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What are you waiting for?

Well, tomarrow is the big christmas party at my grandma's and I just can't wait till it starts. Unfortunately, though I've got two little ones who have a nasty cough and cold. I have not really decided if I should go to the party with them coughing and such. My daughter however is very excited to be wearing her christmas dress...the same one she wore in the christmas pictures that I will hopefully be posting soon. My son is as handsome as a prince I can say and his christmas pictures were soooo great too. Surprisingly, he actually smiled for his pics and wasn't so jumpy and running everywhere. I just can't wait to get the pics sent out to everyone. Anyhow, my baby sis, Tina, is in town for the holiday and I got to see her newest little arrival to the family...Hayley Marie. Well, I hope to have at least one more baby before I get any older myself but who knows. Lets just hope that everyone gets better before the party. UPDATES!!!!! Well, I finally got some of my things back from my ex husband. Everything was nice and neatly packaged too...nothing was broken. However, I was looking for MY tupperware and such and could not find that amongst my things. Geesh, I actually went to tuperware party and everything to get that supply back in 2000-2001. I know he has it, he is just not going to admit to it. Well, at least I got some things back from Italy that I wanted to show to everyone back home. Can't really complain too much about that anymore...LOL, but it sure was funny finding out that another woman was going to take my ex husband in for a paturnity test for her baby....hmmmmm, maybe now he will think about getting himself fixed before he gets anyone else pregnant?

more updates....

School pics for Jake is on Sept 12. Lookin forward to that; I certainly hope that Jake will do well with that...he seems to be doing a lot better now though but this will be the first professional pic taken without me, we shall see. Jake seesm to be doing well in school these days. He does not have the best behavior in class but at least I have not had a conference with his teacher yet. Open house will be coming up soon, too. I can't wait to be there to see Jake's accomplishments. Labor Day weekend actually turned out really well. We ended up staying at the Louisville state recreation park. I got to take the kids to the lake and they had their funs for the first time at the beach; well they enjoyed playing in the sand more though but had lots of fun regardless. And in the evening, my dad took us to go fishing. We bought some yucky live worms from the bate shop and used that to go fishing with. Well, the kids ended up not being so interested in the fishing afterall but at least they know what it is like//actually, it probably would have been a lot more fun for them if we went out on a boat to go fishing but then I think they may have been scared too. We did not stay fishing for long though. It was getting too late after awhile. But regardless, the kids seemed to enjoy themselves and that was all that mattered. Today was kind of a sad day though. One of my friends from work was fired because she dd not have the proper call closings on a call that was QA'd. Not the best of days for her. But I guess if you do not follow the rules, that is what happens to ya. What sucks the most is that she was really good at being an AT&T customer service rep. Gosh, I hope that does not happen to me anytime soon.
Hey, everyone! I just wanted to let all of you know that starting 08/22/07, my little boy, Jacob, starts Kindergarten. This week only I will take him to school and pick him up. (I took some time off to do this from work) Unfortunately, the after school "Kids Club" program was full so my name is on the waiting list. The program is for two hours and it works with my work schedule, so when the time comes for me to actually join this program, I will get to take Jake to school and pick him up. So at that point, Grandpa will pick Jake up after school starting next week. Me and the kids got to meet the teachers last night actually, 08/20/07. The kindergarten classes are held in a house traylor outside the school; there are six of them. And it looks like he has a large class of about 30 students. Kindergarten hours for Jake are from 8:55am to 3:45pm...WOW, a full schools day!! Fridays are my only days off during the week, besides regular Sundays, since my work is closed then, so I will at least get to take Jake to school and pick him up at that point. The good thing is that Jake can count to at least 15, he can sing to the alphabet, he can do puzzles very well, he recognizes pictures, shapes, and colors, and he evens likes it when you read storries to him. However, he can not spell yet nor read, of course. But I am ready to work with him. I advised the teacher about this and she says that she will work with him. Although, I do believe I may need to take Jake to a speech therapist as he has a slight studdering problem. Other than that, I have heard some good news from his babysitters//not his grandparents here in NE//that Jake is very smart and likes to learn. I am over joyed to hear that my son is adapting very well to many of things and to hear that come from another adult made me very happy and proud. Yes, Jake loves to play video games at the age of four. He enjoys playing online thru disney.com many of times at his grandparents house. And playing his regular video games at home. But for a boy at the age of four, he really knows a lot about computers. Anyhow, I am a very happy mom this week and I just can't WAIT for tomarrow to come. OH, and the school's mascot: the JOSLYN JAGUARS!! GO JAGUARS!!!!!!!!
Well, this week is the week and my four year old son is finally going to school. I was very pleased to see that my hours worked out just fine this week for his school hours....I am going to take him to school and pick him up this week.((I had to fix my schedule around a bit this week only and then change my reg schedule around so that I can take him to school and pcik him up)) And then next week I will get him into the after school program "Kids Club" since that actually ends at 6pm every night....I get out of work by 5:30pm. Luckily, for me I get Friday's off at work still so I can have at least one day to take Jake to school and pick him up. His hours are from 8:55am to 3:45pm. And then this monday night is "Meet the Teachers Night". I think it will be a lot of fun.

The Heartland Festival

Hey, guys and gals..me and the kids went to the heartland festival over the weekend and I just thought that I would share some info with ya. I decided to volunteer at this great festival and believe me it really paid off. I got to meet a lot of other different volunteers and they all came from different religous backgrounds in the area. I got to hand out some maps and schedule of events while the kids got to play in the area....they stayed cool in the shade as it was a really hot day. Also, when I handed out the maps, there was a card that everyone can fill out and put in drop boxes; you could win a trip to jamaica or a new iphone at the end of the day if your card was picked. After handing out the maps and schedules, me and the kids decided to hang out at the festival and such. The firefighters had their big pully out and pour water out like it was a big shower and everyone got soaked; even my jake and sam. Jake even managed to get his picture taken in the newspaper. I saw the newspaper today and saw his picture on the front cover....made me(mommy) so proud. You can see some parts of his sister in the back though. You might be able to see the pic at www.omaha.com this is with the omaha world herald. But my main pic as you can see is also from the festival. I hope you guys have a good week. I have a bad sunburn on my face as it is from the festival...and Im still a bit tired from all of the walking we did. Anyhow, hope you all have a good week. ALZ


Okay, so I know that this may seem a little rediculous and all but...as it is, I have no point of strolling to my oldest sister, Lisa's, page on here; as she has blocked me from coming to her page. Well, my good brother in law happens to be friends still with my sister and decided to look at her page a few days ago. The story is though, my youngest sister, Tina, and her hubby got a new van. Well, there are two good things about this, though; the van and Tina's hubby is getting promoted soon, so in a sense they have the money to take care of things. My oldest sister is very upset that Tina got a van and probably jelous. So, this is where my ex's wife plays part in this story...as she always does somehow. She posted a comment on my oldest sister's page and my good brother in law happened to read the comment. The comment was basically bashing Lisa's family and telling Lisa who her real family member's are and to forget about the lesser ones. She even brought up stuff from the past that she can not leave alone; she is just a whinney baby really and feels that she is smart by posting this comment. And then there was an attached picture with the comment that said "Family Market Custom Killing". And seeing that this could be a threat to the family, we might want to do something about it but we do not know yet what we can do. But we are still in question as to if it is a threat or not.

Fourth of July Weekend....

This weekend was fun! Me and the kids decided to help my best friend move the rest of her stuff out of her storage unit/well, actually, it was just us adults..lol. The kids rode along in the truck while we headed up to souix city. Our friend, Daniel, who will be leaving for Iraq in about three months also helped with the move. There were 4 kids this weekend; my two and my bf 2 kids. She has a boy and girl too. So the boys, rode with Danial in the truck and the girls rode with us in the car. It took us like almost 2 hours to get to Souix City but we had snacks and drinks for the kids along the way and some of them took small naps. Later on, after we got relaxed and such and everything was put away and taken out of the truck...the kids got to run thru the sprinklers and have a water balloon fight. What a mess that was! Then it was lunch time. We had another nice cook out. As it was 4th of July weekend, and in prob another two weeks the kids will not get to see eachother...we had to give the kids a fun time while they were here. The food was good, the kids were good/well, most of the time...the weather was just right but the day was not over yet. By mid afternoon, we took the kids to a really neat park that was probably one of the best ones I have seen so far. We stayed there for almost an hour before we were all very tired. Then later that evening, we had some sparklers for the kids and they went at it for almost an hour, or so it seemed. We had some left over sparklers from last year and then we got some others for the kids at decent prices. On top of that, the kids were also having fun with the lightning bugs. Then it was time for bed time. So, in all, this weekend was really fun and the kids had a blast spending time with eachother again....as it has been a long time since then. The bad news though is that Friday, late morning, I was talking to a social worker about a CPS call made towards me. She told me it was not such a bad thing about this report, only because it was one of those calls that made you think that the person calling in was just trying to cause trouble or up to no good at all. Well, the CPS agent was explaining to me about the things on the report and they were things that were completely false; as the agent could clearly see looking at the living conditions of me and the kids in my apartment. The sad thing is that the only people that could relate to anything on this report was my ex husband and his wife; who have been trying to take the kids from me for sometime now. I guess they feel that if they file this CPS report against me and if found that I was neglecting and abusing the kids, the kids would be either in the state's hands in foster care or their care for good. So I explained everything to the agent and that this may be an issue that my ex is trying to pull in order to get custody of the kids and she said that this can not be used in court as it was just a false report. I do have proof of an email my ex sent me, that he said he has dealt with the CPS in my state but he complained about how the state is really slow about getting down to business....so this is the only proof I have and also from a blog his wife wrote once....to show that he actually filed this fake report. As the caller was "unknown" who made this report against me. Anyhow, all is well and things will start looking up from here. Gotta get to work, so hope all is fine with all of my friends and such.

A story

Well, considering that I have to work at 1130am tomarrow/today...Im going to make this nice and simple. Yes, I did have a problem saving my money and spending it wisely a few years ago. Or at least during the time, my ex was paying me child support and all of that extra money that he was sending me. Yes, I should have saved it up but that gives my ex no excuse for the money problems he has now with his new wife and the family he brought into his life. Yes, it is great that he has a new family but I think that you need to find yourself financially capable first before bringing in a new family. Oh, and I at least did not have to give up my children to my parents for awhile so that I can save money up because I can not afford to take care of them and then risk my parents wanting to get custody of my kids...hmmmm, and this new wifey of my ex's claims that I have a problem with my finances...lol. Okay, so I may be a little off the edge at times about all of this and it does seem that I have changed a whole lot. Yes, I may be a very different person these days but when someone calls me a "theif" I will like for them to come and say it to my face before they say that. TO MY EX: I will repeat this one last time, you pathetic magot, I DID NOT TAKE THE 1800 that was lost in the mail...if you would think that I would actually slump so low then go ahead and try me. Why and the hell do you think that I called you for in the first place? I called you because I was concerned since that money was in deed your money and it was to go to my lawyer. But you don't care though...you just want to listen to what other people are telling you once again. But I guess you will never change with that. For those who do not know, the father of my children wants to get a restraining order against me and he does'nt even have the children...I am the custodial parent. Now any good father, in his right mind that really cares about his children, would not get a restraining order against the mother who actually has the kids on a daily basis because you would think that even though the kids do not like to talk on the phone with thier daddy, their daddy would want to at least like to hear their voices. Yes, we all agree that it hurts to hear your children tell you that they do not want to talk to you on the phone but what if these children are just this way for a few years or so? And why does it have to be soooo hard for the father to call when {inside} the children do really need their father and they want to talk to him just like anybody else on the phone. Sometimes, my two year old daughter will be this way with me on the phone but most of the time, I see my four year old son push the phone away...and well, this also happens to me when Im at work. I will call my parents house and try to talk to the kids and I get nothing from my son. So tell me, is there any difference at all here? I THINK NOT!!!!! The point is that I already know that my ex is a good father but he seems to make bad decisions in his life though. Hence, before our divorce was actualy finallized, three/four months before he had neglected to tell us all that he had gotten his fiance now wifey, pregnant...and the funny thing is that she wasn't even complete with her divorce either. So, she ended up waiting to have the baby in December then it took a few months later for her to get her divorce complete and then probably a month or two later, she and my ex got married. Now, I know that they had been planning this marriage since like for a year or so, which is great...but I do remember that when I got my divorce I was told that I was not suppose to get married for like six months, so ummmm, what does that say about this folks? Some people may think that I am mean to my ex and that I need to stop bothering him and let him live his own life with his new family. Heck, as much as I should care arout his new family, I could care less, actually...all I care about is my ex trying to have some kind of a connection with his two children that I get to enjoy everyday. I do not want him to stop calling. I do not want him to stop seeing the kids on web cam, but it has been awhile for that so I guess in time we shall see. And I will not ever allow him to give up his right to see the kids...what so ever. I had made plans awhile ago for him to see his kids...around father's day. Yes, it was like around mother's day that I had thought of it and yes, it was poor planning on my part. But big deal that it is....I guess the thought of me thinking that my kids should spend time with their father means nothing to my ex and to his family because all they worry about is how much its going to cost to just have a whole household...I know I am not bright about much things in life but I do know that a true father would enjoy every moment with their kids regardless. And it is unfortunate that I have to feel that my ex does not want to be a part of these kids lives at this point. I don't look down on him though. I guess this is just for the best at this point. If a restraining order means sooo much to him now then I guess I will just sit here and wait for what is going to be offered to me.
Okay, so here is what I know: My ex husband may have to file for bankruptcy. His wife CLAIMS that she may have to let her two boys stay with the grandparents that may challenge her again to another custody issue, since my ex and she can not handle their finances. Also, my ex is getting "bitched" by his command about how he should have been well prepared for a divorce, hence he should have gotten a lawyer too. Hmmmmm, I wonder where his lawyer money went to though...buttering up his wife to be and getting two vehicles that they have to pay an arm and a leg for, a brand new tahoe and truck. Okay, so once again my ex and his wifey point fingers at me as they always have since I am getting more than half of my ex's pay..."It's all the ex wife's fault for putting me in my financial problems"....okay, so my ex was making good money being stationed in Italy, and while he was still there, the divorce was finalized...and that was how I got my support as it is now. MY lawyer had gone by his LES at the time of the divorce...and yes, we had both come to an agreement to such things. So why whine and cry about it now...the damage has already been done and you have already "Made your bed". Yes, my ex is in a world of trouble now but I'm not laughing at him...I just say, oh well, maybe this will be for the best in this case. And, maybe he will get kicked out of the army for making irresponsible financial choices. He is suppose to get promoted E-6 too on June 1st so that is a good thing, I guess. All I know is that I am happy with what I have now. I think I made some better choices this time in my life when it comes thinking about my finances. I have a good job for once but it is not the best when it comes to pay and benefits...I love to work with the people though. I have a good place to live. And what can be better than anything, I have the two best people in my life, my son and my daughter. Okay, but I do not sit here and laugh at my ex for not being able to see his kids. In fact, I often wonder what it would be like for him to see them again, without him and his wife judging my place as their mother. I often wonder what it would be like for my kids to enjoy their father just like my ex enjoys two children he did not father and plus his baby girl. Yes, my kids do have a little sister that they will never get to know if my ex plans to get a restraining order against me. On top of that, my ex will never get to speak to his kids again. Hmmmmm, I wonder if he likes this and is enjoying every bit of it because I know I am not. Just because his kids do not want to talk to him on the phone does not mean that they will be this way for the rest of their lives. Yes, this is going to hurt him but then "HE did it to himself" in all aspect. Anyhow, everyone can whine and cry all they want and feel bad for my ex and his wife but they put themselves in this situation on their own.
I contacted my ex husband about getting his lawyer information and he contacted me also by email that my lawyer needs to contact his lawyer about this information. The information that I wanted from my ex he could not give to me, however, about his lawyer. Here is what is going on though: I just found out that my ex wants to get a restraining order against me and if he does this he will not be able to stay in contact with his children as I am the custodial parent. But I still have some stuff of mine that is in his possession that he has to send to me. So I felt like, well, if he gets a restraining order against me I may not be able to get my stuff back from him. Anyhow, I felt like that there was one more option for me to do in all of this. I called my ex's post office of the Inspector General and spoke with a man named Fred Hall about this situation. He told me that for one, my ex can not get a restraining order against me since I live in Nebraska and he lives in Alabama. Then he said that since I do have a lawyer, I need to contact her so that she can contact my ex's lawyer about getting my stuff back. But that is only if it states in the decree that my ex is responsible for sending me my stuff. I also told Mr. Hall that I was recieving child support as he was the one to talk to if I was not recieving anything from him. I then told him about his new wife claiming that she is not recieving any child support from her ex husband and her ex is also in the military and he told me that the military should be able to help her out in this matter if she fights for it. But if she is doing nothing about it then, that is her problem and if they are financially strapped then "I guess you get what you paid for". Or else she is just lieing about not getting any child support at all...who knows really. Either way she should be able to get child support and if she is not fighting for it then I guess she is just not wanting to get help. Anyhow, I will not change anything when it comes to the child support at this time...Mr. Hall advised that I should not do anything. I should just wait for my ex to get it changed.
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