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UFO and Predictions

8/15/2007 Dear Readers: Only a few months ago, in Prague a few educated mental snobs removed Pluto from the celestial family just because the new “dwarf” planet does not match what is scientifically accepted as a planet. Of course the astronomers are consistently “discovering” new planets but what’s new knowing that our solar system is loaded with billions of them in the vastness of eternity? Take the time to read the Aug 24, 2006 newsletter titled What The Bleep Do They Know?, “Pluto and Astronomical Ignorance” at Click here There are also many more interesting topics for you to read at both Click here and Click here Have fun and get some solid and real information outside of the spiritual limitation of a bunch of educated nerds and their “accredited” schools. When I write, “There is a big difference between education and intelligence” does anyone else out there agree with me? This infantile stellar science (astronomy/USGS/NASA) and its band of pinheads can not enter the archetypal real of consciousness due to their limited natal UCI (Unique Celestial Identity) and can only conceive, deal with or relate to astrophysics not knowing the incredible values offered by Astropsychology and Metaphysics. The very key that would offer them the answer they are so desperately looking for is cloaked within the “Universal Code” and it is ignored, cast aside and mistakenly science perceive the ancient art of astrology or any metaphysical topic as “taboo”. Anyone reading my newsletters without a single doubt, knows that the true essence of the word science or research is based upon INVESTIGATIONS but they will NOT budge or honor the words “scientific investigations” when it come to my work. Well I guess I am a bit ahead of time would you say? But the future has always been my real witness so stand by scientists; you will catch up in time… Meantime precious lives and huge amount of tax dollars is wasted on ridiculous Mars missions while Mother Earth is suffocating and cooking all of us at a scary rate with the depletion of the ozone layer. All this in the name of scientific greed, power, ignorance and pure IMBECILITY! I’d say let’s take care of Mother Earth before its too late and let the Martians deal with their own freaking planet…OK let’s see if I can teach some of those nerds reading my newsletters out there. Let’s save billions of dollars and let’s use these precious resources to bring back Mother Earth to health. 1 - Yes once upon a time there was (still and will always be) life in ALL planets in our (and other) solar systems in the immeasurable immensity of all galaxies. Now every scientists out there can ONLY speculate on the time in space so I will say around 700 billions years ago…Now I sound “educated” by giving you solid numbers! 2 – Yes water is to be found in every single planet in our (and all) solar systems and a fraction will be seen as huge white ice rocks with the Hubble Space Telescope. But to all the scientists you will not find water on the Sun (we never know they may need your tax dollars to start a new and expansive scientific research on the subject). You see its too hot out there on the Sun’s surface and the water would evaporate immediately, now let’s hope they agree with me. Let’s be more sarcastic … 3 – Yes anyone with a bit of brain would refuse to live on hostile Mars (its too hot) or Venus (its too damn cold). Read “NASA DECEPTION” from Click here to get the nuts and bolt and save me some time writing exposing common sense. 4 – Yes there is LIFE in ALL planets out there…but not necessarily as you conceive life or perceive life on your dense physical world because of the limitation of your human senses. Life appears in eternal forms in the complexity of natural developments and again the nerds explained this to themselves with chances, accidents, probabilities or the “Big Bang” theory. But again NEVER forget it’s just their scientific theory and what the majority accepts as facts (including religious stories) does not mean it’s the truth. The fact is that everything has always been and will always be in time and space there is NO time per say; and all is that and that is all and that is God’s marvelous creation! This of course includes your immortal spirit… 5 – UFO? You bet! “The gardeners of the Earth” are watching closely for if we keep messing up Mother Earth, their own survival will be jeopardized. In case you do not know everything is interconnected up there and the recent UFO activity denunciate their growing impatience with us. Of course with my 4 solid UFO experiences to me there is NO doubt of the existence of extraterrestrials. Never forget that ”incredible experiences breed incredible people that have incredible facts to teach you”. Take a chance on my wisdom and be really amazed with my extraordinary life’s experiences. Read it all (and so much more) in my new book “Beyond The Secret” Click here 6 - But as a rule, the scientist nerds are still reluctant to accept the obvious and will hastily curse everyone remotely involved with the supernatural, astrology and/or UFO. It’s amazing how a pea brain function and Einstein certainly knew much better than this army of educated imbeciles. "We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives." ~Albert Einstein* 7 - We are coming to a “Plutonic Time” and I would like to extend my warnings to all of my spiritual readers. Please PASS ON this newsletter to all the people you know and post it everywhere because you are now helping me to bring forth “Cosmic Consciousness” to the mass and raise their vibration to the “Cosmic Code”. *The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. ~Albert Einstein* Be safe and remember you can download my book Moon Power for free at Click here and enjoy your and other people's forecast until the end of the year. The new 2008 Moon power should be ready before the end of 2007. Note: We may be in a new Moon period, but be alert of Pluto’s power upon us for a few days. As always with the Lord of Hades, expect dramatic happenings all over; control is a must. Anything you say or do now will have serious repercussions in your and other's future. Be aware of Pluto’s emotional and dramatic nature. SUN., MON., TUE., WED., THU. — AUGUST 19, 20, 21, 22, 23: RULERS — Pluto (Tragedy/sex secrets) and Jupiter (Foreigners/law enforcement): Work, Career and Business: Don’t be Pluto victim avoid all confrontations. Emotion, destruction, hate and crime are all part of Pluto’s signature. You are aware of Pluto; many others are not! Compromise in the office and don’t let the stinger of the beast get to you. Sarcasm is the last thing you need to use just now. You will be forced to recognize many of your errors and your limits. A wake-up call for some dreamers is ahead. Partnerships: The crooks and the police are going to be busy; avoid the unsafe or unknown. Pluto’s power is not for unity but discord and will affect the masses, including your very own relationships. Do not participate in large gatherings, as death may strike anytime, anywhere, against the unaware. Secrets like Whitewater, RTC’s allegations, sex scandals, police, CIA, and FBI’s wrong doings will be divulged to the public. Expect news pertaining to AIDS, abortion and religious groups to make the news once more. I fully predicted the Rodney King dilemma the WA sniper attacks and the awful Rancho Santa Fe mass suicide in my Moon Power and this type of dilemma will always take place under a Plutonic trend. Both Chiefs of police Burgreen (San Diego) and Daryl Gate (Los Angeles) received my mail and predictions but never took notice of my guidance. When will the police authorities wake up to true knowledge and save lives? Family and Friends: The influence of benevolent Jupiter should tone down Pluto’s desire for drama. Participate in promoting cosmic consciousness among friends and family, and share your knowledge about Pluto’s destructive energy. Build up good karma for yourself and let them know about the energies that control them — share your knowledge. The good thing about Pluto is that you, your friends and family members will all be forced to realize their limits and do something about any and all aggravated situations. Stay alert! Be patient and practice super diplomacy during this trend. Use the secrets you hear to your advantage and don’t repeat them to others! Love Affairs: The real you, the raw you, and the plain truth around you and its impact in your life, will force you to mutate or transform with your newly acquired knowledge. Expect secrets pertaining to sex and money, but most of all stay calm in your dealings. Take smart precautions if you are going to be sexually active. If you were born under water or an earth sign, a Cancer, a Scorpio or a Pisces can either go crazy for you or against you. Travel and Communication: You had better stay and enjoy your home, read a good book or watch a movie! Observe and listen to your intuition. The less you talk the less chance of being hurt. Control your own thoughts; don’t fall for jealousy or depression. If you must take the road, be extremely prudent and don’t trust any strangers. Watch the children; the vampires are out. Mention my work to depressed friends by suggesting www.drturi.com and let them learn about real astrology. You may also offer him a copy of the current Starguide Moon Power for his birthday. Environment: We are still in a waxing moon period, but let’s hope that Pluto won’t stir a tragedy with nature’s devastating forces like an earthquake or a series of floods. Anything dramatic can happen now; let’s pray for the victims of the planet of death. If you are a law enforcement officer or a security guard, be extremely cautious, as violent and dangerous karmic souls will roam the streets. Remember the Rodney King beating also took place under Pluto, and those who lost control over their emotions will have forever to pay the ultimate price. The legacy of this action that took place on that night transformed later on into the Los Angeles riots where disorder and fires ruled the nights. Be ready for news such as Sept.14, 1999 -Hurricane Floyd smashes through low-lying Bahamas - Hurricane Floyd tore through the Bahamas on Tuesday, uprooting trees, shearing off roofs and hurling debris into buildings as frightened tourists and residents hunkered down in shelters or barricaded houses to wait out the monstrous storm. Famous Personalities: Lots of people die under Pluto’s rule and those who had a significant life will also have a significant departure from this world. The same energy may also remove a famous public figure in a secret way where drugs, sex, and rock and roll are never far away. Eldridge Cleaver, the 1960s Black Panther activist and fugitive who later swung to the other side of the political spectrum to become a Republican, died at the age of 62 under a Plutonic trend. Pluto rules the police force and brings the hidden facts to life. There can be a form of rebirth, a new part of life for the parties involved and for some, million-dollar lawsuits! Events: This is a particularly destructive time, even in a good Moon, and I want you to be aware of everything around you and your loved ones. Under Pluto’s power, May 1997, a brutal slaying follows a beer drinking in Central Park, New York. Two teenagers stabbed a real estate agent at least 30 times and tried to chop off his hands so police couldn’t use fingerprints to identify him before dumping him in a lake in Central Park. The perpetrators, Daphne Abdela, 15, and her boyfriend, 15-year-old Christopher Vasquez, “gutted the body so it would sink.” Both of those young souls were born in the dramatic Pluto “Death Wish Generation.” See Pluto’s impact upon generations or order any of my two new books “And God Created the Stars” and “The Power of the Dragon” to learn more about this phenomenon. On 8/22/06 Pluto was stopped just in time. Some unlucky souls will have to undergo sorrow and loss such as those 3 kids mentioned above. Be ready to help those in need as the favor may hit close to home. Expect the weather to be harsh and crime to be high. Expect news such as 'Calm' gunman walks into a church kills 7 before committing suicide on September 16, 1999. Shopping: A great time to purchase anything related to metaphysics or look for a good attorney. Anything related to checkups, investigations, or cleansing, is under good stars. Do not invest in dangerous tools or weapons just now. Full Moon – August 28, 2007 in the religious sign of Pisces: Important Note: Expect sad news from the Pope, the Middle East, oil and the elements. The same Neptunian energy produced the terrorist WTC destruction of September 11 in New York. Two years prior to the attack read what I wrote in Moon Power. This exact portion of Moon power and its deadly message was posted on my site www.drturi.com two weeks prior to the destruction of both towers and printed in Moon Power well before the deadly terrorist attacks in New York. Pisces rules the Middle East, religion, drugs, alcohol, deception, the difficult abortion dilemma, the Pope, the church, oil, etc. This could also mean bad news for denominations where religious figures will “pass over.” Deception, illusion and secret affairs are on the agenda. This lunation marks a significant point involving the US and the Middle East conflict and will negatively affect the young generation. Many souls will suffer this disturbing lunation. Just be ready to provide as much help as needed and do not lose faith in the future. More devastating forces producing destructive weather and floods will make themselves known in the very near future. Expect a general feeling of hopelessness to plague the media and church authorities. Deceiving news will take place and affect many of us; some desperate souls will fall for Neptune’s suicidal tendencies, and some will end up in jail or mental institutions. This trend will be very difficult for some, but do not lose faith in yourself and trust the Universe; get all the help you can to fight Neptune’s depressing tendencies. Amuse yourself, keep busy and let go of the past. Life must go on. Anticipate shocking news about volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes, etc. Expect anything surprising, even incredible to happen soon; see in action the real power of both Uranus ruling sudden releases of energy, and Saturn forcing the government to take drastic action. Lunation impact on all signs: Aries - Forget the past and build new confidence, changes at work keep positive. Taurus - A friend could become a problem, stay clear of deceiving people or groups. Gemini - More challenges involving your position in the world and at home, be patient. Cancer - Some foreigners could prove to be burdensome learn about metaphysics no religion. Leo - Don’t get sued do the right thing, no guilt financial drama is ahead but you’ll do fine. Virgo - Use your head, let go of your heart, wrong people are around you, move on. Libra - Don’t put stress on your health because of your work and no religion or drugs. Scorpio - Love, romance and children need serious attention a deal won’t go too well. Sagittarius - Stress coming from home, family career or real estate is ahead. Capricorn - Avoid depression and stay clear of Prozac or religious material sad mail is ahead. Aquarius - You’ll experience financial worries or stress, be more practical with money. Pisces - The stars are against you for a while swim upstream have faith. Don’t drink. Sharing email: Thank you for another great blog post! You never cease to write something very insightful in your blogs and it's usually just what I need to hear. I really appreciate all of the time you spend writing them. I look forward to the day when, finances permitting, I am attending your course in Sedona. Thanks again! Nicole ================= Join me at the Bay Area UFO Expo Click here For more info: Ph/Fax: (209) 836-4281- Doubletree Hotel: (408) 453-4000 Click here MISSION POSSIBLE - Join me in Arizona at the Carefree Resort & Villa for the Motherhood Redefined Conference September 21-23, 2007: Note Famous author "Men are from Mars Women from Venus" John Gray (a student and client of mine) will also speak there. Click here Much more information, great pictures from France, deals and more news - sign up to Dr. Turi's free newsletter at Click here for MUCH MORE information. Blessings to all Dr. Turi
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