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BillSeigor's blog: "Stories (NSFW)"

created on 07/31/2007  |  http://fubar.com/stories-nsfw/b109771

4000 Miles for a Sexual Fantasy

Janey walked into the coffee house. She scanned the room for him, this was so wierd! She'd travelled all the way from England to America. She'd planned it as a holiday with her family, had to get a couple of friends involved in order to afford the rental on the house. Plus she needed someone to look after her children. She had an ulterior motive for this trip. He was Ethan747, 38, 6ft, athletic build, total visual perfection in her eyes. Turned out to also be total partnership perfection for her too. It all seemed so simple apart from the minor detail of a few thousand miles between them. She'd saved a whole year to make it happen. It was crazy. She'd had dates with guys much closer to her, guys she thought were wonderful having read their emails, chatted on messenger and eventually on the phone. Every meeting had been a complete let down. What made her think this one would be any different? She kidded herself if it didn't work out at least she'd have a holiday out of it - she'd never been to America before and her kids were more than excited. In truth she wondered what the hell she was doing. Whether they hit it off or not she would probably be heartbroken. He'd become the centre of her love life - considering that had come to a grinding halt after a period of several months where it had galloped away, one date after another. It had seemed exciting at first but soon became a chore, it was hard to be positive after so many disasters. Each date came and went, Ethan was always there, week in week out, waiting online, same time, same day. One time he wasn't and she thought she was going to cry but stopped herself, it was ridiculous crying over a disembodied photo and a few lines on screen. He was just a couple of cute photos somewhere across the pond. OK, he was smart, sexy, funny, hard working, sexy, kind, sexy, caring, sexy, Janey wondered if she'd gone a little too long without sex. Ethan had approached her with a page of emoticons. She couldn't even remember what he'd said if anything, she just remembered it made her smile, she'd not been approached that way before or since - it was like receiving flowers from a secret admirer. She checked his profile - his main photo was nice but the second one made her heart race. Totally crazy, she'd never had that reaction to a picture before, and it wasn't even a professional one, it was obviously from some kind of ID card. It wasn't a one off either, she looked at it from time to time and each time had the same reaction. She found herself breathless and excited when they talked on messenger too, it was most unnerving. She told him though, couldn't help herself, wanted to be totally herself with him. He never hesitated, although he always tried to remain realistic. He didn't overwhelm her with compliments and declarations of love but he made it clear her feelings were more than reciprocated. She tested him time and time again, constantly accused him of maybe being a fake "How do I know you're not a 60 year old Dad who's got hold of his son's ID and another photo?". He laughed it off to begin "Well you don't, but it's me sitting here - Well of course it is, LOL". She had been scammed before, he knew all about it, eventually he had to give her more. He called her. To hear his voice was almost as good as meeting him. Again, it was completely crazy but Janey felt like there were outside forces at work here, like she already knew him. This all seemed totally impossible but somehow they had to meet. The calls became more and more regular. She wasn't needy like she had been in the past with others, her life didn't depend on it. She didn't worry if he'd call, she just knew he would, and he did. It was the highlight of her week, the easiest conversation she had that day, that week even, the most entertaining, fulfilling, sensual, the list went on. They said so much in a simple phone call, it was the most real thing they had between them. On messenger they talked about the impossibility of it all, the fact they might meet and that's all it could ever be, they might even be disappointed, or worse still just one of them would be - but it didn't deter either of them. In her darkest moment Janey wondered why they were putting themselves through it. She had kids, he did too, neither of them could ever relocate. She soon shook it off though, one word from Ethan and it all seemed worthwhile...... Ethan stubbed out his cigarette and turned over the next page of his newspaper. He wasn't really reading it, just felt the need to keep his hands occupied while he waited. What the hell was he doing here? It always seemed so right when they made contact. He didn't think about her day and night, he had a life. Some kind of life in a different place to the one he'd known all of his childhood and most of his adult life. He'd moved here to be with his twin daughters. They'd moved away a few years before when their Mum and he had divorced. He faithfully made the trip as regular as he could. It was costly but worth it. He missed them so much, they were the only saving grace from his marriage. It was hard to make friends in a new place, he'd been out of work for a while which made it harder. His Father sent him money to keep his rent paid and he claimed what he was owed but he was a grafter. He liked to work, to pay his own way. She'd helped him find a job... Janey! He told her one day he was down, he needed a job. She'd asked him what job he'd like - he told her he was a chef. A good one, but had only gained sous chef experience, they were ten-a-penny, he needed to get into a good hotel or restaurant. She told him to think positive, she'd visualise him in his chosen job, he'd find something soon, she guaranteed it. Sure enough, within a week he'd secured himself a job as sous chef in a Sheraton Hotel. OK, it wasn't exactly the Ritz in London but it would do for now. She'd been delighted when he told her the following week on messenger. "See, I told you! I'm a very powerful woman". And some..... he thought, she had the power to move him in so many ways. How could a few attractive pics and a messenger chat once or twice week be so interesting and alluring? He really couldn't understand it. She only had to write "I'm hot for you" and he had visions of her under the shower with him, clinging to him as the rivulets of water ran down their naked bodies. He closed his eyes for a second, pulled another cigarette from the crumpled packet in the back pocket of his jeans and fumbled for his lighter in his front pocket. He felt a hand on his shoulder. "Hello Doll Face" It sounded familiar, yet different, her accent was stronger than it sounded on the phone. She laughed that deep, throaty laugh and something stirred deep within him. He turned to face her. "Hey Baby!" Ethan turned to face her and the first thing he noticed was her long straight hair, he'd visualised it during his hours at work during times of boredom. At night feeling lonely and horny in his room. He imagined it draped across his body, his fingers stroking it, feeling it's silkyness on his bare skin. He imagined smoothing it back across her head, feeling it entwined between his fingers and kissing her soft, rounded face. The things a man will dream up throughout his mundane day. There's a theory men think about sex four times a minute. Ethan was inclined to think this only applied to men who were getting some. Those who didn't got very little let up, it was surprising they ever got anything done all day..... and they say men don't multi-task! Jeez, he could smoke a cigarette, give oral in his mind and be thinking about the next dish he was about to serve up and what was in the freezer for supper that night. Not bad going in his book. Janey smiled and this registered in both his mind and his pants. He'd seen this smile so many times in photographs and on cam. He was forgetting his manners here. He got up out of his seat and gestured for her to sit down opposite him. He beckoned to the waitress and asked Janey what she would like. She shrugged so he ordered two coffees. She continued smiling at him and then looked down at her hands. She moved them nervously around on the table and said she hoped he hadn't been waiting long. She'd had trouble getting there, it was all new to her. Of course she hadn't travelled alone, she'd come with two friends. Hells Bells, there were three of them. Ethan had a vision of one of his favourite British TV shows and revelled in the idea of three British women in one place at one time. God, he really did need to get laid or some kind of antidote other than his right hand. She was pretty though. A little plump, but that was cute, it was in all the right places, just like he'd imagined. The coffee arrived and he took a long slug. He felt sorry for her for a second, she'd come all this way and all he could think about was his physical needs. She took a sip of her coffee and looked up at him through her lashes. She moved her hands nervously across the table top again. Ethan took both her hands in his and looked attentively at her. Her eyes didn't break from his. "Hey Janey" Ethan spoke to her in a soft voice. "Don't be nervous, it's so good to finally see you". He smiled widely, "..... in the flesh". She lowered her eyes and laughed that sexy laugh again. She was full of bravado on cam, her writing skills were great too but she couldn't always pull it off when she had to speak. He took her breath away. "Let's get out of here", Ethan gestured to the waitress and took some change from his pocket. The coffees sat hardly touched on the table between them. He got up from from his seat, Janey didn't move. He took her hand and lead her outside onto the busy sidewalk. They walked in silence, glancing at eachother from time to time. She didn't know what to say, where they were going but she felt safe with him. They'd talked for hours once he'd got his own computer. Easy conversations that flowed between them like they'd always known eachother. They'd talk serious one minute and stupid the next. He made her laugh until the tears came. Her sense of humour got to him too - they were so similar it was almost impossible. There had been moments with other guys were Janey wondered if they were mirroring her, giving her what they thought she wanted. She had been right, they were nothing like they pretended to be. Ethan didn't have to pretend, he had always been himself, no empty promises, a little hope maybe, but nothing more. Four minutes online with him was worth four hours with any of the others. She had never held back..... "Marry me", she'd say on a regular basis - it was only in fun but it was fuelled with hope. She'd asked him this in about her third email on the site. Before messenger they used to ping pong their mail. His answer was "Get over here and we'll discuss it". This had been his answer every time. She didn't know what she was saying really. She had no desire to marry again. Once had been enough - the biggest disappointment of her life. She'd never really been in love with him, just in love with the idea of being in love and being a wife really. It had been doomed from the beginning. She'd watch movies and cry for what she'd never had when the main character found the love they'd always wanted. She wondered if she'd ever have that. It didn't seem much to ask for. She didn't want a rich man, she wasn't looking for houses abroad or several holidays a year. Material things meant little to her. What mattered to her was enjoying life. She could do that on her own, but a sunset was so much more beautiful and fulfilling when you have someone to share it with. Ethan opened the door to the beach house - it belonged to a friend of his who owed him a favour. He was away for a few days and had dropped the key off on his way out of town. It was really stuffy inside where it had been locked up for a day or so. Ethan opened up the double doors which lead straight onto the beach and made his way to the refridgerator. "There's not much here Janey, there's ah, beer, beer or more beer!" he held one out to her. "Better make it a beer then" she laughed. She took it from him, made her way out onto the veranda and sat on the rattan seat. He sat next to her and took a long swig of his beer, he didn't drink often, but somehow his nerves needed steadying a bit. All this time, all this distance between them and neither of them really knew what to say. He guessed it was because there was so much to say but neither of them knew where to start. He decided to keep quiet, take in her physical presence, the talk would come in time. She obviously felt the need to say something. Her eyes lit up as she waxed lyrical about the decor at her rented house and the pool, how she'd seen pictures but it was much bigger and more luxurious than she'd imagined. Janey didn't tell Ethan her friends weren't expecting her to return that night. She'd left her children swimming under the watchful eye of her friend Catherine languishing poolside, drinking iced tea, glancing up occasionally from her novel. Nicola had insisted on accompanying her to where she'd arranged to meet Ethan. She waited at a safe distance and watched them leave the coffee house. She'd call a couple of times later on just to be sure. Her instincts about Ethan were good too but they were in a strange country, anything could happen. She was only a half hour cab drive away, she'd call her later. Ethan watched Janey as she talked animatedly about the flight over, how it had been her first holiday abroad in years, the inflight food, the jet lag - he could hear what she was saying but was somewhat distracted by her eyes - they looked a little bigger in real life. Cam had a way of putting people in soft focus sometimes - not a bad thing but features weren't always definable. Her lips were fuller too, her teeth really white. She took a sip of her beer and a very happy thought went through his mind. She'd put it there a long time ago. He smiled at her and took her hand. "What?" She looked askance at him. He took her drink from her and placed it next to his on the floor. "Hey, I was drinking that....." she started to protest. Ethan took her face in his hands and silenced her with the softest kiss. Janey thought she might melt into the seat. All of her senses blended into one as she automatically returned the kiss, but a little more urgently. She had her hands in his hair now, it felt softer than she'd imagined. She moved her hands across his shoulders and pulled him closer. Their bodies were touching now and she hoped the world would end now so she never had to feel anything other than the sheer ecstacy of this moment. She'd sat at the keyboard and screen so many times, her breath becoming shallow and quick at each word that tripped from their finger tips. If she hadn't experienced it herself she would never have believed the internet could produce such real physical and mental feelings. There were times when she'd touched the screen, longing to feel his face. She traced the outline of him as he told her about his day or something funny he'd heard on TV. She could only imagine back then how it might feel to be in his presence. The actuality of it was overwhelming. She'd experienced some kind of passion and feelings in the past for others, each time these feelings grew she assumed they'd reached a peak. Had foolishly imagined they might be the one. What she'd felt for them wasn't a fraction of what she was feeling this very moment. She had been nervous about meeting him but only because the reality of it seemed odd - she was so used to there being a screen and thousands of miles between them. It had taken her a little while to adjust, he looked the same but a little larger and taller than she'd imagined, this was a good thing. She hadn't prepared herself for the way he would smell or feel. She moved her head to one side to allow him to kiss her neck and then leant it against his shoulder when his kisses continued around the back of her neck. She ran her hand down his arm and traced the outline of his tattoo - an angel bitch to protect him - Janey hoped she might be the angel bitch he'd been wishing for. She certainly wasn't perfect, nobody is. What she did know is he brought something out in her that surprised her. Janey was by nature a so-called, nice girl. She behaved herself in public and was kind to everyone she met - even those who didn't deserve it. However, she swore like a fishwife when riled, especially in traffic and had locked away her passionate side for years. Her Catholic parents made her feel ashamed for even so much as wanting to look at a boy and her ex-husband had made her feel so undesirable she never wanted him near her. He'd hurt her so badly by having affair after affair with women who were so far the opposite of her to be positively rubbing her nose in her unattactiveness. They were all tall, blonde, skinny, small breasted bimbos with no self respect. This didn't prevent Janey from feeling her brunette locks were plain, her buxom body repulsive and her breasts an inconvenience. She'd not even been able to breast feed her babies, she really had wondered sometimes why God had given them to her. During the year or so she'd known Ethan she'd transformed from a pretty moth with a lot of bravado into a beautiful butterfly whose wings took her from self loathing to self love in time. His desire for her seemed to go deeper than sex. It had been as if he'd always known her. The woman she was hiding just needed to be coaxed out of her shell. She wasn't quite sure how he'd achieved this. He was so subtle, she doubted he even realised he was doing it. It had to have been instinctive. She'd never felt she could be herself with anyone as much as she could with him. The need to meet him had been more of a necessity, like eating, drinking, even breathing. She didn't question her reasons, it just had to happen or she might not survive. Not that she couldn't live without him, just that they had to have something tangible, no matter how brief that turned out to be. It sounded dramatic but that's exactly how it was. She assumed this must be how it had been for others online or they would never have met. The distance was huge, the chance of them being together for more than a few days was remote but somehow they were compelled. She looked up into his face and he kissed her long and slow, exploring her lips and tongue and moving his hands over her body. An image flashed through her mind of her clinging to his naked form as the shower covered them in sensual rivulets of warm flowing water. Her vision was interupted by something vibrating in her pocket - it was her mobile phone. It would be Nicola checking she was OK. Ethan had sweated day after day in the hotel kitchens. Chef was fair but firm, he saw promise in Ethan and encouraged him to experiment from time to time when the restaurant was quiet. He felt he had a natural flair and gave him quite a hard time as a consequence. If he so much as slightly over-salted the soup Chef made his whole day a misery. "Perfection in everything Ethan, remember that!". Ethan was a perfectionist most of the time, it was in the genes, his Father was the same. Whatever job he'd taken on he'd always given one hundred percent. Even if he hated the work he always did his best. Dad instilled a strong work ethic into his kids. It was sometimes Ethan's undoing though as he watched others climb the ladder over him. He was always kept in the same mundane jobs because he did them so well, and nobody else wanted to do them. He didn't know how to break this cycle. Now, for the first time in his life, he really believed he might actually do well. He wasn't sure where this piece of luck had come from but he kept remember Janey's words "I'm good at this, trust me, I'll visualise it for you and the job will be your's". He laughed each time he thought about it. She seemed the eternal optomist. He supposed she had to be or she would never have got to America. The odds had been pretty much stacked against it. Pressed up against her now, his lips grazing her neck and his hands exploring the body he'd only been able to imagine for such a long time, he found it almost hard to believe it was really happening. No matter how many virtual kisses or caresses they shared, how could they have known their bodies would blend together so naturally like this? He'd worried at times about the future, what could come of this meeting, but right now he just wanted to move her the few feet needed to get her into bed. It had been a long time for Ethan, longer than he'd dare admit to anyone. He'd never stopped feeling horny though, which was often a disadvantage. There were a lot of pretty women staying at the hotel - different women passed by his gaze every day of the working week. Bikini clad rich bitches with their come to bed eyes. Ethan was aware he was a bit of rough in their eyes and he could have had any one of them, but the staff weren't supposed to fraternise with the guests, it said so in his contract. His colleagues weren't so disciplined, they felt it a perk of the job. Ethan was tempted sometimes but he forgot about it when he got home, it wasn't really what he wanted. He wanted a woman he could spend time with, talk and be quiet with. He wanted a girl who he could talk serious with but who also appreciated his goofy sense of humour. He liked to read, watch TV and hold a conversation at the same time. He always had to be doing something. That drove his ex crazy, but it was a part of who he was. Besides, if she'd initiated a little more affection he might not have been looking for other stuff to do all the time. Ethan loved sex almost as much as cooking and eating. He needed a woman who not only enjoyed sex but who would be willing to be inventive. Most women he encountered enjoyed sex until they knew eachother well, then they lost interest. For some reason, the mall or talking on the phone to their girlfriends was preferable to even a cuddle with him. Of course affection didn't always lead to sex, it didn't have to, but for some reason it only ever happened if he approached them first. In time, that became more and more difficult. He took to his books and his TV and the conversations ceased. He felt unwanted and he guessed he was right, they all left. Not exactly a long line of partners, but long enough for him to know he wasn't going to settle for just anyone in future. Janey would be online most nights. She was addicted to her damned computer - she liked to write. He read everything she wrote. They were mainly stories but there was always something of her in them. Sometimes she'd get on her soap box about something and took a lot of flack from other members on the site. He admired this in her, he liked a feisty female. He'd imagined debating over stuff with her, play fighting and pinning her to the carpet until she submitted. Ethan wanted to do this right now! She pulled reluctantly from him to answer her phone and moved away into the house. He watched as she paced up and down, not saying very much. She looked in his direction, made a gesture with her hand and mouthed "sorry". He smiled, followed her inside and gave her the remains of her drink. He polished his beer off and took another from the fridge. She'd stopped short of the bed now and was talking with her back to him. He figured she'd probably said enough to reassure her friend by now and this was just girl talk. He sidled up behind her, pressed his firm body against her back and slid his arms around her waist. She continued to talk, giggling slightly and tipped her head to one side as he moved her hair away and kissed her neck. "Nick, I really must go, honest, I'm OK, really, I'll see you tomorrow...... yeah, I'll call you. Bye". She dropped her phone onto the bed and turned round to receive his kiss. He broke away for a minute "So, you don't plan to go back tonight?" he enquired. "Er, no, didn't I say?" she smiled innocently. "Hmmm, gee, I don't know where you think you're going to sleep maam, there's only one bed here". She laughed loudly and pulled him onto the bed. What happened next was unbelievable. It was like they knew every part of eachother's bodies, what the other wanted, how the other would feel. Both givers, they revelled in the pleasure they created between them. Perhaps it was all that online passion they'd exchanged, the words that had tripped easily night after night from fingertips to keyboard had somehow stayed with both of them. Janey knew exactly how to please him and Ethan knew what she wanted too. The hours flew by and finally they lay exhausted and satisfied. Still tied up in the sheets, their arms and legs entwined they lay quietly together as their breathing subsided to an even natural rhythm. The sun was just coming up over the horizon of the sea as they fell asleep in eachothers arms. Janey drifted into her dream state first. Ethan watched her sleeping face for a while, so childlike and innocent then closed his eyes, giving in to exhaustion. Janey turned over in bed and felt something warm against her body. She opened her eyes and could feel flesh on flesh. She took a deep breath in and averted her eyes slightly, she could see the nape of his neck, his ruffled hair just above it and his broad shoulders. It dawned on her it wasn't a dream. She was in his bed, right here, right now! She couldn't stop the smile from spreading across her face. She slid her arms around his waist and snuggled tightly against his back, kissing his neck and shoulders. Ethan stirred slightly and wriggled against her. He wasn't quite awake. She continued to kiss him softly, slowly, sensually across his shoulders and down his arm. She slid her hand up his arm and caressed the front of his bicep whilst kissing the back. He wriggled again slightly in the bed and groaned a little. Janey placed gentle kisses on his spine and slipped her hand down around his perfect butt. stroking it slowly and softly as she kissed each vertebrae of his spine. Eventually he turned over and pulled her to him. He kissed her hungrily on the mouth, taking her breath away. They lay there for a while their lips exchanging messages, their eyes engaging and their hands and arms moving, touching, pulling, caressing. They were both so tired from the night before that they finally lay sleeping again, their limbs entwined. The telephone rang and Ethan stirred groaning. He leaned over to pick up the receiver and said a muffled "hey" into the receiver. A minute later he put it down and lay for a moment, his hands behind his head, letting his eyes get used to the light. A stain on the ceiling came into view which looked kind of familiar. He focussed some more on it and thought to himself it looked a bit like an angel. Or maybe it was a devil. He wasn't sure. He glanced over at Janey and wondered what they might do today. He had to keep her close to him for as long as possible because he had no idea when she might leave. He got out of the bed quietly as she lay sleeping soundly and made his way to the fridge. On opening it he had a flash of inspiration. Janey opened her eyes and as they came into focus she could see the white ceiling and an unforgiving stain on it. It wasn't familiar to her and she began to panic a little. She turned over in bed, she was alone. She curled up slightly and lay there for a second afraid to move. Suddenly the daylight flooded into her mind and she realised exactly where she was, but where was he? She could hear no movement, no sound, it was deadly quiet in the beach house. Janey sat up on the side of the bed, stretched and yawned and hoped Ethan wasn't too far away. She got up out of bed and moved around the beach house opening doors looking for the bathroom, a shower would be good. She found what she was looking for and stepped straight under the water as soon as it was warm enough. Her body and brain started to wake up slowly as the needles of water fell upon her head and shoulders, flowing down the rest of her body. The stream of water ran between her legs and she glided her hand to that place. The shower creme lubricating the skin on skin reminded her of last night and her body shivered slightly. She washed her hair, slicked it back over her head, stepped out of the shower, let the water run off her body for a while then grabbed the nearest towel. Wrapping it around her body she made her way into the main part of the beach house where Ethan was in the kitchen. "Hey You, how are you doing today?" he enquired. She remained silent and made her way to the kitchen area where Ethan appeared to be cooking an omelette. She sidled up behind him, slid her arms around his waist and kissed his back. He laughed "Hey Janey, are you hungry or what?" "Uh huh" came the muffled reply as she kissed nuzzled his back and shoulders. Ethan laughed again and move the pan off the hob. The omelette was cooked now, it just needed to be consumed. He quickly lifted a towel from the kitchen unit, moved up slowly behind Janey, kissed the back of her neck and slid the towel over her eyes, tying it tightly at the back of her head. She automatically protested, putting her hands up to her eyes and then laughing. "Janey, this is me here, calm down, this will be fun" he said quietly. He watched her body quieten and still as he spoke. He took a little of the omelette on a fork and moved it close to Janey's mouth. She could smell it, she was hungry but she wasn't sure what he was doing. "Open your mouth Janey, you know you want to" he whispered. She opened her mouth obediently and allowed him to push the food into her mouth. She chewed on it hungrily and for fun opened her mouth again like a baby bird. Ethan took a mouthful of the omelette himself while he stole a look at her blindfolded with her mouth open, it stirred him and he felt confused for a moment. "Come on Ethan, give me something to eat, this isn't funny" she protested loudly but still amused. He sliced a piece off with a fork, pulled the towel away from her body. She giggled uncontrollably as he placed the morsel of food on her breast and ate it off hungrily. Her amusement was suddenly replaced with a much stronger feeling of lust as she steadied herself on the kitchen units. They took turns with the omelete until it was gone. Ethan took her in his arms, kissed her hungrily and sat them both down on the floor where he'd prepared some fruit and a hot chocolate sauce. He dipped a piece of pineapple into the sauce and told Janey to open her mouth as before and she obeyed without question. He placed the sweet dripping fruit on the tip of her tongue and moved it around. Finally she took the fruit into her mouth, chewed it slowly and sensuously and swallowed it with a final lick of her lips. Ethan watched her in wonder and ran his finger tips over her body, watching her writhe under the unexpectancy of his touch. He removed the blindfold and gazed longingly into Janey's eyes. She kissed him so hard he thought she might leave a bruise. It was strangely erotic and he returned her passion. During the next hour or so, fruit was placed in all kind of places where it wouldn't normally be found or eaten from. Finally the pair lay naked and exhausted in each other's arms on the beach house floor until the sun came up the next day. The morning sun shone through the window and bathed the couple in it's golden light. It had been a humid night as they lay spent and contented. Ethan woke first, wincing a little at the hardness of the floor then forgetting it quickly as he spooned against Janey's back and wrapped his arm around her body. She wriggled a little and murmured softly as he placed a kiss on her shoulder and whispered "good morning baby" in her ear. He lay there for a while, kissing her neck, caressing her skin and letting his warm breath out against her back. Getting up from their unconventional bed he took her hands in an attempt to pull her to her feet. She opened her eyes and sat up awkwardly, her hair hanging across her eyes. She looked at him from under the tangled mess, smiled up at him and yawned. "Hey gorgeous, you're looking sexy today" Ethan teased as he pulled her to a standing position against him. Janey brushed her hair from her face and gave him a playful slap on his butt as he pulled her into a closer embrace. "Don't push your luck Ethan, I can go off people you know". Ethan laughed and kissed her nose. "Too late baby, you're already mine, there's no escaping now". Her smile dropped a little and she rested her head on his shoulder for a moment then pulled him closer. So tight now, it was almost hurting him. "What's up?" He maneouvred to see her face. She had tears in her eyes which she quickly wiped away with the back of her hand. "I must have been crazy to come here" she whispered. "What was I thinking? I should have known whatever happened it would end in tears. If we'd not clicked I would have been sad, but this is so much worse". She pulled away from him, walked to the bed and got under the covers. He sat alongside her and stroked her hair as she lay with her back to him. "Janey, I know how you feel but let's not spoil the little time we have left. Some people never get to feel this way their whole lives, at least we've had this short time". As she began to sob into the pillow, he made his way to the other side of the bed and slid under the covers next to her. He took her in his arms and lay for a minute watching the tears rolling down her cheeks make shiny tracks leading down her chin and neck and onto her breast bone. He traced the tears one by one with his finger tip and kissed the pool away. He took her face in his hands and looked deep into her eyes. She went to speak and he silenced her with a kiss. A kiss that moved her to the very roots of her being. The pressure of his hands on her face and his lips on hers blanked out all thoughts of ever leaving him. Pulling away slightly from the kiss he traced every outline of her face with his finger tip as if committing it to memory. She was so beautiful, even in this dishevelled, tearful state she was a little angel laying so close to him they were almost one and the same. He ran a hand across her breasts and down her hip, she closed her eyes and let out a sigh. A last remaining tear squeezed from behind her eyelid. Ethan licked the tear away with the tip of his tongue then played it around her lips. Sucking gently on her lower lip he eased himself gently inside her. She offered herself to him, wrapping her legs around his thighs and her arms around his shoulders. Time seemed to pass so slowly and the minutes ticked by like hours. There was no rush to their love making. Every kiss, every taste, every outline slowly traced, every touch, every movement seemed suspended in time. Almost in slow motion, the rhythm of their bodies came together in a burst of breathless words of love and wanting. Neither of them wanting it to end and both knowing it would be the last time. Janey's mind struggled between the hardness of the wood floors and the softness of Ethan's skin and breath upon her body. The remains of her dream was still dancing in her head, she was at the airport, walking along the corridor to the waiting plane, she walked and walked but the door at the end never came closer. She wondered for a moment what it meant then became distracted as Ethan reached for her hands and pulled her to her feet. She felt such a wreck, her hair everywhere, she needed a shower. Ethan looked just as fine as the moment she'd met him. His skin so perfect, his short cropped hair not even slightly out of place, he even smelt good still after all that sex. She was like putty in his hands as he pulled her to her feet. She thought was a mess she must look as he pushed the hair away from her face and kissed her nose. He was joking with her now about how she looked and how she was his. Oh God! If only he knew how much she wished she could be. She was already in her heart but she wanted it so much to be real. Before she came to visit him she'd decided it wasn't worth thinking beyond meeting. If she had she would have talked herself out of going. All she'd be sure of at the time was that she didn't want to go the whole of her life not knowing how things would be if they met. Now she knew she wasn't sure it had been a good idea. She now knew how they both felt but how could she know if it would last? If they lived closer they could have dated, taken their time and waited to see what happened. This was so much harder. Janey could feel the tears welling up behind her eyes and a lump beginning for form in her throat. She buried her head in his shoulder and pulled him tightly to her. She broke free of him and crawled under the bed covers like a frightened child. He was being so sweet to her now, saying all the right things, comforting her, holding her. When he touched her everything else paled into insignificance. As he kissed away her tears and made love to her she lost herself in the lines of his body as they moved above and against her. Tracing her fingers across his shoulders she was unable to tear her eyes from the beautiful outlines of his body and the sensation of his muscle and skin against her fingertips. All thoughts of having to leave subsided as her mind switched to thoughts of how their bodies fitted so perfectly together and how she'd never experienced this kind of pleasure her whole life. Finally he kissed her softly and told her he loved her. Through her tears Janey whispered her obvious reply and held him against her for a while until their heartbeats slowed to an even pace. Wriggling free of him, she declared she needed a shower. She left him laying face down on the bed begging her to come back to bed. Ignoring him she turned the tap on and held her hand under it until it wasn't sending a shock through her skin. Before she had a chance to step one foot inside the cubicle he was behind her wrapping her up in his warm, toned body. He was still hard, this guy was insatiable, Janey smiled to herself at the thought she had this effect on him. Ethan pushed her forward under the jets of water, covering his hands with shower gel, starting at the nape of her neck he moved his hands in gentle circular motions across her shoulders and down her back. Janey tipped her head back and revelled in the silky softness of his soapy hands on her flesh as the water ran into her eyes and mouth and across her shoulders. Slowly and gently he massaged the silky foam into her yielding skin. He lingered for a moment massaging her buttocks then slid his hands down the outside and up the inside her thighs. As he squeezed her calf muscles she could feel very ounce of tension slipping away from her body at the touch of his hands. Standing up he pulled her against him, she tipped her head back onto his shoulder and gasped as he ran his still lubricated hands across her breasts, circling her nipples slowly with his finger tips. Kissing the inside of her neck he ran both hands downwards across her belly to the wet place between her legs. She gasped and moaned as he pushed her a little forcefully up against the cubicle wall. Feeling the cold shock of the glass on her breasts in contrast to the heat of the water and his body pushing up inside from behind she bit her lip and ushed her hands against the glass. As he took her over and over, what went through her head as she climaxed yet again, that he was claiming her for himself. He whispered in her ear "MINE" There was only one reply............. "YOURS". ... to be continued ??????????????
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16 years ago
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