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"Perfect Drop of Sweat"

"Perfect Drop of Sweat" By SZonder © In the small of her back Floats a perfect drop of sweat, No alluring feature does it lack: Musty, tempting, wet. Resting in a lake enclosed by land Surrounding beads threaten to break, But with a light caress of my hand The bead does not join the wake. Drifting across the rise of her hips, Tickling, whispering, nibbling her skin, Goose bumps rise to meet my lips; Shivers, quivers, echo from deep within. With an arch of her back the journey begins, The perfect drop sails over delicate flesh Completely unaware of our delicious sins, It rides over her skin to where our bodies mesh. She turns to her side, it travels around the world To drift down the valley 'tween rising hills And exit again to a new land unfurled, Ready to take part in our sensual thrills. I chase it's descent down her graceful neck, The drop rises then pauses at the crest of her chin Like a sea faring gull aboard a ships deck. But with the top of my lip I brush the drop in To tide pools churning beneath my lovers mouth And up over the swell of her lip. My eyes look north, my hands move south, I pause for a moment and then take a sip. And for the drop it's the journeys end; I share the sweet drop with a lovers kiss. She opens her legs, her knees bend, And we drift on a sea of sexual bliss.

"Loving You..."

"Loving You..." By Ancient117331 © How my thoughts Are racing soooo... I just whispered aloud - "I love you...” And have the softest feeling - For real, No teasing. You 'get' to me so damnably easy... I don't know or understand why Or how - You just do. It's because... Somehow... we... belong. I know... Silly me. I melt at some awkward times And just shake my head at others. But I want to hold you so tight And make love to you And hold you close afterward And make love to you And just 'be' with you And love you. Woman...the thoughts that just race by Physical... mental... My stomachs a big knot And I want to sing, Smile... just laugh... Shake it off... But can't. I want you curled with me, Around me, On me. I want to be in you - A part of you... Held so very tight and close... And never let go. I want to touch you, Taste... Explore... Mentally, physically... And more - So much more. I want to play And 'be' As only we can. How my thoughts Are racing soooo... Such is the beginning Of 'loving' you... Silly me.
"Knights Honor" (Part "three") By LovngStrength © Oh my heart. My fair one. Dost thou tremble? In fear? Or better, Tis it the, Sweet fruit of, Anticipation? Nay, No need to speak, My heart. I see in thine eyes, Such love and trust, It melts this Knights heart, And I tremble with thee. Vibrate with thee. As if two lutes, Strummed, In sympathy. Know my love. How I honor thee. Love thee, More, Then all the celestial lights, In heaven. More than, These poor words speak. That I seek, Forever, To find my heart, In thee. My soul, In thee. My strength, In thee. Your trust, In me. Humbles. Yet, Makes this ache, I feel, A healing balm. A calm, I surrender to. Be strong of heart, My love. As I bind thee, Find thee, Pulse to pulse, To this, Most ancient, Of regal oaks. Feel its wisdom. Upon such, Ivory flesh, As thee's. Bereft of gown, I drown, With, Love besotted eyes, In this vision, Of thy perfection. Fear not, My fair one. My hearts delight. As I blind thee, With this silk. Thy favor, Upon my joust. I seek, Only thy pleasure. Thy hearts, Submission. Thy bodies, Secret desire. Thy most carnal, Dreams made flesh. This test, Will know thy name. Become the flame, That consumes us. Listen. My lady fair. My dear one. With, Pearl shell ears. As my soft, Yet, resonant voice, Leads thee. Takes thee, Shows thee, The pleasures, The sirens, Sing of. Faeries, Dream of. And mortals, Have only known, Through the songs, Of minstrels. Feel my touch, As I stroke thee. With, Trembling, Un-worthy, Yet, gentle hands. Your breasts heave, Neath them. Your nipples, Sparkle, Neath, My playful thumbs. My tongue, A hot feather, Of hummingbird wings. My tender lips, Suckle, As if a babe. My teeth, A gentle bite, That sends, Rivulets, Of warm pleasure, To thy, Glistening loins. Inhale, This scent, Heady, With anticipation. Feel me, As I taste thee. My tongue, A dervish. My mouth, A feverish, Vacuum. Suckling, That tender bud, Within thy flower. Your nectar, A flagon, Of pure joy, Dissolves, Upon my pallet. Infuses my blood, With thy, Ardour. Makes me flush, Breathless, With passion. Come, My little one. My hearts own beat. As I cut thy bonds. Free thine eyes, To again, See into mine, What loves journey, Has become. And, Where it shall go. My sex, A knight’s sword, Unquenchable, And proud. Seeks, To impale you. Fill you. Your virgin womb, Its fond, Destination. Let us mount, This brave steed, He kneels for thee. As you, Shall mount me. Gently. Slowly. As I breach, Thy virgin door. Such pain, Shall, Become ecstasy, My steeds’ gait, Shall bring us there. Where, Fires roar. Thunder scores. Brave dragons soar. And we become one, With loves elementals. Our passion, A never ending story. Our two souls, A glory, To the gods, Of love.

"Knights Honor" (Part "two")

"Knights Honor" (Part "two") By LovngStrength © Come my lady. My hearts desire. My Little one. Who inspires, Great deeds. Know that I love thee. Need thee. Will have thee. Show thee, My hearts, True blood. Crimson, As your, Moist lips. Ride upon, This brave steed, With me. Feel his power, Within your, Virgin loins. As he fly's us, As if the wind, To our place, Amongst the bowers. Let your flaxen, Flow as a brook, Within the breeze. Trust and believe, That I am he, Who covets thee? With an honorable heart. A wise tongue. A Passionate soul. He, who has always, Been the specter, Within your, Erotic virgin dreams. Know that I, Am your knight. True of heart, And deeds. That I hold thee, In my palm, Even as I, Build your pedestal. Know that, No azure sky, Can compete, With thine eyes. No spun gold, With thy silken hair. No flower, With thy true scent. No fruit, With the lush, Nor the blush. Of thy lips. No velvet royal, With thy skin. No confection, Nor nectar, With thy taste. That thou, Is perfection? To me. Come my Heart. My lady of the moon. Full with promise. We have arrived, At your destiny. Here below, The flowered branches, Where I, Will give thee gifts, Of bliss, My deep kiss, Will gently, Bring thee there. See how my steed, Bows for thee, As I help thee alight. He knows, Thy pure heart too. Trust in me. Thy true knight. Know my love is thine. That no other, Has its key, But thee. As I, Hold the one, To thy chastity. Know, my love. That, These shackles, Will not chafe. This whip, This fire, That is my body, Will not burn. But, be the instrument, That will churn, Your secrete desire. Know, my love, Of my fond intent. To take you where, Satres flutes, Will spend, Sweet notes, Upon thy soul. Heat your loins. And make wood sprites, Laugh in carnal glee. Trust in me, As I shackle thee, Upon this bower. Feel earths power, As it soothes, Your trembling senses. Know my sweet, As my sword, Cuts deft, not deep Thy gown, From such exquisite form. That my intent, Is noble, Not greed. That I will, Turn thee into fire. Take thee higher, Then dragons soar. And more, I will, Give thee, Such, Sweet ecstasy. So, Be as patient, As this, Ancient tree. Our love, Has only, Just begun. Just begun, My heart. Only just, Begun.

"Knights Honor" (Part "one")

"Knights Honor" (Part "one") By LovngStrength © "Knights Honor" (Part "one") My fair one. Like the snow, Draped in sunshine. Alabaster. Smooth as silk. Eyes of sky. So inviting, Sensual. Evoking my smile. Lips, That beg my kiss. How I love thee. Need thee. Feel you, Stirring in me. Want you. Beneath me. Deep within thee. Within my realm. My castle walls, Protect thee. My armor, Shields thee. My sword, Defends thee. My arms surround thee. In coiled heat. My chains bind thee, In your dreams. My collar brands thee, As mine. I wait patiently, Upon my throne. You, Kneel to me. Obeisance, For me. Obey, Me. Give all you are, To me. Trust me, Implicitly. Desire me, Above all others. Your loins, In heat, For me. You breath, For me. You only dream, Of me. Your body dies, For me. As I would, And do, Indeed, Die, For thee. I am your, Lord. Your Master. The one, Who holds? The key. Your hearts, Desire. The one, Who strokes your fire? With my, Salt sweet seed. I am your Knight, In Honor. And I, Complete thee. As thee, My heart. Complete me.
"I Often Find Myself Fantasizing..." By Awesomejoe © "I Often Find Myself Fantasizing About You!" Mmmm! They say a picture of beauty can speak a thousand words of pleasure... Well every time a picture of you comes into my mind...damn I find myself getting lost in so much pleasure and desire...that without hesitation I feel my dark cock getting excited for you... Wanting you, needing you...and when you're not here I find myself touching myself for you... I get lost in the realms of wanting my lips pressed against your lips...as our tongues begin to explore the hidden pleasure zones... Damn just sitting here with my eyes closed I can feel how soft and warm you are to me...as I gently let my tongue explore the essences of your soft and warm lips...letting my tongue trace your lips, gently resting them against yours... I can feel your body heat warming up to me...wanting to give into the pleasures you're feeling... "I Often Find Myself Fantasizing About You!" I can see my hands wanting to explore all of your sexy body as you lay next to me...the visions of my hands pushing slowly up your thighs...as our lips are still locked in a lover's embrace... Your lips taste like honey...as you gently suck on my tongue...trying to pull me in deeper into your mouth... As you do that I'll feel my body start to tremble...wanting to show you just how hot you're making me feel... As you start to moan I imagine myself undressing you with my eyes...as you slowly undress before me in a seductive way...you feel my hands helping you undress...damn you've got the look of lust in your eyes... We'll both know that "love" is ok but tonight we'll let loose of the "lust" we'll feel for each other... And as your clothes fall softly to the floor...it's then that my eyes will fully engage in the essences of your beauty...as you'll stand before me in that sexy bra & laced panties...I'll slowly run my hand up between your thighs...to where pleasure will begin... "I Often Find Myself Fantasizing About You!" Fuck I can't deny it...I have a lust to taste you... Lick you... Feel your wetness on my finger-tips... Tease you as your body gives into those love- games my hands will start to play... I'll listen as your body calls out to me... Sssssh! I hear it callin' me now... As my hands are braced on the sides of your hips...you'll feel my hands gently pull your laced panties down...and I'll feel you brace yourself as you'll rest one hand on my shoulders... To gently step out of your now soaked panties...as I lay them on the floor...only to let me have full view of your sweet honey dipped tunnel of love... "I Often Find Myself Fantasizing About You!" Damn how I just want to kiss you there... And with out hesitation I'll feel you pull my head to rest sweetly upon your trimmed bush...of sex...as I breathe in the sweet aroma that lingers near my lips... I am fully locked in a daze...as I watch your wet pussy lips puff up sensually, and begin to swell with lust and anticipation...of gliding on my tongue...as you'll glaze my lips with your wetness... That will send signals to the depths of my soul...telling me how bad you'll want me to eat...of your nectar... "I Often Find Myself Fantasizing About You!" The visions of your body standing before me is so clear...that I'll feel your body shiver gently as a soft moan escapes your lips... It's then that I'll feel your pussy walls opening up for me... Wanting me... Feeling me... Needing me...to fill you up with so much pleasure... I'll feel your hips do a slow-dance as your pelvis gently grinds against my every lick, and every taste of you... But then you'll pull away from me... Standing before with lust in your eyes... You'll let your fingers...gently open up your sweet pussy to fully expose your swollen clit... with one signal from your finger...that will hypnotize me to come closer to you again...and beg me to fuck you with my tongue...only to feel you rock out of control as you try to brace your self with balance... I can tell you're in a love-funky-kind of mood as I'll feel you rest one leg on my shoulders...as you maximize the moment in love... I'll feel you let go of more of your sweet love juice as it drenches my chin...and coats my faces with the essences of you... "I Often Find Myself Fantasizing About You!" That...having you explode with full force from my tongue... I'll feel you push me back...to show me just badly you'll want me still... For I'll feel your hands pressed against my shirt...as you'll slowly unbutton it...so that I can feel your soft hands stroking my chest...but with a force your hands rips off my shirt with an intense desire...as the buttons fly... And as you'll look into my eyes...I'll feel you kiss my chest... Mmmm! running your mouth over my nipples... And then letting your tongue glide down past my navel... Only to feel you open up my pants...as your hands search to feel my hardness of my throbbing hard cock... Again I see you look up at me...with smile...as you've discovered the treasure you've long to feel... It's then you hear the sounds of my voice intensely letting go with pleasures you've yet to see... With a full rush you gently let me step out of my clothes so that you now have a full vision of my nakedness... for standing before you will be a dark brown skinned kind of lover that you adore... A slight gasp escapes your lips... As you smile seductively...of what your lips are dying to taste of me... "I Often Find Myself Fantasizing About You!" As you lower your lips...down on my now swollen head... I'll feel your lips glaze up and down my shaft... While you still play those love games of playing with your pussy lips...with your finger-tips... I get locked in trance as I watch your hips rise and down on your soaked finger-tips...while you suck on me...letting your soft round lips put on a show...for my dark hard cock to desire... My hips lock up...as I rise to meet your lips...that gently glaze me...with the juices that flow from your sucking lips... It's then I imagine myself pulling you up on top of me...letting you have full control of whatever pleasure your body wants... I'll look down as you watch lustfully as your wet pussy lips open up for me...gently tracing and coating my hard veined shaft with soaking juices that are sensually squirting with desire to saturate me... I'll feel your warm walls surround me... Grasping hold of some good loving dick... As you start to pump with a force...yet to reckoned with... Our bodies indulged in a lover’s game of sweet sensual sweat... Watching you bite your top lip sends waves of pleasure through out our bodies...to only intensify...what your pussy lips want from me... The only sounds to fill the room will be us...as we're locked in lust... Sweat dripping back breaking lust...is what has us rocking and fucking in motions...that we get lost in... "I Often Find Myself Fantasizing About You!" As you bounce with me...ride with me... Shake with me... Calling my name begging me to fuck you harder... I rise up to suck on your nipples as you hold on...scratching my back...as your sexy nails are mixed with my un-controlling sweat of desire... I'm sucking on your neck...leaving marks and sexy nibbles of my signature of love for you... Your breathing intensifies...telling me that you're ready to cum... You beg and scream with desire for me...to fill you up with my hot white cream to mix with your drenching pussy juice... My heart beats faster... As you rock out of control... Yeah! I’m Cumming now...as you'll feel the rush of my cream pumping deeply into you... We'll collapse against each other...trembling out of control... Covered in a lovers sweat... Yes I know that we have "love" flowin' between us, but just for this moment...I "lust" for you... But as I open up my eyes...I just had to let you know...that... "I Often Find Myself Fantasizing About You!"

"The Freak Within"

"The Freak Within" Well if you want a freak then step this way, Because your pussy is gonna scream with what I'm about to say. I want you handcuffed to the bed nakedly waiting, You can't move now so let me help you with your masturbating. You’re licking your lips now getting hella wet, Begging for this dick like a porno vet. Licking on them pussy lips, Making you moan when I get between your hips. Now I gotta let your hands go, 'Cause I'm gonna put you on your knees and fuck you in your asshole. Penetrating now that I'm deep inside, You’re starting to shake on this freaky ride. Your wet pussy is dripping on the floor, Begging, screaming and asking for more. Now how about you suck my dick, Get the whip cream and you can have a banana split. I'm gonna pull on your hair and get hella wild, Jump on and ride me rodeo style. Slapping you on your ass while you jump up and down, You’re my queen now so take your crown. I know you came hard cuz even my balls are wet, And our bodies are covered with sweat. You can take a nap now but it ain't the end, Because when you awake we're gonna start again. Here is a little something for you to think about. Because you and I can have a good time doing this, that’s no doubt. Just letting you know that you are invited. Come on over and let me get you excited. This poem is from me to you. Maybe just something that we can do. We can have a race to see who's gonna be first to come. Let's give it a try 'cause it sounds like a lot of fun. So on your response I will await. Please let me know if you want to make this date. So until we can meet again. You'll be in my dreams my friend.

Butterscotch Sunday

Butterscotch Sunday Sunday night with nothing to do, All alone just me and you. I've got an idea that seems just right, Lie down and relax 'cause this is gonna take all night. I've got some "Butterscotch" that tastes so sweet, For you to put on me from head to feet. "Butterscotch!" Yes that's the shit, That'll give you a night you'll never forget. First you can start around my tits, From nipple to nipple with a couple of licks. Then you can smother it between my thighs, Only to hear my "Butterscotch" cries. Down my ankles between my toes, This is where the "Butterscotch" goes. Hold on a second 'cause you’re not done, For we've only begun our "Butterscotch" fun. Then up my thighs you'll start to lick, Not stopping till you reach my clit. I think you should stay right here a while, As I wiggle, giggle and give you a smile. Sucking and nibbling gonna taste it all, It's not just a party it's a "Butterscotch" ball. Rubbing my nipples while sucking my clit, Until a tingly sensation throws me into a fit. Screaming your name while crawling the bed, My face turns pink, purple, and red. Shuddering sensations shoot down my spine, As I am moaning and groaning the whole damn time. Well my pussy is the wettest you have ever seen, As I grab your hair and let out a "Butterscotch" scream. "Butterscotch, Butterscotch" I told you was the shit, That would give you night you'd never forget. So now that we've had a "Butterscotch Sunday", Come and join me for a "Hot Fudge Monday"!
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