. I hate garland but its so colorful. I like ribbon but I don't know what kind I would like. I will have to find out but for now we will keep working on it. Steven and I will go somewhere this weekend and pick out some colorful things to put on the tree. I might do some berries but I have so many lights. I will keep you update and get some pictures up as soon as I can...
< Back home | Subscribe | rss | add to blog group | sign out Jenn Last Updated: Nov 21, 2006 Send Message Instant Message Email to a Friend Subscribe Invite to My Blog Gender: Female Status: In a Relationship Age: 25 Sign: Pisces City: Middleburg State: FLORIDA Country: US Signup Date: 03/21/06 Friday, December 01, 2006 Divorce Current mood: calm I just wanted to let everyone know, especially Heather because she kept telling me I need to get off my duff and do it but we have finished our divorce and now have a court date. I am sad and excited about it. Sad because I am closing a chapter on something thats been for the last seven years. Though we are now best friends and get a long great its still very sad. We will be riding to the court together so I am happy about that as well. I know I will cry even though this is something that I want. I feel like part of my life is leaving me though I know we will still talk every day. Ha-ha as I am writing this he just called me. So funny. Soooooooooo As of January 29th 2007 we will be fully divorced. I am still keeping my last name as Andrews because I don't want to have a different last name then my daughter. I had the honor of asking Matthew to make sure its alright and he said it would be fine. Just wanted to let everyone have an update on Matthew and I. TTYL
< Back home | Subscribe | rss | add to blog group | sign out Jenn Last Updated: Oct 25, 2006 Send Message Instant Message Email to a Friend Subscribe Invite to My Blog Gender: Female Status: In a Relationship Age: 25 Sign: Pisces City: Middleburg State: FLORIDA Country: US Signup Date: 03/21/06 Wednesday, October 25, 2006 Yay, Its Over Current mood: ecstatic Finally Its Over!!! I just wanted to let everyone know that I have now blocked Steven's Psycho ex wife from my profile so I can Blog whatever I would like. She can no longer read the blogs and I blocked her girl Toni as well. For you that don't know about Toni she is the one that was always flirting with my boyfriend. I just wanted to let everyone know that I don't have to worry anymore about what is going into a blog….Jenn 8:24 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment
if you are just now opening this blog site then you need to know that you will be reading things that are not true about me. it is just things that my ex husband's new girlfriend wrote because she is made at me. ok in this blog entire you well read somethings that my ex husbands new girlfriend wrote so sit back and enjoy the things that you read. i had to put this up so that i don't get mad.... i can with her ass later i just need vent on her and to ahow the world what kinds person she really is. i have kids so i can't get mad... if you would like to know the truth about them then i will be more than happy to let you know what really happened 6 months ago.
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