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Where do babies come from? Don't bother asking adults. They lie like pigs. However, diligent independent research and hours of playground consultation have yielded fruitful, if tentative, results. There are several theories. Near as we can figure out, it has something to do with acting ridiculous in the dark. We believe it is similar to dogs when they act peculiar and ride each other. This is called "making love". Careful study of popular song lyrics, advertising catch-lines, TV sitcoms, movies, and T-Shirt inscriptions offers us significant clues as to its nature. Apparently it makes grown-ups insipid and insane. Some graffiti was once observed that said "sex is good". All available evidence, however, points to the contrary.

What Our Features Say About Us By: Vicki Santillano (View Profile) I feel as though my entire life has been one long quest to find out who I am. I’ve consulted psychics, had tarot card and palm readings, and read every astrological personality profile out there. Somehow, none of them gives me a good enough look at myself. The one thing I haven’t tried, oddly enough, is looking in a mirror. Physical characteristics such as eye shape, finger lengths, and so forth can actually indicate certain personality traits, according to some forms of divination. To truly find ourselves, perhaps we should stop looking to the stars and begin the journey a little closer to home—with our faces, fingers, and feet. The Face According to followers of face reading, the features on our faces all say something different about us. Eyes One way to analyze the eyes is to figure out whether you have wide-set or narrow-set eyes. Look at the space between your eyes—can you imagine another eye fitting there? The width of that space—narrow (there is no room for another eye), wide (there is plenty of room), or balanced (another eye fits perfectly)—indicates your view of the world. Narrow: Closed-minded, dependent on others, very focused Wide: Open-minded, aversion to authority figures, independent Balanced: Good judgment, a balanced perspective on situations Eye and eyebrow shape represent your general state of mind as well. Round or Curved Eyes and/or Eyebrows: Led by emotion, sensitive Straight Eyes/Eyebrows: Analytical, rational Ascending Eyes (Eyes Slanted Upward): Positive attitude, focused on goals Descending Eyes (Eyes Slanted Downward): Tendency toward negativity, vulnerability Nose In Chinese face reading, the nose is related to how one deals with financial matters. Big Nose: Could get too caught up in money Small Nose: Shy, timid Wide Nose: Emotional, laid-back Thin Nose: Tightly-wound, temperamental The tip of your nose and where it points—to the left, the right, or centered—indicates how you spend your money. If it goes toward the right, you might spend more on others than yourself. A left-leaning nose means the opposite, and one that lies in the middle allots money equally. Mouth The shape of your lips offers insight into your role within the relationships you have with others. Small Lips: Self-involved, stingy, greedy Large Lips: Giving, affinity for the finer things Full Lips: Emotional, caring, empathetic Thin Lips: Logical, introverted, cut off from emotions Thinner Upper Lip: Selfish, unable to give equally in relationships Thinner Lower Lip: Excessively generous in relationships The Fingers When reading the fingers, length and proportion are very important indicators of personality. Long Fingers: Deep-thinking, logical Short Fingers: Goes by gut, sensible When certain fingers stand out more than others do, it represents a particular quality that stands out within the person. A study found that kids who have shorter ring fingers than pointer fingers tend to be more aggressive, while the opposite trait yielded more emotional, anxious children. However, those who practice palmistry (the study of hands) believe that the prominence of each finger can point to different traits. Pointer Finger: Bold, self-assured, ambitious Pinky Finger: Expressive, verbose Ring Finger: Artistic, creative, sensitive Middle Finger: Strong will, calm disposition According to this Web site, the finger that you put rings on also means something. If you place the ring on your index or pointer finger, it means that you project confidence but could actually be unsure of yourself. If the ring goes on your middle finger, you might crave foundation and stability, especially in financial matters. Pinky ring-wearers could be easily consumed by material wealth. The Feet Podomancy is the study of feet as a means of divination. Those who analyze feet look at the lines on the soles (not unlike palm reading), the shape of toes and toenails, and so forth. Serena Powers specializes in different kinds of divination, including podomancy. She believes that each toe, depending on which foot it’s on, stands for a certain characteristic. The shape of that toe indicates how that characteristic is represented in the person. Right Foot Big toe = happiness, second toe = desire, third toe = combativeness, fourth toe = relationship to others, pinky toe = being scared Left Foot Big toe = sadness, second toe = feelings, third toe = ingenuity, fourth toe = affection, pinky toe = trust So, if a particular toe is short, you might have trouble sharing that trait with others. Pointed toes indicate imbalance. Toes that are round at the top indicate empathy and a tendency toward the emotional, while a squared toe top means you approach things more practically. Toes that bend in toward each other suggest the person lacks confidence in that area and is scared of being in charge. Crooked toes signify the easy adoption of other’s thoughts and opinions rather than standing apart. The height of your arch is also indicative of your personality. Those with high arches are academic in nature, independent by necessity, and tend to sway from logical thinking to grandiose ideas. Low or no arches tend to belong to those who are steadfastly practical and dependent on other people. Granted, there are lots of ways to reveal your personality, and none of them are foolproof or concrete, but there’s something to be said for looking at our outsides to find ourselves within. At any rate, it’s a lot cheaper than hiring a palm reader.
SHOW MY BROTHER SUM LOVE godHead The General/DJ Soul Buck Mixtape Available Now! Available Now at www. thortakeoverrecords. com/thebodega ! godHead The General and DJ Soul Buck The digital release of Introducing..The Mixtape DJ Soul Buck (DJ to Cee Knowledge aka Doodlebug of Digable Planets) godHead The General. We're taking it back to the days of the actual tape deck era when the DJ ruled the airwaves and displayed their skills. The days when an emcee made his name by being original. This mixtape of all original music with various producers, is a testament to the art form of DJing and Emceeing. Hosted by Cee Knowledge Featuring artist collabs with Mekz One, Divine Wise, Ahd Child, Charlie K, Killa Face, Cee Knowledge, Distort, Zakaariyah, L Tyrannic of Magnum O Producers: Mekz One, The Other Guys, Dr. Oo, Kush Shalimar and more Includes songs like "The B.R.O.N.X. " featured on Tony Touch's radio show, NYC Zrohour Radio, feature spot on hiphopruckus. com, and Spit Your Best Verse radio on Shades of Hip Hop radio, Street Radio; and "Believe That" featured on 215hiphop's website for MP3 of the week and many more bangers! thortakeoverrecords. com
Woe to You Oh Earth and Sea for the Devil sends the beast with wrath because he knows the time is short Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast for it is a human number its number is six hundred and sixty six.
Deadly Ike rakes Cuba, could hit Havana head-on By WILL WEISSERT, Associated Press Writer Will Weissert, Associated Press Writer 52 mins ago CAMAGUEY, Cuba – Hurricane Ike roared across Cuba on Monday, tearing off roofs and sending waves crashing into buildings, as 900,000 Cubans fled to shelters or higher ground and Havana residents in decaying historic buildings prepared for a direct hit. Ike made landfall as a fearsome Category-3 hurricane late Sunday night after raking the Bahamas and worsening floods in Haiti that have already killed 319 people. It has since been downgraded to a category 2 storm with 105 mile-per-hour winds. It is expected to tear across almost the entire length of Cuba, then enter the Gulf of Mexico with Texas and Louisiana among the likely targets. "We are preparing for a strong hit," Cuban Vice President Carlos Lage told state television. Cuba's National Meteorological Institute said heavy rains were soaking the entire eastern half of the island of 11 million, and dangerous storm surges were threatening communities along most of the northeastern coast. Ike's powerful winds sent huge chunks of debris flying over the streets of the central-eastern city of Camaguey, which was just 20 miles (35 kilometers) north of the eye at 8 a.m. (1200 GMT). Diagonal sheets of stinging rain flooded the narrow colonial streets, which were further clogged with tree branches, metal grates and plastic sheeting. A huge sheet of plastic roofing spun like a top in the wind above a traffic intersection. Streets were deserted, save for a lone, miserable-looking security guard taking shelter at a bus station. State television earlier broadcast images of the storm surge washing over coastal homes in the easternmost city of Baracoa. It said huge waves surged over buildings as tall as five stories and dozens of dwellings were damaged beyond repair. A tally of sporadic reports from six of the eight eastern provinces affected indicated at least 900,000 people had evacuated, and former President Fidel Castro released a statement calling on Cubans to heed security measures to ensure no one dies. Cuba historically has successfully carried off massive evacuations before hurricanes, sparing countless lives. Ike had weakened to a Category 2 storm with top sustained winds near 100 mph (155 kph) and forecasters expected further weakening as it moved over central Cuba on Monday. It was moving west near 14 mph (22 kph). Winds reaching as high as 160 mph (260 kph) damaged an undetermined number of homes in Holguin province. Roofs were ripped away and trees toppled across the region. Foreign tourists were pulled out from vulnerable beach communities, including more than 9,000 from the resort of Varadero, east of Havana. Workers rushed to protect coffee plants and other crops, and plans were under way to distribute food and cooking oil to disaster areas. Forecasters said Ike would likely hit Havana, the capital of 2 million people, early Tuesday. Morning skies were only cloudy, but schools were closed and domestic flights were suspended Monday. On Florida's Key West, tourists and residents alike were ordered to evacuate and a steady stream of traffic filled the highway from the island. Ike was forecast to make landfall later in the week between the Florida Panhandle and the Texas coast — with New Orleans once again in the cross hairs. The hurricane also slowed efforts to bring oil and gas production back online in the Gulf of Mexico following Hurricane Gustav. In Camaguey, municipal workers boarded up banks and restaurants before heavy rain started falling. More than 100 people waited in chaotic bread lines at each of the numerous government bakeries around town as families hoarded supplies before the storm. "There's no fear here, but one has to be prepared. It could hit us pretty hard," said Ramon Olivera, gassing up his motorcycle. On the provincial capital's outskirts, trucks and dented school buses brought about 1,000 evacuees to the sprawling campus of an art school. Classrooms at the three-story school built on stilts were filled with metal bunk beds. Mirtha Perez, a 65-year-old retiree, said hardly anyone was left in her nearby town of Salome. "It's a huge evacuation," she said. "We are waiting and asking God to protect us and that nothing happens to us." Strong gusts and steady rains fell at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay in southeast Cuba, where all ferries were secured and beaches were off limits. The military said cells containing the detainees — about 255 men suspected of links to the Taliban and al-Qaida — are hurricane-proof. But the base was spared the strongest winds. Ike first slammed into the Turks and Caicos and the southernmost Bahamas islands as a Category 4 hurricane, but thousands rode out the storm in shelters and there was no immediate word of deaths on the low-lying islands. In flooded Haiti, Ike made an already grim situation abysmal. At least 58 people died as Ike's winds and rain swept the impoverished Caribbean nation Sunday. Officials also found three more bodies from a previous storm, raising Haiti's death toll from four tropical storms in less than a month to 319. A Dominican man was crushed by a falling tree. Haiti's coastal town of Cabaret was particularly hard hit — 21 victims were stacked in a mud-caked pile in a funeral home there, including two pregnant women, one with a dead girl still in her arms. Off Mexico, Tropical Storm Lowell was moving northwest parallel to the coast with maximum sustained winds of 60 mph (96 kph). The hurricane center predicted it will veer into the Baja California Peninsula late in the week. ___ Associated Press writers Ben Fox in Providenciales, Turks and Caicos; Mike Melia in Nassau, Bahamas; Jonathan Katz in Gonaives, Haiti; Alexandra Olson in Cabaret, Haiti; Anita Snow in Havana, Cuba; and Danica Coto and David McFadden in San Juan, Puerto Rico, contributed to this report.
McCain takes 4-point lead over Obama in poll ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico (Reuters) – Republican John McCain heads into the final stretch of the U.S. presidential campaign with a 4-point lead over Democrat Barack Obama, a USA Today/Gallup poll released on Sunday showed. The lead was McCain's biggest since January and a turnaround from a USA Today poll taken just before last week's Republican Party convention opened, when the veteran Arizona senator trailed Obama by 7 percentage points. The new poll, taken Friday through Sunday, showed McCain leading Obama, a first-term senator from Illinois, by 50 percent to 46 percent among registered voters with less than two months before the November 4 election. The poll of 1,022 adults had a margin of error of plus or minus 3 points. USA Today said McCain got a significant boost from the Republican convention and the selection of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running mate. McCain also narrowed Obama's wide advantage on handling the economy, the top issue in the campaign, the newspaper said. McCain said in an interview aired on Sunday he would bring Democrats into his Cabinet and administration as part of his attempt to change the political atmosphere in Washington. "I don't know how many but I can tell you, with all due respect to previous administrations, it is not going to be a single, 'Well, we have a Democrat now,"' McCain said on CBS' "Face the Nation." "It's going to be the best people in America, the smartest people in America," he said in an interview taped on Saturday. Obama, 47, has been running on the change theme for more than a year and a half while McCain, 72, has come to it more recently after mostly campaigning on his experience. Obama in an interview also taped earlier and televised on Sunday on ABC's "This Week," said McCain spoke of reducing the rancor in Washington but the Republican convention that nominated him last week was a highly partisan affair. "How you campaign I think foreshadows how you're going to govern," Obama said. PALIN OUT ON HER OWN With 58 days until the election, the two candidates took a rare day off on Sunday before plunging back into the fray. Since he accepted the Republican presidential nomination on Thursday, McCain has been campaigning with Palin and attracting enthusiastic crowds. Palin, unknown on the national political stage until last week, was scheduled to start campaigning on her own on Monday. Before she was elected governor, Palin had been the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, with a population of under 10,000 people. Palin, a conservative with a strong anti-abortion and pro-gun record, has not been questioned by the media since McCain made her his surprise pick for No. 2 on August 29. McCain said she would start giving interview "within the next few days" but did not elaborate. McCain adviser Mark Salter said later on Sunday that Palin had agreed to a series of interviews with national media, likely starting on Thursday or Friday, and beginning with Charlie Gibson of ABC. Palin is scheduled to participate in one vice presidential debate against Joe Biden, Obama's running mate and a veteran senator, on October 2. (Additional reporting by Deborah Charles in Chicago and JoAnne Allen in Washington; Writing by David Wiessler; Editing by John O'Callaghan)




Vampires provided a perfect mirror of the worst fears of the pious and perfect. Vampires were dangerous, sexually rampant, enormously powerful, absolutely unconcerned about human dignity and preservation of the soul, and finally...dead. And it was this last aspect of their nature that made them the most fascinating to legend-makers.


"Do not ask which creature screams in the night, Do not question who waits for you in the shadow. It is my cry that wakes you in the night, And my body that crouches in the shadow. I am the maestro and you are the puppet That dances to my tune."


"I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter things hidden since the creation of the world." Matthew 13:35
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