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Dr Turi's blog: "Dr. Turi's Blog"

created on 10/28/2006  |  http://fubar.com/dr-turi-s-blog/b18948  |  1 followers
Dear Readers; Why is it so important for every one of us to acknowledge and respect the Universal Law of the moon? Because if you do not you will have to pay the price of ignorance and this could mean anything from bad luck to losing your precious life. I am sure many of you are familiar with "The Law Of Attraction" but what about the Universal Law of The Moon, the Draconic Law, The law of opposite, the law of negativity, the law of hope, the law of celestial opposites, the law of verbal affirmation, the law of visualization, the law of intervention, the law of obstacles, the law of release, the law of focus, the law of fate, the law of omens, the law of duality, the law of location, the law of fear, the law of obsession, the law of synchronicity, the law of magnetism etc? Do you really think you can ignore or avoid any of those laws and be safe, successful and healthy and collect the good by realizing only "The Law Of Attraction?" You are on for some serious deception if you chose to be in denial and sit all day long on your couch watching "The Secret" and hope for a miracle to get a better life. It simply does not work this way and its time for you to wake up and smell the roses of reality because the only people who have benefited so far from the movie "The Secret" are the producers and actors. Note again that I do endorse and supports the well-produced movie and its deep spiritual message just because "The Law Of Attraction" is a well founded solid law. But unless you master many other Universal Laws and the complexity of "The Universal Code" you will never ever make any significant progress. I am sure many of you will hate me or see me as an obstacle to your dreams but the fact is I am just the opposite. Each Universal law mentioned above are fully explained in my new book "Beyond The Secret" and uncovering each one of them did not come easy. It is through an incredible amount of efforts, drama, pain and suffering (hand on experiences) I endured all along that I have mastered all those laws. I also became a pilot and learned to play the piano because my UCI (Unique Celestial Identity) supported it all right from the get go. There is such a thing as gifts and many of us possess at least one even if you don't think so. Because you can not auto analyze yourself accurately does not mean you don't have any gift. You can watch the movie the secret for years at the time if you don't have the "unborn" gift to sing or dance you will never be able to sing or dance, period. Inherited gifts come in so many ways and cannot be taught. Try to play piano like Mozart, think like Einstein, pain like Picasso or dance like Michael Jackson for example. Gifts are given to us because of karma and depend on the amount of efforts the soul invested in numerous previous lives. These gifts are dormant and can be stimulated in so many ways. However there is a big difference between education, intelligence and many levels of inherited artistic gifts. Scientists are gifted with a logical mind and adept in building gearboxes and reliable bridges but don't ask them to enter the intuitional domain of the spirit because they cannot and that is their karma and limitation. This is why a bunch of morons (Astronomers) in Europe removed Pluto from the celestial family not knowing the spiritual intonation of any planets or the inner working of the "Universal Code". Another word they can only acknowledge what can be seen, measured and touched, they are surely book educated but lack perception, intuition and basic brainpower. These "young souls" do well with mathematics; logistics, politics, science but are at lost with the archetypal realm of consciousness, the arts and any form of divinity. But that's OK because this is the world we are in, a very earthy solid ground where the jailed soul try so hard to raise his spiritual vibrations to a higher level of perception. My new book "Beyond The Secret" has so much to offer you and once you read it and work with me a chance to use a myriad of Universal Laws will bring about the wisdom you need to make all your dreams a reality. Make sure to order your SIGNED copy of my new book "Beyond The Secret" by ordering right NOW and start using true wisdom to reach all your dreams. READ CAREFULLY One of the most obvious and important laws everyone MUST acknowledge and respect is "The Universal Law Of The Moon" and this newsletter is designed to do so if you read it to the end. But first I have good news for those of you who cannot afford my book 2007 Moon Power. You will have three opportunities to download my book for FREE on any of those websites 1 - I am invited to do a TV show with host Jim Rodger and co-host Kyle Dayton on Saturday, June 2, 2007, 6pm PST (Arizona MST) / 9pm EST. Celebrate this Special 100th Anniversary Show as Dr. Turi will talk about "Beyond The Secret", his new Upcoming Book, and much more! Watch live and download the book there. Watch the show If you want to be part of the live audience please email Jim to reserve your seat at: ufoshows@yahoo.com 2 - Tune in June 13th from 7:00 to 8:00 PM EST for another radio show with Gregory Norman Host/Producer, "Universal7Radio Listen to the show 3 - Tune in May 22nd from 11 to 12 AM PT for another radio show with Bonnie Coleen Host/Producer, Seeing Beyond Talk Radio Listen to the show I will talk about the power of the moon over women and our life in general then explain much more why "The Secret" is a deceiving unfinished project and all the answers you really need are in my new book "Beyond The Secret" and much of your wishes can become a reality if you study "The Universal Code" and build Cosmic Consciousness. Moon Power - The Universal Law Of The Moon Every day that God has created, sees the procession of stars across the vault of the sky. They have followed the same regular path through the heavens, tracing the immutability of the cosmos and its constellations, which have spoken to the wise since the beginning of time. This work will explain in detail the subtle energy produced by the Moon's passage through the twelve houses and signs of the Zodiac. These houses govern the twelve facets of our life, and the rhythms of our life's cycle, our emotions, finances, consciousness, home, children, career, friends, wishes, fears, love, personality and all that goes to make our sorrows and joys. Depending on the mystical rhythm of the Moon and her relationship---harmonious or discordant---to the constellation and houses of the sky over which they rule, she will govern our human activity and give birth to our vices and virtues. The infinite and concealed dance of the Moon through the Zodiac is far from affecting only you, but all of us. You are a "microcosm" or a child of the Universe and there is reason for you to be. You are a part of this incredible physical and spiritual structure called a "macrocosm." Sir Isaac Newton wrote "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction". We are what we think, having become what we thought. This statement emphasizes that for every thought or action there will be an effect. This is what I call the "Universal Law," the causes and effects of the yin and yang recognized as the law of karma. The Moon is by herself quite responsible for some of the world and people's fate. By tracking the Universal Law and using the Moon Power's information, you will be allowed to see this lunar impact and reaction every day of your life. Obviously, the waxing and waning periods of our closest satellite will produce the daily process of tides. Thus, women will have spiritual and physical manifestations (menstruation), and all of us will be responding subconsciously to the word "lunatic." Without a form of opposition such as the Moon's fluctuations, there would be no reaction and thus no life possible on both the spiritual and physical planes. "Our so-called "dead" satellite is very much alive; she is the beating heart of the earth. Vigilantly observing her whereabouts will aid understanding of the psychology of man." -Dr. Turi The Changing face of the Moon was revered and understood by the ancients as an aspect of the feminine and idolized as the Lady of the Night who ruled over fertility and magic. Your awareness of the Moon's passage through the Zodiac will enable you to discover a basic structure of energy patterns that underlies the changes and circumstances of your life. This is, indeed, the purpose of a good astrologer, and his main objective is to reveal an order or meaning beneath or within what often appears to be a random or chaotic situation. The Moon's passage through the housing system is one expression of the archetypal structure we call a cycle. While many of the formally educated scientists have lost their cosmic consciousness, it has remained hidden within astrological values and basic astrological foundations. All of the signs of the Zodiac, the twelve houses, and the numerous astrological aspects are based upon God's higher order in the established, interstellar cycle. Their subtle meanings are derived from a particular place or negative affliction or function to each other's, and all operate within the ordered cycle as a whole. Our lives unfold according to our specific cyclic pattern, interacting with the Universal cycle. Discerning the Universal Mind at work is difficult; those gifted at birth will naturally understand the cosmic mind, using their inborn, intuitional and objective mental tools. However, when properly educated, anyone can learn to further his cosmic consciousness and realize his close relationship with God and the Universe. It often starts with a willingness to expand the consciousness and the simple realization: that which may be invisible to our senses nevertheless still exists. That's what makes a real scientist, investigation! Sadly enough, the majority of these souls fear ridicule or abandonment by their peers or churches. The obvious structure of the Moon's cycle is derived from the fact that it consists of a beginning, middle and an end. Thus, the monthly lunar cycle suggests by observation that it is divided into two halves. During the first half, the movement is outward, as our close satellite travels away from the area of space occupied by the Sun. As this happens, the powerful light of the Sun increases, "waxing" (positive) on the white face of the Moon. The Full Moon symbolizes the turning point it reverses motion. The Moon begins to approach the Sun as the reflected light on its surface "wanes" (negative), until they meet again at the New Moon (new start). Halfway between the New Moon and the Full Moon, we notice another important division point where light and darkness are equal on the moon's surface. At the first waxing quarter, the light is increasing, while at the last waning quarter, it is decreasing. These simple astronomical observations can only provide the scientist's mind with knowledge for interpreting the physical lunar cycle's phase. Now if the positive cannot be with the negative, and knowing that it takes "Two to Tango" for anything to be, then the scientist should be able to "investigate" the intuitional domain of this work. There was hidden truth beyond to this "lunar manifestation," and I then began to nurture my own critical observations. Later in life I realized that there was so much more beyond traditional star study (Astronomy). As a child, I always thought of the moon to be something more than a dead satellite orbiting the earth. Many times in the darkness of the night, I found myself staring at her, wondering about her hidden power. She is the swiftest of the planets, passing through the 12 signs of the zodiac in about 28 days. I knew that eventually, I was to uncover her subtle ways and find the answers. To me, all those stars in the sky, shining above my head, were more than bright dead rocks in the darkest night. It does however; take more than our five senses to tap into her subtle manifestation upon our psyches and life in general. Nothing happens randomly in the universe, and the timely return in full each month surely indicates an ultimate order. Month after month, I patiently watched her becoming New and Full, and I learned my first, and one of the most important lesson in metaphysics, "The undiluted truth is not to be found inside man's limited world, but in other worlds and the Universal mind." Being so close to the earth, the Moon's magnetic pull is so great, that she is solely responsible for the daily process of the tides. Curiosity, observation and comparison become the essential elements to promote anyone's cosmic consciousness. As I met her, becoming full and new, month after month, I slowly began to understand her powers. By constantly watching my environment, friends and family members, she began to speak about her clearly visible impact and control over man's psyche. As the years went by, I realized her uncompromising pull over the sea, and I became more aware of her powerful impact on our daily affairs. I made notes day after day, week after week and month after month, realizing the heavy consequences of either ignoring or adapting to her passage through the twelve signs of the Zodiac. I learned that the farmers of the past followed her fluctuations for the betterment of their crops. Then I carefully put my observations to test in my life and the lives of those around me. I did not take long to realize that by respecting the Universal Law, my life became much more productive. Her positive and negative affect on man's emotions, actions and reactions became so obvious to me that I decided to make it my full time job to tell others about her. As I watched the news in times of a full Moon, I understood why people became destructive, "lunatic," eccentric, moody and psychopathic. I then named it the Uncompromising Universal Law. Since then, as a professional Divine Astrologer, wherever I am needed, I am teaching the value of this simple and valuable knowledge. When you first learned how to drive a car, you were carefully introduced to the rules of the road. You learned that you must stop at a red light or follow a road sign, as your very life depends on your doing so. These are the codes that you have learned, and they must be respected anywhere you happen to be in the world. Following established rules will take you safely wherever you have to go. Sadly enough, too many people do not respect these rules, and innocent people have died accidentally. Awareness, knowledge and respect of these rules are desperately needed. However, the spiritual rules established by God, written in the constellations, have been misplaced. Only a minority is aware of the impact produced by the moon, and the rest, the majority of us are completely ignorant of God's Divine rules. The result is seen during a Full Moon and each time the moon is crossing a destructive sign. This lack of awareness turns into formidable chaos, which produces despair, psychopaths, drug addicts, depression, violence, criminals ... and the list goes on. Know that by ignoring either the physical or spiritual rules leads to a very heavy penalty. So-called "holy wars" have plagued man all through the ages. Ignorance and fear cast aside God's true Universal message. To my mind, the millions of deaths produced by continuous religious wars all around the world were a good example of the destructive power of fanaticism. I realized that everyone's relationship to God or many gods was deeply personal and that no two people feel the same way about it. My great mother taught me that God is love, beauty, education, responsibility and knowledge, beliefs I have steadfastly clung to. I have noticed the dualistic nature of life, man/woman, front/back, up/down, black/white, yin/yang, positive/negative, the ultimate law of opposition. I soon began to realize that nothing would exist without its counterpart, and this Law of opposition was much too obvious to be challenged or ignored. I began to wonder if God would exist without the Devil. One month is made up of two 2-week cycles, one year of two 6-month periods. From the New Moon (black dot on your calendar) to the Full moon (a circle on your calendar), the light is green Those two weeks are called "the waxing time." Then when you see her full, white and round, the light is red. Those two weeks are called "the waning time." As she starts her positive waxing time, you should plant your seeds for life. Go out, meet new people, socialize, get engaged, get married, buy a new car, go shopping, sign important contracts, travel, visit family members and generally promote all you can during this positive trend. My Starguide has all the New and full moons available for entire year. Also, Starguide tells you when and in which sign the New Moon or the Full Moon will mature. You can use this knowledge to master the outcomes of all your endeavors. Initiate ideas or projects as she climbs happily through the heavens. When she finally becomes full, beware of the approaching "yellow light," as this signals a time to slow down and reflect. During the day you must work hard and perform your tasks, while nature requires you to rest and sleep during the night. The same rules apply with the Moon. As she is ascending (waxes) you must dwell with the future, the dense physical world and, as the ancients did, put your seeds in the ground. Again, after the full Moon (and for two weeks) as the Moon descends (wanes), you will deal better with metaphysical endeavors, feel like cleaning up, and possibly suffer psychically, as the moon is the regulator of your inner emotions. Use your will to fight depression, clean your house, prepare your next move, and write letters but don't send them just yet. Observe and listen to all the people around you. Many will suffer the waning Moon's power and will become negative, moody and lunatic. Watch the news and see for yourself the dramatic differences in the two periods. However, good things can happen then. This means, officially, that somehow you started "that" situation during her waxing, positive time, and you are now being paid-off. Bad things can also happen to you when the Moon is supposedly positive. It might only be a tap on your hand, compared to what could have happened. Keep in mind you have been going through your life not knowing nor using the Universal Law. You did not interact with the Moon's fluctuations (the gearbox of our solar system), and many gears (your experiences) have broken down. Apply your knowledge immediately, and take the time to invest in your understanding of Astrology (the dynamics of our Universe). I often use this sample in reference to the respects of the physical and spiritual laws. If you were to travel in China and you could not read, understand or follow the road signs, chances are that you would get hurt. Those laws, even if you are not aware of them, are solid and practical. There is no room for ignorance in this dense physical world, and a heavy penalty awaits those ignorant and skeptical souls. The Moon also commands women's menstrual periods, and both the Moon and women share the same twenty-eight-day time period. Work non-stop around the Moon's passage, every sign of the Zodiac, and then her deepest secret will by yours. As she travels through the belt of the Zodiac, she will be residing between two to three days in one sign; she will melt your emotions with the energies (positive or negative) found in that specific astrological sign. Never forget that an ultimate higher order has been established, and the essence of our emotional life is within. Learning and adapting to the Moon's power will help you understand what it really means to be human. This cosmic consciousness will lead you towards the understanding of your own strengths, and the ability to use them to further your life, while minimizing your weakness day by day! I also wrote about both NASA shuttle explosions but NASA keeps ignoring my heeding. Again realize that I do not PREDICT anything! I know nature has cycle induced by the movement of the stars and this is why history (or the weather) as a repetitive pattern. Well what about NASA criminals' authorities? There are the worst. I have tried so many times to "advise" them not to send the shuttle during any "Supernova windows" and regardless of my direct requests; none of them have ever had the decency to respond to my emails. Only an insignificant but very smart secretary supported my views and wrote me back to apologize for not being able to pass the thick wall of her subordinates' lack of knowledge. Then as I did with the first shuttle disaster, I sent them my dated posts and website warnings accusing them of killing innocent astronauts in the name of their own fear of ridicule and huge ignorance. For God's sake this crowd deals with the physical aspect of the stars (astronomers) why not try to enter the intuitional domain of those stars (astrology) and save precious lives and money to the tax payers? It amazes me for any of these imbeciles in power at NASA to challenge the true genius of Einstein when he wrote. "All great spirits have encountered opposition from mediocre minds; a human being is part of a whole, called by us the 'Universe,' a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest--a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. The stars are the elixir of life" - A. Einstein Note: Regardless of my expectations posted on my website for the second time and my desperate attempts over the years to make NASA officials aware of dangerous Super Nova Windows, the Columbia was also launched during this window and re-entered the last night of it producing the death of all the courageous astronauts! As a result of ignoring the celestial might, all courageous astronauts are dead - Thanks NASA! I also made unarguable predictions such as the WA sniper. Prediction: From "Moon Power Starguide 2002", pages 235-6 under Events and travel: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri-Oct. 7,8,9,10,11: Rulers-Pluto (drama) and Jupiter (credulity). Travel and Communication: Regardless of the New Moon, beware on the road, because with Pluto, absolutely anything nasty can happen to you now. If you are a police officer or security guard, beware of Pluto. The crooks will be active and deadly. Passion may take over, as Pluto will lead a bad young spirit to kill innocent people. Don't take chances now. KILLER STALKS SUBURBS OF NATION'S CAPITAL The Washington D.C. area has been on edge since a sniper attack on October 2, the first in a wave of fatal attacks that have occurred with stunning regularity in the subsequent weeks. Update: In Phoenix AZ another serial killer terrorized the residents since May 2006 until August 2006. I was on KTAR 610 am on the Pat MacMahon radio show in July when I gave him two dates. One was when the killer would strike again (and he did!) and the other for his arrest! I also wrote a newsletter giving those dates and what transpired in that show. Simply sign up for the free newsletter or click on "Read Previous Newsletters" and if you want solid proof of my claim simply look for and read "Serial Killer in Phoenix". More of my numerous predictions are at http://www.drturi.com under "predictions". There are too many predictions that did transpire to be mentioned in this book such as the Kobe earthquake, the O. J. Simpson dilemma, Bill Cosby's loss, the Rancho Santa Fe mass suicide in San Diego, both Mother Teresa and Princess Diana's passing, President Clinton's legal suit, etc. I have published many "Moon Powers" since 1987. I have also written "The Power of the Dragon", "Nostradamus Dragon Forecast for all signs," "I know All About You," "Asia Dragon Predictions" , And God Created The Stars" and my very latest book "Beyond The Secret." I can say that I am not a Stargazer as this is just one who gazes at the stars. You would be, too, if you understood the celestial messages as I do. I believe that everyone, and I mean everyone, should be educated in this discipline. The mystery of life would be solved. Realize also that 99.9 of the people walking this earth are robots of the stars and totally unaware of the subtle power affecting their fragile psyches and the impact on human affairs on this dense physical world. Hiding oneself behind a PHD or a doctorate or any academic accomplishment does not means justice to science per se. Keep reading what I wrote about the 9/11 WTC dilemma further on down and see if knowledge can affect any important decisions. When my new book "You Are God" comes out, a full explanation of the superconscious and its interaction with the Universal Mind will be explained in great detail. Meantime, never forget that as a human, your will is much stronger than the stars and that "the future is nothing more than the reincarnation of thought." "L'habit ne fait pas le moine" as we say in French! Or translated a dangerous killer may dress like a priest and fool society'. Just because you graduated from a well-respected institution does not necessarily mean you are intelligent. A talkative parrot can repeat word for word what is printed in the books by the scientific community and because of the bird ability to recall the printed information it will graduate faster than you. But what the majority accepts does not mean its fact, the bird can not and will not think for himself. Challenges and taking chances are things a true scientist should do to HONOR the very words "scientific investigation." It is not a healthy attitude to hide behind a diploma, ridicule my research and dismiss me because the word astrology is used. What really gets me is that some of those scientists do believe in walking on water yet they don't realize that astrology is a science with solid structures and disciplines. You believe in a religion, astrology is NOT a religion; this means some investigations or studies are needed to bring forth cosmic consciousness into men's awareness. And with it the option to see its full manifestation just as I do. There is a tremendous difference between education and intelligence by judging the response of the so-called intelligent scientists and my desperate efforts over the years to make them listen and investigate my work. Sadly enough as soon as the word astrology is mentioned, either a deep-rooted religious fear emerges or the fear of associating with this form of "ridiculous science" scares them to death. Well I have news for you educated mental snobs or religious lunatics-- you can not stop progress and if I am 50 years or so ahead of you, accept it and deal with me without ego or your fears interfering and INVESTIGATE this rare but very real discipline I offer. Everyone has their own mystery to uncover, and the canopy of stars is what blankets that mystery. They were definitely placed in the heavens for more than the sake of beauty. Through his Divine plan, God enslaved all men to understand the meaning of their existence on earth. You might as well take the easy way and ask someone who knows how to read the universal starlight. As always I am asking you to help me to pass on my important message to the world. Enjoy a television show I did a few years back (I look much better now lol) for the Learning Channel and see how much I knew then about the stars. /www.drturi.com/images/Journal of the Unknown - Astrology-banner.jpg" alt="Dr. Turi - Journal of the Unknown" border="1" valign="top" vspace="5" hspace="10"> Once you are done take the time to listen to my radio show and enjoy my feedback on "The Secret" at Click Here I am on my way to California, so join us in San Jose, California May 26th & 27th 2007 and enjoy incredible speakers. Be There I will have my new book for sale at my booth, come and say hello. Join us and Gary Busey in Cancun June 18th - 25th 2007 and let's have some serious fun. SpiritualExperienceFlyer.jpg
Join us again in San Jose, California August 25th & 27th 2007 where Dr. Turi will talk about "The Rest Of The Secret" and bring the audience to a light hypnotic trance.
Be There For those of you who subscribe to "The After Dark" newsletter there is an interview scheduled to be published in May 2007 with Dr. Turi. Stay informed sign up for my FREE newsletter. Sign up its FREE and Read Please pass Dr. Turi's newsletter to ALL your friends AND TAKE THE TIME TO CHECK THE NEW PICTURES ON MYSPACE. Click here LASTLY COME TO MY NEW MOON PARTY SUNDAY 20TH FROM 5:00 TO? EMAIL DR.TURI@COX.NET or call 602-265-7667 for reservation. Don't expect me to call you back, just show up with your friends. Blessings to all Dr. Turi
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