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**•••••Chapter 1•••••**

At the peak of a snowy mountain a Dark Fox lay there unconscious. After a few hours the foxes eye's quickly darted open. She stood up covered in snow, she glanced behind her and saw the cliff edge. She stumbled back and fell back in the snow.
There was a house 15 metres away from her, she walked over to it and rang the door bell. A sweet cutefaced arctic fox opened the door. Suddenly the fox had a quick flash-back and she seemed to remember this fox. "Rina!" she suddenly shouted,The fox remembered the voice and the look, "Onyx!", she smiled and welcomed her in and rapped some blankets around her.
After remembering a few things about her past she was happy enough with Rina. She smiled at Rina and looked around. "I dont mean to sound rude but are we in the middle of no where?", Onyx said biting her lip. "Well not really we are in the arctic of Sonic world.", she smiled.
They went outside until from behind they heard a rumbling sound and snow started to crash and the edge of the cliff fell off.

**•••••Chapter 2•••••**

Onyx grabbed Rina's hand, "Cmon!", Onyx shouted. She used her grapple gun to grasp onto a montain and they zoomed up, they soared in the sky. Finally they landed. "Sorry"Onyx said to Rina. "It's oki...", she said sadly. "well we had to do it Im afraid". Onyx sighed."No it's oki.. "Rina tried to smile. Onyx saddly looked at Rina.
After they travelled along way they came to a town.The town looked deserted,the buoldings were broke,the phoneboxes and mail boxes were scattered."Where are we?!" Rina screamed "I dont know but somewhere not very popular… "Onyx reassured herself.A familure Voice spoke from behind them," Im afraid your going to have to stay here until you die!"

**••••• Chapter 3 •••••**

Onyx and Rina quickly spun around and in disbelief saw Sorrow. "Sorrow you scared us!!" Rina barked at Sorrow. "um.... you shouldn't of did that Sorrow ._." Onyx pointed out. Sorrow's eyes glowed with anger and fear and with a quick flash he had his sword above their heads."Watch it!!" They both said. Onyx quickly ducked and rolled out the way,she got her darkness staff out. Sorrows eyes quickly faded from Red to Blue."Im sorry..I didnt mean it... Ive been lost and alone with no one to relate to..." Sorrow explained.
Once they descussed their story so far a rumbling sound game from below them."Is it an Earthquake!!???" Rina assumed."Probably..."Onyx said."Come on we must move!!" Sorrow grabbed Rina's hand and started to run, Rina looked back," Onyx! Inyx! hurry up!!" Rina screamed. Onyx looked back as the dust ran over her,only dust and a vague shadow was to be seen in the misty fog. Sorrow Ran and came to an underground passage way, "Maybe it'll lead us safely to a better place?" Sorrow wondered."Hopefully..."Rina sighed.
They had been following the path for a while but then Sorrow saw the same Rock he had seen when they started, "Ive seen that Rock!!"Sorrow sounded angry as he shouted. "Me too... we're walking round in circles!" Rina started to get upset until the ground shook as they were underneath!and a new portal appeared under their feet as the fell into it.

**••••• Chapter 4 •••••**

In a flash they stopped,they were in the same place with with a shiny aqau stone/rock infront of them. "And the point of this was...? "Rina exclaimed."No idea" Sorrow replied.He walked forward and stepped onto the aqua thing. He saw a blue and a black one ahead. Sorrow walked over to the blue one and Rina onto the aqau one. The aqua one went over rose and she turned metal, same with Sorrow."The black one was for Onyx I think... "Rina sighed. "Yeh" Sorrow agreed. A stone fell on the black one and then the ground game away! They fell onto an Onyx robot. "Onyx Onyx! Help!!" Rina said. "It's me you help me!!" Onyx shouted, trapped inside the robot. Sorrow looked and jamp inside the robot from a cracked leg part, He climbed up to the very top to find not Onyx but Viola.
"Viola!" Sorrow shouted!, "How could you!?" He asked. "For fun… You didn't need to shout!where is Onyx anyway?" Viola said. "We thought you were her obviously!I think she's gone... she got took over by misty dust in an earthqauke... they took her underground to the unkown world I think… "Sorrow answered. Rina popped in and they explained it. "I'll help you guys find her! she's my friend and Im gonna find her! "Viola cheered.
Footsteps started on the ship. "Huh who's that!? "Rina shivered. Blood sprayed all over the ship.

**••••• Chapter 5 ••••**

Everyone looked to see that Blood was everywhere. The footsteps sounded quick but quiet. Suddenly they saw Onyx but with Reiah beside her."Reiah! Did you make the blood come!?" They all asked. "No Onyx did..." She answered, They couldnt see her clearly but the blood had dried up and they saw Onyx with a slit arm. "Onyx are you oki!!" They all asked. Reiah stood there upset looking at Onyx. Quickly, Onyx pulled out a sniper and shot the emergency button, she backflipped behind her out onto the top of the ship. Everyone did so.It rumbled and walked crashing into stuff. Everyone screamed apart from Reiah and Onyx. They both looked at eachother.
It walked until it came to stop. There was a centre infront of them.They all walked in The purity's were there. Onyx looked in and only saw Becky, Michelle and Flinzy there. Sorrow stepped forward,
"Come out! We have a rescue machine thing!" Metal suits came down and they all put them on. They all had super speed. They ran outside ready to climb up but just then the machine had a raised hammer ready to pound on them.

**••••• Chapter 6 •••••**

Onyx had only a split second to save herself, when she remember we all had the metal speed suits! "Run!, We have to speed suits on!" Onyx shouted. Everyone dashed out from beneath the hammer. It pounded from above sending a smashing sound to the ground. The ground began to shake. Moments after it began to split. Rina looks at Sorrow. "Whats going to happen!!" Rina cried.
"I do not know ...." Sorrow replied sadly.
They were all scared, trembling from top to bottom.
"Run... "Onyx called, "Run, Im going up to see who's behind this because I know for a fact this robot isn't controlled by its- self." Onyx assumed.
Onyx darted okver to the foot of the robot and jumped up it quickly.She looked inside until she saw a manhole above her head, she opened it and climbed up it.She could see two people, A porcupine and a hedgehog. "Who are you an what are you doing!!!!!" Onyx screamed at them.
"Im Cloud ..." Said a sharp voice.
"And Im Anne!" A very demanding voice came after. "Well you have no right to start trying to kill us!" Onyx shouted at them.
They spoke until finally Onyx won the debate. They jamp from above and landed. They all started to shout at Cloud and Anne. "Who says you can charge about like that!?" Becky started.
"Stop ..." Onyx silenced them,"It's okay, we've sorted it out ..." Onyx tried to settle it.
"Oh no it's not! Just because they say sorry doesnt mean that they can just ....!!!" Michelle tried to speak but the rumble cut her off. "We have to go..."Cloud spoke.
"Well of course we do!" Sorrow said.
"Im sorry!!!" Cloud said.
"Don't start!!" Onyx demanded.
A speed suit!Cloud and Anne needed one!They went back into the bar,and quickly shoved them into their hands.Cloud and Anne put them on and the whole gang sped away.
They finally got away from the rumbling,they came to water.
"I see an island up ahead !" Anne said.
"I see too!" Flinzy agreed.
"One thing..." Onyx sadly said, "No boat..."
"No way would we have enough energy to swim away or fly away over there... "Becky told.
They all agreed,So how could they get across there?
"We could always...hit the waves? Sorrow said embaresingly.
Onyx took a quick glance at Cloud,he did the same. Onyx blushed,she had never really liked him from the start.She had a sudden feeling about him.

**••••• Chapter 7 •••••**

Cloud wasn't exactly sure of Onyx because of her rudeness in their first encounter. He wasn't quite sure of anyone who was here apart from Anne.
"So are we getting across or not?"
Rina asked trying to be polite.

"Im not sure..." A voice came. Everyone looked behind them to see a 2 people. They looked starving and tired. They walked and limped over to them their eyes looking soulfuly at them.
"Stay back!?" Sorrow said cautiously.
"We shall not hurt you.." One of them stutered.
"Well who are you guys?" Onyx asked heart fully.
They all looked at eachother with small sad eyes.
"Well Im Ice..." Said the nine tailed wolf.
"Im..well... I… C-C-Candace..." A shy but nice figured dog said.
"How do we get across here?" Flinzy asked.
"We wouldn't be stuck her if we could get across..." Ice sadly said.

"Well you anyway...." Candace sighed.
"What do you mean?" Cloud asked.
Onyx looked over and blushed.
"Yes what do you mean...?" Onyx agreed.
Cloud looked over and gave her a wobbly smile.
"I can get across.... Im called Ice so I could make this into... No nothing nothing!" Ice said but regreting it.
"Tell us!" Rina cried.
"Ice can make the water into Ice... but I was to afraid incase it cracked to go across... so I was stuck here with Ice with me..." Candace whimpered. Everyone stared at Ice and Candace.
"Thats pretty imature..." Anne said.
They told Candace and Ice that this was the only way if we could tred over this slowly and quietly then it will not break. So they started, Onyx going first folowed by Cloud, Anne, Sorrow, Becky, Rina and the rest of the gang. Candace quietly cried to herself as she was very afraid of what might happen.
"We're half way there." Becky whispered. Candace thought it was a good idea, since they were half way, to start running. She sped up crashing into people and started to run although slipping.
"Candace!" Onyx cried. Candace wasn't turning back now.
"Candace please..." Ice said to herself.
"Im not turning back!" Candace shouted.
"Be quiet and stop!!" Cloud tried to whipser but knew she would not hear.
Candace ran and ran and ran until she slipped and fell,her chin crashing against the Ice.
It started to crack,parts of the ice were getting seperated. Ice's heart was hurting. Everyone tried to run across but Ice was left there hurt although trying to repair the Ice.
"Go..." She cried, "Go please just go!"
"No we can't! I'll come back and help you dont worry!" Onyx told her.
"No please just go..." Ice moaned. She fell over, hurting in the Ice until she fell into the water and not even a shadow was left of her.
"Ice!!!" Sorrow screamed.
"Oh no! She's the only one who was left to save us, what a dear shame… come back Ice!!" Becky cried.
But she was gone. Gone forever.
Candace was was up and running again trying to avoid the dips and cracks, saying to herself “It's not my fault I can make it, I can I can!!
"Candace!!!!!!!!!!" Onyx roared
"Candace come back here a second!!!!!!!!" Onyx second it.
"What!" sshe groaned. Onyx jamp up and glided over to Candace,infront of her.
"Onyx if u could of done that why didn't you just do it?" Everyone said. Onyx ignored it and put her attention to Candace.
"Candace that was a very selfish and mean thing to do!" Onyx started.
"She was with you all this time,she could of just left you there!She is now dead thanks to you!" Onyx explained.
"So!....I can still make it come on!" Candace said.
She started to run but Onyx grabbed her arm.
"No! Im going back to get Ice no matter what, you got to think about what you just did there!" Onyx told her.
Everyone ran over and managed to get to the other side.Onyx ran over and broke the Ice with her darkness staff.Suddenly all the Ice turned all dark.Oh my god!Thats it Onyx thought,everything I touch turns to Darkness!Now I feel like it's my fault!I could of controlled this! Onyx broke through and made the water Darkness so she could controll it.She made it so that Everyone under,would glow.Finally she found Ice,swam over to her and took her up.
"Ice wake up!" Onyx screamed Ice did not stir "Please...." Onyx asked.
Onyx continued until finally her eyes slowly opened.

"Ice!!" Onyx said with joy.
"Come over we can make it!"Onyx told her and grabbed her arm, she ran over with Ice and they safely made it to the other side.
"Hey everyone!" Ice said.
They were all hugging Ice until they realised,Candace was gone.

**••••• Chapter 8 •••••**

Onyx walked over to Cloud. You seen Candace? she thought of saying until suddenly She blurted out with... "You are a cute porcupine!", Oh my god!she thought.
"Thank you," He smiled and began to laugh a little Onyx walked away as red as a rose. She walked over to Sorrow and Rina.
"You seen Candace..?" She asked.
"No not exactly...I havent seen her since she managed to get over the other side" Rina answered.
"Yeh she hasn't even met Ice again and apologised!" Sorrow told Onyx.
Suddenly they heard...
"I cant find Ice!"
“Who was that?” They all looked over out to see who it was.
"Holy crap!" Becky shouted
"It's Candace!!" Michelle said.
"You're right guys it is!" Ice said.
Ice wasn't sure what to say... she was still annoyed at Candace but since she had went out to find her she suddenly forgave her.
"I am here!" Ice called to her.
"What!!??" Candace said in shock.
"Hang in there!We'll come and get you!" Onyx demanded.
Onyx ran into the water and swam over to Candace.
"Candace,silly silly! You shoudn't of just went over like that!" Onyx told her.
"But.." Candace answered.
"But nothing!" Onyx said,and she took her over to shore.
"Hun, you shouldn't have went out like that. You could have drowned yourself!" Flinzy said.
Onyx had saw Cloud over at a banana tree.She walked over to him.
"Erm...Heya..." She said shyly
"hah,do I have cute ears now" He joked. Onyx wasn't amused.
"I was joking" Cloud told her
"I guess....,look it was a slip of the tounge!" She said annoyed
"Yes It was indeed" Cloud said.
"You have very nice eyes" Cloud said sarcasticaly
"Really...!?" Onyx said very shy
He was being sarcastic but since she thought Cloud was serious he went with it.
"Yes,very beautiful" He said trying not to laugh. Onyx hugged him, squeezing him tightly.
"Erm..." Cloud said.
Cloud thought then,ok,and hugged her back although not sure what to think.
"I love you.." Onyx whispered making sure Cloud would not hear.

**••••• Chapter 9 •••••**

Onyx didn't want to let go from this moment but Cloud was getting a little irratated. He never knew that Onyx had feelings for him but he just put his hands on her shoulders and she moved back.
"Im sorry...." Onyx shyly said
"It's oki" Cloud said with a faint smile.
Sorrow was messing about with Rina pulling faces, they were all having a great time but Onyx just felt lonely. She looked at them all, taking pictures of their faces with her mind. "I must remember you guys..." she said to herself Becky came over to Onyx.
"What's the matter?" Becky asked her.
"Oh nothing..." Onyx said.
Becky walked off and went off to have a chat with her friends. Onyx looked around.
"Donalzu...." She whispered to herself.
Viola ran over to her.
"Onyx! Come on we're playing dares!!" Viola laughed and tugged at her arm.
"No... thanks... Im in the middle of something..," Onyx told her.
"What? Talking to yourself?!, Come on it'll be awesome!" Viola treidd to persaud her.
"No... Im sorry but just no..." Onyx tried to give her a firm answer.
"Come on! Everyone else is doing it!" Viola groaned at her. "I said no!" Onyx said her hair flowing backwards.
"Alright,calm your jets!" Viola told her and walked off.
At dares everyone seemed to be having fun. Messing about, telling secrets, being told to do silly stuff, It was really madness.
"I shall find you Donalzu,I'm not loosing you after what you have told and gave me..." Onyx promised herself what she must do and set off to do so.
She ran off,into the jungle of the island, running as fast as lightning, to get to where she must be. "Donalzu,you're so far away from me..." She said.
She took out her grapple gun and shot it ontop of a mountain and pulled the trigger to let herself go up. She was at the top.She could see everything. The people and even the next island!She looked over at the island.
"I will get to you,no matter what it takes!" Onyx told herself. She studied the island she was at for another 5 mintues.
"Goodbye everyone,for now.." Onyx whispered to them,though they couldn't hear.
She hadn'tthought of how to get over there but it hit her.
She stuck her hand out pointing over to where she was to be,suddenly darkness Ice came out of her hands and made a pathway over to there. She put her foot on it and started Skating over there. The wind swept over her face and made her hair swoosh behind her.
At the party,Viola looked over at Cloud.
"Where were you?" She asked him.
"Um...I was talking to Onyx" Cloud told her.
"Oh alright,I was just asking because I never knew" Viola told him.
"Oh ok" Could looked away They walked back.
"Seems like dares are over..." Cloud said to Viola.
"Yup looks like it!" Viola agreed.
They were all searching about,looking for something.
"What's up?" Cloud asked them.
"Onyx is gone!" Michelle told him.
"What?!" Viola shouted
"We have to find her!!" Viola cried. Onyx had stopped,she was suddenly on the island. From far away it certainly didn't look anything like it.When she remembered it was like blue neon sky's sweeping across.Twinkling stars up above the purple violet sky. Night was a beautiful sight, but not now. It was like dark mist covering the bottom of the land so that you could not see their knee's downwards. The city was deserted, as if no being had took care of it from the start. The buildings windows were cracked open and bricks were scattered from below. Old Cranes were broke,hald way in the middle of building a new bridge. Cars were Rusty,a horrible atmosphere.

**•••• Chapter 10 •••••**

A horrible taste entered Onyx's mouth. She coughed loudly and it eachoed around each corner like a microphone was in each corner.
Surely Donalzu can't still be here? Onyx told herself. There was scarf holding everywhere, millions of repairs in the process but no one to actaully do them. Onyx walked under a large peice of scaffolding. A metal tube fell from the middle, suddenly they were all clattering down, Onyx ran from underneath and fell under the mist. She opened her eyes to see millions of dead bodies underneath the mist. One of them had their eyes opened and their mouth in an O shape as if trying to speak. It's mouth starting moving and it said "You shouldn't have came" In a quiet whispering voice. Suddenly all their body's started to rise, Cracking their joints into their correct positions. Onyx stood up, but then fell backwards crawling and trying to escape. She ran but suddenly darkness lurked over her. She looks behind to see a shadow of a hedgehog. The darkness faided away to see that it was DONALZU!
"Donalzu!" She cried.
He walked towards her putting a strand of her smooth silky hair in-between his fingers.
"It is you...." His voice sounded cold and deep.
"Yes it is me! Onyx! Your Daughter!" Onyx told him.
"Indeed... I can see that..." Donalzu said.
"Why are you still here father... "Onyx asked him. She looked around, all the bodies well facing her around in a circle.
"I own this city... Like I used to always..." Donalzu said.
He put his hands out, The Twilight zome that it used to be took over the old looking city.
"You seen it as this when you were younger....?" Donalzu asked her.
"Yes,Yes I did!" Onyx cried He took his hands away, "Well These people here can build it back up,all for you..?" Donalzu asked her.
"That'd be nice!For all my friends to live here?" Onyx asked
"Yes,but on one condition..." Donalzu's expressions were like a ghosts.
"What..." Onyx whimpered.
"You kill me and let me rest in peace... I am sick of living in this dreaded place, it's like hell... I do not wish to continue…" Donalzu asked her.
"No but when they make it better you'll like it!?" Onyx cried.
"No... I do not wish to continue... I cannot die because of my immortalness… I gave you the gift of killing immortals so do so… now.,, " Donalzu asked.
"I want me friends to come first..." Onyx told him.
He teleported them here. They explained what was going on to them.
"Do you wish to live in this place?" Donalzu did the same by putting his hands out.
"Oh wow that'd be awesome!" Viola said.
Onyx started at Viola. "But I'd have to kill my father…" Onyx said.
"Just kill me... please I do not wish to continue…" Donalzu told her.
Sorrow looked at Onyx. "Onyx... it is what he wants Im afraid… he does't wish to live anymore…" Sorrow told Onyx trying not to upset her.
"I understand..." Onyx said Onyx put out her hand and looked away, ceying into her arm. She freezed Donalzu into dark ice.
She suddenly shattered him into one thousand peices.
"Ahhhhh!" She screamed.
The city turned into a beautiful twilight zone, with a violet bold starred skyThe buildings were black and blue neon around it. It was beautiful Onyx regretted doing so, until a spirit came out of the ice. It was Donalzu.
Love this new place,I will always be with you..." His spirit said entering her body.
The scary people were now loving caring people. Wondering around the new city.
"Im sorry Onyx..." Cloud said putting his hand on her shoulder.
Onyx cried into Clouds arms crying into him.
"It's ok Onyx.." Cloud told her.
A new place had arrived although breaking Chapter 11.
Onyx looked around The Twilight zone.
"I guess it is beauitful..." Onyx told Cloud turning around.
Onyx took clouds ahdns and placed them on her stomach. Cloud slightly chuckled and looked down at her. She smiled at the lovely sight.
People came over too. Onyx,"Thank you for returning our souls to the earth" They said to her. She looked at them and smiled.
"This is amazing!" Viola said to Onyx."I really love this!" Viola said again.
"We could get used to this!" They were all saying
Onyx cuddled Cloud.
They all danced around happy.
So They were all happy.Onyx's life was returned but still monthly she would return to his grave, because she set him out freely into the heavens above.
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